• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,273 Views, 2 Comments

We Rule the Night - Solar Flare

Nightmare Moon's possible return poses a threat to Equestria.

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Chapter 13, Life Goes On

Chapter 13: Life Goes On

“It’s been six months today your majesty.” Redstar announced proudly, flying into the throne room. Nightmare Moon turned her gaze toward him, offering a small smile.

“Six months… And to think my last attempt lasted an entire two days.” Nightmare Moon sighed. She had abandoned her helmet for a crown, which rested above her horn. Her ethereal mane wafted gently in the air, as it always did, but her intense gaze had taken on a softer tone.

All had settled into place after the first few months of her reign. She held court once a week, to address the concerns and desires of her citizens. A small but bustling city had grown around her castle in the Everfree Forest, just as Canterlot had grown around Celestia’s once impressive castle.

“I believe some kind of celebration should be in order, don’t you agree?” Redstar suggested, folding his wings. Unlike his queen, the ever faithful servant remained exactly as he had been. Intense, unforgiving and vigilant. It had been more than once now that Nightmare Moon had had to scold him for being too harsh.

“I tend to agree, Redstar. What would you suggest?”

“Perhaps a ball. It would be like the Grand Galloping Gala, as much a party as it is an opportunity for the elite to converse and spread influence.”

Nightmare Moon thought about the idea for a long moment. “It’s a good idea. But…”

“Yes, your majesty?”

“Perhaps not only the social elite…” Nightmare Moon said slowly.

Redstar cocked an eyebrow. “You have some idea, my queen?”

“My image is not the best, Redstar. You know that as well as I. The ponies of Equestria are not fond of me for what I did.”

“They have no right!” Redstar interjected, his zealousness forcing him to speak.

“They have every right.” Nightmare Moon said, turning on her general.

At this Redstar raised both eyebrows.

“Think about it for a moment. All their lives they’ve lived happily under the sun, under Celestia’s rule. It was not they who first brought about my ire, but it is they who must suffer it. Would you not be angered?”

“With all due respect, my queen, you’re asking the wrong pony.”

Nightmare Moon couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fair enough. But I don’t wish to be hated. I wish to be seen as a good queen who is kind to her subjects, even if she must be firm.”

“Well then, if you would like I can begin the guest list at once. Would you like any specific ponies invited, or shall I simply select them at random?” Redstar said, his minor sarcasm mixed with much respect.

“There are a few that I want to be invited.”

“And who would that be, my queen?”

Nightmare Moon flashed a wicked grin, despite herself. “Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. All of Ponyville.”

Redstar was clearly taken aback. “B-But, my queen, is that wise? If they were to locate the elements within the tower…”

“You worry too much. They won’t find them. I’ve already protected them as well as Celestia herself had.”

Redstar shifted uneasily. “If you’re sure. Anypony else?”

Nightmare Moon thought for another moment. “Yes, just three more. Solar Flare, Elderberry and Hood, also of Ponyville.”


“What now?”

“Well, I shall certainly invite the first two, but Hood was reported missing nearly six months ago. Almost the very day you dethroned Celestia.”

Nightmare Moon scratched her chin with a hoof. “Then have his invitation sent to Twilight Sparkle, under the instruction that it be delivered to him should he be found.”

“Right away, your majesty!” Redstar shouted, saluting before flying from the room.


“Now why in tar nation would Nightmare Moon invite us to some Gala?” Applejack asked, clopping a hoof on the floor impatiently. All her five closest friends, as well as Rainbow Dash’s friend Solar Flare and a fellow farmer, Elderberry, were assembled in the library. All had received invitations from cloaked messengers inviting them to the so called “Magnificent Midnight Gala.”

“To rub salt in the wound…” Rainbow Dash grumbled with displeasure.

“I don’t think so…” Twilight said thoughtfully, giving her invitation its hundredth once-over.

“Ooh, maybe she just knows how much we like parties and decided to be extra nice for once!” Pinkie Pie suggested, bouncing energetically.

“Darling, you didn’t have any fun at the real gala, why be so excited for this one?” Rarity asked.

“Well it’s the thought that counts right?” Pinkie said with a shrug.

“Are any of you gonna go?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

Everypony present exchanged glances.

“Maybe we should go. I mean, in all honesty, Nightmare Moon has done a pretty good job ruling in Celestia’s place. Maybe she’s trying to improve her image.” Twilight said.

Solar Flare grimaced, as did Rainbow.

“I suppose if any of you would like I could make some new attire just for the occasion. We may as well try to stay positive, plus it would give me a chance to try out some new fashions I’ve been mulling over.” Rarity said, flicking her mane.

“I ain’t goin’.” Elderberry said.

Rainbow looked over the invitation. “The Wonderbolts are going to perform like they did in Canterlot. I guess I could go…”

“I’ll go if you will.” Solar Flare said.

Eventually, all the ponies present except Elderberry agreed that it would be best to give the gala a chance. The farmer remained stubborn and refused to change his mind. Rarity trotted off toward her boutique to begin work on her designs. Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash flew off to wherever it was they were always hanging out at, Elderberry went home and the others stayed at Twilight’s, deciding a slumber party would be fun.


Two black ponies were tending to the timber wolves that constantly guarded the city of Everfree. They tossed each wolf a live, struggling chicken, watching with numbed emotions as the wooden beasts tore the birds apart. It was something they had seen hundreds of times before and it no longer affected them.

“You know, a year ago these things would have scared the hay out of me.” One of them remarked.

“A year ago you never would have been anywhere near one.” The other replied. They were some of the original few dozen loyal to Nightmare Moon, but one would be surprised just how normal they were.

“True enough.”

They were silent once more.

“I miss my cutie mark.”

His friend turned to him with an amused expression. “Okay?”

“I mean, it was a part of me as much as anything else and now I can’t see it anymore.”

“It’s not like you don’t still have your special talent, it’s just harder to show off.” His friend said with a shrug.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Don’t get weird on me.”

“I’m not!”

“I’m kidding. What?”

“I miss the sun too.”

The two friends turned to one another, their white eyes meeting.

“Yeah. Sometimes I do too.”


“How go the preparations for the gala?” Nightmare Moon asked without looking up from her book.

“They’re going along nicely, if I do say so. The invitations have all been sent and should have arrived in all but the farthest towns.” Redstar responded.

“Good.” Nightmare Moon said quietly, not even having listened to what Redstar had said.

“Your majesty?”


“What are you reading?”

Nightmare Moon looked up and blinked twice, a little blush showing in her cheeks. “Oh, you know, just an old story.”

Redstar leaned his head, trying to get a better look at the cover. Nightmare Moon concealed the book behind herself, blushing more.

“Were… Were you reading a child’s story book?” Redstar asked, his voice showing a rare hint of amusement.

“That’s none of your business!” Nightmare Moon shouted. They simply stared at one another for a moment before breaking out in laughter, something they had certainly never done before. The fit of mirth lasted for several minutes.

Nightmare Moon wiped her eye with her wing, still chuckling a little. “Redstar?”

“Yes, my queen?”

“Would you consider me… A…” Nightmare Moon looked at the floor, her embarrassment very unlike the proud alicorn.

“A what, your majesty?”

“A friend?” Nightmare Moon finished awkwardly.

Redstar seemed confused by the question. “Well, I guess so, in a manner of speaking.”

“Good. Okay, that’s all. You can go now.”


“Just go, please.” Nightmare Moon said, waving a hoof. The Pegasus cocked an eyebrow, bid his queen goodbye and flew out the skylight awkwardly.

The alicorn slid her book out from behind herself and flipped back to the page she had been on.


Twilight’s friends had long since fallen asleep, finding their own places around the bottom floor of her library. She, however, was wide awake. As silently as she could, the unicorn slipped out of the library.

She trotted quietly through the streets, a small bag hanging from her neck. She picked her way through the dark to the other side of town, a small house visible in the moonlight. She opened the door quietly and wandered in.

The holes that had been burned through the living room had been boarded up, but a draft still slipped through. Of course, it wasn’t warm in the house anyway, the fireplace having been long abandoned. Twilight felt her way around in the dark until she found the couch and climbed onto it, sighing sadly.

She had followed this same course many times since Hood had gone away six months before. She couldn’t help herself. Of course, what she found in the house was always the same. An empty living room, an empty kitchen, an empty bedroom, and an empty bathroom. Nothing else. Hood was never back, there was never anything new to find.

But she couldn’t help trying.

She rested on the couch, not tired enough to sleep. For all the time that had passed, Twilight could still feel the remnants of Hood’s powerful spell. It was all that she had to remember her friend by, save for the class photo from her school. And he had blinked in that photo.

“Who’s there?”

Twilight jerked back into action, her horn lighting softly. The voice had come from the hallway and she turned to look.

A stallion stood there, his head low. In the dim light, Twilight could see his face. His mane was tangled and his face dirty. A transient.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded out of instinct.

“I- I didn’t think anypony lived here!” The stallion yammered. “I- I was just looking for a place to bed down for a while!”

Of course. After Canterlot had been destroyed, its inhabitants had spread to the four winds. Those unfortunate enough to have lost everything could be found everywhere, begging, taking odd jobs or living in boxes or abandoned houses. Twilight felt a surge of pity.

“Nopony lives here…” She muttered, turning toward the door. She had no right to kick the homeless pony out of a home that she herself was trespassing in.

“You won’t tell anypony I’m here? Please, I have nowhere to go!” The stallion pleaded.

“I won’t.” Twilight levitated the rolled up letter from the bag around her neck and placed it in a vase above the fireplace.


Boysenberry nuzzled Elderberry’s neck, a tiny, barely visible smile on her lips. Elderberry’s expression matched.

The unicorn mare had one fore hoof on her belly.