• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 3,274 Views, 50 Comments

A dream come true - Will Atkinson

Two kids wish on a full moon to be in the world of Equestria then after the wish a visitor comes and takes them to the world of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 5

A dream come true
By Will Atkinson

Chapter 5

"Celestia's daughter?" Asked Carrot Top, Applejack, Chris, and Mark together.

The ponies couldn't believe it, that this alicorn was Princess Celestia's daughter. Starlight then turned back at the four ponies.

"It's true my little ponies." She said, "I am Celestia's daughter."

"But, but Celestia never told us that she had a daughter." Said Applejack.

Starlight looked at the farm pony, her eye's filled up with tears.

"Well that's because she thinks that I am dead and if she said anything to you ponies she would be in bad shape." She said.

Mark looked at the princess in disbelief.

"Why, why would Celestia think that you are dead princess?" He asked.

Starlight looked at Mark then she turned around and looked straight at Chrysalis and said to Mark.

"It was her and her changelings that made my mother think that I was dead and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

"So then when did this happen anyway Starlight?" Asked Chris.

Starlight sighed and then she looked at the alicorn.

"It was on the day after my mother banished my aunt Luna to the moon." She said sadly.

Starlight Castle
The day after Luna's banishment to the moon.

"Your majesty?" Asked one of the Starlight guards.

Starlight was looking at a picture of her, her mother Celestia, and her aunt Luna, with tears in her eyes she looked up at her royal guard and said.

"Y....yes what is it?"

"Um there is a visitor here that wants to see you princess." Said the guard.

"O....ok." She said wipping away a tear from her eye.

The guard moved to the side of the door to reveal a strange pony with green eyes, green mane, and black fur with the way she looked she didn't even looked like a pony.

"Oh hello there." Said Starlight

"What's your name?"

The pony looked at the princess as she bowed low to her she replied.

"My name is Chrysalis your highness and I must say I'm very pleased to meet you."

"I see, and what do you want here Chrysalis?" Starlight asked.

"Oh nothing much. All I want is to take over this castle as my own. It's perfect for me and my subjects." Chrysalis said with an evil smile on her face.

Hearing this Starlight got out of her throne.

"You shall not take over this castle Chrysalis." She said.

"Oh yeah? Well princess, what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do about it." Starlight said.

"Guards cease this despicable creature.

But the guards never took a single step towards Chrysalis, instead they turned around and grabbed her instead.

"Hay what is this? You dare betray your princess?" Starlight asked her guards.

Chrysalis laughed and then said.

"Those aren't your guards, they're my guards."

As Starlight watched the guards transformed into the same kind of creatures as Chrysalis was.

"What, what are you ponies?" Asked Starlight.

"Well you see princess me and my subjects aren't ponies at all, we are changelings." Explained Chrysalis.

Suddenly Starlight's eyes opened wide.

"Wait a minute now I know who you are." Said Starlight.

"Your the Queen of these changeling things, but that's not all I know that you guys take the form of somepony and make some other pony fall in love with you and then you feed off of their love."

After Starlight finished Chrysalis laughed.

"HAHAHA so now you know me, well good for you." She said.

Starlight tried her best to get free but the changelings where too strong.

"I don't care what happens to me Chrysalis but you are not going to take over this castle."

Chrysalis walked towards Strarlight and left her head up with her hoof.

"Oh my dear precious Starlight I will take over this castle but first I think you will look much better as a statue for my new castle."

With that chrysalis kissed Starlight then with her magic she turned her into a stone statue.

"Ah good now the castle is ours, all ours." Chrysalis said to her changelings.

"But your highness you know that is Princess Celestia's daughter right?" One of the changelings asked.

"Yea so."

"So what if she comes here looking for her?"

Chrysalis chuckled.

"Oh don't worry I know just what to do."

"Really? And what is that your majesty?" Asked the captain of the changeling's.

"You will go disguised as a Starlight guard and tell the princess that the castle was under attack and also tell her that Princess Starlight was killed."

The captain nodded, then he transformed into a Starlight guard, and finally he set off to Princess Celestia's castle to tell Celestia that her daughter had died during an attack on Starlight Castle.

Princess Celestia's Castle
Two hours later.

Celestia was just finishing up cleaning the library until she heard a knock at the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" She asked.

Just then the door opened and there to Celestia it was the captain of Starlight Castle. But in reality it was the captain of the changeling's disguised as the captain of Starlight Castle.

"Oh captain it's nice to see you here on this fine day."

"Yes it's nice to see you too Celestia." The fake captain said.

Celestia looked at the fake captain's face and saw that he was sad.

"Captain what's worng?"

The fake captain looked up at Celestia and said.

"It's your daughter Starlight your highness."

As soon as he said that Celestia's ears perked up, and she had the look of fear in her eyes.

"What? What happend to her? Please tell me.

The fake captain cleared his throat and then he began his lie.

"Well you see princess we where attacked by some kind of monster, Starlight tried to stop it but it was too strong, and well I'm afraid that she's gone your highness."

As Celestia heard this she fell to her knees and began to cry.

"No I can't believe it my poor daughter. Why does this keep happening to me? First my sister Luna and now my daughter Starlight."

"I am sorry your highness I'll be leaving now." The fake captain said as he turned around and left the throne room leaving the princess alone still crying believing her daughter was dead.

Starlight Castle
Two hours later

Chrysalis was on Starlight's throne until she heard a knock at the door.

"Yes? come in." She said.
The door opened up and there stood the captain of the changeling's.

"Your highness mission complete." He said.

"Excellent now Starlight Castle is mine, all mine HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Starlight Castle
Present time

As Starlight finished her story Chris glared at Chrysalis with fire in his eyes.

"You, you are more then just a wicked old witch, your a heartless wicked old witch."

"How dare you call me a heartless wicked old witch." She snapped.

"You don't know how much I wanted friends, and after I tried and tried to be friends with somepony when I was just a little changeling no pony would except my friendship." She said with tears in her eyes.

When Chris saw the tears in Chrysalis' eyes he started to think back to when he and his brother were all alone before coming to Equestria.

("Oh man poor Chrysalis, I must do something to make her happy, and I think I know just how to do it.") He said to himself.

Then he started to walk towards Chrysalis.

"Hey Chris what are you doing?" Mark asked.

Chris didn't say anything he just kept on walking towards Chrysalis.

"Hey what are you doing?" Chrysalis asked backing away a little.

"I understand how you feel Chrysalis and I can help you to relieve you of the pain of not having friends if you let me."

Chrysalis eyes opened wide then she glared at Chris.


"Because me and my brother had the same problem before we came here. So Chrysalis please let me help you." Chris said as he continued to walk towards Chrysalis.

Chrysalis kept on moving back with tears streaming down her face.

"Please stop looking at me with those eyes and please don't come any closer to me." She pleaded.

Chris stopped right in front of Chrysalis and then he placed his hoof on her shoulder. Chrysalis looked into the eyes of Chris and saw that his eyes were filled with sorrow and sadness.

"Why are you looking at me like that young one?" She asked.

"Because I can make you better and we can be friends if you let me help you."

"What do you mean you can make me better and we can be friends?"

"Like this." Chris said.

As Mark, Applejack, and Carrot Top watched Chris' horn started to glow.




Chris just turned to face them and just smiled at them.

"Don't worry you guys I'll be fine." He said.

After that Chris turned to Chrysalis and continued with his magic. As the ponies watched they saw that Chrysalis was changing.

("What's, what's happening to me? I feel so, I feel so warm inside, different and calm.) Chrysalis said to herself.

Suddenly a big burst of light shot forth from Chris's horn and blinded the ponies.

"Oh man where did Chris get this kind of power?" Asked Mark.

"I don't know, but I would like to know what he's doing to Chrysalis." Applejack said.

In no time at all the light from Chris' horn deemed revealing him and Chrysalis. All though to the ponies it didn't look like Chrysalis.

"Hey what happened to Chrysalis?" Carrot Top asked.

What the ponies saw was that Chrysalis was different, instead of black fur she now had gold fur, her wings were now white instead of green, and her eyes were blue instead of green, Chrysalis' horn though still stayed the same.

"There you go Chrysalis now you're more like us now." Chris said.

Chrysalis went to the mirror. As she looked at herself in the mirror she smiled.

"So how do you feel Chrysalis?" Chris asked.

"For the very first time in my life I feel so, so, so happy and alive." She said.

Chrysalis turned to Chris and hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you so much for everything my friend."

Chris looked at Chrysalis smiled at her.

"Yes my friend."

As they parted Chrysalis started towards Twilight's motionless body but then Applejack stopped her.

"That's far enough Chrysalis I will not let you go anywhere near Twi-."

"Applejack." Chris interrupted, "Please let her go."


When Mark heard what his brother just said he was shocked.

"Brother what, what are you saying?"

"Just trust me ok please guys."

Applejack looked at Chris then looked back at Chrysalis.

*Sigh* "Ok Chris I trust you but if Chrysalis tries to do anything to Twilight I'll buck her so hard that she will never get up again.

As Applejack moved aside Chrysalis started to walk towards Twilight again. When Chrysalis got to the motionless Twilight she kneeled down and whispered into her ear.

"Twilight Sparkle please forgive me for all the wrong doings I've done to you and your brother Shining Armor and I will love it if you except me as a friend instead of an enemy someday."

Then she kissed Twilight on the cheek and got up and turned to Chris.

"You better get her to the hospital right away she's running out of time."

Then she turned and walked away out of the castle. As Chrysalis left Mark turned to his brother.

"Chris? If what she said was true we should get going and take Twilight to Ponyville Urgent Care right now."

"Your right bro come on let's get going."

Starlight looked at the two alicorns.

"I can take you there come on every pony let's get Twilight to the Urgent Care Center before it's too late."

As the four ponies picked up Twilight's body and placed her on to Starlight's back she closed her eyes and teleported all of them to Ponyville Urgent Care.

Outside of Ponyville Urgent Care.
2 minutes later.

Starlight, Carrot Top, Applejack, Chris, and Mark made it to Ponyville Urgent Care just as soon as Twilight's breathing started to soften even more.

"Applejack go get Celestia and the others and tell them what happen and we will take care of Twilight." Said Chris.

"Ok Surgarcube I'm on it."

And Applejack set off to the Ponyville library.

"Ok let's hurry Twilight's running out of time." Said Starlight.

Nurse Redheart was cleaning her office when she heard the door burst open and somepony crying.

"Please somepony, anypony please help."

The voice was unfamiliar to her but it didn't matter to her somepony was in trouble. So she ran to the entrance to the Care Center screaming.


Doctor Redhorn was finishing up some paper work but when he heard Nurse Redheart scream he immediately rushed out of his office with two orderlies right behind him with a gurney. As they got to the entrance of the Care Center they saw three alicorns, one earth pony and finally one severely injured unicorn, Nurse Redheart knew who the unicorn was.

"Oh my dear Celestia TWILIGHT!!!!" She screamed.

Then a second later the two orderlies along with Doctor Redhorn came out with the gurney and saw the seriousness of the situation. .

"Oh my quick put this unicorn on the gurney now." He said.

Starlight put the severely injured Twilight on the gurney and then the two orderlies quickly rushed her to the O.R. with Doctor Redhorn right behind them. As soon as they left Redheart looked at the ponies with a look of concern on their faces.

"Now don't you ponies worry, we have the best surgeons here so Twilight will be just fine. She comforted them

Then Chris came up to Redheart and said to her.

"Um excuse me ma'am my name is Chris Thunder and Twilight is my marefriend and I was wondering if I can go to the O.R. with her.

Redheart looked at Chris with a sad look on her face.

"I'm very sorry but you can't go to see her while they're working on her."

Then Redheart noticed tears streaming down Chris' face.

"Hey it's ok as soon as the doctor says it's ok then you can go in and see her ok?"

"Ok." He said with a little smile on his face.

Then suddenly they heard Doctor Redhorn on the intercom.


After hearing the call Redhorn quickly got the crash cart and hurried to the O.R. Chris just stood there with his eyes wide open.

"Oh no TWILIGHT!!" He screamed.

Mark came up to his brother and hugged him.

"Don't worry bro she will be ok."


"Chris please calm down." Said Starlight.

Chris glared at Starlight.


Just then Carrot Top came up to Chris and slapped him.

"Now that is enough Chris, you should have faith in her, but instead you are just gonna give up on her just like that?"

Chris rubbed his cheek then he looked at Carrot Top.

"Oh you're right Carrot Top I don't know what came over me but I just don't want to loose her like I lost my parents."

Then Chris started to cry.

"I can't, I just can't, I can't loose her not like this.

Then he felt Mark, Carrot Top, and Princess Starlight embrace him in a hug. Just then they heard the door open and as they turned around they saw Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

"How's Twi? Is she alright?" Asked Applejack.

"We, we don't know Nurse Redheart went with a crash cart when code blue was given and that was five minutes ago." Said Mark.

After hearing that the five ponies and the two alicorns eyes opened wide. Just as Celestia was about to speak Nurse Redheart and Doctor Redhorn came out of the emergency room. There was along silence until Celestia broke the silence.

"How, how is she?"

Redhorn took a deep breath and said.

"Twilight is in stable condition right now princess but I got to say it was a close call for her."

O.R. room seven
Ten minutes ago.

Doctor Redhorn and the two orderlies rushed though the O.R. and stopped at room seven.

"Ok what have we got here?" Doctor Redhorn asked.

"Unicorns name is Twilight Sparkle and she is the student of Princess Celestia." Said one of the two orderlies.

"Ok then lets get her wired up." Redhorn said.

The two orderlies quickly got the heart monitor wires attached to her chest, and got the wires on her forehead to a brainwave monitor, and got an oxygen mask over her muzzle. Turning the monitors on, Redhorn's eyes filled with determination.

"Oh man her blood pressure and her heart rate is dangerously low we need to get some fluids into her right now." He said.

But just before they could get some fluids into Twilight, she started to seize.

"Oh no she's having a seizure, we need the crash cart."

Doctor Redhorn then turned and went to the intercom.


Then he turned back to the orderlies.

"Come on we've got to try to stable her."

Just then Nurse Redheart came in with the crash cart, just as the heart monitor went flatline.

"Flatline, we're loosing her Doctor Redhorn." Said one of the two orderlies.

"No we're not, PADDLES NOW NURSE REDHEART!!!!" Redhorn screamed.

Nurse Redheart took the paddles and prepped them to try to restart Twilight's heart.

"Paddles charged at 1,000 Doctor."

"Ok ready? And hit her."

"CLEAR!!" Shouted Redheart.

The electric current passed through the defibrillator into Twilight, and her body jolted, and the heart rate hiccupped, only to flatline again.

“Again Nurse Redheart."

"Ok charging to 2,000 and CLEAR!!!!"

Again the same result.

"Nurse Redheart increased the output to 3,000." Said Doctor Redhorn.

"Paddles charged at 3,000 Doctor." She said.

"Ok and hit her."


Twilight's body jolted with another shock. Another hiccup, another flatline tone.

"Redheart charge the paddles to 4,000."

Then Redhorn turned to one of the two orderlies.

"And you prep the Intracardiac now."

"Paddles ready doctor." She said.

"Ok and, hit her."


Again nothing.

"Damn it. Intracardiac NOW!!!!

As one of the orderlies came with the last resort drug to try to restart Twilight's heart Nurse Redheart stopped him.


Sure enough the heart rate monitor's steady flat tone gave way to a slowly increasing beeping pattern. Doctor Redhorn gave out an exasperated sigh of relief.

“Brain waves are steady. She's stable.” Redheart said eyes studying the monitors.

"Yes but she has lost so much blood that she will need a blood transfusion as soon as possible or she won't make it through a second time." Doctor Redhorn said with a worry look on his face.

Then Doctor Redhorn came right up to Twilight's body with a needle in his left hoof.

"Let's just hope she doesn't have a supper rare blood type." He said as he took a blood sample from Twilight.