• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 11,594 Views, 223 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Spike - Lenora Goff

When Spike finally gets the courage to ask out Rarity, the unexpected happens. Afterwards, he has to try to find a way to pick up the pieces. At the same time, Rainbow Dash is there to help him out.

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Chapter 5

“I love you too, Spike.”

I heard those words, and that made the night perfect. Nothing could make it better, or at least I couldn’t think of anything that could make it any better. The food had been good, and the company was even better. Of course, I didn’t eat the company. That would have just been rude.

This entire night hadn’t gone as expected.

I had never thought that I would have fallen for Rainbow, that I even had feelings for her. Yet, I did. I had said those words, I had kissed her, everything seemed perfect. It might have started with her, but a kiss goes both ways. I could have easily moved away, or not told her I loved her, or any number of things that didn’t happen.

It all felt right, though. At the same time, everything was changing almost too fast fast for me to keep my head around.

-Rainbow Dash-

I’d tell everyone that there was never any doubt, because that’s who I am.

I am Rainbow Glittery Dash, or just Rainbow Dash to the majority of ponies, and I didn’t get nervous. I didn’t fear for the worst. I didn’t do anything beyond plow ahead, at full speed, and get whatever it was that I was trying for. Yet I still reel from those words, the feeling of the kiss being one that I didn’t expect to feel.

I am Rainbow Dash, and this is my perfect night.


The meal was winding down. Neither of us seemed to know what to say, almost as if the words before had been enough for the entire night. Were they? I don’t know, but the occasional blush on her face still tells me that she hadn’t expected this sort of thing to happen at all.

Who could have foreseen it?

“We should do this again, sometime soon. Maybe get to know each other more.”

This date was going to end, eventually, but that didn’t mean anything. I was going to have a second, third, maybe fourth date with her. I didn’t mean to plan much further than that, plans never worked with me.

Besides, I still had to tell Twilight. Part of me worried, for some strange reason.

What could I really say?

This was awesome.

“I’d like that, Spike.”

I had just been asked out by my coltfriend. Or was it drakefriend? Coltdrakefriend? I knew that he was referred to as a gentledrake, but that didn’t translate out to a title very well.

Maybe I was over-thinking it.

“I’d like that a lot.”


It felt strange to say it in my head, still. I was going to go out on dates with Rainbow Dash, a pony that I hadn’t thought of in a romantic way at any point until now. She had seemed like the type that didn’t think about romance, or anything that didn't involve flying fast or the Wonderbolts.

Then there were the rumors that she wasn’t into stallions, which I had always tried to steer away of. Rumors were horrible things, I remembered that from back when we all met Zecora.

“I hope everything was to your liking.” The waiter finally showed up again, perfectly timed to break the silence. I silently thanked him, not know what I should say before the date really did draw to a close.

“You bet. This was some of the best food I’ve eaten in a long time, it was fantastic.”

Of course, I knew that fantastic food came at less-than-fantastic prices.

“I expect you’ll be wanting the bill?” I really didn’t, but I knew I had to. I gave a nod, and soon the piece of paper was sat down.


Okay, this was too expensive.

I had to say something, or at the very least I had to pay for my half. Spike might have put some bits back for this, but something told me that he didn’t have that much. Even if he did, I would feel bad if I just emptied him out like this.

“I’ll pa-”


It was time for me to cut her off, as rude as that was

“I wouldn’t dream of having you pay for any of it, Rainbow. I invited you, and it’s part of my dragon code to never make somepony pay for a gift.”

It really wasn’t, but that made it sound better.

Rainbow looked at me for a few moments, and I could tell that she was thinking about protesting, but she quickly seemed to give in.


Why did he have to pull that deal about the dragon code? He didn’t have to pay for it all, I would have paid for my half. I had even ordered, if I remembered right. Everything was swimming around in my head, most of it drowned out with the memory of the kiss.

Then the words, spoken by him

I had to get my head together, or I was going to be totally useless tomorrow during Weather Patrol.


The meal had been expensive, but completely worth it.

It wasn’t just how good the food had tasted, either. That did help. The biggest thing was that I had come here sad, and I hadn’t even thought that I was coming here for me. That turned out to be wrong, of course. I think, no it’s more like I feel, as though I got the most out of this date.

It felt nice to say to myself that I had a marefriend, and it felt even better somehow to know that was it was Rainbow Dash.

“I almost wish this night didn’t have to end.”

Yet, I knew that it was coming to an end. The meal was through, the waiter was likely going to be coming back soon to tell us that there was another couple that was waiting for their table. It would probably be better if we left before that, though that was just a feeling I had.

“I was wondering … would it be all right if we just walked back. The carriage was nice, but it’d be nice to walk at night without hearing about every star in the sky.”


I couldn’t help it, I started to chuckle.

“Oh, it can’t be that bad.” I knew that Twilight loved to teach, or at the very least she loved to explain everything that she had ever learned when given the chance, but talking about the stars seemed a bit too much.

“You’re right, it’s worse.”

I don’t know why, but I hadn’t expected that he would respond like that.

The chuckle became a laugh, and soon he was laughing with me. That still left the idea of walking back. I didn’t know if it was such a good idea, for once I wasn’t quite sure what the weather would be like. I’d rather not get this dress dirty, Rarity would kill me if she found out that I had to get it washed.

Then again, I could always just blame it on my job.

Yep, I would blame it on the Weather Team if she got mad.

“Sure thing, Spike, it’d be my pleasure to walk you home.”

I hated walking, but flying in this dress wasn’t really going to happen. Well, I could probably fly in the dress. The idea of carrying Spike with me, though, was one that I wasn’t going to do in this dress. Without this dress, though, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go out with Spike in the first place.

Maybe I should thank Rarity again.


I had paid for the meal, made sure that Rainbow was going to walk me home, it seemed as though everything was ready. If we didn’t go back soon, Twilight might start to worry.

Then again, she might have gotten caught up in studying, it was a toss up.

“So, how do you think the others will respond.” I had an idea of how Twilight would respond, but she always seemed to surprise me. It might not be as bad as I thought, or it could be worse. She did always see me as a baby dragon, after all.

“I’m sure they’ll be happy for us.”

Yeah, that made sense. Fluttershy was happy when anyone was happy, the same could be said for Pinkie Pie. Rarity seemed like the type that would approve of love, and Applejack seemed like she would probably be the same, really.

It was only Twilight that worried me, she seemed to be so protective of me sometimes. “I hope so.” A grin came to my face. “I’m sure it’ll all work out, it always does.”

Those last words would probably be considered a jinxing moment, if things actually did go wrong. Either way, the two of us were soon walking back. It probably helped that she hadn’t known when the date would end, so she hadn’t been able to plan for us to go in the carriage again.

It wasn’t that long of a walk anyway.

“I really enjoyed myself tonight, Rainbow. Maybe next time, we can do something you love.” I enjoyed just about everything, really. It might be nice for me to go to some sort of event, or even do something, that she enjoyed. “Who knows? I might learn something about myself.”

I turned to her for a moment, right in front of the door.

“This has been the best night ever.”

With those words, I moved to kiss her again. This was never going to get old, I knew it. Twilight would probably tell me that two kisses didn't set a trend, but it wasn't like I could stand there the entire night kissing her. I was starting to get tired, so I suddenly broke off the kiss and headed into the library. As I did, I thought I saw eyes looking down at me from the top of the stairs.

It was probably the owl, or maybe it was Pee Wee.

It didn’t matter, at least not right then, I was starting to get tired. Whatever happened could wait until tomorrow, after I got a good night’s sleep.

Author's Note:

Thanks for helping me catch the problem.