• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 1,962 Views, 28 Comments

New Perspectives - Alerhys

Applejack, Fluttershy, and their friends and family must cope with the aftermath of a magical accident.

  • ...

Part Nine

New Perspectives

a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic by Alerhys

Part Nine

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! Oh, Applejack, it’s good to see you!” Rarity smiled, seeing AJ with her hat in her mouth. “Did you want me to add a chin strap to your hat?”

The farm pony set the item in question down on one of the boutique’s tables. “Truth ta tell, I was hopin’ to have you clean it up, mebbe replace the linin’. But no addin’ anything fancy!”

“Understood, dear. But don’t you have a difficult time keeping it on while flying? I would think you could use something to aid with that.”

The orange pegasus shuffled a hoof. “Truth ta tell, Ah was thinkin’ that this hat, it’s just not suited for me anymore. It was our daddy’s, and Ah’ve worn it proudly ever since Ah got my cutie mark, but what with all that’s happened, Ah figger it’s time to think about passin’ it along. Ah’m thinkin’ Ah’ll offer it to Apple Bloom once she gets her mark, and if she don’t want it, well, maybe some day Mac or AB will have a foal that will.” She stopped and opened her wings, thoughtfully. “Or ya never know, maybe when the time comes Ah’ll have an earth pony, or even a unicorn; you looked right smart in this hat.”

“I was covered in mud when I wore that hat!”

Applejack chuckled. “You still made it look good.”

Rarity shook her head ruefully. “Well, thank you, and rest assured that I shall perform a faithful reconditioning of your father’s hat.”

“Ah’m much obliged. Nowadays these are more mah style,” AJ replied, indicating the goggles around her neck. “These do keep the wind and leaves outta mah eyes and such well enough; if Ah could keep ‘em from foggin’ up when Ah work Ah’d be just fine with them.”

Getting no response from her friend, Applejack looked up to see the fashionista lost in thought. “Rarity?”

A grin split the unicorn’s muzzle. “Applejack, darling, would you mind holding your head still and closing your eyes for a minute?”

“This ain’t gonna end up involve any modeling, is it?”

“That would be entirely up to you. I simply have an interesting project in mind that I would appreciate your assistance with, if I might prevail on you to let me take a few measurements of your head.”

“Ah can tell ya got yer heart set on whatever this is, so go ahead.”

“You won’t regret it.” Rarity replied, as she levitated her measuring tape and a notepad over and began making detailed measurements of Applejack’s head.


School had just let out for the summer, and the fillies and colts were scattering to drop off their books at home and celebrate a summer of sweet freedom. At the edge of the farm, Applejack lay on a small cloud, waiting for the dust trail she knew would be coming up the road. It wasn’t long before her vigil was rewarded by the sight of an orange filly buzzing along on a blue scooter, and she launched herself down to the orchard side of the spot where she knew Scootaloo had the habit of jumping the fence.

Sure enough, the smaller pegasus launched herself up the side of the road, doing a flip as she soared over the fence and touching down in a four wheel landing. It was then that she spotted AJ watching her, and she spun sideways to a stop under the trees, not sure how her stunt had been taken. “Uh, hi there, Applejack.”

“Scootaloo, just the filly Ah wanted to talk to.”

“Who, me?”

“None other. I dunno if Apple Bloom has said anything to ya, but she’s been pesterin’ me for a ride in th’ sky. Well, I dunno about bein’ able to fly right with a filly on mah back, but Ah have been practicin’ with the cart, and Ah figger that I can manage that no problem. On tha’ other hoof, that means there’s room for all three of ya, and Ah know Apple Bloom would want me to offer a ride to her friends too, so Ah wanted to run it past you.”

Scootaloo looked puzzled. “Huh? I mean, sure, great, but why ask me?”

“Well, you bein’ the Cutie Mark Crusader in charge of transportation an’ all, it didn’t seem right not to.”

There was a pause as Scoots took in what Applejack had said, then a smile lit up her whole face. “Well then, on behalf of the Cutie Mark Crusaders I accept.”

“Great! Saddle up and we can go tell the others.”

The filly started to climb back on her scooter, then paused, looked back at Applejack, ran over, gave the older pegasus a quick hug, and ran back, hopping on and buzzing off as AJ took to the air with a smile.


Applejack and Rainbow Dash were hovering over Sweet Apple Acres’ south orchard.

“Okay, there are four clouds here. Which do you use to deliver the rain you need?”

AJ considered her options. “None of ‘em have ‘zactly what Ah need, but if Ah combine that one,” she replied, pointing, “and that one, it should be just about perfect.”

“Got it in one! Go to it, then.” The cyan pegasus watched as her friend carefully pushed the two clouds together, positioned them over the apple trees, and began to bounce lightly on top until the rain began.

Applejack flew to one side to inspect her work. “Looks about right, you reckon?”

Rainbow nodded. “You pass. I’ll go put in the paperwork at the Weather Office.”

“Ah pass? Ya mean that’s it?”

“You’ve got all the basics down and you can handle the routine stuff. If you aren’t sure, get me or one of the other regulars to help”, Dash chuckled, adding “I guess there’s more in common between weather work and farm work than I ever knew.”

“You and me both, sugarcube. Kinda funny how it worked out.”

The other pegasus nodded again. “Yeah, I guess it is. You and Fluttershy are both doing really well for it only being, like, a week since this all started.”

“All the help we’re gettin’ from our friends, how could we not? Ah knew nopony could show me how ta be a pegasus better than you.”

Dash grinned. “Was there ever any doubt? Anyhow, I’ve got to get to the Weather Office and you want to get back to work. I’ll see you later.” and Rainbow sped off back towards town.

Applejack watched her go, circled once around her rain cloud to inspect her work, and flew back toward the barn, smiling. “Ah think we’re all doin’ pretty well for ourselves these days.”


Market Day again, though this time Applejack was a buyer rather than a seller. Flying over the square, she spotted Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy walking along chatting, and dropped down to join them. “Howdy, girls!”

“Hi Applejack! You’re looking positively smile-o-riffic today!” exclaimed Pinkie, bouncing slightly in place.

“Yes, it’s good to see you, um, up and around,” added Fluttershy.

“The same to you! Ah’ve been kinda occupied, Ah admit, but Ah intend to relax a bit today, do a bit of shoppin’, mebbe get mahself a treat.”

“Well you’re always welcome by me, isn’t that right Fluttershy?”

There was a twinkle in the yellow pony’s eye. “Oh, yes.”

Still bouncing, Pinkie added “I went to see if Rarity or Twilight wanted to come out with us today, but they’re up to their horns in work, all ‘sorry Pinkie but I have so many projects to take care of, have a good time’ as if I ever had anything else, and Dashie is buried in her new book, so I guess it’s party of three today.”

Applejack smiled as she fell into step beside Fluttershy. “S’pose we should get to it, then.”

Pinkie continued to chatter happily as the trio walked among the market stalls and surrounding shops. “So are you having fun with Dashie learning about clouds and stuff? It looks like a lot of fun but not as much as if the clouds were cotton candy but that would be bad for the trees so never mind and speaking of trees Fluttershy and I have been having fun practicing tree climbing and I got to meet lots of birds and did you know that hawks don’t generally like muffins?”

Fluttershy giggled. “Well, they did appreciate the thought.”

Applejack chuckled as she looked around at the varied displays. “Say, Fluttershy? Where do ya get the feather oil ya showed me at yer place? I know ya gave me what ya didn’t need any more, but I want ta keep gettin’ it when Ah run out, that stuff works a treat.”

“Oh, that’s not from the market, I get that at the spa, it’s their exclusive formula.”

“Do tell? Guess Ah’ll have ta ask about it next time we all do a spa day, then.”

Glancing over at where Pinkie had gone to negotiate candy prices and swap funny voices with Bon Bon, Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Um, speaking of the spa? Last time I was there with Rarity we were talking and she had a good idea. Do you have the time to show me how to use a rope? Now that I’m doing so much climbing it would be a great help.”

“Well, sure, sugarcube! If you got the time, we can pick you up a couple of good lassoin’ ropes and I can give you yer first lesson before suppertime.”

“If you don’t mind, that would be wonderful! Maybe I can even learn to use my tail like you do?”

The orange pony glanced at the appendages in question. “Huh. Haven’t even thought ta check if that still works for me, truth ta tell. Ah bet you’ll do fine, just the same.”

Fluttershy nodded and lashed her tail in response. “I promise to do my very best!”


Applejack landed outside the barn with empty cart in tow, having dropped off the supplies Apple Bloom needed to repair the east fence. Stowing the cart back in the barn, she emerged from the building and headed back to the house to check on the day’s mail when she spotted Twilight Sparkle waiting on the porch. Fluttering over, she greeted her friend. “Well, howdy, Twilight! What kin Ah do for ya today?”

“Well, actually, I have something for you,” the purple unicorn replied. “I thought... well really, Rarity suggested it, but she said that Fluttershy gave her the idea, and she wanted me to put it together, and it sounded like a good project.”

“Uh huh. And this good idea that Fluttershy gave Rarity to give you was...?”

“May I show you at the table? It’ll be easier that way.”

“Oh, of course, where are mah manners? Come on in.” AJ led her friend inside and over to the big table. “Here ya go.”

“Thank you.” Twilight’s horn glowed, and she levitated a slim volume from her saddlebag and set it on the table.

“A book?”

“Not exactly. Um, I know that you know everything worth knowing about apple farming, but Fluttershy thought that you might benefit from the experience of, well, other pegasi who have tended plants. She gave me some notes, and Rarity suggested that I could research the subject, and I put this together.”

Applejack’s mouth opened, her first instinct to object to the very concept of anypony being able to teach her anything about farming, but before she could begin her retort her eyes met Twilight’s. In her friend’s gaze she caught the uncertainty that the unicorn was trying to hide behind a friendly smile and realized that it was just that reaction that Twilight was bracing for. Sudden inspiration struck; leaning over, she pulled the other pony into a hug instead. “Aww, you gals, that’s so sweet of y’all.”

Twilight was startled, but not enough to stop her from hugging back. “You’re welcome.”

The hug gave Applejack time to collect her thoughts. “Ah expect you all figured it the same way Ah did; no matter how well Ah know the job to be done, Ah’ve got a different tool kit than Ah used to.” She sighed, “Ah know Ah can’t farm like an earth pony; Ah learned that the first day back. Dash has pulled off a downright miracle this past week makin’ a pegasus outta me, but that’s not really about workin’ with the trees. So, anything you found out, Ah’d be glad to take a look at it.”

Twilight nodded, opening up the scrapbook. “Even in these modern times, there aren’t a lot of pegasi who take an interest in plants, but I did manage to find some references. Fluttershy was quite helpful, of course, having both pegasus and earth pony perspectives, and I also talked to Juicy Fruit - have you met her? - about working her vineyard in the local hills. I even discovered that there’s a pegasus in Cloudsdale who has managed to grow tomatoes.”

“In Cloudsdale? How in tarnation did they manage that?” Applejack exclaimed, scooting around to look at Twilight’s notes.

“He prepared a bed using construction-grade cloud mixed with, ah, locally produced fertilizer. Hydroponics, it’s called. It’s really just a hobby, he readily admits, but intriguing nonetheless.”

“Ah must say. Did you include his address in those notes, by any chance? Ah think Ah might want to send this fella a letter, mebbe take a trip up ta see what he’s done.”

“No, but my reference source was an article in the Cloudsdale Courier, so I’m sure if you wrote them they’d be happy to put you in touch with him.”

“Think Ah’ll just do that, then.” Applejack paged through the collection of cut-and-pasted articles and notes transcribed in Twilight’s neat hornwriting. “Like you say, not a lot of pegasi tendin’ plants, so Ah guess whatever we can learn from each other, we outta.” She looked at her friend with a big smile. “This is a mighty fine thing y’all did for me here, sugarcube.”

The purple librarian smiled back. “Well, I’m glad you like it. Oh! And if you want to start corresponding with these other pegasi, I’d be happy to help you all put together a newsletter! I can make copies for the library and any other ponies that might be interested.”

AJ’s ears swiveled and her wings popped open as she was caught up in the unicorn’s enthusiasm. “A newsletter? By golly, that’s a great idea! Lettin’ them know that th’ others are out there, share our stories an’ all.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll put together all the addresses I can find, then. One advantage of being town librarian is that I have contacts at the newspapers in all the nearby cities, and they’re always ready to help out on projects like this.”

The farm pony’s reply was interrupted by a rattle by the front door. “Oh, speakin’ of, mail’s here!” Excusing herself, she went to the mailbox, returning with a letter.

“Expecting something important?”

“Kinda, yeah.” Applejack tore the letter open and began reading, a grin growing on her face as she did. She looked up at Twilight. “Looks like I got me some plans for Summer Sun.”

“Plans? You’re not having the usual family get-together?”

“Not exactly.”


Fluttershy looked down from her perch high in the old elm tree. She had helped the cardinal family move their nest to a more secure spot, but now it was time to descend. She slid down the trunk to a branch thick enough to hold her, and without pause whipped her tail around it, swinging down to perch on a lower branch. Repeating the process several more times, she worked her way down to the lowest fork of the tree, greeting other bird and squirrel friends on the way. Bringing out a rope attached to her saddle harness, she tossed it over the thickest branch, taking it in hoof and lowering herself to the ground.

As she coiled her rope and replaced it on her saddle, she looked back up at the cardinal’s nesting site, her eyes following the path she had taken up and down the tree. For just a moment, she giggled with delight, doing a little dance of joy in place, before cantering off to the next of her animal friends who needed help.


Applejack walked into the Carousel Boutique inquisitively. “Rarity? Sweetie Belle said ya had mah order ready?”

The fashionista, alerted by the chiming of the door’s bell, brightened at once. “Indeed I do, dear, as well as something extra I think you’ll appreciate.” She stepped away from the sewing table and indicated the nearby mirror. “Would you mind coming over and closing your eyes just a moment?”

“Seems ta me that’s what ya told me last week. Why all the mystery?”

Rarity tossed her head and affected nonchalance. “Oh, just something that I whipped up that I’d like your opinion on.”

“Wouldn’t happen ta be the big project that’s taken up all yer time since then, from what Sweetie Belle tells Apple Bloom?”

“Well! Those little gossips have no sense of propriety.” The reply was stern, but the smile and twinkle in the unicorn’s blue eyes left no doubt that it was an act. “I hope she didn’t spoil the surprise. I do love my dramatic reveals.”

“Not ta worry, they just called it ‘the project’.”

“Well, then! If you please?”

Applejack chuckled and walked over to the mirror, then closed her eyes. “Sure, there ya go.” After a moment, she felt something settle onto her face, around her eyes, and a strap secure behind her head.

“There you go, darling.”

The pegasus opened her eyes. “Whatcha got here, some kinda new... goggles?” The reflection in the mirror showed her eyes covered in a clear, curved shape that was neither the usual flight goggles nor normal safety goggles, but something in between. They were bordered in a red that matched her cutie mark, with a strap of the same color. The effect was striking. “Woah. That looks sharp.”

Rarity beamed. “I must admit the effect was just what I was aiming for. I’m so happy you approve!”

Applejack raised a hoof and tapped the goggles. “This isn’t tha usual glass.”

“Not at all! It’s clear sapphire, optically perfect and quite shatterproof. You’ll find that it has a small enchantment to prevent fogging up, and to shield your eyes from excessive glare.”

Behind the goggles, Applejack’s eyes widened. “All of that? In a week?”

“But of course! I was lucky enough to have a suitable gem on hoof to shape, and dear Twilight to help me look up the spells - though I assure you that all the hornwork is my own.”

The orange pony looked at her reflection more closely. “This is... it’s... mah gosh, Rarity, this must be worth a fortune.”

“Well, you may consider it an early birthday present.”


“No buts, Applejack. Those are made to your precise measurements, so you might as well accept them in good grace.”

Applejack’s jaw worked for a moment. “Dang it, ah cain’t even claim that Ah got somethin’ in mah eyes now.” She pushed up the goggles long enough to wipe those eyes. “Ah’m losin’ track of how many times Ah’ve said that Ah’ll never be able to repay somepony in the last two weeks.”

“Well, if anypony asks you where you got that fabulous eyewear, you will be sure to tell them, won’t you dear?”

The pegasus nodded. “Dash is gonna be so jealous. Official Wonderbolts Trainee goggles or not.”

“Well, perhaps I shall be inspired for her next birthday, then. Each project in it’s proper time. Speaking of which, your original order,” and with that Rarity levitated a hat box over.

The farm pony was grateful for the distraction, checking in the hat box. “Ah don’t remember this hat havin’ a band, Rare.”

The unicorn chuckled. “That knot work is entirely traditional, AJ. Besides, it’s easily removed.”

“Ya just couldn’t resist, could ya?”

Rarity sighed. “You won’t count it as breaking my word, will you?”

“Ah think ah can forgive ya this time.”

Comments ( 8 )

Well, here it is! Sorry if it's not as polished as the previous chapters. :twilightblush:
I hope to have the next chapter up in a couple of weeks or so. :applejackunsure:

Yay! A new chapter! It's nice to see both AJ and Flutters coming to terms with the change enough to try earth-pony/pegasus things. :ajsmug::yay:

I have a feeling that it isn't really over, or there wouldn't be a story to tell. Am I over-thinking this? :applejackconfused: I wonder. :ajbemused: :applejackunsure:

I think I might be. :ajsmug:

While I work on the next part: Not done for the story in any way, but a good illustration nonetheless! PegaJack by sapoltop on dA.

While I fight with my writer's block, check out this coincidentally amusing picture

Just wanted to give a word of encouragement. This is a thoroughly fun story and I hope to see it finished.

when is the next update likely to be

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