• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 3,273 Views, 50 Comments

A dream come true - Will Atkinson

Two kids wish on a full moon to be in the world of Equestria then after the wish a visitor comes and takes them to the world of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 1

A dream come true

By Will Atkinson

Chapter 1

It was a sleepless night for two young boys Chris age 14 along with his twin brother Mark.

"Man I tell ya Mark I just can't sleep." Said Chris.

"Nor can I bro." Said Mark.

"So what can we do to help us get to sleep?" Asked Chris.

"I know bro." Said Mark.

"Hey what about we make a wish on the moon?" He asked.

"Yeah that's a great idea who knows maybe something wonderful may happen to us." Said Chris

"Like Princess Luna coming out of the moon and sending us to Equestria?" Asked Mark.

"Yes I like the way you think bro." Said Chris.

Ever since they were young kids they enjoyed watching My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic tv show all the time. People kept telling them that it was not real. But for Chris and Mark it was real and every time the show came on they acted like they were in the show. Now this could be their chance to see the ponies they love to watch for real. But that wasn't all they were also orphans because their real parents died in a car crash four years ago and were placed in foster care and they wanted to get out because of their foster parents. After moving in with their new parents thats where all the trouble started for the boys. Their foster father would wip them on the back with a belt, their foster mother would punch them, and every time the boys pretended to be in the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic tv show their foster parents would make them lay on hot coals and step on broken glass with their bare feet. Also when they were taking a bath their foster parents tried to drown them. It was so terrible that the boys thought of suicide. But thanks to their brotherly love for each other they decided aganst it. Now they had a chance to escape this horrible life style and begin a new one in Equestria. So they knelt down and began to wish on the moon or in this case Luna's moon.

"Luna?" They began.

"If your listening up their in the moon we would like to come to Equestria."

"We would like to see everypony there and we would like to learn the true meaning of friendship."

"Also if you can please make us into ponies as well so we can fit in thank you."

Then just as soon as they finished a bright light shot out of the moon blinding the two boys.

"I think she heard our wishes." said Chris.

"Yeah no kidding." Said Mark.

Just then as the light dimmed Chris and Mark slowly opened their eyes and there satnding right infront of the boys was Princess Luna.

"Oh man I can't believe it Princess Luna is here at our house." Said Chris.

"Pinch me Chris I must be dreaming." Said Mark.

"I assure you boys that this isn't a dream I'm here cause you wished me here." Said Luna.

"So you two want to visit Equestria and become ponies?" Asked Luna.

"Yes please Luna." Said Chris and Mark together.

"And why do you want to come to Equestria?" Asked Luna

"Because our foster parents are mean to us." Said Chris.

"Yeah they always hit us, always abused us, and one time it was so bad that we were thinking of killing ourselves." Said Mark.

"I see well don't worry because you two are coming to Equsetria with me so you can learn the true meaning of the power of love and the meaning of the power of friendship." Said Luna.

"Really?" Asked Chris.

"Yes." said Luna

"Alright!!" Said Mark.

"Now then what form of pony would you two like to be?" Asked Luna.

"Well we both like to be alicorns." Said Chris.

"Yes please Luna make us into alicorns.

"Very well alicorns it is." Said Luna

As Chris and Mark watched Luna's horn begain to glow.

"Now this is what you really want right? Asked Luna.

"Because if I do this there is no turning back."

"Yes Princess Luna this is what we want." Said Mark.

"Ok then you two here it goes." Said Luna.

Then a burst of energy shot out of her horn and hit the two boys. Their bodies began to shutter and shake suddenly they looked at each other and they saw that, they began to change into alicorns. In no time at all Luna finished pulling her head back and the orb around her horn vanished and then said.

"All done you two, you are now alicorns."

"Chris and Mark looked at themselves and with their mouths gaped open they had wings, horns, and they had red and white manes. WOW look at us Mark we are now ponies or should i say alicorns!!!!" Said Chris.

"Now I know that this is a dream Chris." Said Mark.

"Ok Mark let me check to see if this is a dream or not." Said Chris.

"How are you gonna check to see if this is a dream or not? Asked Mark.

"Like this Mark." Said Chris.

"OW!" "Why did you pinch me Chris?" Asked Mark.

"Just to check to see if we were dreaming or not and we are not." Said Chris.

"Oh and one more thing before I forget I also put the strength of an earth pony in you two as well." Said Luna.

"Cool." Said Mark.

"Now we need a name for ourselves." Said Chris.

"Yeah your right Chris." Said Mark.

"I got it." Said Chris.

"What if we called ourselves the thunder brothers?"

"And why should we be called the thunder borthers?" Asked Mark.

"Simple like this." Said Chris.

As Mark watched Chris lift his front hooves up and then he slammed them into the ground so hard that it caused the whole ground and the whole room to shake and rumble like thunder.

"Oh I see now." Said Mark still shaken up a bit.

"Ok are you two ready to come with me to Equestria?" Asked Luna.

:"Yes we are princess Luna." Chris and Mark said together.

"Alright then follow me then you two." Said Luna making her horn glow again.

"Oh boy I can't wait!! Said Chris.

"Now remember Chris." Said Mark.

"We can't let them know who we are, where we come from, or how we know their names so we need to pretend that we don't know them."

"Alright I understand Mark." Said Chris.

"Ok you two here we go." Said Luna as a big blast of energy surrounded them and in a flash they disappeared into the land of Equestria.


Chris, Mark, and Luna appeared at the outskirts of Ponyville. The two alicorns looked at Ponyville in awe.

"WOW look at this place Mark it's even better in real life then it is on TV!!!!" Said Chris.

"Yeah you got that right Chris." Said Mark.

"Hey wait a minute." Said Chris.

"What's up Chris?" Asked Mark.

"It's still day light here. How can that be?" Asked Chris.

"Well the reason for that is that our time is different than your time so when it's evening here its night time at your world." Explain Luna

"Well since it still day light here let's go and enjoy ourselves Chris." Said Mark.

"I'm right behind you bro." Said Chris.

And with that they started to run off toward Ponyville. But just as they got near to Ponyville Luna stopped them right next to the welcome to Ponyville sign.

"Hold it right there you two." She said.

"What's wrong Luna?" Asked Chris

"I wanted to tell you two to be careful and remember what you two agreed on." She said.

"You mean not to tell anyone or in this case anypony about where we come from?" Asked Mark.

"Yes that's right Mark." Said Luna.

"Don't worry Luna we won't tell anypony about where we came from." Said Chris.

"Ok then you two go and have fun and start your new lives here in Equestria and remember about friendship." Said Luna.

"You got it Luna see ya soon." Said Chris and Mark together as they set off towards Ponyville.

As they walked into Ponyville Luna watch them and thought to herself.

("You two take care because you are not just here to just enjoy yourselves and start a new life in Ponyville and learn the true meaning of friendship. You are also here for something even more.")


"So Mark where do you want to go first?" Asked Chris.

"I don't know let's just explore the town." Said Mark.

"Hm that's a good idea Mark come on." Said Chris.

Just then Mark saw that Chris was heading right towards a purple unicorn that was carrying some books with her magic.

"Chris Look out!!" Said Mark.

But it was too late Chris ran right into the purple unicorn and books that she was carrying flew everywhere.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry miss. Are you alright?" Asked Chris.

The purple unicorn got up slowly.

"Yeah I'm alright." She said.

Then she looked at Chris and then she bowed low much to Chris's surprise.

"Uh what are you doing?" Asked Chris.

"Oh aren't you a prince alicorn?" Asked the purple unicorn.

"Well yes and no I am a alicorn but me and my brother are not royalty." Said Chris.

"Wait a minute you have a brother? She Asked.

"Yes he does." Said Mark as he was walking towards them.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you two alicorns." She said.

"And it's nice to meet you miss. Said Mark

"So what are your names?" Asked the purple unicorn.

"My name is Chris Thunder. Said Chris.

"And my name is Mark Thunder." Said Mark.

"And together we are. THE THUNDER BROTHERS!!" Said Chris and Mark together.

"Uh why do you call yourselves the Thunder brothers? Asked the purple unicorn.

"Well when we hit are hooves on the ground that creates a loud thunder like roar, and that is why we are called the thunder brothers." Said Chris.

"Wow that's amazing!!!!" Said the purple unicorn.

"So what's your name by the way miss?" Asked Mark.

"Oh I'm sorry my name is Twilight Sparkle but please just call me Twilight." She said.

But secretly Chris and Mark knew that the purple unicorns name was Twilight Sparkle. But they remembered what they promised each other and the promise they gave princess Luna.

"Twilight Sparkle thats a very nice name." Said Chris.

"Why thank you Chris." Said Twilight blushing a bit.

"Say I'm going to visit my friends at Sweet Apple Acers. Would you two like to come along?" She asked.

"We would be honored to come Twilight." Said Mark.

"Ok then Lets go my new friends to Sweet Apple Acers." Said Twilight as they left for Sweet Apple Acres.

But then Twilight noticed her books still on the ground.

"Oh wait hold on a second you two." She said.

"What? What's wrong Twilight?" Asked Chris.

"I need to get my books off the ground before we go to Sweet Apple Acres." She said.

"Ok don't worry Twilight we will help you. Said Mark.

"Oh thank you, you two that's very nice of you. Said Twilight.

"Don't worry about it Twilight we are happy to help." Said Chris

Before long they got all the books up off the ground. "Man you sure have a lot of books." Said Mark.

"Yeah why do you have these many books Twilight?" Asked Chris.

"Well you see it's not just a picnic that me and my friends are having. You see we are also having a sleep over." Explained Twilight.

"Oh cool we love sleep overs!!!!" Said Chris and Mark together.

"Cool then come on you two let's get to Sweet Apple Acres before it gets too late." Said Twilight.

Without another word Twilight, Chris, and Mark headed off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres

Later that evening

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were waiting for Twilight for there special picnic party together.

"Hey where is Twilight?" Asked Applejack.

"I don't know but I'm sure she'll be here soon darling." Said Rarity.

"Hey everypony I think I see her coming now and she's not alone." Said Fluttershy.

As the ponies looked they saw Twilight coming towards them with two alicorns by her side. Pinkie Pie was the first to greet them.

"Hey Twilight." Said Pinkie hopping over to her and her new friends.

"Oh hay there Pinkie." Said Twilight.

"Hay Twilight who are your new friends here?" Asked Pinkie.

"Yeah Twilight just who are these two alicorns anyway?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Are they friends or foes?" Asked Applejack.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa girls calm down ok this is Chris Thunder and Mark Thunder they are the Thunder brothers and they are friends not foes." Said Twilight.

"Thunder Brothers? I've never heard of these alicorns or seen them before." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well you see we just got here. Said Chris.

"Well it's nice to meet you two alicorns." said Applejack.

"Thanks and it's nice to meet the friends of Twilight Sparkle as well." Said Mark.

"So what are your names by the way?" Asked Chris.

"I'm Rarity." Said the white unicorn.

"I'm Fluttershy." Said the yellow Pegasus.

"I'm Rainbow Dash." Said the rainbow colored Pegasus.

"I'm Applejack." Said the orange farm earth pony.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie. Said the pink earth pony.

"So where do you youngens come from?" Asked Applejack.

"Well to make a long story short we're from Canterlot and the students of princess Luna herself." Said Mark.

"YOU TWO ARE WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Asked Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie together.

"Y....You two are from Canterlot?" Asked Rarity

"And are also being taught under by princess Luna herself?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes that's right." Said Mark.

Just then he felt Chris tug on his horn.

"Um could you girls excuse us for a minute?" Asked Chris as he pulled Mark by his horn away from the main six.

"Uh sure." Said the ponies together.

Once they were out of ear shot from the ponies Chris spoke to Mark.

"What are you doing Mark?" He asked.

"I was trying to make us fit in with them." Said Mark.

"I mean do you know what would happen if they knew the truth about us?" He asked.

Chris thought about it for a moment and he knew that his brother was right.

*Sigh* "Your right Mark." He said.

"Alright now just like we promised ourselves and the promise we made to Luna we don't tell them where we come from." Mark reminded Chris.

"Yes Mark I know what we promised ourselves and to Luna." Said Chris.

"Ok now we got that straightened out let's join the ponies that we enjoy watching on tv for this picnic and sleep over party of theirs." Said Mark.

Chris smiled at his brother and agreed. But he actually wanted to tell the ponies the truth about him and Mark. But he knew about the promise and what if he did tell them the truth about him and Mark? That they where from another Universe and where actually humans and not alicorns then would they have to leave Equestria and go back to their normal and horrible lives with their foster parents? Or to make things worse what if they didn't tell them would they still be their friends if they found out for themselves?

Meanwhile Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie watched Chris and Mark talking to one another.

"Hm I wonder what they are talking about over there?" Asked Applejack.

"They probably are talking about how to destroy us and take over all of Equestria." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Now darling that's not a nice thing to say about those two alicorns." Said Rarity.

"Yeah Dashie they look like nice alicorns to me." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Well you may be right Pinkie. But I still don't trust them." Said Rainbow.

Twilight looked at Rainbow.

"Ok if it will make you feel better Rainbow let them stay with us for our party. Then after that when they are asleep I will go to the library and ask Spike to send a message to princess Celestia about them and see what happens then." Said Twilight.

"Alright that will work for me." Said Rainbow.

"Hey um girls here they come." said Fluttershy.

Sure enough they saw Chris and Mark coming back with smiles on their faces.

"Well what are you girls standing around for?" Asked Mark.

"Yeah let's have this party of yours." Said Chris.

As soon as Chris said that the ponies smiled.

YEAH LET'S PARTY!!!! Said Pinkie Pie excitingly.

"Follow us new friends the picnic stuff is right inside my barn." Said Applejack.

Sweet Apple Acres Barn

Two minutes later

Chris and Mark followed Applejack and the others inside the barn and what they saw made their eyes opened wide as they looked at the great food on the red and white cloth on the ground.

"Wow look at all this great food here Chris!!!!" Said Mark.

"Yeah no kidding it's making my mouth water." Said Chris.

"Why thanks you two I made sure that their was enough food to go around." Said Applejack.

Applejack showed all of the food that she had for the picnic. She had apple pie, apple cider, apple cobbler, some fresh hay, and some good old apples from her apple trees from her apple bucking earlier that day.

"Wow you really out done yourself this time darling!!!!" Said Rarity.

"Um if I may I uh also brought something for the picnic too." Said Fluttershy.

"You did? Well then what did you bring Fluttershy?" Asked Rainbow.

"Um well I brought some salads, some pasta, and some soup." Said Fluttershy as she opened her saddlebags and revealed the food that was in them.

"Oh wow Fluttershy that looks good as well!!!! Said Pinkie Pie.

"Oh um thanks Pinkie." Said Fluttershy.

"Well come on everypony let's eat." Said Twilight.

"Alright I'm starving!!" Said Chris.

*Sigh* "Chris your always hungry." Said Mark putting a hoof on his head.

All of the ponies laughed at what Mark said about his brother.

*Sigh* "Thanks a lot brother." Said Chris with an embarrassing look on his face.

So without another word the ponies with Chris and Mark sat down and began the party.

"Oh man Fluttershy this is the best salad that I ever had!" Said Chris.

"Oh um thanks I'm glad you like it Chris." Said Fluttershy blushing a bit.

"Yeah and Applejack I don't think I had apples as good as this before!" Said Mark.

"Well shoot thanks partner after all our apples are the best in all of Equestria." Said Applejack.

"So Chris and Mark tell us about yourselves like your family." Said Twilight.

Upon hearing what Twilight just said Chris and Mark stopped eating and looked down at the cloth with tears in their eyes.

"Why what is wrong darlings?" Asked Rarity.

"Yeah did I say something wrong?" Asked Twilight.

"Well no but." Said Chris.

"But we don't like to talk about our family very much." Finished Mark.

"Why what happened?" Asked Fluttershy.

Chris took a deep breath and looked at Mark. Mark gave him a slight nod that told him that he should tell the ponies about their parents and about their horrid foster parents.

"Well it's like this." Chris began.

"You see our parents were the greatest in the whole wide world of Equestria. Our father worked on the farm while our mother worked in the house. We were so happy back then until on that one faithful night when our parent were beaten to death."

Upon hearing this the ponies were shocked.

"Oh.....Oh my t.....that's just terrible." Said Fluttershy.

"You poor darlings." Said Rarity.

"We are so sorry that happened to your parents." Said Twilight.

"Well it gets worse." Said Chris.

"How can it get worse then that?" Asked Rainbow.

"Well." Said Chris as he continued with his story about him and Mark.

"After our parents died we were sent to a foster home and I tell ya it wasn't a good place at all.

"Why what did they do to you two?" Asked Pinkie.

"Shhh Pinkie." Said Twilight.

"Please continue Chris." Said Applejack.

"Anyway." Said Chris.

"It started ok for about a week or so and then that's when all the trouble started for us. They started to hit us when we did something wrong, they started to punch us, made us lay on hot coals, and to make matters worse they even tried to drown us in the bath tub one time."

Chris and Mark began to tear up again as the ponies walked over to them and gave them a hug.

"Oh that's just terrible." Said Twilight.

"Yeah how can they get away with something like that?" Asked Applejack.

"We don't know. Said Mark.

"Well don't you worry darlings we are here when ever you want to talk to anyone of us." Said Rarity.

"Thanks Rarity we really appreciate it." Said Mark.

Just then when they were done eating Applejack looked at the clock.

"Oh man look at the time." She said.

"Oh dear it's getting late." Said Rainbow.

"Come on you two I will show you where you can sleep tonight." Said Twilight.

"Thanks Twilight." Said Chris.

Twilight took Chris and Mark up to the guest room that Applejack made for anypony that wanted to spend the night at her place.

"Here we are you two I hope you will be alright in here." Said Twilight.

"Thanks Twilight I'm sure we will be alright in here." Said Mark.

Then Twilight shut the door and started to leave. But before she got to the door she heard Chris right behind her.

"Um Twilight?" He asked.

"Yes what is it Chris?" Asked Twilight.

"Um I just wanted to say thank you for inviting us to this party." He said.

"Oh well your welcome." Said Twilight.

As she was heading off again Chris stopped her.

"Um Twilight." He said putting his hoof on her shoulder.

"Yes Chris?" she said.,

"Would you mind if I asked you something?" He asked.

"No not at all Chris." Said Twilight,

"What is it that you want to ask me?" She asked

"Well would it be ok if, if I could, if I could, well kiss you?" He asked.

At that moment Twilight's face began to turn to a deep shade of red.

"Y....you want to k.....kiss me?" She asked.

"Yes I do Twilight I know it's a bit sudden but I decided that this would be the perfect time to tell you. Ever since I saw you this evening I thought to myself that you were the most wonderful mare I have ever seen." Said Chris.

Twilight's face got even more red when Chris said those words.

"Chris I."

But before Twilight could say anything else Chris pressed his lips to Twilight's. Chris closed his eyes but Twilight's eyes were opened wide. To Chris the kiss seemed to last forever but it lasted only for two seconds. As their lips parted Chris saw the look on Twilight's face.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry Twilight I didn't mean to."

Before Chris could finish Twilight put a hoof over his mouth.

"Chris it is ok." Said Twilight.

And with that Twilight removed her hoof from Chris' lips and returned the kiss. This time it was Chris' eyes that opened wide, and Twilight's eyes that were closed. After they kissed again they smiled at each other.

"Well goodnight Chris." Said Twilight

"Yes g.....goodnight Twilight." Said Chris.

And then when Chris went back up to the guest room Twilight shut the door outside of the house. Then she suddenly remembered what she promised Rainbow dash.

"Oh dear I almost forgot." She said.

But before she ran off to the library she put her hoof on her lips where Chris kissed her.

*Sigh* ("I'm sorry Chris but I must find out if you and your brother are here to hurt us or not. And see if you are really from Equestria or if your from another world I just hope you will forgive me and if I find out that you and your bother were lying to us you will have a lot of explaining to do.") Twilight thought to herself with tears and anger in her eyes.

With that she started to gallop towards the library at full speed to ask Spike to send a letter to princess Celestia and tell her about Chris and Mark.