• Published 24th Jan 2012
  • 3,364 Views, 92 Comments

Pinkie Pie time - Wilhelm

The 4th wall she broke it, sweet holy luna have mercy on our souls.

  • ...

Chibi or chubi, chibi or chubi?

Authors notes: Sorry about the delay, but it hard to write when your arm is BROKEN IN 12 PLACES, why the hell did you do that Pinkamena?, I get that you didn't like falling off the gaint bee but breaking my arm, really?, and then writing a chapter and misspelling suger, for-shame. Enough of that though, I'm better know, so here's the story, and how did I fix my arm so quickly? Magic.
As I stepped through the magical doorway, my fragile and oh too human eyes were overwhelmed by the blinding light that filled the doorway, temporary destorying my vision for a what was a few seconds, but to me it seemed like several hours passed before my vision was returned by whatever deity deciedes such things, that or my eyes had recovered from the shock of having a bright light shone into them.

One of the first things I noticed when my sight finally decided to return was that there was a pink blog directly infront of me, where I had expected Pinkamena, so I dutiefully called out for her only to hear a: "I'm in front of you silly." come from the pink ball of fluff infront of me.

"Pinkamena, what the Blazzes happened to you?"
As I asked this Pinkamena turned around to face me revealing a cute and tiny face. "I'm a Chibi."
"A what now?" I asked while doing a double take, my moustache bouncing around.
"Durgh, Didn't anypony ever teach you anything?"
"Well its anybody and not about art, no."
Upon hearing his Pinkamena let out a gasp: "Well that won't do, here let me enlighten you?
Suddenly the world was plunged into darkness expect for a single spotlight on Pinkamena.
Music begins to play.
"Now, Wilhelm, my dear, I cannot express my delight
It's abundantly clear
That somewhere out here
Is the knowlegde that will suit you just right"
"What the devil is going on, and where is the Music coming from?
"Just wait and I'll tell you, but first let me set a few rules
It's of utmost importance
That the words you say
Are something that's awesome and cool"

"Awesome, cool, if think I get it."
"I have so many vocals, just wait, you will see.
But you'll need something real fast like a train to keep up with me."
"Okay How about like this?
Its the fastest I can speak."
"Really, slowely? Are you even listening?"
Music cuts out. And lights return to normal.
"You know what buck the song"
"But I liked the song."
A Chibi is an art form where characters are drawn as tiny cute balls with tiny, winny arms.
"But why are you one?"
"You are too, silly."
I looked down and noticed that I was indeed a chibi.
"But with these tiny arms how will I twiddle my glorious moustache?
I then did what any gentleman would do when unable to twiddle his moustache, I weeped for a few seconds over the cruelty of such an Moustache depriving act, well untill a smack to the face by Pinkamena brought me back to my senses.
"You okay now?"
"Ya, I'm over it now, but I do have von question, how do we move with out legs?."
"Well thats easy silly, you just roll." Pinkamena then promptly rolled over to me and pushed me over, causing me to roll down the hill that we were upon.
"Wait, what, argh." I tried to prevent her from causing such an action but due to the short length of my arms I was unable.
Luckily, I managed not to scrape my face off and came to a stop at the bottom of the hill infront of what seemed to be Pinkamena.
"Dam and blast it my dear, how in Gods name did you get down her so fast?" I enquired, expecting an response about some random facts that only pink ponies knew about, when I was instead I was presented with quite a shock.
For when the Chibi infront of me turned around I could quite clearly see that it wasn't my companion Pinkamena but instead a weird body of half Pinkamena and half moustached gentlepony with a pipe.
We don't use the Lords name in vain around here stranger. The creatures voice was a mixture of oxford professor, lord of chaos and well, Pinkie pie.
After a few seconds of counfusion (probaly due to my tumble down a hillside.) I recognised the creature, it was datdamnface.
"Datdamnface my good sir, what the devil are you doing here?"
"What do you mean, this is fanfiction, well the universe the server is based in anyway."
"Wait, so were inside Fimfiction?... Makes sense."
Suddenly a high pitched wail riped though the sky.
"Where are you dear? You forgot about MY BIRTHDAY CAKE!"
"Is this bad?"
"Nah, it'll pass, who brought you hear by the way?"
The colour drained out of Datdamnface's face.
The then lifted a pair of sunglasses that had appeared on his face.
"Mother of god."
He then turned to face me and said one word.
Thats all for now folks, see you next time I go mad.