• Published 16th Feb 2013
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Fairy Tales From Equestria - Princess Glitzy

The main ponies all get in an accident and are launched into a coma. While asleep they all imagine being in a fairy tale.They are trapped in a fairy tale and the only way to wake up is to survive the stories.

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The White Bride & The Black One

Chapter 6

Rarity wakes up in an odd room. "Time for my story!" She grabs the book and opens it. A hologram shoots out.

"Your goal is to marry the king. Go!" She brushes her mane and gets dressed. She runs down the stairs into the kitchen. Nightmare Moon and Trixie were eating breakfast.

"Rarity, we are taking a walk this morning, please get ready and try to look presentable." said her 'mother'. She ran back upstairs.

"I did get ready and I look very presentable and fashionable." She put on make up and a casual dress. She teleported back downstairs and used her magic to make some quick toast. She munched on her toast while the other two got dressed.

"I`m ready. We can go now!" shouted Nightmare Moon. She opened the door and left. Rarity and Trixie followed.

"We should walk to the park and then walk back." said Trixie. Rarity nodded. They began walking. Then, a poor man walked up to them.

"I am lost, I need to get to the soup kitchen. Will you help me?"

"We will not help a filthy man!" the mother and daughter left.

"I will help you sir." Rarity grabbed his hoof and pulled him to the left.

After about two minutes he stopped her and said "Because of your kindness I will grant you three wishes."

"Okay, I wish for to be as beautiful as the sun, to have a purse that never runs out of jewels and bits and to always be healthy."

He smiled and said "Your wishes are granted." Suddenly, Rarity was wearing clothes and make up that model and celebrities wear, she was also holding a stunning purse full of money.

"Thank you sir, I am forever grateful." Rarity ran to catch up with her family.

The poor man did not like that Trixie and her mother were mean to him. They would not help a poor pony. He used his horn and magic to transform Nightmare Moon and Trixie into changelings. He put a protecter spell so that his spell will never be broken. "They are ugly on the inside, now they are as ugly on the outside as the inside. Kind ponies that display friendship and harmony get wishes, ponies with hearts as black as night get what`s coming to them." He glanced at the two changelings and then teleported away.

"No, I`m ugly and a changeling!" Nightmare Moon looked at her body and shouted again "I have holes in my freakin` body! I don`t deserve this! Rarity deserves this! That stupid stepdaughter of mine deserves to deal with this!" She laid on her bed and tried to wake herself up. "It`s just a dream, no not a dream. It`s a nightmare, no worse... torture."

"Hello sis!" Rarity turned around. Is that Lucky?

"Hello brother." He walked up and hugged her.

"Rarity, you look gorgeous, I want to remember this forever, can I paint you?" Rarity nodded and posed. Lucky painted her beautifully. "I`m going to hang this up in my room."

"I`m flattered that you think that I`m very pretty." She walked out of the room. Lucky went back to work because he was coachman to the king.

About a month later

King Snowdrift walks into his coachman Lucky`s room. He looks up and sees the portrait of Rarity. "This mare is beautiful, I must have her. She is as lovely as the sun and she seems kind and sweet." He runs to find his coachman.
"Lucky! Who was that wonderful mare in the portrait in your room?!"

Lucky turned and said "That is my sister Rarity, she is as pretty as her heart is pure." He smiled largely.

"I must marry her! Where is she?"

"She is at the market, you shall meet her when she returns."

The king hugs Lucky and then runs to get prepared. "This is the best day ever!"

Rarity walks back home and hums while she walks. She spots a little boutique. "Fabulous!" She teleports into the store.

"Hello, welcome to Glitz & Glamour Boutique!" Rarity ran up to the left side and began looking through every shelf and rack. She grabbed about twenty-six dresses and shirts by the time she had finished one side.

"I`d like to buy these and more so can you please hold these up here so I can continue looking?" They usually don`t do that, but Rarity had gotten so many pieces of clothing that the store clerk didn`t want to anger her.

"Yes I can." Rarity smiled and then began to look at the other side. Once she had gotten another whole bunch she came back up to the counter. All of these outfits are great and I have some ideas for pieces of clothing.

"I`m done and have everything I want. Also, this boutique is fabulous darling." The mare scanned each thing and put her clothing into bags. She had about five bags once everything was bagged.

"Thank you for shopping at Glitz & Glamour Boutique. Have a wonderful day!" Rarity smiled at her and then continued waling home.

These bags are very heavy. Wait why am I carrying them? I can just levitate them! She continued her walk home and started singing a little tune softly. "A true, true friend helps a friend in need. A friend will be there to help them see. A true, true friends helps a friend in need to see the light that shines from a true, true friend~" Soon her hooves were hurting her and she decided to teleport back home.

Rarity set down her bags and then she heard somepony say "Hello Rarity."

"Ahhhhhh!" She used her magic to conjure up a baseball bat.

"Don`t worry, it`s Lucky." Rarity dropped her weapon.

"Lucky?" She ran up to him and said frantically "I`m sorry! I didn`t know! I wouldn`t think about hitting you with a baseball bat!" She then calmed down and quietly said "Brothers are fantastic." He smiled at her.

"I do not mind. I waited here because the king wishes to marry you."

"Marry, king, becoming a queen..." She said that and then fainted.

Rarity walks into the living room. At the sight of two changelings she shrieks. "Get out of my house you wretched creatures! Come back when you`re willing to live in harmony with other ponies!" She out the two of them in a bubble and lifted them up into the air.

"Stop it you idiot! It`s Trixie and I you dunce!" Rarity dropped them down hard.

"You dare call yourselves my family! You even dare call me stupid! You are rude and evil! The two of you are terrible and there is nothing you can do to prove that you`re who you claim to be!"

Trixie walked up to her and shouted "Don`t talk to the great and powerful Trixie in that way Hairity!" Rarity knew that it was them.

"Sorry?" Trixie`s horn began to glow, but Nightmare Moon stopped her.

"Don`t waste an ounce of your precious magic on this stupid hag." Both of them turned and left. Rarity began to cry and she ran upstairs to her room. This day began a great day. I got better. Next, it got even better. Then, it became the best day ever and now it`s the worst day ever. THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!

The wedding day

Rarity, her stepmother and stepsister were in the car. Her brother was driving. I will make Rarity pay for everything she has done. We should be royalty, not this jerk. She used her magic to make Lucky half blind and Rarity half deaf. Trixie did a quick impression of Lucky.

"What did Lucky say?" Nightmare Moon grinned evilly.

"He wants you to swap dresses with Trixie." Why would he want me to do that? Well, there must be some reason. Does it not go with my coat? She swapped dresses with Trixie. She did another impression.

"What did he say?"

"Trade hats with Trixie." Rarity had her suspicions, but did it. Trixie did one more impression.

"What did he say this time?"

"Trade shoes with Trixie." Rarity once again did what she was told. Lucky saw none of this because he was half blind. He thought that Trixie was Rarity because of the outfit.

Once the carriage reached the wedding, Nightmare Moon turned her into a duck and threw her into the pond. Trixie stepped out of the carriage and greeted King Snowdrift. She isn`t as pretty as the picture at all. He couldn`t tell that she was a changeling and not a pony because of the clothes covering her. She looked ugly, but he married her anyways.

About 4 months later

My wife is mean and ugly. She`s a changeling. Where is the mare I thought that I would marry? A royal guard walked up to the king. "A duck is swimming around the moat. It hasn`t left and it must have walked a long way to get here." That`s odd. I`ll check this out.

"Show it to me." They walked out to the moat and up to the duck. It was very pretty and graceful. It seemed different than most ducks. He had an odd feeling about the duck and an even stronger feeling to put his horn to the duck. He was one to follow his gut so he did so. When he put his horn on the duck it transformed into Rarity.

"Yeah!!! I`m free! It sucked being a duck!" She looked at the king. Oh my gosh, I`m so embarrassed. "I mean, thank you for freeing me. My name is Rarity and I`m afraid that you`ve married the wrong mare." He looked into her beautiful eyes and then kissed her.

"Will you marry me?"

She smiled and said "Yes!"

After she said that the world went black. The main six once again joined each other in the center. "I was a duck!" shouted Rarity.

"What?" said Twilight. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash bursted out laughing.

"I was turned into a duck by Nightmare Moon." Rarity explained.

"Nightmare Moon was in my story!" shouted Pinkie. Then, the hologram came out.

"Fluttershy, it`s your turn. This is the final story. You must pass this and then you will all be part of your own story. It will be based on your lives in Ponyville. Follow the rules. Go!" The final individual story begins.