• Published 10th Mar 2013
  • 635 Views, 22 Comments

Cobalt and Emerald - Cerulean Swirl

Two ponies fall in love.....in the place you'd least expect.

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Chapter Two: Emerald Blast and Cobalt Star

I tore my eyes away from the camera as the camerapony wrapped up the photoshoot. Photo Finish was supervising the entire thing, and she couldn’t go five minutes without saying things about the ‘Magics.’ The magazine ponies were going to publish an entire magazine of me, and the deadline for their pictures was in a week!

Everypony was crabby. Even me! Ever since the magazine ponies had told me about their Emerald Blast Diamond Gala magazine special, I hadn’t had a single moment alone. I still had to choose my gems and tux for the Gala and of course, my mother insisted I choose a mare to take too. I wasn’t interested in any mares. I don’t even have one in my life. According to what all those magazines say, I’m a stallion who prefers some major parties and mares.

Those magazines are absolutely right. I don’t know where I’d be without my publicity. I don’t know what I was rambling on about. I guess all these photoshoots are going to my head. We’ve been shooting in Ponyville, and there’s mares everywhere. It’s like a mare fest or something. I couldn’t wait for some time alone from the shoots, so I can go and pick up a date. Plus, Mother says there’s a gem shop near the Golden Horseshoe. That’s the super ritzy hotel that we’re staying in while we’re here in Ponyville.

FINALLY Photo Finish said we were done for the day, and I couldn’t be more excited. I ran off toward the Golden Horseshoe, in search of that gem shop. Everywhere I looked I saw possible dates for the Gala. Spotting a directory, I saw a boutique that made mares dresses, but I figured that whoever owned the boutique could definitely make an exception for me and make me a decent tuxedo. I could rent it too, if I wanted. I spotted the gem shop and trotted over to it. It was a pretty building, with glass windows and a huge store window that said: Ponyville Gem Shoppe on it. In the store window I could see a large pink pillow with numerous gems on it. The awning of the roof was clear blue, like a crystal, and it sparkled in the sunlight. Besides the store window, an old fashioned sign hung just above the doorway bearing the same title as the window. I took a deep breath, put on my best camera smile, and went inside.

There were gems everywhere on glass shelves and they all preened at the sight of me, encouraging me to stop and stare at their beauty. They each had their own tiny glass case with a tiny purple pillow. In the middle of the shop I saw the Equestria Crystal, and I did stop and stare at the sight of that one. There were simply no words to describe it. Towards the back of the store, there was a large glass case with a counter on top of it, and inside the case there were smaller cases, which inside held tiny purple pillows with gems on them.

There was only one pony in the shop with me. A mare. And she was gorgeous. She had a coat of beautiful cobalt and her mane was midnight blue and white and was naturally curly. I couldn’t see her tail, but her mane was tied up in a ponytail, but loose strands were surrounding her face. Her cutie mark showed four precious gems with a violet ribbon under them.

When she spotted me in the store, her sapphire eyes widened behind her violet glasses and she quickly put what she was reading away and began twiddling her hooves nervously under the table. When you have glass counters, you can look through them pretty easily.

“Hey.” I said, and gave my best movie star smile. Bright red hues lit her face.

“Hi.” she said, softly, shyly. “What can I help you with?”

“I’m looking for some….” I gave a slight pause, “Gems for the Diamond Gala.” I said, inspecting my hooves as if I had gone for a hooficure, which I would never do.

“You…you like…..emeralds?” she said, carefully, and blew a bit of her gorgeous mane out of her eyes.

“I do, but….I was looking for something different this time.” I said, leaning on the counter.

“Er….” she said, adjusting her violet glasses.
“What else would you like?”

“What do you suggest?” I asked, looking straight into her sapphire eyes.

“Well, I……um….you see…..I….uh…” she stammered nervously.

I did have that effect on ponies. Speechless, Mother calls it.

“I don’t really have anything interesting in.” she said, finally.

“Oh?” I said, eying her suspiciously.
“You see, I had a lot of sales yesterday, and um….well….I’m sort of picked over.” she finished, sighing uncomfortably.

“I see…..Well I guess I’ll just have to come back tomorrow, I said, tauntingly, turning to leave.

“Uh….um….if you’re sure….” she mumbled, carefully.

Outside I flew into the air happily. Look at me! I thought. I had just found the one I wanted to take to the Gala! That mare was stunning! I had seen pretty mares before, but none that caught my eye like her. Wait till my mother heard! It would be all over the papers and magazines! I can see the headline: Emerald Blast Accompanied to Gala by Mystery Mare!!

My career would skyrocket! I was suddenly thinking that today wasn’t just a huge waste of time. Wow! I was really making progress!!

I flew back to the Golden Horseshoe and stuffed the key into my suite’s lock. I flopped onto my bed, wondering just how I would win that mystery mare’s heart, if I could.


The next morning I was up early, and I thanked Celestia that I had no shoots today. The magazine ponies were writing the magazine by now. Anyway, Photo Finish had some unfinished business in Canterlot she had to attend to, so everypony wasn’t free to take pictures of me. I knew for a fact my mother would sleep in, as she always does, and I would have some time alone from her for a while.

I flew as fast as my wings would take me to the Ponyville Gem Shoppe, where the windows were dark. No one was there yet. I decided to walk around Ponyville until the shop opened.

Ponyville was so pretty in the mornings. But not nearly as pretty as Los Hooves, the city where I lived. I was always a morning pony. I was admiring the scenery when I bumped into somepony. She was a mare, sky blue with a flowing rainbow colored mane. She gave me a dirty look.

“Hey, watch it, buddy!” she said, angrily. “I’m flying here!” Then she recognized me.

“Oh, you’re that celebrity stallion. Emerald Something-or-other.” she said, flicking her tail.

“That I am.” I said, eying her. She was sort of pretty, but not as pretty as the mare in the gem shop.

“Where are you going in such a rush?” she asked.
“To the Gem Shoppe.” I replied. “Why are you out?”

“I’m clearing clouds. Weather’s been kinda cloudy lately…and Ponyville could use a nice sunny day.” she replied.

“Yesterday was pretty nice.” I commented. “Of course, I had so many important shoots to go to…”
“Yeah…Well, see ya.” she said, and flew off.

I stayed out a little longer and watched the blue pegasus clear clouds. I wondered what her day was like. It was nothing compared to MY schedule. Clearing clouds? I don’t have time for that. I have better things to do with my time. I am beginning to sound like my mother.

The morning wore on. Ponies were setting up carts and things selling stuff and a few ponies were beginning to occupy the sidewalks. I figured I should head back to the Gem Shoppe right about now. I flew all the way there, only thinking about getting my jewels and seeing the cobalt mare.

Thankfully, the store was open, and she was sitting behind the counter, glasses perched on her muzzle. Her mane was braided today and she was poring over a giant book whose pages were weathered and battered with age. At the sound of the bell, she looked up, then noticed me.

“Hi again.” she said, the tiniest trace of a smile on her lips. She went back to her book.

“Did you get any gems in today?” I asked, trying to sound impatient. Not all celebrity ponies are stuck up. I just do it because…well…I’m not sure.

“No, just the usual shipment.” she said, and without looking up she motioned toward a gray bin filled to the brim with jewels. I tried to keep my eyes from popping out of their sockets.

“How COULD you keep me waiting?” I said, rolling my eyes. I’m a pretty decent actor.

She sighed.
“I’m sorry.” she said, softly. She turned a page in her book.

“I’ll have you know that I am a very busy stallion. I don’t have time to wait for you to dawdle.”
“I’m sorry, again.” she said, and turned another page. She adjusted her glasses.

“Why must you read when I need help? I will consult your boss and he will fire you.” I said, and I mentally kicked myself because I sounded cheesy.

“I was just looking for some gems for you.” she said, and she showed me the cover of the huge book. Precious Gemstones and Minerals, read the cover.

“I do hope you hurry.” Now I sounded like I was from the 18th Century.

“Sorry I have been a bother.” she said, quietly.
“Of course not.” I blurted. “I mean, you be a bother all you want to, if that means wasting MY precious time!” I left in a huff out the door.

As I left, I was sure I heard her mumble: “Maybe. Just maybe.”

Every day for the past week now, Emerald Blast keeps coming into the shop early demanding jewels and telling me why I have to waste his precious time. It’s really not me who was wasting his time, it was HIM. He was doing it on his own time! I may be shy on the outside, but I wasn’t born yesterday. I know a celebrity acting when I see one. All celebrity ponies do that, and I don’t know why. I guess they want you to think they’re all important and they are busier than you. Pride and all that.

But I know for a fact that Emerald Blast has no photoshoots this week and that’s all thanks to that magazine. It turns out they drop hints about his schedule to the magazine editors, and since I have decoded many things, I figured out the schedule. I also know that they are making an entire magazine on his photos at the Diamond Gala. It says that in the magazine too.

Plus, I’ve been actually stalling every time he comes in, just to see if all the newspapers and press ponies have gotten to his head yet. I want to see if he’s really coming in here because he needs his jewels for the camera, or if he just wants to see me. I’m seeing more and more of his true personality every time he comes in. I realize it’s probably all just a sham that his mother Ruby Rain taught him. If anypony’s vain, it’s Ruby Rain. And that rhymes.

I’ve actually figured out the perfect jewel for him to wear to the Gala. It’s super rare. It’s called a Shamrock Sapphire. It’s a sapphire that is naturally green and blue marble colors. The only problem is, it’s only obtainable if you mine it. And the only mine I knew of was in Canterlot and was called, of course, the Canterlot Mine. I wondered if Princess Celestia would let Emerald Blast and I go mine in the Canterlot Mine. Most of the most precious gems come from there, and it is always heavily guarded, because seeing all those gems, a pony could and would get greedy. I would have to get special permission. And I would have to take Emerald Blast with me. I wasn’t looking forward to spending time in a deep dark hole with a celebrity pony, but hey, he wanted his gems, and he will get lots of publicity for wearing such an expensive gem.

I didn’t care. He was shallow, and when he decided to become somepony who didn’t care about all the cameras and all that, somepony would actually like him. Take Golden Sunlight and Cobbler Delight for example. They love him like crazed fans. I meant really loved him. Like…..grow up and get married and have foals and grow old love him. I knew I shouldn’t be bitter.

Today when Emerald Blast came in, I adjusted my violet glasses and tried to look expressionless.

“Well, you’ve found something?” he said, arrogantly.
“I have.” I said, carefully.

“I’m very busy today.” he said, and turned his nose up.
“I have found a Shamrock Sapphire for you to wear to the Diamond Gala.” I said, patiently.

“Fine, fine. Whatever. Where is it, then, how much is it….” he said, and I saw him searching for his wallet.
“Oh, I don’t have it.” I said, trying desperately not to smirk.

“What?” That got his attention.
“You have to mine it. And the only way to do that is to go to the Canterlot Mine.” I finished, serenely.

“The Canterlot…..but..” he began. “It’s IMPOSSIBLE to get permission.”

“Nothing you couldn’t handle, I suppose.” I said, quietly.
“Fine. Just fine. Just don’t expect me to go down in there with you.” he said, turning up his muzzle.

“You don’t want to go?” I asked.
“No! It’s dark and damp and creepy and scary. I’m not going down there for all the tea in Canterlot.”

“If you’re asking, won’t Princess Celestia be upset that you aren’t down there when YOU asked her?” I blurted, my fiery insides not helping.

“Whatever. I’ll ask permission.” he said, waving his hooves like it was no big deal.

“Great! I’ll get the shovels!” I said softly, and gave a tiny smile.
He rolled his eyes.

I didn’t see Emerald Blast for a few days. I sold plenty of gems in his absence. I hoped that he would keep his promise and go ask the Princesses if we could use the mine. I had acquired some flashlights and shovels to use, and they’d go to waste if we didn’t use them. I wasn’t very excited about going into the mine with Emerald Blast, because he was just a self respecting celebrity stallion and he’d complain about everything.

In my free time I researched all about the Shamrock Sapphire. It turns out, Star Swirl the Bearded wore it to one of the first Diamond Galas and it has been treasured ever since he was seen in a picture wearing it. One book said that the Shamrock Sapphire was said to represent true love, because as different as emeralds and sapphires are, they are still magnificent. Like true love. It doesn’t matter what two ponies look like, it matters what’s on the inside. I believe in all of that cheesy romance stuff, because, as I said before, I have no stallion in my life, and a pony can dream.

I waited for Emerald Blast to show up day by day. I had to get that gem mined, because the Diamond Gala was fast approaching, and I’ve always wanted to go into the Canterlot Mine. I visited that ritzy hotel he’s staying in, The Golden Horseshoe, and I bribed the clerk pony to tell me if he was still staying there. He was. I didn’t mean to be a stalker, but if he’s avoiding the shop and trying to weasel his way out of promising to get permission, then that’s just like a celebrity and I wouldn’t be surprised at all. But maybe, just maybe, he could step out of the celebrity life. Perhaps he could, perhaps he couldn’t. I’d just have to wait and see.

Finally, on Wednesday afternoon sometime, I was inspecting my usual shipment of gems when he came. His muzzle was turned up, but I could see he was excited about something.

“Did you get permission?” I asked, quietly, not looking up from the fire ruby I had in my hooves.

“No. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been busy these past few days. Photoshoots, movies, cameras, newspapers, you know how it is.” he replied.

Why bother coming back if you haven’t gotten permission? my bitter side of me screamed. HUSH, I told it.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have the gem. I told you, we need to mine it.” I said, carefully.

“You know,” He said, taking a step closer to the counter. “I never did catch your name.”

“My name’s Cobalt Star.” I mumbled, still counting karats in the fire ruby.

“That’s a pretty name.” he said, quietly.
“Thank you.” I said softly.
I grabbed a rag and rubbed the fire ruby until it shone. Then I delivered it to a tiny glass case.

“That’s a pretty gem.” he said, quietly still.
“Yes. It is. It’s a fire ruby.” I said, and turned to get another jewel, a topaz piece.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go into the mine?” I said, turning to face him. He hesitated.

“I’ll go. But only to get my jewel!” he said, and out he went.
I swear I will never understand that stallion. I chuckled to myself before inspecting the topaz again.

Author's Note:

Every time one of the ponies names is underlined, it's them narrating. Just so you know.