• Published 12th Mar 2013
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Rainbow Dash's Spike - Lenora Goff

When Spike finally gets the courage to ask out Rarity, the unexpected happens. Afterwards, he has to try to find a way to pick up the pieces. At the same time, Rainbow Dash is there to help him out.

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Chapter 9

-Rainbow Dash-

“I hope it turned out just as perfect for you, Rainbow.”

It didn’t take any thought to respond to those words, the smile likely being the giveaway. I knew I wasn’t all that good at hiding what I was thinking, not most of the time anyway. Guilt could come later, it was time for me to make sure that Fluttershy knew how everything had gone.

She had told me, after all, it only made sense.

“You could say that, ‘Shy.” I didn’t know how she would respond when I told her who it was, when I finally did. She probably wouldn’t judge me, but she knew as well as almost everypony else that Spike had a giant crush on Rarity. I wonder if she’ll end up thinking that I helped her out just to help myself out. Even if she doesn’t, I’m wondering it.

I always help out my friends, though.

I’m kind of confused here, and that’s not cool.

“So … what happened? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

“Nah, ‘Shy, I don’t mind at all.” I looked up for a moment, trying to clear my head. “So, yeah, you told me that I should tell him how I feel, right? I’m not all that great at telling people how I feel, though, it just isn’t awesome enough.”

That elicited a chuckle, but I continued.

“We were both eating, it’s what you do at a dinner.” It was a dinner I had convinced Spike to try to set up with Rarity. Right now, though, wasn’t the time to think about that sort of thing. I did my best to keep the smile on my face, hard as it was. “We were talking, getting to know each other, but I just couldn’t get the words together. Really uncool, I know.”

Another chuckle, at least I was able to get those.

“Well, it kind of went like you said. I didn’t have to ask what Rainbow Dash would do, though, cause I am Rainbow Dash. So I leaned in, and gave him a kiss.” That was the ticket, that was the thing that made a fake smile real. All I had to do was think about that date, those moments when it finally came together, and I wasn’t worried.

“That sounds so … magical.”

I don’t know if I would say it like that, but that sounds like an all right way of saying it. A nod, I don’t really know what else needs to be done, and I think of how to finish it. “After that, we ended up finishing our meals, and I ended up walking him home.” I forgot to mention how he said those words, that he loved me, but I can’t go back now.

It’ll be alright.

“And then you flew around, thinking?” It was almost too good of an opportunity to pass up, she was going to finish this for me. I simply nodded, the smile slightly smaller than before. “That does sound like you had a perfect night. And now nopony will ever spread that rumor about you ever again.”

Rumors, I always hated rumors. If this was the one that I thought it was, the sooner that it died the better off I would be.

“So, Rainbow, I was wondering who the lucky stallion might be.”

I don’t know why the next word came out of my mouth. Maybe it was some form of guilt, maybe I was too happy, but I opened my mouth and uttered one word. “Spike.” As soon as I said that, my entire expression changed to one of shock. Had I really just told her that about Spike so soon?

Apparently, my good friend was just as shocked as I was. The only difference was that she started to chuckle at first. “Oh, you can tell me the truth, Rainbow. Whoever it is, I’m sure they’re an excellent pony.”

Maybe the crisis could be averted. All I had to do was come up with another name, any name, and I’d be alright. Fluttershy seemed to want to believe that it could be anypony but Spike, though I really have no clue why. It isn’t like Spike can go out with Rarity if Fluttershy is.

It isn’t like he’s a baby, either.

I looked up, around, trying to get some clue about a name to say. Of all the things that I’m good at, this isn’t one of them. The last name I remember coming up with was Harry the Bear, and that hadn’t turned out well at all. “Errr… Thunderlane?”

Fluttershy’s chuckle disappeared, I had never seen her so shocked before. “Wait, you really meant Spike didn’t you?” I saw her expression fade, it definitely wasn’t happiness. “I don’t know what to say. I mean… I should be happy for you. You’ve been my friend for a long time, but…” At this point, I could tell that she was fighting back tears. “Could you please leave, Rainbow, I think I need to be alone right now.”

“But ‘Shy-” Angel jumping in my head, repeatedly, helped to finish off the message. Fluttershy had some thinking to do, and it likely involved the end of our friendship. I don’t know if I could blame her. I didn’t give her the advice to help me, or at least not just to help me. I had been thinking about my shy friend, my kind and loyal friend. “I’m sorry.”

Not a single word was said back, so I took my leave. I hovered above the ground for a few moments, and shot out the door. At this point, even I wasn’t quite smiling. I’m not the type to cry. It happened sometimes, but not when I had any say in the matter.

I had to go see Spike, I knew it. Fluttershy knew what had happened, Rarity was probably going to know soon. All of it had been done because it had been the right thing to do, but everypony who was affected still deserved to know. It just wouldn’t be right of me to hide this sort of thing from anypony, especially when it came down to Spike.

I had been planning to tell him later, not right now. But sometimes, my plans didn’t turn out the way that I expected them to. Right now, I knew that I had to go tell him about everything right now. A quick turn, I couldn’t just head back to my comfortable cloud home, I was soon speeding through the air toward the library. If he was going to be anywhere, I knew he was going to be there.

I doubted he’d be over at Rarity’s.


Days like this were normally ones that I loved. I could go into the kitchen, eat some ice cream while Twilight was away. That had been part of the initial plan, but it seems like she thought that one through. I hadn’t even known it was possible to have a spell on the freezer that would only go away if you figured out the Linear Algebra problem.

Also, I have no clue what Linear Algebra is.

Normally, the next thing I would do was head over to help Rarity. That wasn’t something that I could do, for more than one reason. It was a good thing that Twilight was going to the spa with her, actually, or part of me would try to reason out why I should go. Part of me still wanted to go, though, even with everything pointing to it being a bad idea. At the very least, I could wish them happiness.

That was what I would do, right?

My day was going to be slow if I just spent it thinking, so I had to come up with something. I turned, looking around at a clean library. There was always Pee Wee, it might be fun to spend some time with him. That would only work if he was here, though, which I soon discovered that he wasn’t. Maybe he had gone over to visit with Fluttershy’s animal friends. I couldn’t blame him for that, it was never fun to be alone.

The only thing that the library had were books. I normally didn’t do a lot of reading, it had seemed like the most boring thing I could use my time for. Twilight might have fun doing it, but she was different. Of course, things were different now. It wasn’t just Twilight that seemed to enjoy reading, but it was Rainbow Dash, too.

If she thought it was cool, I should give it a chance.

What book was it that she started reading, anyway?

My mind went back to the series, the one that I had been told would be a good read for me. Twilight wasn’t the the type that said a book was bad, but I was glad that she sometimes took into account who she was talking to. Apparently, the Daring Do series was something that could be enjoyed by foals of all ages. That was what the inside of the first book said, right after the title page.

I really shouldn’t let Rainbow see this.

As soon as I start reading it, time seems to just fade. I’m not the type that gets absorbed into normal books, though I have been known to look at comics more than Twilight would like, but this was amazing. It wasn’t boring at all. What was it that Twilight would call it? Good pacing? Maybe I should listen to her more when she goes on her literary analysis fits. Part of the reason why I don’t, though, is because she doesn’t really have a lot of good things to say.

It’s kind of lucky that she goes by a pen name, I think everypony would be mad at her if she knew that she was the pen behind Equestria Daily.

There’s another thing I knew for certain, it would really suck to be Daring Do. She never seemed to catch a break, not at the point of the story I was at. Maybe it would happen soon, but I doubted it. I was five chapters in, just about to start the sixth. With a turn of the page, I was soon laying flat on the floor with a certain Pegasus laying on top of me. It was a crash landing, I thought, but that didn’t stop me from making a joke about it.

“Don’t you think you’re go-” I couldn’t finish it, she didn’t look happy at all. Something was wrong, and it was my duty to make sure that I figured out what it was. The most obvious way I could think of was to ask the very simple question. “Is something wrong?”


Part of me wanted him to finish that joke, it might have been a good one. Aside from that, there was something in my head now. I had hid this from him, though today was only the day after the date. I knew I should have told him that night, been completely honest. If I was Applejack, I would have already told him. Then again, I doubt that Applejack would have actually set up any of this. She would have just told Spike how she felt, and hoped for the best. This worked out because I’m Rainbow Dash.

I still had to tell him.

“You promise you won’t hate me for it?”


Hate her?

I tried to think of everything that could cause hate. Had she killed somepony? Was she really a changeling? Had she found out that she was going to die? I couldn’t hate her for the last one. Maybe she had figured out that she was hurting me somehow, doing something subconsciously that was going to hurt me later down the road. That sounded really smart in my head, I would have to write that down sometime.

Right now, though, I had to make sure that my marefriend knew that I would never hate her.

“I couldn’t hate you if I tried.”

Part of me was scared, though, to hear what it was that she had to say. Whatever it was, it was affecting her more than anything I had seen.

-Rainbow Dash-

Now I had to say it, but I didn’t know how. He had told me that he wouldn’t hate me, but that didn’t help as much as I thought. I still thought that he might turn his back on me. Even if he didn’t hate me, he might not love me anymore. That would be almost as bad as if he hated me, ambivalence being something that I just couldn’t deal with.

Wow, I know the word ambivalence. I guess I’m smarter than I thought.

I had to focus, though. Maybe if I just came out and said it, got it out there, then we could work through it. I would fight for him, if I had to, just to make sure that everything was still alright. I cleared my throat, I took a deep breath, and then I started on the most difficult thing I had ever admitted. “You remember last night, right? I mean … before the date/\.”


Okay, now I was even more confused. Out of everything that she would bring up, last night wasn’t really it. Even if she did, and she obviously did, I hadn’t thought that she would bring up when she did. The only thing that happened was that I caught Fluttershy and Rarity kissing. It hadn’t seemed like the best thing at the time, and it still didn’t.

I told myself it had been for the best, though, because now everypony was happy. Fluttershy and Rarity could be happy, and I could be happy with Rainbow. Everything worked out in the end, and nopony had anything to feel bad about. Obviously Rainbow didn’t feel the same way, though, so I just simply nodded my head and waited for her to continue.


“Earlier that day, I had been talking with Fluttershy. It was about going over to Rarity’s that night to tell her about how she felt.” Suddenly, I couldn’t look him in the eye. “I didn’t know what would happen, I really didn’t. I thought she might turn her down, or say yes, I just didn’t know. I just … I had to help my friend.”

Who was I trying to convince?

“I didn’t know that she was going to kiss her, though.” That wasn’t everything, I had to finish out what I was going to tell him. “No, no, it wasn’t just that. Part of me really wanted her to say yes. I mean, if she was going out with Fluttershy, then Rarity couldn’t go out with you.” Even if this worked out perfectly, I still felt horrible. There was no way that I could have thought that this would turn out alright.

Yet I had fooled myself into thinking it would have, when I had spoken with Fluttershy that day.

“I’m sorry, Spike. I really didn’t know what was going to happen. I had thought that, maybe, they would just tell you. I didn’t mean for it to happen like it did.”


Maybe it would have been easier if any of the things that I thought had been true. Well, no, that last one wouldn’t have been easy at all. The admission that lay at my feet, it was something that I hadn’t expected at all. Every single even, everything that had led up to this, had been a part of some plan. Rainbow had planned what would happen, but not how. She had pushed Fluttershy into revealing that she loved Rarity, but she hadn’t said how.

I didn’t know what to say.

Part of me said it was easy. I should rage, I should throw her out, I should go over to see Rarity and tell her exactly what I had been told. This had all been a part of a plan. Everypony involved deserved to know, I might even have to tell Fluttershy if she didn’t already know.

Did she?

Another part of me, my more thoughtful side, told me to look back at that night. It told me to look at everything that had happened. It told me to look at everything that had happened with Rarity before that night, with Rainbow Dash before that night. I had to make a choice, that much was obvious, but it wasn’t going to be easy.

Or maybe I had already made the choice without know it.

I had known that Rainbow had been acting weird that night, and I had brushed it off. I had known that she was there, just at the right time, to help make me feel better. I had known that she got dressed up quickly, got everything set up quickly. I had known that all of this was true, and yet I had went through with it anyway. Maybe I should say something, ask a question or two, before I tell her how I feel. Maybe it’ll help sort out the doubts.

“Is that why you were there, to get me to go out with you? And were those tears even real, or was it just an act?”

I had to know.


He wasn’t throwing me out, not yet, but I was sure it would happen soon. I heard the questions, and I looked into his eyes again. It would actually be cool, kind of, to say that I had planned everything to a T. That wasn’t the only thought in my head, though. I was wondering why he had asked those questions. Part of me, most of me, had thought that he would go for something else. I hadn’t given him reasons to trust me, yet he was going to give me a chance to explain.

“You’re making me sound a lot smarter than I am, actually. I had hoped that, after she spoke with you, that you would have been at the library. I figured I could catch you there, talk to you a little, and then tell you what I felt. It seemed like a good plan at the time.” Once again, I looked down. It all came back to me, the sight of him running and the sight of him tripping and falling.

“Then I saw it. I saw you trip, fall, and I just couldn’t help it. I had to be there, to help you any way I could. Then you told me what had happened, and I knew it was all my fault. I mean, I knew it was all my fault with Fluttershy and Rarity, but … it never seemed like something that would hurt anypony. I always thought that everything would turn out alright. I didn’t know, until right then, what had happened.”

He would likely have another question, I knew I should answer it quickly.

“I still don’t know why you asked me out, really. I should have said no, but it was the best thing that could have happened. But I still know that I should have said no. I just … I couldn’t at that point. I was finally going to be able to tell you how I felt, and it was going to be on my first date ever.”

That wasn’t as cool as it could have been.


That was it, that was the thing that really put it all in perspective. Rainbow might have planned out a lot of things, but this made it obvious that she wasn’t a mastermind. She had planned to get her friend with Rarity, but that could hardly be blamed on her alone. If Fluttershy really loved Rarity, and they had some sort of connection, then they deserved to be with each other.

Everything that night didn’t exactly go as she planned, though.

It hadn’t been the worst night ever, regardless of how it had started.

I was at a crossroads, trying to figure out what to do. I still felt like throwing her out, at least partially. Even if she had the best intentions, it still hadn’t been the kindest thing to do. Of course, she hadn’t been alone. Part of me knew that she wasn’t alone when it came to using that night as an excuse to tell somepony how they feel, to do something that wasn’t exactly the most honest thing.

Part of me had known, but hadn’t wanted to admit it. Part of me had known that she had feelings for me, and part of me had thought that maybe I did too. Everypony who knows me, though, knows what I’m horrible when it comes to feelings. There had been a crush on Twilight, once upon a time. One, I had thought that Cadance was the most beautiful mare had seen.

Those had passed, but I still hadn’t told anypony.

Then there had been Rarity, I had been able to keep that a secret.

Now there was Rainbow Dash. We actually had a lot in common. I still could remember the first time that we met, it was one of the best days considering what happened.

Was this just another crush? She was beautiful when she dressed up. She was fun to be around, even if she was lazy. This had to have been the first time I’ve had to think about something like this, and I didn’t like it at all. In the end, though, I had to ask the most basic question.

“Why me? I mean, you always seemed to like being with Applejack, or Fluttershy. Heck, I would have pictured you trying for Soarin before me.”


Another question, it might have been a good sign.

Why did everypony assume I was gay?

“I actually don’t like mares that way, Spike. And Soarin is …” I had to think of a way to say that I wasn’t interested in him that was believable. At one point, maybe, but something had happened at the Gala that had changed that. “Well, I saw him at the Gala. He wasn’t exactly what I had expected, something about him was just … not cool.”

That likely didn’t explain it.

“Much too pie-obsessed. I had even been invited to spend time with the two of them, Soarin and Spitfire, at the Gala. And then, blamo, ignored the entire time. He’s far too into the whole celebrity thing. That made me realize … well, I hadn’t thought about what he might be outside the suit. I had assumed he’d be kind, generous, and fun to be around.”

That still didn’t tell him why him.

“But those are things you’ve always been. I mean, think about it. What did you want to do that night? Spend time with us, and I feel bad that we didn’t take the chance before everything went wrong. You’re always helping Twilight, you’ve almost never hurt anypony. And you’re awesome to prank with.” I tried to smile, I had to smile. “Besides, nopony else knows how to take a prank. Well, Pinkie and I do. But that’s not the point!”

What was the point?

“The point, I guess, is that I’ve always been looking at the wrong place. It wasn’t until a short while back that I finally figured it out myself. I screwed it up, though, big time.”


I had thought that making the decision, one of such importance, would have been difficult. I had thought that I would have heard all of it, and then still been conflicted. That was the way that it was supposed to go, after all. I was supposed to take days to forgive her, if I did at all. This sort of admission was something that could end a relationship, destroy trust.

Then again, she had come to me to admit everything.

She wasn’t hiding anything, not anymore.

I had kissed her, told her I loved her. Those weren’t words to be brandied around, thrown at ponies without thought. I had meant them then, even if it hadn’t made as much sense then. Back then, I could have blamed the heat of the moment. She had kissed me, I had felt a connection. Now my head was clearer, I had to ask myself if I could still say it.

Did I still love Rainbow?

That was a question that took no time. She was still the same mare, she was still all of the things that I had thought she was. It was my turn to be brash, to act, to not let something like words get in the way of what I felt like doing.

This time, it was me that moved in to kiss Rainbow.

It only lasted a few seconds, and then I pulled away. “No more secrets between us from now on, okay?

The enthusiastic smile, and nod, was enough of an answer for me. This wasn’t going to be easy, but Twilight told me that nothing worth it was ever easy.