• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 2,443 Views, 22 Comments

Fairy Tales From Equestria - Princess Glitzy

The main ponies all get in an accident and are launched into a coma. While asleep they all imagine being in a fairy tale.They are trapped in a fairy tale and the only way to wake up is to survive the stories.

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Friendship Can Defeat All Foes... Hopefully

Chapter 8

The main six appeared in an arena. "Where are we?" asked Rarity. They looked around and searched for a hologram.

"Guys, I think that this place was used for the young fliers competition years ago." stated Twilight. Everypony looked at Twilight with curiosity. "I read it in a book." The other five ponies now understood how she knew something so weird.


Fluttershy looked down and saw that she was wearing the dress from the fairy tale. She lifted her head and saw that the others were wearing their outfits. "I think that we are wear-" she got cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"We`re wearing costumes! We should throw a costume party!"

They all looked at her in an annoyed way. "Fine... no party." Rarity admired her gorgeous dress and then suddenly had an idea.

"I would like to propose an idea for finding the hologram and finishing this story." They all looked at her anxiously. "I see a book over there across the room. In each fairy tale we find a book that explains the mission and then it begins." Twilight ran up to her and hugged her.

"That`s genius!" Rarity blushed.

"Go on." Applejack rolled her eyes at Rarity`s statement.

Rainbow Dash flew over to the book, stopped and said "This is gonna be awesome!" She opened the book and a hologram shot out.

"This is your final story, survive and you can come out safely. Die and you die in real life. GO!" Suddenly, some of the walls revealed large doors. The main six huddled together and then reached for their necks.

"WE DON`T HAVE THE ELEMENTS `O HARMONY!" shouted Applejack. Everypony in the room began to freak out.

"How do we defeat anypony if we don`t have the elements?!" shouted Fluttershy loudly by her standards. Pinkie Pie had an idea which was rare. She could only think of one other time. She thought about it. Beehive, nets and mustaches! It was perfect. Then, she remembered her idea.

"We don`t need the elements, we need to be ourselves! Rarity, hurt them with fashion and magic! AJ, hurt them by bucking them and using materials to whip them! Rainbow, use your awesome tricks to kick some butt! Twilight, bore them with knowledge and use your powerful magic! Fluttershy, tickle them with your wings and distract them with your adorableness!" Fluttershy blushed at that last statement. "I will use my partying skills! Let`s do this... for our lives!"

Everypony was astonished that Pinkie had such a good idea. Twilight thought it was so smart that she almost started crying tears of joy, but refrained from doing so, due to the epic battle that they were about to engage in.

They heard footsteps and the flap of wings. They were coming and everypony knew it. "In case we don`t make it... I`ve had a crush on all of you for a long time! Oh, but, now I love Caramel, so... I`m taken." said Pinkie Pie. Everypony was very confused at that statement.

"I`m flattered Pinkie, and I too am in love, but I`m in love with Snowdrift." Applejack almost fainted.

"He was ma dad in ma story!" shouted AJ. Rarity was a bit grossed out, but he wasn`t really her father so it was okay.

They had gotten so engrossed in the conversation that they hadn`t noticed that their foes were slowly trickling in. Fluttershy turned and saw some shadows and signaled her friends to look over there.

Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and Nightmare Moon were already there and Trixie, Gilda, the Shadow Bolts and some parasprites had just walked in.

Everypony was scared, but Twilight was also upset. I love Discord, how can I kill him? What if he hurts me? I won`t have the heart to fight back. Rarity could sense what she was feeling so she looked her in the eyes and said "I am ladylike and love is important, but this is a matter of life and death. If you hurt him, he won`t be hurt in real life. That`s the opposite of you. Twilight, I need you to kick some evil ass."

Twilight was surprised that Rarity would use such a non-ladylike word. She also knew that Rarity said what she said to help her, not hurt her. Sorry Discord.

Rainbow Dash looked at their enemies and said "Why aren`t they moving anymore?" The evil ponies were staying still.

Twilight thought about it and then said "I think we need something to cue the battle."

Rarity walked up to the nearest book and opened it. A hologram shot out. "You have seen your opponents. You are as ready as you will ever be. BEGIN!"

Everypony grabbed their weapons from around the room and ran to the center. This was the biggest battle of their lives.

Twilight used her horn to shoot large lasers at her opponents. She used her math skills to aim her lasers. She ran up to King Sombra, but he grabbed her.

He was choking her, but she was strong. Twilight was losing oxygen and she couldn`t do any serious magic. She teleported a short distance away and then ran to him and kicked him in his... :) He fell down to the ground in pain and then surrendered. Once he surrendered he vanished. Twilight had defeated King Sombra.

Applejack took her hair out of her ponytail and used it to confuse her opponents. She then bucked them once they were dazed. She ran up to Discord and bucked them. She then bucked him more and more in the chest until he could barely breathe. "I surrender." He vanished into thin air.

Suddenly, Gilda flew near her and punched her in the face. AJ fell back onto the floor. She grabbed her trusty whip and hit Gilda with it. Gilda had multiple bruises. Applejack bucked Gilda right in the head and she fell down hard. she heaved her last breath and then died. AJ started crying, this was just too much.

Rainbow Dash saw Trixie and she ran towards her. She spread her wings and then flew. She flew around Trixie in circles. After a little while, she had created a tornado around Trixie. This took away most of her oxygen and soon Trixie surrendered and vanished.

The Shadow Bolts surrounded Rainbow and then started doing loops around her to confuse her, but Rainbow Dash was smart. She grabbed their tails and the three of them bumped heads. They were traveling at such high speeds that when they hit they were knocked unconscious. They then disappeared.

Pinkie Pie used her ability to get random objects from thin air. She got a bunch of instruments to fight her enemies with. Pinkamina got the parasprites` attention by making weird noises. She then led the parasprites into a corner. Pinkie Pie proceeded to jump on top of them. Thus crushing them. She got up and looked at the poor little bugs. They couldn`t say surrender so they formed the letters. I- S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R and then disappeared.

Rarity used her magic to put Queen Chrysalis in the corner of the room. "You can`t defeat me, I am the queen!" Rarity looked at her a look that said 'I know I can and will'. She used her magic to make fabric and a straightener appear. She wrapped Chrysalis with the fabric and then pulled it and she spun around. Chrysalis was so dizzy that Rarity was able to use the straightener on her body. Rarity burned her.

"Ahhhh!" she yelped in pain and then fell on the ground. "I SURRENDER!" She vanished into thin air.

Fluttershy was super scared, but she had to face her fears. She snuck up behind Nightmare Moon punched her. She turned around and her horn began to glow. Fluttershy needed to protect herself so she stepped forward and then tickled Nightmare Moon. She fell down onto the ground in a heap of laughter.

She had just begun to get up when Fluttershy used the stare on her. Nightmare Moon actually felt threatened. Fluttershy increased her stare and caused her opponent to surrender and she only had to use her eyes and wings. The final enemy disappeared.

Once the final enemy was destroyed the world went black and the group joined each other in the center of the room. "You have finished your final mission. You can leave now. Go on with your regular lives. Nopony knows what happened in here. Your life goal is to make the ones you love fall in love with you. Go!"

They smiled and hugged each other. They`re going home.