• Published 10th Mar 2013
  • 634 Views, 22 Comments

Cobalt and Emerald - Cerulean Swirl

Two ponies fall in love.....in the place you'd least expect.

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Chapter Six: The Gala


I blinked a few times, just to make sure we were out. Sure enough, we were. The guards were all covered in earth, but Emerald and I were clean as a whistle. I was still in shock from discovering an entire new set of Elements, and discovering that Emerald Blast was my true love. I mean, that’s a lot for a pony to handle! But one look into his creamy green eyes, and something clicked inside me. Something told me that yes, it was true. And that's when my heart completely succumbed to the idea and I fell head over hooves.

Of course the Princesses were pacing when we arrived. Princess Celestia was in a deep faze of concern, and Princess Luna looked worried. We got out of the chariot, and a look of surprise washed over the princesses’ faces.

“Are you both alright?” asked Princess Luna, carefully.
“Yes, your majesties. I’d like to thank you for letting us go down there. It told me something I didn’t know.” said Emerald, and he took my hoof in his. I blushed.

“I am quite surprised…” said Princess Celestia. “I never got one call from the crystals…I must say you gave my dear sister and I a scare.”

“I’m so sorry, your highnesses. I promise, we won’t go down there ever again,” I assured them.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna hugged Emerald and I, out of pure happiness and relief that we were safe.
“Such beautiful clothes!” remarked Princess Luna.
“Yes. We were helped out by an old stallion in a room full of crystals.” said Emerald Blast, and began to tell the Princesses the story.

They enjoyed the story, and I saw them exchange a glance.
“Why don’t we all go back to Ponyville? It’s been an exhausting day, hasn’t it?” asked Princess Celestia.

“Yes, it has,” I said.
Princess Celestia ordered a carriage for herself and her sister, then for Emerald and I. As we were about to leave, I went up to the Captain.

“Captain, I just wanted to thank you and your men. All of them, for helping me. You, especially. You saved my life! Well, sort of. But I owe you my gratitude.” I said, and smiled.

“You’re welcome, Miss Cobalt. Happy to be of service.” he said, and I gave him a hug. He smiled at me, and blushed.

I joined Emerald in the carriage, and the pegasi lifted the carriage off the ground. I continued to watch the ground shrink lower and lower, and I saw the Princesses were just beside us in their carriage. I smiled, and soon clouds blocked the Captain, his men, and the entrance to the mine out of our view for good.


Before I, Cobalt, or the Princesses knew it, it was time for the Princesses’ Diamond Gala. As a special treat, the Princess invited Cobalt along, so I ditched my mother to go with Cobalt. My mother wasn’t happy about this, and said she’d be going back to Los Hooves immediately. She also said I could come back whenever I wanted. Well, she didn’t exactly say that. We got in a big fight, and in the end, we came to a compromise.

The night of the Gala, Cobalt and I wore the same outfits we wore down in the crystal room. To tell you the truth, we never did find the Shamrock Sapphire. But what we did find was an amazing crystal sanctuary, and true love. But Cobalt did find some gems worthy of wearing. She found an emerald for me and that piece of cobalt she found in the mine for her. Which was neat, because both these gems matched our names.

We were escorted to the Gala in a golden chariot, pulled by two pegasi that were green and blue. Of course, the hooferatzi bombarded me the minute we got to the grand castle, but Emerald shoved them off for the night by telling them we weren't available. Which I think, is a major improvement. He's starting to let go of his fake celebrity act!

The Gala was amazing. I met a lot of ponies and they gave me comments about my work and things like that. They commented on Cobalt, who was blushing pink at the attention. After the talking, the Princesses came out in floor length gowns. Princess Luna’s looked amazing in a midnight sapphire gown with twinkles of white sequins on it. And Princess Celestia wore a golden gown with orange sequins on it. Princess Celestia wore a fireheart sunset diamond, and Princess Luna, a moonlit opal. Each were in a golden necklace with their gems inside around their necks.

There was live music, and I was sure I spotted a mare I knew from Ponyville. Octavia. She was conducting a stallion with a cello, a mare with a violin, and another mare with a viola. A stallion played a huge grand piano.

They were playing a waltz. I took Cobalt’s hoof, and she blushed again, and smiled a shy smile. We glided across the polished marble floor, and all signs of other ponies disappeared. It was just her and I.

After the dance, Cobalt said she needed some fresh air, so we went out onto a private balcony. On the French doors leading out, I noticed there were curtains tucked on the outside of the doors. I pulled them down. Privacy much? Cobalt was looking straight up into the stars of the night, but was facing the edge of the balcony. I walked over to her. I almost bumped into the marble bench that was stationed there as well.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“They’re…beautiful.” she said, the stars sparkling in her eyes.

“So are you.” I said. She blushed profusely again. There was silence. The night was warm, and a soft breeze combed itself through Cobalt’s mane.

“You know this is crazy, right…” she said, softly.
“How can it?” I asked.

“I just…never imagined…I’d fall for a stallion.” she said…looking at me, her sapphire eyes huge. She walked over to the bench and sat on it.

“As opposed to a werewolf?” I cracked, grinning. She giggled, then her face returned to it’s seriousness. I sat beside her.

“I always thought I’d end up alone…that I’d never fall for anypony…but now that I have you…” her voice trailed off.

“That’s right. You’ll always have me.” I said, and put my hoof around her and pulled her close.

“Cobalt.” I said, breaking the ice.
“Mmm?” she said softly, then looked right up into my eyes.

“Living in the big city, I’ve never found the perfect mare for me. I’ve always been hounded by fanmares. I’ve…never been in a relationship, no matter what the magazines say. But then you came along, and you turned my world upside down. I realized something in the mine, that day, when we were there.” I said, looking at her.

“What’s that?” she asked.
“That…I love you, Cobalt Star. I wish to never be parted from you.” I said. She blushed, and smiled.

“I love you too.” she said softly.
Then, she leaned in close and put her soft lips on mine. She wrapped her hooves around the back of my neck. I kissed her back and all other signs of life melted.

It was then I knew…all we ever needed…we had. We had each other, and that’s all we ever needed.

Author's Note:

Another combined narrated chapter for you all.