• Published 10th Mar 2013
  • 635 Views, 22 Comments

Cobalt and Emerald - Cerulean Swirl

Two ponies fall in love.....in the place you'd least expect.

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Chapter Five: Wonder

The Captain scanned the room, and saw nothing. He lit a lantern, and yelled out. Several voices came from under big chunks of earth. Everything was quiet. He helped dig out his soldiers, and then brushed himself off.

“All well here, Miss Cobalt. We are ready to proceed.” he said. There was no answer.

“Hello? Anypony here?” he asked, and again he was met with silence. He walked around slowly for a bit and then saw it.

It was a hole, about seven feet wide, and looking into it, he didn’t know how deep. All he knew was the celebrity was gone, and so was Cobalt. In their places was a trench that was black as night.

“We must go down there!” ordered the Captain, and got to work with rope. Little did they know, under all the debris, a cord with a glimmering crystal shard around it was glowing with an incoming call of concern.

I was awakened by the pain that met me. I sat up, groggily, and looked around. It was dark, and silent. I looked up, and there was a shred of pale light. I yelled, but there was no answer. I tapped my light helmet. A flicker, then a spot of light. I sat up and inspected where the pain was coming from.

I stretched out my hooves, and my back and front legs. Then I stretched out my wings, and a bolt of pain shot through me. My wing! The pain was from my wing. I stood, and almost fell over again. I was covered in dirt and everywhere I could see was dirt. Dirt in chunks and dirt in fine powder. I felt as if I had just been run over by a taxi pony.

I walked around as best I could, but the dirt was so deep it was like snow. There was nopony I could see down with me. All I could remember was blacking out and falling down deep, deep, then finally hitting something soft and warm, yet damp and felt sleepy. Who was with me? Oh yes, I remember…Cobalt. And the Captain and the guards. I had fought because…because I didn’t want Cobalt to get hurt.

Cobalt! That’s it. If she fell by me…but if she was unconscious…then she must be nearby…I had to find her. Wait until the papers heard about this! I imagined the headlines: Emerald Blast Trapped In Mine with Mystery Mare! Will He Fight For His Life?

I walked slowly around until my muzzle hit something hard and sturdy. A wall! Of dirt. We were in some sort of deep trench/well. I motioned my light around and saw it curved down lower into a mini tunnel. I got on my belly and crawled like a snake.
The tunnel led me to another room, one much larger than the one I had come to in. It was beautiful, too. It was a room full of crystals, and it cast a bluish green light around the room. It had a high ceiling and there were crystals on the ceilings too. They were growing out of the walls and some were littered across the floor. Cracks of bluish light were cast on the sandy colored floor, which was actually quite sturdy.

I looked around, and heard the faint rush of a waterfall, and there was a waterfall in the corner of the room. Clean, clear water was running down a colossal crystal and into a circular shallow trench in the floor. But the water was overflowing and was leaking in a straight stream onto the floor. I stood gawking for what seemed like hours. It was stunning.
Then my eyes fell on something that was in the overflowing stream, water rushing past it. The waterfall roared, and water combed itself through and past the something. I only saw it’s back. I couldn’t breathe. I began to walk toward it, but since the room was so large I wasn’t getting any closer. I then began to trot. I was getting closer. Soon I was sprinting toward the something, as fast as my legs could take me. My chest was on fire, and I could barely breathe…but I was closer now than I was before. A cry sounded through my dry throat.

I stopped, and looked down, panting. There she lay. Cobalt.
Cobalt was laying with her back to me, her eyes shut tight. A little ways to her left was her violet glasses, overturned. Her mouth was opened, just so, her mane was being combed by the soft stream of water. Her cobalt mane swayed by the quiet current. Her hooves were sprawled out, and if looked out from a certain angle, it looked like she was frozen in a trot. Her saddlebag was a little ways to her right, its contents sprawled out around the room.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. She…I couldn’t say it…I didn’t dare. She…could be…the unthinkable. Tears pricked my eyes. I barely knew her and yet…I…

“She will wake,” said a soft voice ahead of me. I couldn’t see anypony with my head bowed, but my head snapped up as quick as a wink.

My eyes met a pony, a stallion, with a turquoise mane and on his flank a golden hourglass was painted, with gold powdery sand in it. Beside the hourglass, a quill and sparkles surrounded the glass. He was wearing a long robe and hat, with bells on the end, and a snow white beard covered his face. His mane was equally white and was sticking up in all directions. His eyes were like Cobalt’s, except his were like the color of midnight sapphires. He was a unicorn, and his horn was pointed and long. Wrinkles were etched in his face, yet he looked jolly, and relieved. On the end of his muzzle he wore spectacles that looked like full moons cut in half. He stood on stairs that were made of crystals. Behind him, a door and a wall made out of crystal stood proud. I couldn’t help but notice the pendant around his neck. It was a tiny golden hourglass, with gold powdery sand in it.
My lips did not form the words ‘who are you’. I only stared at him.

“She will wake, lad. Don’t worry.” he said, and started down the stairs. His voice was jolly sounding, yet powerful. I watched him. Then my lips formed the words.

“Who are you?” I asked, carefully, my voice dry and raspy.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter who I am,” he said, with a small chuckle. He motioned to Cobalt, and said: “You want to revive her?”

“Yes, sir. More…more than anything. You see…I…” I stammered.

“I sense that you have a deep feeling for this mare,” he said, as if reading my mind, and smiled. “She’s sweet, you know, and has a strong sense of intellect.”

“How do you know? She….she could be…”
“Her aura, lad. I can read that sort of thing. In my line of work I sense emotions.” he said, and gave another small chuckle.
He walked over to the waterfall, his robe trailing and looked into it. I didn’t want to leave Cobalt, but I watched him perform a spell. His magic was the color of midnight sapphires. A patch of magic appeared onto the waterfall, though it did not stop, it still roared.

Inside the patch of magic I saw images of our group, walking. There was Cobalt, ahead of us all. There was me, being enclosed by the guards. Then I saw a recollection of the accident. I watched the guards try to save me, but I fought…I saw the Captain miss Cobalt, and I saw a piece of debris hit her and knock her out cold. Then I saw myself veering toward her, and I saw the chunk of earth hit me… After that I saw the floor give in and us both, falling, without knowing it.
Then I saw me hit the patch of dirt, and start to sleep. Then I saw Cobalt, rolling into the tunnel and then stop rolling to the place where she was now.

“How….How did you…” I stammered. I have always been fascinated with unicorn magic. The magic disappeared, and the stallion turned to face me.

“I can’t believe you found my secret sanctuary.” he said, and trotted over to Cobalt and I.

“Your what?” I asked, carefully, like Cobalt.
“So…” he said, changing the subject.

“Do you have something to help her?” I asked, desperately.

“I don’t. But you do.” he said, and smiled.
“I do?”

“Yes. The only way to revive her case…” he said, and used his magic to levitate her over to a hammock made out of crystals, where a mattress and a purple pillow and a purple blanket were. She lay there, her eyes still closed.

I trotted over to where she lay, and the old stallion followed me, and used his magic again to gather Cobalt’s saddlebag and her glasses and levitated them over to where we were.

“Again, the only way you can revive her…is to kiss her.” he said, carefully.

“What?” I asked. I…loved Cobalt but… to KISS her?

“Yes, lad. True love…is the most powerful thing in the world. Even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know that. She will wake if you do.”

“I’ll give you two a moment alone,” he said, and turned away. It was just Cobalt and I.

I stared at her lifeless form. She looked peaceful. I looked down at her, and thought if my mother could see me now…if anypony could see me…but that didn’t matter.
Slowly, I leaned down and her muzzle was closer and closer… I hesitated…but then leaned closer, until our muzzles were centimeters apart. Then, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips on hers. I had never kissed a mare before, but I changed that, then and there.

I hadn’t kissed her for five seconds before her body was outlined in a strong cobalt colored glow.
My lips left hers for a minute before I saw that she was being lifted off the crystal hammock and I saw that I was too, but my wings weren’t flapping.

Her eyes were still closed, but my eyes weren’t, and we were rising up, up, higher still, and below I saw the old stallion was smiling.

Then I saw that I was glowing a bright emerald green and gasped in surprise. Then I was filled with power like I never knew before. We were circling each other, I looked around and couldn’t see the bottom any longer, for we were inside a huge cobalt and emerald colored bubble of magic.
The pain evaporated from my wing, and her eyes opened, but instead of her sapphire colored eyes, they were pure white. Her mane was fluttering in the breeze. We were circling very fast now.

A rumbling noise was heard, but this time not from the mine. It was from us. I was frozen in midair, then there was a brilliant flash of white light, and I closed my eyes. Then there was a big explosion, and when I opened my eyes, we were moving slowly down, and there were cobalt and emerald colored sparkles everywhere.

When our hooves touched the ground, her eyes were still closed, but…she was beautiful. Utterly beautiful.

She was clothed in a beautiful dress, that was a flowing gown of beautiful cobalt, sky blue, and midnight blue. She wore silver horseshoes on her hooves, and her mane was down and sparkled as if someone had weaved magic through it. On her head she wore a silver tiara, with a cobalt colored heart on it that was swirly.

Then I looked down at me. I wore an emerald tuxedo, that was sparkly. On my hooves I wore silver horseshoes similar to hers. I felt something on my head. I took it off and looked at it. It was a silver crown, with an emerald heart on it that was blocky. I returned it on my head.

My wings…there was no pain in them. I stretched them out, and smiled.

I looked to her, and stared at her for a moment, before slowly, her eyelids began to move. Then, they fluttered open, and her gorgeous sapphire eyes looked into mine.

“Wha-What happened? W-Where…am I?” she asked, groggily, and sat up. She looked around, questionably.

When I woke up, I felt as if I could throw somepony a hundred yards. I was in a beautiful room with crystals everywhere. I was laying on something, and I didn’t feel hurt at all. I was staring into the eyes of Emerald Blast, who was smiling at me…with something in his eyes that made me blush.

I got up, and he helped me. Then I spotted the old stallion across the room.

“Who are you? Where are we?” I asked again, and then felt something on me. I looked down to see a beautiful gown on me, a mixture of cobalt, sky blue, and midnight blue. It was beautiful, and floaty. My mane was down, and glossy, as if I just washed it. There was something on my head. I levitated it down from my head and brought it to my eye level. It was a silver tiara with a cobalt heart that was swirly attached to it. It looked like something a princess would wear.

“Here you are, my dear.” said the old stallion, and used his midnight blue magic to levitate the tiara back on my head. “Perhaps you are both wondering what happened just now,” said the stallion, and smiled at both of us, warmly. He then explained about how I got to be where I was, the explosion, the dress, the tiara, and some other things.

“Emerald Blast and Cobalt Star, congratulations.” said the old stallion.

“You have created something that an old pony like me thought he’d never see. I’m sure that you know the Elements of Harmony, don’t you?”

“Yes,” said Emerald and I together.
“Well, you created something like that, but different. You have created the Elements of True Love. They are elements that show your true love for each other.”

I looked at Emerald. He looked at me. The old stallion chuckled.

“Now, I believe this is yours.” he said, and levitated a chain with a crystal shard on it over to me, and slid it around my neck. It was flashing.

“The Princesses and those guards will be wondering about you,” he said, and using his magic, levitated a thing that looked like an enclosed chariot over to us. There were seats inside, and a few buttons, but not much else.

“It’s time you left my sanctuary. I’m glad I got to meet the both of you. Good luck,” he said, and smiled again, and we got inside. He handed us our supplies. The minute we sat, the chariot began to move upward.

“Wait!” I called, looking down at the ground we were fast leaving.
“I never got to…” I shouted, but I didn’t get to finish, and before he disappeared, a bubble of magic appeared around the chariot, and we were zooming upward. I felt as if we were on a roller coaster.

We were out of the crystal room and back in the mine. We landed on soft dirt and the bubble stayed intact. I saw the Captain and guards tying rope around a root growing by the side of the trench.

“Captain!” Emerald yelled, and they all looked up. And started to cheer.
“Let’s get out of here. Climb aboard!” Emerald yelled again, and the Captain and his men entered the chariot.

Then our eyes met brilliant sunshine.

Author's Note:

It's not over yet!