• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 608 Views, 10 Comments

The Vault - Educated Guess

The stories of a place lost to time: those who found it, that which was held within, and those who came too late. A companion story to The Life of Fear.

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V-27: A Rowanwood Hourglass

Item Number: V-27
Designations: Useful, Dangerous, Contained
Administrator: Vicereine Trilby
Lead Researcher: Doctor Raleigh

Procedure: V-27 is to be kept in a small, unmarked crate in Warehouse 4. No additional security measures should be necessary at this time.

Description: V-27 is a small hourglass, approximately 3 inches in diameter and 5 inches tall. It appears to be made of glass and carved rowan wood, but has proven itself to be more resilient than those materials should normally be. Despite its mundane appearance, thaumaturgical mapping shows that an incredibly high amount of thaum flux constantly surrounds the object. Unlike other flux-generating objects, the flux surrounding V-27 has no noticeable effect on its surroundings.

V-27 behaves like a normal hourglass whenever it is flipped or turned by non-magical means. When it was first captured by the Order, V-27 contained approximately 7,900 fine grains of sand, and measured a consistent time period of five minutes, fifty-three seconds (5:53). Currently, V-27 contains approximately 6,000 grains of sand, and measures a period of four minutes, twenty-seven seconds (4:27).

The anomalous properties of V-27 appear to become active when the object is turned over by magic - however, the activation of V-27 has never been successfully observed. In each of three attempts, the test subject that was slated to attempt activation of V-27 has had it suddenly appear in their possession several minutes before the test was scheduled to occur. The subjects were each disoriented, and had vague memories of events that were going to happen within the next few minutes. The hourglass appears to lose some sand each time this occurs.

It is theorized that [REDACTED]

Following Incident V-27-A, V-27 has been deemed too dangerous for Order use, and has been scheduled for transfer to secure storage.

Experiment Log:

Test 1: An earth pony subject is given a variety of basic tools, and told to experiment with V-27. After 15 minutes, nothing of note has occured.

Test 2: A pegasus subject is given a variety of basic tools, and told to experiment with V-27. After flipping it over a few times, the subject appears to lose interest in basic experimentation. He takes a hammer and begins to beat on V-27. The subject is quickly removed from the test area, and V-27 is inspected for damage. Interestingly, there are no marks anywhere on the object.

Test 3: Cancelled. Planned subject was a unicorn. Approximately 5 minutes and 52 seconds before the test was scheduled to occur, V-27 disappeared from the testing chamber and reappeared in the possession of the subject. Subject quoted as saying “Whoa... that felt weird.” Interviews revealed that the subject remembered experimenting with V-27, but couldn’t quite remember what had caused the anomaly. Future testing to focus on V-27’s response to magic, based on the first occurrence of this anomaly being with a unicorn.

Test 4: Cancelled. Planned subject was a unicorn, told beforehoof to experiment on V-27 using only her magic. Approximately 5 minutes and 52 seconds before test was scheduled to occur, V-27 once again displaced itself into her possession. Subject clearly recalled witnessing a minor laboratory fire in Room 119 on her way to the testing chamber. 2 minutes and 33 seconds later, the “remembered” event occurred. Examination of V-27 revealed that the object contained slightly less sand than it had at time of capture.

Test 5: Cancelled. Planned subject was a unicorn. Test was designed to confirm loss of sand upon occurrence of anomaly. Anomaly occurred approximately 5 minutes and 51 seconds prior to test; loss of sand confirmed.

Incident Report: V-27-A

At 3:29 PM on January 4th, 375 A.E., Vicereine Trilby burst out of her office in a panic. V-27 was in her possession. She began ordering every worker and agent in sight to barricade the front entrance of the building, and move to their defensive stations. It has been calculated that during the following 67 seconds, she took a path through the building that brought her into vocal contact with the highest amount of other ponies possible. Many of the involved employees attempted to question Trilby, but she reportedly answered every one of their questions before they could ask them.

At 3:30 PM, a large, hostile force, later identified as Linch Pin’s “Wrecking Crew”, began breaking down the main doors. The strike would have been devastating under any other circumstances - however, due to the last-minute preparations instigated by Vicereine Trilby, there were zero friendly losses, and nearly half of the opposing force was incapacitated or captured.

Post-incident examination of V-27 revealed that it held significantly less sand than it had at the end of Test 5. Based on previous sand losses, it is estimated that Vicereine Trilby was forced to use V-27 [REDACTED] times before the desired outcome was achieved. Trilby herself admitted that she lost count at 20.

According to her report, once the anomaly has occurred, V-27 cannot be activated again until its activation would not create the anomaly any earlier than the previous occurrence. A review board found the Vicereine’s unauthorized use of the object justified under the circumstances.

Following the incident, Base [REDACTED] has been shut down, and all contained documentation and artifacts have been transferred to other sites. V-27 has been moved to Warehouse 4.