• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 608 Views, 10 Comments

The Vault - Educated Guess

The stories of a place lost to time: those who found it, that which was held within, and those who came too late. A companion story to The Life of Fear.

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V-58: A Heart of Stone

Item Number: V-58
Designations: Dangerous, Harmful, Contained
Administrator: Marquess Lemke
Lead Researcher: Agent Markovsky
Vault Correspondent: Doctor Ishtar

Note: Who the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] gave this thing to Lemke? I swear, if she tries to sneak that [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] into my coffee one more time, I’m going to call a [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] review board on her [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] before she can say [EXPLETIVE REACTED]. -Archduke Montagne

Note: Just trying to keep you on your hooves, Dukey. -Marquess Lemke

Procedure: V-58 is to be kept in a runewrought, reinforced, acid-resistant glass tank in the basement of Base [REDACTED]. This tank is to be filled with purified seawater at a pressure of at least 50 PSI. The water is only to be drained if it has experienced significant clouding, subject to the discretion of Agent Markovsky. Draining is not to occur at any other time. If the blood of V-58 has been requested for testing, the requesters in question will be notified at least 16 hours ahead of draining so they can be on-hoof to perform collection.

The tubes that connect the various chambers of V-58 together are to be replaced every draining, regardless of structural integrity. Replacement of the tank’s panels is on an as-needed basis, subject to the discretion of Agent Markovsky. Any spillage occurring during standard replacement procedures is to be swept up with fresh rowan branches and burned as quickly as possible.

In the event that both the tubes and tank of V-58 break, and the resulting spillage is too great to be contained normally, Base [REDACTED] is to be locked down until a properly equipped recovery team can be mobilized.

Anyone who hears V-58 speak to them should report it immediately. Anyone found conversing with V-58 without permission may be subject to reassignment or termination, pending a full psychological review.

Description: V-58 appears to be a large heart, approximately 2 feet in diameter. Its appearance is consistent with a heart that has been ripped out of a chest, not surgically removed. V-58 does not appear to be made of muscle - instead, it’s texture and color are similar to hardened magmatic rock. Acquiring samples has proven difficult, due to the toughness of V-58’s flesh, and the damage its blood does to our tools.

V-58 beats and pumps out blood as though it were inside a body. How it does this and where the blood comes from is unknown, but it does not appear to run out. Using artificial devices to transport the outgoing blood back into V-58’s correct ingoing valves has been shown to result in the blood’s disappearance. As such, acid-resistant tubes are being used to simulate V-58’s primary arteries and veins.

V-58 normally beats at a rate of approximately 23 beats per minute. This rate has been slowed significantly by the high-pressure environment it is currently held in, to approximately 4 beats per minute.

The blood which V-58 produces is a semi-viscous reddish-black liquid. It is highly poisonous, toxic, and acidic, and measures a temperature of approximately 750 degrees Marenheit upon immediately exiting V-58. Through what little testing has been accomplished, it has been shown to have properties and composition similar to several different materials, including magma, hydrochloric acid, and the blood of cold-blooded creatures such as lizards and snakes. The full list of identified components can be found in the Base-Level Administrative Library.

V-58 has been reported by several personnel as speaking to them - however, no personnel other than the ones being spoken to have been able to hear it. Affected personnel have consistently described V-58’s voice as deep and gravelly, but most definitely female. When asked what exactly V-58 said to them, the response is generally that it was too horrible to talk about, followed by a request to be given a different assignment. There has only been one outstanding case (see Incident V-58-A). No discernible pattern has emerged in the types of subjects that V-58 talks to. Agent Markovsky has suggested that the staff overseeing V-58 be rotated regularly to provide a larger experimental sample - this suggestion is pending acceptance by Administration.

Security measures around V-58 have been increased following Incident V-58-A.

Addendum V-58-1: V-58 was one of the few objects that was still in its assigned chamber when the Order first opened the Vault. There, it was held in a shallow stone pool that appeared to constantly absorb its blood. Research into how this previous containment functioned is led by Doctor Ishtar of the Vault Research Team.

Incident V-58-A:

Note: This incident occurred before the tube system for V-58 had been implemented. -Agent Markovsky

On [TIMESTAMP REDACTED], Coal Cell, an indentured criminal working at the Base where V-58 is kept, is reported to have suddenly stopped in the hallway on his way to a test of V-[REDACTED]. He stood still for several moments, as though listening to something, then immediately turned and made his way downstairs. He came to stand in front of the observation window of V-58’s chamber, and began to converse with V-58. Personnel witnessing the incident report that Mr. Cell was not speaking any language that they had ever heard.

After a few seconds, V-58 began to beat at a highly accelerated rate, estimated to be almost 45 beats per minute. The massive shift in pressure caused a breach in V-58’s tank. The blood spill resulting from the breach claimed the lives of two (2) junior researchers who had been inspecting the tank for damage. Mr. Cell began to laugh uncontrollably, and continued to laugh and watch through the window as emergency protocols were enacted and the incident was contained.

When later interrogated about the event, Mr. Cell would only smile and say “Ask her about it, why don’t you.”