• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 3,274 Views, 50 Comments

A dream come true - Will Atkinson

Two kids wish on a full moon to be in the world of Equestria then after the wish a visitor comes and takes them to the world of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2

A dream come true
By Will Atkinson

Chapter 2

Sweet Apple Acres farm house
That night

"Well goodnight you two." said Twilight.

"Goodnight Twilight." Said Chris and Mark together.

As Twilight left Mark looked at his brother who was still looking at the door.

"Hey what's up Chris?" He Asked.

"Oh it's nothing Mark." Said Chris turning away from the door.

"Yeah right nothing my hooves." Said Mark.

"I saw the look that you gave Twilight as she left." He smirked

"Oh that, well." Chris didn't know what to say to his brother.

"You should go and tell her how you really feel about her." Mark said to his brother.

"But It's so sudden I mean we just met what do I say and what if she dosen't feel the same way about me as I do about her?" Asked Chris with a nervus look on his face.

"Well if she dosen't then she dosen't." Mark said.

"Now go and tell her before she leaves the house."

Chris smiled and then he went back to the door and opened it, but before he left he turned back to his brother.

"Ok then wish me luck Mark." He said

"Ok good luck bro and go get her tiger." Said Mark.

Chris smiled and left the room. As soon as Chris left the room Mark started to make the beds for him and Chris. Just then he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Said Mark.

The door opened and Mark saw Applejack was standing at the doors entrance.

"Oh hey Applejack." Said Mark.

"Hey Mark. Uh where is Chris?

"Oh he went to talk to Twilight about something." He said.

"Oh, oh ok." said Applejack.

"Why did you want him for something?" Asked Mark.

"No I just came in here to say goodnight to you two." Said Applejake.

"Well actually thats a lie I really came to see you Mark." She said.

"Y...you really came to see me why?" Asked Mark.

"Well it's just, it's just."

Then Applejack came up to Mark and kissed him on the lips. Applejack's eyes closed while Mark's eyes went wide open. As soon as Applejack ended the kiss she turned and started back to her room.

"Well goodnight Mark." Said Applejack with a smile on her face.

As Applejack turned to leave Mark turned her back around and returned the kiss that she gave him. This time Applejack's eyes went wide open while Mark shut his eyes. In four seconds Mark ended the kiss.

"Yes goodnight Applejack." He said with a smile.

Applejack smiled at him and left the room leaving Mark to countinue to get the beds ready for him and his brother. Just then the door opened and Chris walked in.

"Oh hi Chris. Said Mark.

"Hey bro." Said Chris.

"So how did it go with you and Twilight?" Asked Mark.

"Oh well I couldn't tell her at least not yet." Said Chris.

"What how come man?" Asked Mark.

"I just felt like that it wasn't the right time yet but I did kiss her though." Said Chris.

"You kissed her?" Said Mark.

"Yep I sure did." Said Chris.

"Alright bro good for you!" Said Mark.

"Yeah and after I kissed her she kissed me back." Said Chris with a smile on his face.

"Alright and soon maybe you can ask her to be your girlfriend or in this case your marefriend." Said Mark with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah maybe someday." Said Chris blushing a bit.

"But enough about me Mark. What about you and Applejack?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

Mark suddenly went red in the face when he heard what his brother just said.

"W....what do you mean bro?" Asked Mark nervously.

"Well after me and Twilight kissed I came back up here and I saw Applejack come out of our room." Said Chris.

"So come on tell me what happened between the two of you when I was gone?" He asked.

"Uh well we talked and she, she k...kissed me." Mark said.

"She kissed you?" Chris asked.

"Yes she did." Said Mark.

"Thats great it seems you found a special someone or in this case somepony now just like me." Said Chris.

"You really think so Chris? Asked Mark.

"Of course I do man." Said Chris.

"Look you're my brother alright and I'm gonna be honest with you." He Said.

"About what Chris?" Mark asked.

"Well if you like Applejack back then go get her before somebody or somepony else gets her." Chris said.

Mark thought about it for a minute.

"Ok Chris tomorrow night I'll ask Applejack on a date. How is that?"

"Now that's the spirit bro." Said Chris.

"But on one condition." Said Mark.

"Yeah what is it Mark?" Asked Chris.

"You have to ask Twilight on a date tomorrow night as well." Said Mark.

"What, but I thought that this was about you not about me?" Asked Chris.

"Well if I have to go on a date with Applejack you have to go on a date with Twilight." Said Mark.

Chris looked at his brother and knew he was beaten no matter what he said.

*Sigh* "Ok Mark you win." He said.

"Are we going to go on a single date with them or on a double date with them?" He asked

Mark thought about it for a minute and answered.

"I think we ask them out on a double date first and if they say no then we ask them to go on a single date with us." He said.

How does that sound? He asked.

"Good enough Mark." Said Chris.

After that they went to bed and fell fast asleep thinking about the two mares that they loved.


Spike a young purple dragon was asleep until he woke up with the sound of the door slamming open.

"YEAIKS!!!!" He said almost hitting his head on the cieling.

"Spike can you come down here please?" asked the voice.

"Twilight is that you?" Said Spike sleepily.

"Yes it's me ." Said Twilight.

"Do you know how late it is?" He asked coming down the stairs and rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry Spike but we need to send Princess Celestia a letter ASAP." She said.

"Why is there something wrong?" Asked the little dragon.

"Well no it's just that we have new alicorns in town." She explaned.

"What new alicorns?" He said.

"Yes and Rainbow Dash thinks that their trouble." Said Twilight.

"Don't say anymore Twilight I'm on it." Said Spike getting a piece of paper and a pencil.

Dear Princess Celestia.

There are new alicorns here in Ponyville and they claim to be the students of your sister Luna.

Just then Spike droped the pencil after he heard what Twilight just said and he also had a funny look on his face.


"That's what they said Spike." Said Twilight

"Wow they must be royalty if they are students of Princess Luna." Said Spike.

"They are not royalty Spike." Said Twilight.

"Uh how do you know?" He asked.

"They told me when I bumped into them earlier this eveing literally." Said Twilight.

"Hmmm well I can see why Rainbow Dash would have her suspicions." Said Spike.

"Ok now please Sipke pick up the pencil and continue with the letter." Said Twilight.

So Spike picked up the pencil and continued the letter for Celestia.

Rainbow Dash thinks they are trouble so can you come by the library tomorrow so you can see for yourself if they are a threat to us or not? Thanks.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

After the note was done Spike then used his magical flame to send the letter to the princess.

"So what do we do now?" He asked.

"We wait until we hear from the princess." Said Twilight.


Celestia was in her quarters sleeping when she heard a kocking at her door.

*Yawn* "Who is it?" She asked .

"I'm Sorry to wake you your magesty but you have an urgent letter from Twilight." Said one of the royal guards holding the letter in his hooves.

"Thank you." Said Celestia.

The guard bowed low and left the room.

"Hmmm." ("I wonder what Twilight wrote that is so urgent?") Celestia Asked herself.

Just then Princess Luna came in the room.

"Oh hello dear sisster." Said Celestia.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I was down stairs when I heard the guard coming. I ask him what he was doing and he said that Twilight had an urgent letter for you so I thought that I would see what this urgent letter was." Luna explaind.

"Well ok." Said Celestia as she opened up the letter.

After she read the letter Celestia looked at her sister. Luna looked at Celestia with a worried look on her face.

"Oh dear sister what is the meaning of this?" Celestia said with anger in her eyes.

"I...I can explain sister." Luna said.

"Well then explain yourself then." Said Celestia.

"They are not alicorns they are humans." Said Luna.

"So you turned these humans into alicorns?" Celestia asked.

*Sigh* "Yes I did but they wanted to be alicorns and I brought them here for a good reason." Luna said.

"Well then tell me the whole story then dear sister." Celestia said.

"Well ok if I must but I know that Chris and Mark are not gonna like this." Luna said with a worried look on her face.

So Luna told Celestia all about Chris, Mark, their parents, their foster parents, and their attempts of almost committing suicide. After she finished Celestia look at her sister.

"Hmmm I see." She said.

"I'm so sorry dear sister please forgive me." Said Luna with tears in her eyes.

Celestia came up and huged her sister.

"It's ok dear sister I forgive you. She said.

"So what are we going to do now sister?" Luna asked.

"Well I think the day after tomorrow we go to the library and see the ponies and tell them about Chris and Mark." She said.

"But what about Chris and Mark are you gonna take them back to their horried foster parents?" Luna asked.

"No of coruse not Luna but they do have much explaining to do though." Said Celestia.

After that Celestia wrote a letter back to Twilight.

Dear Twilight.

Keep a close eye on the alicorns and me and Luna will have a meeting with you and the other ponies the day after tomorrow. Good luck my fathful student and becareful

Your mentor,

Princess Celestia.

After Celestia wrote the letter she used her magic to telaport it to Twilight and Spike who were waiting for the princess' response.


Spike suddenly coughed up the response letter from the princess and he gave it to Twilight.

"Thanks Spike." She said as she began to read the note.

As soon as she was finished reading the note she looked at Spike.

"Well what did she say Twilight?" He asked.

"She said to keep a close eye on them for now and she with Princess Luna will be here to talk to me and the others the day after tomorrow." Twilight replied.

"Ok then well I'm off to bed." Said Spike with a yawn.

"Yeah me too." Said Twilight.

As they went up stairs and went to bed Spike looked up at Twilight's bed.

"Um Twilight?" He asked.

"Yes Spike?" She asked.

"Do you think that these alicorns are here to hurt us?"

Twilight put a hoove on here lips and remembered the kiss that she and Chris shared earlier that night at the farm house."

"No Spike I don't think they are here to hurt us." She replied.

And with that Twilight and Spike fell fast asleep.

Sweet Apple Acres farm house
The next day

Applejack opened the door to the guest room and saw the two alicorns still asleep.

"Rise and shine you two." She said.

Chris and Mark woke up yawning and rubbing their eyes.

"Who gets up this early?" Asked Chris.

"I'm sorry Chris I thought that you two could help me and Big Mac with the chores outside. She said.

"Um Big Mac?" Mark lied for he knew what she meant..

"My big brother Big Macintosh." Applejack said.

"Ah you didn't tell us you had a brother." Said Chris.

"I also have a little sister her name is Applebloom." Said Applejack.

"We would like to meet them." Said Mark.

"Well they are down stars if you like to meet them." She said.

So without another word Chris and Mark got out of bed and headed down stairs to meet Applebloom and Big Macintosh.

"Hey Big Mac, little sis, here are the two alicorns i told you about." Said Applejack.

The big red stallion came over and looked at the two alicorns and then he raised his hoof in front of them.

"Howdy there you two, my name is Big Macintosh but you can call me Big Mac for short." He said.

Then a little yellow filly came up to them and also raised a hoove to them.

"And my name is Applebloom." She said.

"It's nice to meet you both, my name is Chris and this is my brother Mark." Said Chris.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both as well." Mark said.

Just then an old mare came down the stairs.

"Oh I didn't know we had guest." She said.

"Oh Granny Smith these are my new friends Chris and Mark." Said Applejack.

"Oh wow deary I didn't know you where dating two alicorns at the same time." Said Granny Smith with a smile on her face.

As soon as she said that Applejack, Chris, and Mark blushed bright red.

"Granny Smith!!" Said Applejack.

"Awww I'm just kidding Applejack honey." Said Ganny Smith.

"Well come on everypony Breakfast is ready." Said Big Mac.

"Oh boy!!" Said Applebloom.

"So is it true that you two are from Canterlot and are students of Princess Luna?" Big Mac asked.

"Yep that's right Big Mac." Said Mark.

"And is it true that your parents died by somepony's hoof and you two had to live with bad foster parents and you two almost killed yourselves?" Asked Applebloom.

*Sigh* "I'm afraid so Applebloom." Said Chris.

"Oh you poor dears." Said Granny Smith.

"And if it wasn't for Luna taking us under her wings we mite have killed ourselfs." Said Mark.

"Well thank Celestia for Luna." Said Applejack.

Just then Chris got up from the table and started to leave.

"Hay Chris where are you going?" Applejack asked.

"Oh I'm just going to see Twilight." He said.

"Do you need any help to find her place? Asked Applebloom.

"No I think I can find it myself." Chris said.

"Ok becareful you hear." Said Big Mac.

"You got it Big Mac." Said Chris as he left for Twilight's tree house.

After he left Applejack turned to Mark.

"So Mark would you like to help us with the farm work?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes of coures I will." He said with a smile on his face.

"Ok then follow us Mark." Said Big Mac.

So Big Mac took Mark to the apple trees where there where still apples on them.

"Here Mark you can help my sister to buck the rest of the apples out of these apple trees." Said Big Mac.

"Ok no problem Big Mac I can do this." He said.

Then as Big Mac left Applejack looked at Mark.

"Well come on Mark let's get started. She said.

"Um before we do can I ask you something Applejack?" He asked.

"Uh yeah sure Mark." Said Applejack.

"What is it?"

"Well would you mind if you be so kind to go on a date with me tonight?" Mark asked.

As soon as he said that Applejack went into a deep shade of red.

"Uh on a date with you Mark?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes well a double date with me, Chris and Twilight." Mark asked.

"So that's why Chris went to see Twilight, to see if she would come on a date with him so we could go out together." Applejack said.

"Yep that's it." Said Mark.

"So how about it, would you like to?" He asked.

Applejack looked at Mark and smiled.

"Yes Mark I would love to go on a date with you." She said.

"Yes wahoo!” Said Mark.

"Haha ok Mark now let's go and get this work done or no date." Said Applejack with a teasing grin.

"Ok Applejack let's get to Apple buking." Said Mark.


Twilight and Spike just finished their breakfast when they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it Spike." Said Twilight.

"Ok then i'll just clean up here." He said.

Twilight approached the door and opened it and there was Chris standing in front of her.

"Oh it's you Chris." She said.

"Um Twilight are you busy tonght?" He asked.

"No why?" She asked.

"Well I was wondering if you and I could go on a date?" Chris said nervously.

Just then Twilight's face went into a deep shade of red. But before she could anwser Spike interrupted.

"Hey Twilight who is at the door?" He asked.

"It's that alicorn I told you about." Said Twilight.

As Chris looked a purple dragon came into view.

"Hi there you must be Chris, my name is Spike." He said.

"It's nice to meet you Spike." Chris said.

"Hey uh Spike?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes Twilight?" Asked Spike.

"Do you have something to do today?" She asked.

"Oh yeah I'm suppose to help Rarity today, thanks Twilight." Spike said.

And just like that Spike dashed off as fast as you could say sweet Celestia.

"So um where were we?" Twilight asked.

"You were about to answer my question if you want to go on a date with me or not." Said Chris.

"Oh right well ok a date sounds like fun." Said Twilight.

"Yes Wahoo!” Said Chris happily.

"Oh I almost forgot." Said Chris.

"What is it Chris?" Asked Twilight.

"Uh well would you mind if it was a double date?" He Asked.

"No not at all." Said Twilight.

"Who are the other two ponies that are coming with us?" She asked.

"Uh Mark and Applejack. He said.

"Mark And Applejack?" She asked.

"Yeah Mark probably already asked Applejack out." He said.

"But what if she said no?" Twilight asked.

"Well then I guess it will be just you and me." Chris said.

"Well ok." She said.

"What time are we going?" Twilight asked.

"How does ten sound?" Chris said.

Twilight looked at him as her face turned as red as an apple.

"It's a date Chris Thunder.

Chris then said goodbye to Twilight and turned to go back to the farm to help out Applejack and Mark.


Twilight was waiting for Chris, Mark and Applejack to come so they could go on their double date.

"Twilight would you stop pacing back and forth like that your making me dizzy." Spike said as his eyes were spinning around.

"I'm sorry Spike I have not been on a date before." Said Twilight.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Twilight?" He asked.

"A good idea of what?" Twilight asked.

"Well going on a date with that alicorn." Spike said.

"Why your not jealous are you Spike?" Asked Twilight with a smirk on her face.

"What? No way." He said.

"Hahaha I'm just kidding Spike!!" Twilight laughed.

Spike growled at Twilight.

"That was not funny Twi." He said.

Then Twilight heard a knock at the door. As she opened it there were Chris, Mark, and Applejack.

"Hey there surgarcube." Said Applejack.

"Are you ready to go?" Asked Chris.

Twilight looked at Chris and smiled.

"Yes I'm ready." She said.

As they were walking Twilight spoke up.

"So where are we going on our date?" She asked.

"Oh we are going to that new bar that just opened yesterday." Said Chris.

"And what bar is that?" She asked.

"It's called the PONYVILLE Five Star Bar." Said Applejack.

"Ah I've heard of that place it's suppose to be the best." Said Twilight.

It wasn't long until they reached the bar. It was a red and blue building with gold letters on it.

"Well here we are." Said Chris.

As Chris and Mark opend the doors for their dates Applejack, and Twilight were impressed.

"Why thank you, you two sure know how to treat mares." Said Applejack.

"I have to agree with Applejack." Said Twilight.

"Why thanks girls." Said Mark.

As they made there way to the foot of the bar a mare greated them.

"Hi my name is Raindrops." She said.

"Can I help you four with anything?"

"Um I would like an apple cocktail." Said Applejack.

"Make that two." Said Twilight.

Then Raindrops looked at Chris and Mark.

"And what would you two like to have?" She asked.

Chris and Mark looked at the menu on top of the bar.

"Uh well I guess we will have two sodas." Said Chris.

"Ok coming right up." Raindrops said.

Applejack and Twilight looked at Chris and Mark with a weird look on there faces.

"Sodas?" They Asked together.

"Yeah we're not big fans on drinking alcohol." Said Mark.

"That's not a problem is it girls?" Asked Chris.

"Oh no not at all we understand." They said together.

Then Raindrops came by with their drinks.

"Ok here you four go, two apple cocktails, and two sodas." She said.

"Thank you very much." Said Mark.

"Yes thank you." Said Chris.

As they where drinking their drinks they listen to the music that was playing it was nice, loud and very catchy then a few minutes later a slow song started to play. Just then Chris saw Twilight close her eyes listening to the sweet soft song.

"Oh I love this song." She said.

After she said that Chris got done with his drink, then he got up, and looked at Twilight.

"Say Twilight what would you say if I ask you to dance with me?" He asked.

Twilight smiled at him.

"I'd say promise not to step on my back hooves and you got a deal."

"Ok deal." Said Chris as he took Twilight by her hoof and they stared to walk towards the dance floor.

Mark and Applejack looked at Chris and Twilight dancing on the dance floor. As Mark finished up his drink he got up and looked at Applejack.

"Would you like to dance too Applejack?" He asked.

"Sure Mark I would love to." She said.

The two couples were having a great time dancing when suddenly two stallions came into the bar. One was all black with a red mane. As for the other stallion he was green with a blue mane. They looked around the bar and suddenly noticed Applejack and Twilight dancing with Chris and Mark.

"Well, well, well Pete look at those mares." Said the black stallion.

"Yeah Rollin what about them." Said Pete.

"Let's take them out of those alicorns hooves and show them a real good time." Said Rollin.

"Yeah let's do it Rollin." Said Pete with an evil smirk on his face.

Pete and Rollin came up to Chris, Mark, Applejack, and Twilight.

"Excuse me you four." Said Rollin.

Chris, Mark, Twilight, and Applejack stoped dacing and turn to face the two stallions.

"Oh hello there." Said Mark.

"I'm sorry we'ev startled you four." Said Pete.

"Oh no it's alright." Said Chris.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves, my name is Pete and this is my brother Rollin." He said.

And who are you four young ponies?" Asked Rollin.

"Oh yes, well my name is Mark and this is my brother Chris."

"And these are our dates Applejack and Twilight." Said Chris.

"Well it's nice to meet you four." Said Pete.

"Yeah hey can we ask you marefriends to dance with us? Rollin asked looking at Applejack, and Twilight.

When Rollin said this Chris and Mark stepped in front of Twilight and Applejack.

"I'm sorry you two but we already told you that they are with us so no." Said Mark.

"Oh we're not asking them to dance with us." Said Pete.

"Yeah we're telling them to dance with us so you two get out of the way." Said Rollin looking at Chris and Mark.

With that they pushed Chris and Mark away And looked at the two mares face to face.

"Now how about it girls would you like to dance with us? Asked Pete.

Applejack and Twilight both glared at Pete and Rollin.

"Now look here you two our dates already told you that we are with them so sorry but no." Said Applejack.

"That's right so if you excuse us we have our real dates to dance with." Said Twilight as she and Applejack started to walk past Pete and Rollin.

Then suddenly Pete grabbed Applejack by the hoof while Rollin grabbed Twilight's hoof.

"You're gonna dance with us even if you want to or not." Said Rollin.

"Yeah and after that you Two are coming to our place for some real fun." Said Pete with a evil grin on his face.

"Hay back off of them!" Said Chris as he and Mark pulled them off of the two mares.

"Well look what we got here bro." Said Pete.

"Yeah Pete it looks like we got ourselves a couple of knights in shining armors here." Said Rollin.

All of the ponies that were dancing stopped and were watching the argument going on between Mark, Chris, Pete, and Rollin.

"We are not gonna ask you two again leave us and our dates alone or else." Said Mark.

"Or else what huh?" Said Pete.

"Or else we will show you why they call us the Thunder brothers." Said Chris.

"Oh we are so scared." Said Pete.

"Bring it on then you two we're right here." Said Rollin.

Just then a stallion with a security jacket on stepped in between Chris, Mark, Pete, and Rollin.

"Alright that is enough you two. You leave these two alicorns and their dates alone and get out of here before I call the police and have you two arrested!!" He said to Rollin and Pete.

Pete and Rollin started to back away and headed towards the door.

"Fine we'll leave but we will be back to see you four again." Said Rollin with a smirk on his face.

Twilight and Applejack held on to Mark and Chris until they left. After the incident the party continued in the bar.

"Aw man that was scary." Said Twilight.

"Yeah it was but it's over now surgarcube." said Applejack.

"Come on girls we better get you two home before something else happens." Said Mark.

"Thats a good idea Mark." Said Chris.

So they put a few bits onto the table of the bar and headed out.

*Sigh* "We're so sorry that our first date didn't go very well for you girls." Said Mark.

"It wasn't your fault Mark." Said Applejack.

"Yeah I mean how would you two know that those two idiots would come into the bar and try to hit on us?" Twilight asked.

"Oh so we are idiots now are we." Said a voice from behind them.

Twilight, Chris, Mark, and Applejack turned around and saw Pete and Rollin standing there right behind them.

"Oh not you clowns again." Said Chris.

"Yeah haven't you two ruind our night already?" Asked Twilight.

"HA you four thought it was over?" Asked Rollin.

"Yeah right." Said Pete.

"Alright I had enough of you two come on Chris let's show these two that you can't mess with the Thunder brothers." Said Mark.

"Yeah Let's do this." Said Chris.

Then they turned to Applejack and Twilight.

"You girls better hang on to something." They said together.

"Uh right." Said Applejack and Twilight together.

"Oh we're so scared." Said Rollin.

"Hm you two should be." Said Chris and Mark together.

"What?" Said Pete and Rollin together.

Just then Chris and Mark put their front hooves up and then put them on the ground with all their mite. Suddenly the whole ground started to shake.

"Hey what is this?" Asked Pete.

"Hey you two stop that." Said Rollin

But Chris and Mark continued to stomp their hooves on the ground as hard as they could.

"Whoa!!!" Said Applejack.

"I guess this is why they call themselves the Thunder brothers?!"

"Yeah you ain't kidding Applejack!!!!" Said Twilight.

Chris and Mark never stopped they just continued to stomp their hooves on the ground.

"Come on Pete let's get out of here." Said Rollin

"Alight you two you can keep your girlfriends but mark my words you two we will be back one day." Said Pete.

And so Pete and Rollin left stumbling on each other as the left. Chris and Mark never stopped until they were out of sight.

"Oh yeah we sure showed them didn't we Mark!!" Said Chris.

"Your darn right Chris that will show them not to mess with the Thunder brothers and our girls." Said Mark.

Just then Applejack and Twilight came right next to their dates.

"Wow that was amazing you two!!" Said twilight.

"Your darn tooten it was surgarcub." Said Applejack.

Chris and Mark both blushed bright red.

"Aw shucks it was nothing really." Said Chris.

"Yeah you mess with our dates you mess with us." Said Mark.

Then they all laughed and then Chris and Mark looked at their dates.

"Come on girls we'll take you home." They said together.

When they arrived to Twilight's tree house Chris kissed her.

"Well goodnight Twilight." Said Chris.

"Goodnight Chris." Said Twilight.

And with that Chris set off back with AppleJack and Mark to the farm. As they were out of sight Twilight sighed and opened the door. As she closed the door She heard a vioce Behind her.

"So how was your date with Chris?"

"Yikes!!!!" Twilight said as she turned around and saw Spike standing there right in front of her.

"Jeez Spike don't scare me like that." She said.

"Sorry Twilight." He said.

"Now as I was saying, how was your date with Chris?"

"Oh It was great except two stallions were trying to hit on me and Applejack." She said.

Spike looked at her.

"Well tell me what happend next?" He asked.

"Well Chris and Mark pounded their hooves on the ground and made the whole ground shake like an earthquake." Said Twilight.

"Oh man I bet that made them run away in fear." Said Spike.

"Yeah it did." Said Twilight chuckling a little.

"Well it's time that we get to bed Spike for we have a big day tomorrow." Said Twilight.

"Oh yeah the princesses are coming." Said Spike.

So without another word Spike and Twilight went up to bed.

"Well goodnight Twilight." Said Spike.

"Yeah goodnight Spike." She said.

But deep inside she wished that tomorrow didn't come. Twilight put a hoof on her lips again and sighed.

*Sigh* "I'm so sorry Chris, I'm so very, very sorry." She whispered as she drifted off to a dreamless sleep hoping that everything will be alright and nothing bad would happen to Mark and the alicorn she loved so much.