• Published 24th Jan 2012
  • 3,364 Views, 92 Comments

Pinkie Pie time - Wilhelm

The 4th wall she broke it, sweet holy luna have mercy on our souls.

  • ...

We will Remeber them.

Authors note: Audience what are you doing reading this fic thats precarious, argh words you know what I think of words and books and people using my lines, Steven edit me out. Awww no more Tobuscus, allwell I've got a story to tell. But first you'll need, A SAFTEY TORCH!!! sigh if only I had 50 bucks.
After a few minutes of desperate rolling we had entered what seemed to be a culdesac, with a seris of houses, large and small each perched on small hills, the nearist seemed small and modest compared to the flare and size of the others but it was the nearist so we quickly rolled through the open doorway.
"Quick, block the doorway." ordered Datdamnface while waving his ting arms about wildly.
"With what? What could possible stop her?"
"That..." Datdamnface dramatically pionted towards a near by ebony wood table, in a way not unsimilar to America from Hetalia: Axis powers."...table its so awsome it couldn't fail."
"Well I doubt that, maybe it might buy us some time, help me push it."
Datdamnface and I mange to push the upturned table to the doorway, blocking it off from all attackers.
"Few that was hard work." I tried to wipe my brow but couldn't due to my tiny arms,so instead I raised them as high as I could and shook my fist at the sky. "Dinkleberg!"
"Who?" Asked a confused Datdamnface.
"I have no idea."
"Meh, makes sense, anyway this is a barracide that shall last for a THOUSAND years."Proclaimed Datdamface mear seconds before it was destoryed by a blur of pink.
"Arrrghh"! We both screamed in unision, expecting our days to be short and painfull, luckly we had no need to worry, for this blur of pink was not a vengeful Pinkie pie, instead it was a confused Pinkamena.
"What are you two doing?, I looked everywhere for you." Asked an annoyed Pinkamena.
"You I can't open any portals without your hate, your tasty sweet hate." Pinkamena began to stare into the distance while her mouth watered.
"Pinkamena!" I shouted. "This is no time to think about feeding off my negitive emotions, we're been chased by a enraged Pinkie Pie."
This causes her to snap back to realitly.
"Meh, its probaly nothing, who's your friend, he reminds me of... well me, but the moustache reminds me of you, did you do something when we knocked out by the portal jump, because I am not paying child support. "
"What... wait no, sweet Holy chocalte monkey Jesus riding a unicycle, no!" As I was bellowing this at her I felt my face turning green.
"Why would you even... I going to be sick." I rushed out of a nearby door and out onto a balcony and promtly puked my guts up.
"So who are you?"
"You remind be of somepony, but who? Pinkamena began to ponder this before my voice ripped through the air like a fart through a lift.
"Datdamnface, Pinkamena, come her you have got to see this."
"Shall we?"
"Ladies first."
"Oh, you."Pinkamena blushed before heading onto the balcony to see what the fuss was about.
What I did while this was happening.
After throwing up about 7 metric tones of sick, I noticed something else on the balcony, a teloscope, look through it I could see, Spiderman? in school?

I backed away from the Teloscope."Well that was werid."
I then turned around to be faced by a gaint white portaly blob and thus shouted for Datdamnface and Pinkamena to come see, once they arived I went to touch the portal with my tiny chibi arms untill Datdamnface rolled infront of me.
"I said Sajsasdbajd."
"I thought as much, now how about english?"
"Allright, killjoy. It's a portal to the internet."
"Well thats great isn't it we can just jump through and be away from here."
"In that maze of crackfilled madness?, we would never get back here."
Suddenly the entire house was rocked by a deafening cry.
"Hiding with your cupcakes bitch, I'll force feed you, your own balls for that."
I looked Datdamnface in his eyes and stated. "Were fucked."
Not exactly, we could THROW THE CHEESE!
Datdamface pionted over to a pile of cheese crumbs.
My cheese,my wonderfull edan cheese, CURSE YOU MULTIVERSE!
At that very moment the door way into the house erupted into millions of tiny spliters as a demonic Pinkie Pie walked in.
"Ow, shit."
"You broke a Pinkie Promise, YOUR FLESH IS MINE."
"Pinkamena hel-" I noticed a pink blur rolling down the street. "Well I'm done for."
"Your not, I'll stop her."
"How, she would never give up, she'd keep finding us."
"Not if I get her throught the portal."
"But that's suicide, you'd never make it back, I'll deal with her."
I turned around expecting to be faced with the wrath of the Suger God but instead I was met with the grassy ground below, looking up I saw Datdamnface glaring at Pinkiepie.
"You don't have to do this." I cried. "There are other ways."
Then he looked at me, with thoose eyes, the same eyes that normally seemed so crazy, now seemed so aged and wise.
"It's to late for me, get out of here roll away, but promise me this Kaiser Wilhelm, have a great life, you've earned it, now roll.
I looked this brave hero in the eyes and to the best of my abilty gave him a salute and rolled away, tears rolling down my small round face, soaking my beaton and battered moustache and as I rolled I heared a sound that I would never forget, the sound of valor, the sound of hero's: Leeroy Jenkins!!!
In loving memory of Datdamnface ?-?, he will be missed.
Authors note: No new updates for a while, I'm got a holiday for a week with no internet.