• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 608 Views, 10 Comments

The Vault - Educated Guess

The stories of a place lost to time: those who found it, that which was held within, and those who came too late. A companion story to The Life of Fear.

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V-66: A Silver and Ruby Amulet

Item Number: V-66
Designations: Dangerous, Harmful, Uncontained
Administrator: Viscount Monroe
Operation Commander: Agent Pollet

Procedure: V-66 is to be found and contained as soon as possible. Viscount Monroe has been given full authorization to pull as many personnel from other projects as he deems necessary for the completion of this task. Lethal force has been authorized against any pony wearing V-66.

Description: V-66 is a silver amulet, inlaid with sixteen (16) rubies. The main body of the amulet is a large triangle, which holds the largest, central ruby - an 85-carat flattened diamond-cut measuring almost 4 inches in length. At the top of this triangle are three adornments. The central adornment appears to be a side profile of a unicorn head, with another small ruby forming the eye. On each side of this head is a long, feathery wing, spread to extend V-66’s triangular shape. Each wing has seven (7) more rectangle-cut rubies of decreasing lengths inlaid along their inside edges.

V-66 has no chain or clasp as one might expect such an amulet to have. Instead, when V-66 is placed against a pony’s neck, the wing adornments animate, curling around the neck to hold itself in place. If the pony in question is large, and the wings cannot properly encompass their neck, V-66 will still be able to hold itself firmly. These effects have been observed on earth ponies and unicorns, so it is assumed V-66 would function for pegasi as well. V-66 has not been seen to function on other species.

Once V-66 has been placed onto a pony’s neck, it cannot be removed by any being except the wearer. The limits of this connection have not yet been tested, but attempts to remove V-66 in the field have included magic, griffon claws, and crowbars. [Update: See Addendum V-66-1]

V-66 has two known effects. The first effect only appears to manifest when V-66 is worn by a unicorn. The color of the unicorn’s magic will become a vivid red, and their level of power will increase dramatically. They will be able to perform spells that would normally only be castable by mages of a much higher tier, and will be able to do so with barely any apparent effort. The method through which this empowerment is accomplished is unknown.

The second effect of V-66 manifests slowly, over time. Once any kind of pony has begun wearing V-66, they will gradually begin to exhibit a variety of symptoms, including:

- A desire not to remove V-66

- Irritability

- Mild sadism

- The irises flashing red when extremely emotional

- A marked increase in the frequency and intensity of their emotional outbursts

- Debilitating fear and paranoia, often involving harmless and/or inanimate objects

- A superiority complex

If V-66 is removed within a few weeks of clasping, these effects will eventually subside and disappear. However, if V-66 is worn for approximately one month, they appear to become permanent, and additional symptoms occur, including:

- A drastic decrease in the frequency and intensity of any display of emotion whatsoever

- The exacerbation of their previous paranoias, as well as new additions

- Split personality disorder

- Extreme sadism

- The fur of the wearer becoming black

- The irises of the wearer becoming red

- The mane and tail of the wearer becoming white

- A defined increase in the physical strength and musculature of the wearer

- The desire to be referred to as “My King”, “My Liege”, or “sir”, even if the wearer is female

- The intense desire for dominion over whatever groups or organizations the wearer considers themselves

to be a part of. If this is achieved, the wearer will then begin to seek out other groups to conquer, and add

to its “brotherhood”

- The delivery of disproportionate punishments whenever the wearer feels they have been slighted,

disrespected, or disobeyed

- A notable increase in the wearer’s intelligence and leadership ability

- An extreme increase in the loyalty and unquestioning obedience of the wearer’s subordinates (This is

most likely a secondary effect of V-66’s changes on the wearer, and not an effect of V-66 itself.)

The empowering nature of V-66, combined with the effects it has on the ponies who wear it, makes V-66 a top priority for recovery above almost any other V-series items.

V-66 is currently in the possession of Linch Pin’s Manehattan lieutenant, Pool Shark. The location of V-66 is currently unknown. See Addendum V-66-1.

Addendum V-66-1:

For a period of approximately five weeks, V-66 was in the possession of Pool Shark, then-Manehattan lieutenant of Linch Pin. It should be noted that Pool Shark was an earth pony, and thus did not have the benefits of V-66’s primary effect.

During this time, the organization and effectiveness of Pool Shark’s forces in Manehattan, as well as the strategic prowess she displayed in their deployment, was difficult for the Order to counter and combat. [REDACTED] safehouses were compromised, and [REDACTED] artifacts were lost.

This period ended abruptly, for no reason known to the Order at the time. Investigation revealed that Pool Shark had attempted to assassinate Linch Pin and usurp control of Pin’s organizations. She had apparently failed. The body was found a few days later by a kelp-trawling ship off the Manehattan coast. Other than rot, mild wildlife damage, and several stab wounds, the body was entirely intact. Interestingly, the body seemed to exhibit early stages of the growth of [REDACTED], a [REDACTED], and a [REDACTED], despite the fact that Pool Shark was a female earth pony. However, the body was no longer wearing V-66.

Due to these events, it is thought that it is possible to remove V-66 once the wearer is dead. As such, lethal force is fully authorized against future wearers that appear.