• Published 12th Mar 2013
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Rainbow Dash's Spike - Lenora Goff

When Spike finally gets the courage to ask out Rarity, the unexpected happens. Afterwards, he has to try to find a way to pick up the pieces. At the same time, Rainbow Dash is there to help him out.

  • ...

Chapter 2

“It’s the greatest thing ever.”

It was fairly obvious that it was an exaggeration, but I wasn’t going to stop her. There was no point. This was the type of thing that made her happy. Even talking about flying seemed to be something that she loved so much. If she loved doing work half as much as she loves flying, there’d be nothing left for anypony else to do. She’d already have done everything... I started to zone out when she was talking about the many different tricks she could perform.

This was a skill learned from long days with Twilight.

“ You aren’t really listening, are you?”

How did she catch me? I could have sworn I was able to do this sort of thing, but apparently I failed spectacularly. A confused look came over my face, and soon she let out a chuckle.

“I was just asking you about if you wanted to fly with me after this. You just sort of sat there.” Rainbow looked out, a smirk still on her face. “Listen, if you want to talk about something else? No problem.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“It isn’t that, Rainbow. It’s just.” My mind started to work on some excuse, any excuse, why I had zoned out. The only possible excuse was to blame it on the long days when my sanity relied on my ability to zone out. Of course, there was the chance that this would get back to Twilight. She wouldn’t be happy if she knew that I didn’t pay attention during a good portion of her lessons. “Well, can you keep a secret?”

“Sure, Spike.”

“Pinkie Promise?”

A groan of frustration came next, but Rainbow went through the motions. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“I might have gotten used to zoning out when people start talking a lot.” I got a glare, but I wasn’t going to stop. “You see, Twilight tells me a lot about everything. Constellations, her latest spells, what she thinks about Celestia, her daily routine, and everything in between. Some of them are supposed to be lessons, but sometimes I think that she just wants somebody to hear her.”

Okay, when I put it that way I felt bad.

“Wait. She tells you what she thinks about Celestia? And you just ... kind of zone out?” Rainbow looked a little disappointed, almost as if she had expected me to be able to tell her something big. “Something like that would have made for such an awesome prank. Maybe you could help me out sometime?”

That was the Rainbow I knew and ... really liked.

“Heh.” What kind of prank could Rainbow play with that sort of information? “I'll think about it.” That brought back at least a smirk, which was definitely better than a disappointed look. Smiles were great, they should never leave somepony's face.

“We're here.” The voice of one of the two stallions that had been pulling the carriage was heard, the message being a good one. We were going to enjoy ourselves, I just knew it. I turned to Rainbow, smiling as she smiled, before turning and opening the carriage door. A step was taken out, and then I held out my hand for her to take.

That was how I thought it should go, so that's how I would do it. “A hand, for the lovely lady.” That felt right, but it should have been for Rarity. The moment that thought came into my mind, I winced a little. It was only for a moment, but I knew that Rainbow had seen it. After all, why else would she have a sad look on her face? She must have thought that I had winced about calling her lovely.

That wasn't the case.

“It's okay, Spike, I know I'm not the mare you wanted to be going out with tonight...” There was more than a hint of disappointment in her voice as she said that, though it seemed strange. Rainbow knew that I loved Rarity, many ponies seemed to know it. She might have just felt bad for giving him that advice, but that would mean that his efforts had been failing so far.

“It's not that, it's something else.”

“Don't worry about it, Spike. Listen, when we get in I have to ... use the little filly's room. I'll be right out, though.”

That wasn't very reassuring. Rainbow wasn't the type that would ditch out, though, so it was probably alright. “Sure thing. We should probably get to the tablet first, to make sure you know where to come back to.”

“Well, duh.” As soon as she said that, I could see a wince. It was almost as if she was trying to censor herself, to talk differently around me. That didn't normally happen, but it might have had something to do with why we had come out tonight. She wanted to make sure that I was all right, and I wanted to make sure that she didn't blame herself for what had happened before.

We walked to the table in silence, mostly. There were a few looks, at both of us. Ponies might have been judging us, they likely were. Many them were my friends, I knew that, but I knew that my size sometimes put people off. That was their problem, mostly.

“I'll be right back.”

“All right. I'll ... order something to drink.”

-Switch to Dash-

“Sure thing. I'll drink just about anything, really.”

With everything going as well as it was, there was still something about this entire place that made me feel uneasy. I quickly made my way to the filly's room, closing the door behind me as I went in. The first thing I did, obviously, was the thing that ponies use the filly's room for. I hadn't been lying, at least not completely. It was a bit of a nervous thing, which soon brought me to the mirror.

Why was I nervous?

I was Rainbow Glittery Dash, I was the pony that everypony looked up to. I did amazing tricks, I did the Sonic Rainboom multiple times in my life. It had been considered a myth, impossible, but I had done it. I was going to be a Wonderbolt, eventually. I had helped defeat Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis. All of these things should have beaten the nervous right out of me.

It wasn't just nervous, though. It was guilt.

Earlier that day

“S-so you think she likes me?”

“Ah, come on Shy. We've been over this a dozen times.” I looked over at my nervous friend, trying to get her to finally go through with the plan. I mean, it was my plan. Anypony who knew me knew my plans were awesome. This one would end awesome as well. “Okay, you tell me if you think she likes you.” There was one way that I knew that this would work. “Who is the only pony she trusts to help her with making those dresses of hers?”

“Um... me? There isn't anypony else, is there?” She looked unsure, so I had to ask a few more questions to try to get her to have some confidence. As much as I love Fluttershy, she's practically my sister, I didn't like this side of her. It always made me feel bad for her.

“And who is the one who she takes to the spa every week?”

“Me.” It was good that this wasn't a question, but even better that she was starting to smile. I just had to push a little harder, I'd help my friend. I could tell she was feeling my energy, that it was helping her.

This last one wasn't going to be an achievement, but it might just work. “And who is going to go tell Rarity, tonight, that she loves her?”

A shocked look overcame her face, and I thought I might have failed.

“'Shy, remember. She wants to be swept off her hooves. She wants somepony to take the initiative. You won't even be alone in this.” This was the icing on the cake, metaphorically anyway. “I'm going to make it start raining soon after you get there. Maybe you get invited over for a quick dinner, you confess your feelings, and everything works out perfectly for everypony.”

That actually sounded like a well thought-out plan. Huh. Who knew I had it in me?

“Well, if you're sure.” She seemed to be a bit nervous, but I knew that this would work out perfectly. There was no way that Rarity would turn down her friend. Even if she did, which totally didn't seem possible at the time, it would be gently. Rarity was good with words, she'd probably come up with some way to make Fluttershy feel good regardless of the outcome.

Not that she was going to say no.

“You'll see, 'Shy, everything is going to be just fine.” I didn't know if I was just trying to convince her. It took a lot for me to get her to go through this, but she wasn't the only one who was going to get something off their chest tonight. I didn't plan out this entire day for nothing.

I mean, I hate planning.

Back at the present

“I shouldn't feel guilty, I know I shouldn't. I didn't do anything wrong. Everypony is going to end tonight being happy. Those two will be perfect for each other, I just know it.” Talking to myself in the mirror was the single least cool thing I had done tonight, even more uncool than putting on makeup.

“Time to get back to Spike.”

One more time, I looked into the mirror. Tonight, I couldn't show any more nervousness, There was no reason. I was going to enjoy myself, I was going to make sure that Spike knew this wasn't a mistake.

-Back to Spike-

I wasn't sure what was taking her so long, but there wasn't much I could do other than wait for her to come back. I ordered some wine, a berry wine that I knew came from one of the ponies around Ponyville, the bottle had been sat down and two glasses had been poured. I was determined to wait, to make a toast to the evening.

Then she came back.

“I was about to send out a search party, I thought something might have happened.”

“Oh haha, Spike.” She quickly sat across from me, looking at me as she smiled. “I didn't want to rush. I mean, I was told by an expert that you don't wanna ruin your makeup. That stuff isn't easy to redo.”

It had probably taken her a long time to get made up the first time, a second time would be asking too much. “You look really good like this.” There had only been a couple of times before that I even knew she was wearing makeup. At the Gala, I hadn't been paying much attention to that. Then there was the wedding, where my main focus was trying to make sure that we didn't get destroyed by those Changelings.

Yep, tonight was the first night I had really paid attention to how beautiful she was with makeup on.

That still seemed awkward to say, and the blush told me that it was an awkward compliment to receive.

“And you look handsome in that tuxedo.”

Now it was time for me to blush. Normally, these types of compliments would come from Rarity, on an outfit that she made. Sometimes, I wasn't sure which she was complimenting more. Tonight was almost as confusing, really. I had come here, wanting to make sure that Rainbow Dash felt better. I had been doing this to make sure that she didn't blame herself as she seemed to have done before.

That wasn't happening, but she seemed intent on making the night about me.

“So, Spike, I hate to admit this ... but I don't know a lot about you before you came to Ponyville.”

That seemed rather weird, but it was better than nothing being said at all. “Oh? I could have sworn that I'd told you guys at one point?” I looked up, trying to remember. There had been the time when I had told Fluttershy, that much I could remember. “Actually, you're right. You guys have always been so busy. If it isn't something big, like Nightmare or Discord, it's something like Parasprites or Poison Joke.” The daily like of a citizen of Ponyville seemed busy, or it might have just been Twilight and her friends. “Other times, it's picnics that you guys get to enjoy while I'm cleaning up the library.”

“She always tells us you didn't want to come.”

I can't remember the last time I had even been asked if I wanted to come along. “That happened twice, and I was sick those times.” It might not be a good idea to tell her the rest of it, but I was going to anyway. “But most of the time? I guess she just really wants the library clean. And I am her number one assistant.” That was a good save, at least it didn't sound too bad like that. “It isn't too bad, really.”

Yet she was looking at me with those sad eyes.

“I didn't know...”

“It's okay, really.” I did it, I made Rainbow feel bad. “Besides, you're more than making up for it tonight, it's been great so far.” That wasn't a lie, I was enjoying myself more than I thought I would. There was a benefit to saying that, though, I got to see Rainbow smile again.

Her smile was way better than her sad face.

“But you were going to ask me something?” I had to get the conversation back on track, otherwise I'd probably lose track of it completely.

“Oh, yeah, right.” It was obvious, to me at least, that she had completely forgotten what she was going to ask. I could see it in her eyes, as she came up with something. It wasn't a panicked look that I saw, but one that I saw all the time when Twilight was trying to figure something out.

Fifteen-seconds passed by before she said something.

“Like ... what was it like before you came here? I mean ... it must have been pretty awesome living in the castle, being able to talk to the Princess whenever you want.”

That was something I heard quite a few ponies say, it was a common misconception. There was one thing, though, that was true. I had been able to talk to Princess Celestia a lot, but only because Twilight was really busy sometimes. It probably also helped that Twilight was her student. Either way, I still see Celestia as a mother figure.

Will I tell anyone? Hay no.

“It was pretty cool being able to talk to the Princess a lot. There were plenty of cool moments, too.” I thought she might be interested, so I continued. “I mean, we all have seen the Gabby Gums article about the Princess eating cake. That one's true, she loves her cake.” That wasn't all that interesting, I could see that I was losing my audience. “But that one definitely wasn't as cool as what happened just a few years before we came to Ponyville.”

I could see I had gotten her interested.

“So, Twilight has always thought really highly of the Princess. That isn't a secret. But she also looks up to the title, and by that I mean she's always wanted to be a Princess herself.” I stopped for a moment, looking around, almost as if I expected Twilight to appear any moment and stop me from continuing. When I was sure that she wasn't going to, I turned back to Rainbow with a wide smile on my face.

“So, one time, she had me and give the Princess a big hug.” That earned me a look of confusion. “I didn't understand it at the time, either. But the shock from the sudden hug, combined with a slight pull, and her tiara came right off. I didn't even notice it, not for a while. I'm not sure if the Princess noticed it either.” I chuckled a little, remembering every detail. It seemed like Rainbow was about to start laughing, too.

“Eventually, though, we both noticed. I started to panic, right? The Princess, she kept calm. She said that she had to have dropped it somewhere, and started to go back to the last place that she had been. That, of course, had been the throne room. She had been speaking with someponies about ... actually, I'm not sure what she did in there most of the time. For all I know, she sits in there and plays with dolls.”

That was a weird mental picture, but I had a story to finish.

“When she got in the throne room, she saw what had really happened. The thing was, though, that Prince Blueblood was there. He seemed really mad, accusing Twilight of overthrowing the Princess.” I took in a breath, trying to stop myself from busting out laughing right immediately. As I was about to continue, a waiter showed up and asked the obvious question.

“Have you thought about what you two are going to have this fine evening?”

I hadn't. It was a good thing that Rainbow had thought about it, or I might have been embarrassed.

“We'll both be having the Alfredo, his with gems sprinkled on top.” With that, the waiter took the order and walked off. I saw her look back at me, obviously wanting me to continue the story.

“All right, so where was I?” I looked up for a moment, let out a laugh, then looked back at Rainbow. “Right, so Blueblood looked like he was about to go get the guards. Twilight was even more panicked than I had ever seen her, thinking she was going to get banished for it. I guess she assumed Celestia would get mad at her for taking the crown. As Blueblood turned to walk, though, he started to hear clapping.” It was getting really hard to not laugh.

“Then he heard both of us laughing. He looked so confused, especially when he saw Celestia walk up to the throne and bow down. 'Princess Twilight, I was hoping we might speak for a moment' was the thing that she said. It was too much, I could barely make myself stop laughing. I even joined in, walking over and bowing. 'Your trusty knight, Spike, milady,.' I don't think I've ever seen Twilight blush so much in my life.”

That story had taken longer to tell than I had honestly thought it would.

I hadn’t seen Rainbow look uninterested, or bored, the entire time. At least, I couldn’t remember seeing her look either of those. That would have seemed strange to me, but the story was good. Now that I’ve told her the story, I wonder what I should tell her. I mean, she wasn’t exactly specific about what she wanted to know.

“That’s pretty cool.” I saw her trying to think of something else to say, something to ask. If she didn’t have anything, I’m sure I’d eventually come up with something to talk about. It might be interesting to know what she wanted to ask, though, if she came up with something. “So, was there anypony special up there before you came down here to Ponyville?”

That was a strange question, and my expression probably gave that thought away.

“I mean, Twilight didn’t have many friends up there, but come on, you’re not an egghead. I’m sure you had tons of friends.”

Oh, that made more sense. I was being asked if I had any friends.

“Well, I really didn’t have much time for friends up there. When I was old enough to be her assistant, I was.” I smiled, thinking back to the first time I had seen the sheer mess that the small unicorn could make. It might not seem like a good memory to almost anypony but to me it was the start of a friendship. It was also good to realize just how much she needed me. “That took up almost all of my time, since she was always busy doing one thing or another.”

Then it happened, I remembered that Moondancer kept inviting us to her parties. I tried to get her a gift, but that never worked out. “There was one unicorn, Moondancer, who kept inviting us to her birthday parties. I was never able to really go to any, but we kept getting invited anyway.”

“Wait. You turned down an invitation to a party? Pinkie would freak out if somepony turned down an invitation to one of her parties…”

That was probably true.

“Yeah, but I didn’t have much of a choice. Twilight needed me a lot more back then.” Okay, so I just hit another sore spot. I know that Twilight needs me to do less, which sounds like a good thing. There is something to be said about always cooking, cleaning, and so forth. Most people would say that time off is good, but sometimes I feel like she’s slowly pulling away from me. Should I tell somepony what I think? “If you guys weren’t so awesome, I’d wish things had never changed.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” I looked around, as if there was some reason for this to be a secret. “Promise you won’t tell anypony?”

“Sure thing, Spike, you can trust me.”

I let out a sigh, this was something that had to be let out. Somepony might be able to give me some advice. “It’s been getting worse since the whole thing with Discord.” A confused look from Rainbow told me that she didn’t understand what I was talking about. “Haven’t you noticed that she has become more and more open? She’s become more and more active in Ponyville, spending more time with you guys?”

“Yeah. And I have to say, it’s pretty awesome. What could be wrong with that?”

“Well, have you noticed who is rarely around when you guys are hanging out?”


“Don’t get me wrong, I love you guys. And Twilight has always needed friends… I just wish it didn’t feel like she was trying to distance herself from me in the process.” I felt a little better at the end of it, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

The power of telling how you feel.

“Have you tried talking to Twilight about it?

At that point, my expression changed. I doubt it could very much be called an expression at all. “Remember when I went to go work for Applejack, because of my Dragon Code? I spent a few minutes packing up, and then I spent some time trying to tell her what I was doing? And she just sat there and continued to ignore the hay out of me.”

“Oh, right.”

“I don’t know how I can get through to her.”

I saw that look again, she was thinking about something. “What if I got Fluttershy or Rarity to talk to her about it? Or maybe I could? I’m totally good at this sort of thing.”

At that point, I chuckled. It wasn’t meant as in insult, but for a moment it seemed as though Rainbow was going to take it that way. “You are pretty awesome, Rainbow. I’ll think about it.” I winked, and she smiled as wide as I had ever seen her smile.