• Published 24th Jan 2012
  • 3,364 Views, 92 Comments

Pinkie Pie time - Wilhelm

The 4th wall she broke it, sweet holy luna have mercy on our souls.

  • ...

I have no Idea

Authors notes: "Hello once again audience, I claim this fic in the name of Buscus."
"Oh no you don't."
"Sweet holy seabiscuit."
Sorry about that, but were back, thats good, I hope, or not?
Who cares?
To hell if I know.
I was rolling across the town square, trying to find my bearings, the tiny dash hadn't been any help, she just kept looking at me with thoose gaint eyes, hhhrgggghhh, My heart.

"You better not die."
Pinkamena, it's my turn to tell the story."
"Pfff, not a chance it's mine."
So you whant to know what happened, no?
Well nuts to you.

I was with Datdamnface and Wilhelm when suddenly I heard the roar of an angry Pinkie, but not just any Pinkie, Datdamnface's Pinkie, have you heard what she did to the last Pinkamena she met, there was no wasy I was risking that, so I ran, or rolled, or is it ran, or did I bounce?
It's one of them.
Anyway I ended up inside his shop and guess who was there?
Nope not chuck testa, My best Friend EVER, Discord, and guess what?
He made me some chocolate rain, it was BRILLANT!
But then there was this crash and he said that Wilhelm was here and I was like 'Arrgh' becasue he'd be angry so I hid it his cupboard and then Discord was reallt, really nice and tricked him so I gave him a kiss on the snout and ran off to find I new hiding place."

"Enough, back to me!"
As I was saying, I was rolling around town trying to find out where Pinkamena was when I saw a chibi that looked like Ditzy Doo with sunglasses on upside down, who was sweating rapidly.
I rolled over and coughed to get his attention.
"Don't kill me" Screamed the Chibi.
I slaped him in the face.
"Calm down man, and whats your name?"
""Ultrasponge." Whimpered the Chibi.
"Okay, have you seen Pinkamena anywhere?"
At this his eye's took on a new vigor, as is a fire had been lit in his soul.
"I'll never tell!" Screamed the Chibi as he trashed around in my grip.
I let out a sigh. "I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice, Rainbow."
The tiny Pegus looked at me.

"Look at him." I said pionting at Ultrasponge.
Who promtly laughed.
"Hahahaha, thats to rich, but yet... so cute, but I'll still never tell."
He then made to punch me in the face but to his horror found that his arm had turned to jelly.
"What the buck?
For the love of god call her off." He shrieked as his body slowely turned into jelly.
"Where is Pinkamena?"
"She went towards the happy fic's, now please turn it off." Begged the now 70% jelly, Chibi.
"Wait, what? You basta-" Ultrasponge was cut off my his mouth turning to jelly as did the rest off his structure before he slooshed into a puddle which Rainbow then began to drink, small sips at first but in no time at all the jelly that was once Ultrasponge was gone, well for a couple of hours at-least.

I looked around and found the nearest sign post which stated that it was 5 Fics towards the happy section, following the direction that the sign was pionting we found ourselfs at what seemed to be a train station, that had a carraige marked 'Happy', I bounced towards it before been stopped by a guard Chibi, who stated: "No pets allowed." While pionting at Rainbow, but before I could say anything Rainbow turned to look a while playing with some yarn and he rapidly turned to jelly.

I let out a whistle, this could come in handy.
I then scooped up the tiny ball of cute and placed her in a basket where she quickly nodded off.

I couldn't help but smile, maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
Help, my heart, hhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.