• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,273 Views, 2 Comments

We Rule the Night - Solar Flare

Nightmare Moon's possible return poses a threat to Equestria.

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Chapter 4, Nightmares and Snowstorms

Chapter 4: Nightmares and Snowstorms

As the six ponies continued on their way, the weather shifted abruptly. It was like walking out of fall and right into winter. They huddled together in an attempt to stay warm.

“Oh, my, this was unexpected.” Rarity complained.

“We must be getting close to the old lands. They say it’s always winter there.” Twilight replied, shivering.

“This is going to take forever…” Solar Flare whined, his wings flat on his sides.

As they walked, the terrain went from frozen dirt to snow, and a few flakes flitted about in the air. The further south they went, the colder and snowier it got, until eventually they found themselves walking through a full-blown blizzard. More than once they looked upward, strange sounds drawing their attention.

They finally stopped, Elderberry putting his fire making skills to good use. The sky was completely grey and they had no way of knowing what time it was. They huddled together by the fire, doing their best to keep themselves and each other warm.

“Are you sure we should keep going?” Rainbow Dash half-shouted over the wind.

“We don’t have a ch-ch-choice. B-besides, we’re almost th-there.” Twllight said, carefully scanning a map.

“How are we g-gonna sleep? We’ll f-f-freeze.” Hood noted, pulling his hood down as far as his horn would allow.

“W-we’ll just have to s-sleep for a little while and then walk some more. T-two of us can stay awake and wake the others up after a while.” Rarity suggested.

Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare groaned.

“And I think you two should take the first watch.” Elderberry said grumpily, jabbing Solar Flare in the side.

“Fine, whatever.” Solar Flare said, bracing himself against the biting wind.

“T-try to wake us up after about a half an hour okay?” Twilight asked, resting her head against Hood again.

Solar Flare and Rainbow agreed, trying to start a conversation to keep themselves awake.

Hood wrapped his cape around Twilight, trying his best to keep her warm. He rested his head on his front hooves and tried to sleep, the haunting noises from above making it difficult.


Applejack kicked a tree, filling the baskets near the base with apples. Big Macintosh did the same to another nearby tree, his strong legs leaving behind hoof marks.

“So, you think Twi, Rarity and Rainbow are alright?” Applejack asked, flipping some spare apples up into a basket with her snout.

Macintosh replied with his usual response. “Eeyup.”

“I know they are too big brother, but ah’m still worried about ‘em. I really wish I could have gone along with ‘em, they could’a used mah help.”

Macintosh shrugged before bucking another tree.

Applejack took off her hat and wiped her brow. Macintosh and her had been Applebucking all day, and she was beat.

“Uh, A.J.?”

“Yeah Big Mac?”

“What’s that?” Macintosh pointed up into the air. Applejack followed where he was pointing. Above them, an enormous black pony shot through the sky. Normally, the odd Pegasus wouldn’t have seemed strange at all, but this one was different. He was big, much bigger than Macintosh, and his wings didn’t have feathers. They looked like dragon wings.

“Ah couldn’t tell ya big brother. Have you ever seen a Pegasus with wings like that before?”

“Eeyup. Luna’s carriage haulers had them.”

“Let’s follow him, it looks like he’s headed toward Ponyville.”

The two farm ponies galloped off in the direction of town, following the strange Pegasus.


Pinkie Pie was doing her best to keep pace with the black Pegasus she had just seen fly over her. She didn’t know who he was, but she would pop every balloon she owned before she let him get away without meeting her.

“Hey! Come down here! I wanna talk to you!” Pinkie shouted, a hint of desperation in her voice. She had yelled at him twice, but he was completely ignoring her.

Finally, the mysterious pony slowed down and started to ascend near town hall. He swooped down onto the stage that the mayor, Ivory Scroll used when she addressed Ponyville.

A few ponies stopped to gawk at him. Pinkie could finally get a good view. The Pegasus wasn’t like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Derpy or any other pony she knew. He reminded her of Luna’s guards, given his dark color and membranous wings. She zipped over to greet him.

“Hi!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.

The Pegasus nodded curtly.

“I saw you flying over and I just had to welcome you to Ponyville, because I didn’t know you yet, and if I don’t know you, then nopony in town would know you because I know everypony in ponyville. Well, except for that one pony that my friend Twilight knew, but I know him now.”

The enormous black Pegasus gave her an odd look. “Pinkie Pie, was it?” His voice was deep and resonate, and carried an arrogance with it.

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I need you to do something for me, er… Friend.”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “We’re friends already!? That’s great! I’ll have to throw us a great big ‘new friends’ party!” She squealed, bouncing up and down.

“Yes, yes, perhaps later. First, I need you to find your friends Applejack and Fluttershy, and bring them here. They’ll want to meet your new friend, yes?”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “Of course! How could I have forgotten?! Oh, I wish Twilight and Rarity and Rainbow Dash were here…” And with that she darted off in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage.

A few minutes later she burst through Fluttershy’s door. Her friend squeaked and jumped into the air.

“Fluttershy! I made a new friend and he wants to see you and Applejack in town square!”

“Oh, um, okay. Who is he?” Fluttershy asked nervously, floating close to the ground.

Pinkie thought for a moment. “I dunno!” She squeaked cheerfully, grabbing Fluttershy’s hoof and pulling her along in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Halfway there, she saw Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh trotting down the road towards them.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy.” Applejack greeted, tipping her hat. “We were just headed towards town, we saw some Pegasus flyin’ over.”

“I know, I know! I met him too, he’s my new friend, and he asked me to get you guys.”

Applejack looked at Pinkie blankly for a moment. “Asked for us? By name?”

“Yeah, he said you guys would want to meet him.”

Applejack looked at Fluttershy, who looked confused. “First, the princesses send Twi, Rarity and Rainbow off on some quest to who-knows-where, then this fella shows up and knows just who he’s lookin’ fer. This is all addin’ up to somethin’ mighty fishy.”

“Eeyup.” The others turned to look at Big Macintosh, who was chewing on a sprig of straw. He gaze was fixed straight ahead.

“Well, we’re not gonna find anythin’ out standin’ here, y’all. Let’s go talk to this feller.”

The three earth ponies set off with Fluttershy flying right above them.


Ivory Scroll had just finished setting off the town alert calling for a meeting of all the ponies on Ponyville. Now she stood just behind and to the right of the massive black Pegasus who had requested it. She hadn’t had the nerve to ask him why he had come, or who had sent him.

She watched the local heroes, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy approach the swelling crowd and nudge their way to the front, the farmer Macintosh simply wading through the smaller ponies.

“Here he is, wow, he’s making a lot of friends…” Pinkie said, climbing up on to the stage with her friends.

Applejack extended a hoof to the black, bat-winged pony, which he ignored. She gave him a questioning look.

“Not right this moment, Applejack. I need the entire town present.”

“Er, alright…” She watched as the town’s population gathered about the stage. None seemed to know what was going on. She approached the mayor.

“What in Equestria is this all about, mayor?”

“I’m not really sure. He just swooped down and ordered a town meeting.”

“Ordered? Who does he think he is?”

“Would you argue with him?”

Applejack took a long look at the Pegasus, who hadn’t moved a muscle. He was bigger than Macintosh, he was even bigger than Luna. He looked like one of Luna’s guards, with his black coat, bat wings and dark armor. A red star decorated his flank.

Applejack approached him once more. “Say, some of our friends left for somethin’ the princess needed ‘em to do. Did princess Luna send you to give us an update?”

The Pegasus turned to look at her. The look in his eyes was one of indescribable hatred, and for a second, Applejack thought he was going to strike her.

He didn’t though, and replied with a simple “No.”

A small, purple dragon ran onto the stage.

“Um, howdy Spike.” Applejack said nervously, backing slowly away from the Pegasus but not taking her eyes off him.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked. He too was looking at the Pegasus, who seemed to have lost interest in them again.

“I dunno, but I got a bad-“

The stranger lifted his wings with the soft sound of leather rubbing against leather. In a booming shout, much louder than anypony should have been able to talk, he addressed the town.

“Citizens of Ponyville!”

Applejack hit the deck and covered her ears against the sound. His voice reminded her of the time Luna had come to visit on Nightmare Night.

“Citizens of Ponyville!” The Pegasus repeated. “I am Redstar, envoy of the night!”

The ponies that weren’t covering their ears looked at him with confusion.

“I bring great news, friends! News of the return of a pony who you believed to be gone forever! Even as I speak, emissaries like me speak to the inhabitants of towns across Equestria. Yours is the home to many ponies of import, such as those who share this stage with me.”

Redstar pointed a polished black hoof at Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked absolutely terrified.

“Soon, friends, soon the true princess of the night shall make her return!”

A grey Pegasus with lopsided eyes raised her hoof. Redstar looked at her for a moment, and then, in a normal voice asked her what she wanted.

“But, isn’t Luna the princess of the night?”

A look of fury crossed Redstar’s face, and he shouted in his booming voice, “NO! I do not speak of, nor do I speak for Luna!”

The cross eyes Pegasus looked at the ground glumly.

“Hey, you can’t talk to my mommy that way!” A small purple unicorn filly piped angrily, patting Derpy’s shoulder.

“SILENCE!” Redstar shouted in a voice twice as loud as his normal shout. Everypony present, even Macintosh, covered their ears and winced.

“As I was saying, I speak for the one true Princess of the night, the one true Queen of Equestria! I speak for Nightmare Moon!”

All fell silent at his words. A few ponies muttered to one another.

“Well, I got bad news for yah, yah big blowhard, but there ain’t no Nightmare Moon. I was kinda there when we got rid of her.” Applejack said, finding her nerve.

“Ah, but that is where you are wrong.” Redstar replied, his voice no longer mighty, but instead dangerously quiet. His pressed his face inches from Applejack’s.

“All that your precious Elements of Harmony managed to do was free my mistress from Luna’s body, giving her freedom. In essence, you and your friends caused her return.”

Applejack put on a brave face but still shook a little as she glared at the mighty Pony in front of her. “She ain’t back. Your lyin’. And I ain’t scared o’ you.”

Redstar snarled and raised a hoof threateningly. Applejack winced, preparing for the blow.

Macintosh bucked Redstar hard in the snout. An audible crunch was heard, and Redstar uttered a startled cry, dabbing at his profusely bleeding nose gingerly with the hoof he had prepared to strike AJ with.

“You insolent WELP!” The last word he shouted with a force that could be felt throughout the courtyard. He turned sideways and bucked Macintosh in the side. Macintosh tried to brace himself, but even he was no match for the force of the kick, and was sent flying headlong across the stage, over the side and onto the ground. He made a soft grunt when he landed and spit some blood, trying to struggle to his hooves. Some ponies rushed over to help him but most just stared dumbfounded.

“See the power granted to me by my Mistress, Nightmare Moon!” Redstar shouted.

Fluttershy had retreated to a corner of the stage, sobbing. Pinkie was trying to comfort her, to little avail.

Redstar talked with a nasally voice, evidence of his broken snout. “Listen now, Ponies! Soon, night shall fall across Equestria, and the sun shall never again rise! I take my leave with this warning. Should we be met with any more opposition, those guilty shall meet a fate far worse than they could imagine!” With that, he spread his wings and jetted off into the sky, leaving a trail of black in his wake.

Applejack leaped off the stage, dashing towards Macintosh. He had fallen back onto the ground, his breathing labored. A massive hoof print marked his side, and he kept spitting more blood onto the ground.

“Big brother!” A little filly with a red mane ran through the cloud, flanked by a small orange Pegasus and white unicorn.

Nurse Redheart pushed them away. “Give him room!”

A white stallion with a stethoscope cutie mark was frantically checking Macintosh’s vitals.

“We need to get him to the hospital, fast!” He exclaimed.

Macintosh winced and grinded his teeth. Applejack, the doctor and Nurse Redheart did their best to help him walk, but it was a slow labor.

It seemed an eternity by the time they got Macintosh through the doors of the Hospital and laid him down on a bed. His breathing has terribly ragged. AJ did her best to comfort him while the medical ponies rushed around, rigging up machines and preparing medicines.

“How you feeling Big Brother?” AJ said, trying to keep her voice steady. Applebloom and her friends had been told to wait outside.

Macintosh chuckled weakly. “Like ah just walked up and down stirrup street in one o’ Granny’s girdles.”

Applejack smiled, remembering back to how Big Mac had gotten himself injured the previous Appleback season.

Redheart rushed in and pushed an IV into Macintosh’s right foreleg then shooed Applejack out of the room. Another doctor ran past her into the room and hooked Mac up to another machine, then closed the blind. Applejack walked out of the hospital slowly and was greeted by Applebloom.

“Is he gonna be alright?!” The cutie mark crusaders asked in unison.

“Ah don’t know, but I sure as sugar hope so…”


Spike paced back and forth across the bottom floor of the library, as he had done hundreds of times over the past few days. With Twilight gone, he had no one to clean up after, and with Rarity gone, he had no one to follow around.

And now he had something else on his mind. That pony from town, Redstar. He had said Nightmare Moon was back. But that was impossible, because Twilight and her friends had defeated her.

If Twilight was here, she would know what to do.


Boysenberry took the night’s dinner out of the oven and placed it on the table. Using magic, she placed three plates and three cups around the table as well, leaving the head empty.

She was troubled by what had transpired in town earlier, and she was glad Blackberry and Raspberry hadn’t been there to see it. Macintosh was a friend of Elderberry’s, and she hoped he would be okay.

She called to the foals to wash up dinner and took her seat, magically scooping some food onto the plates. Blackberry and Raspberry walked in, toweling off their hooves.

“When is daddy coming home?” Raspberry asked, taking her seat across from her mom.

“I don’t know, sweety, soon.”

“What was going on it town today? We could hear noises all the way from here.”Blackberry asked through a mouthful of food.

Boysenberry paused for a moment. “Oh, nothing, just something the mayor had to say.”

Raspberry was pushing some food around her plate.

“What’s the matter, sugar cube, not hungry?” Boysenberry asked.

“I don’t feel too good.”

A thrill of worry ran through Boysenberry, as it did whenever Raspberry said those words. She placed a hoof over her daughter’s forehead.

“Celestia’s sake, you’re burning up! Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

“Ah, I don’t wanna go to bed this early.” Raspberry complained.

“None of that, the last thing I want is you getting’ worse. Now, get to bed, and I’ll bring in some medicine for you.”

Raspberry grumbled, but obeyed, walking slowly to her bedroom. Blackberry looked at his mother, who’s eyes were beginning to fog up.

“What’s wrong?”

“What, oh, it’s, it’s nothing sweetheart. Eat up, I made plenty.” Boysenberry said, wiping her eyes.

Oh, Elderberry, where in Equestria are you…


“Hey, come on, we need to move.” Hood nudged Elderberry with his hoof, waking him from his slumber. All around them, the wind howled and the snow continued to fall.

Elderberry got up slowly, stretching his near-frozen limbs. It was awful trying to camp in this snow, even with the fires that Elderberry made.

Rarity was fussily brushing her mane, complaining openly about the wind.

“This really bites; I can’t feel my wings…” Rainbow Dash said, bristling her feathers.

“We’re close. Another hour or two and we’ll come to a village, according to this map.” Twilight said, magically folding her map and tucking it back into her saddlebag.

Once again, the six ponies started walking, bunched as close to one another as possible. It would have looked comical, if it weren’t for the freezing weather.

They walked ever onward in silence, the eerie sounds from above mixing with the howling of the wind.

Solar Flare broke the silence. “Look!” He pointed in the direction of what looked like a shadow, but on closer inspection, could be recognized as buildings.

“We made it!” Twilight cheered. They broke rank and rushed forward toward the town. As they approached they could see ponies, bundled up against the cold, walking around. One stopped and pointed at them.

When they reached the first of the buildings, two hulking earth ponies stepped in their way.

“Halt, stop there, and state your business.” One said.

Twilight approached and extended a hoof. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and-“

The earth pony cut her off. “What business do you have here, unicorn? And you, pegasi?” He asked, addressing Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash.

Elderberry stepped forward. “They’re with me. We’re on a royal mission from Equestria and we-“

Once again, the earth pony cut him off midsentence. “Equestria? Well then I say you can turn your flanks around and trot on back. We don’t want any business with you nor anyone from there.”

“Now wait just a minute. We didn’t come all this way and almost freeze our tails off for you to just tell us to leave.” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Could we speak to whoever is in charge? Please, this is of dire importance.” Hood begged.

The two guards looked at one another.

“Fine. But keep those horns cool and them wings closed. We don’t associate with your kind very often.”

The six friends followed the guards through town, drawing looks from many citizens. Everypony who lived in this village was an earth pony, most with dark circles around their eyes. They seemed malnourished, but not necessarily starving.

They walked for a few minutes before finally reaching a long hall with a thatched grass roof. They were led inside, where sat a long table, and across from it, a lavishly dressed caramel-colored mare.

“Chancellor, these ponies say they’re from Equestria, and they need to speak with you.” One guard said, bowing his head before the chancellor.

The pony climbed down from her high seat and addressed Twilight, who they had taken as the leader of the party.

“Greetings, unicorn. I am Chancellor Butterscotch. What is your business here?”

Twilight shook hooves with the chancellor as she introduced herself and her friends.

“We were sent here by the Princesses of Equestria to investigate reports of cultists who may pose a threat to us, as well as your ponies.”

Butterscotch thought for a moment. “I can assure you the earth ponies know nothing of these activities. You would likely find what you seek with the Unicorns of Queen Silver Hoof. Your kind are always cooking up dangerous experiments.”

Twilight shifted uneasily, as did Hood and Rarity. They clearly weren’t welcome here.

“Well, would it be okay if we had a look around? We don’t have much information to go on and we can’t be too sure-“


“I’m sorry?”

“I don’t want you snooping around my town. We’re not brutes, and we won’t throw you out, but know that most of the ponies in this town will not be as gracious as me. Many hate the unicorns, and even more so the pegasi. After all, it was they who have kept this blizzard going for these past millennia.”

“No, they havn’t. The ponies who came to Equestria discovered what the cause of the blizzard was, it was wendegos.” Twilight half-explained, half-pleaded.

Butterscotch scoffed. “There’s no such thing.”

“It’s true. Heck, last year some of us starred in a play about it. We have a holiday in Equestria celebrating when we discovered and defeated them.” Rainbow Dash said.

Butterscotch raised an eyebrow. “If that is true, then how were they defeated? It seems unlikely that the blizzard that has plagued us for three thousand years was caused by something that could be so easily ousted.”

Twilight bit her lip. The explanation seemed unlikely, regardless of whether or not it was true.

Hood stepped forward. “You want to know the real reason for this storm? It’s because of that attitude. The lack of respect the ponies here have for one another based solely on whether or not they have horns or wings.”

Butterscotch looked insulted. “And who are you to talk to me in such a way? The life of unicorns is vastly easier than that of earth ponies. Even if we tried to seek a lasting peace, your kind and the pegasi would undoubtedly treat us unfairly and seek to enslave us, just as you did all those centuries ago.”

“Now hold on one second.” Elderberry said, taking a step in Butterscotch’s direction. “You ever wonder why the ponies in Equestria are so well off? It’s because we all work together. We understand that we can all help each other, regardless of who was born with what.”

Butterscotch looked more interested now, presumably because Elderberry was an earth pony like her. “That may be so, but it wasn’t us that started this conflict. Plus, I’m still not entirely convinced of this “wendigo” theory.”

“Maybe it wasn’t you who started it, but wouldn’t it look good for you if you were the one who tried to end it?” Twilight suggested. They had the chancellor going now, and this could be a wonderful chance to not only learn what they need to, but maybe to end the distrust that had plagued this land for so long.

Butterscotch looked thoughtful. “You have to understand though, one does not simply undue three thousand years worth of hatred and distrust. It would take time, and work.”

“What do you have but time?” Hood said.

“We’re gonna run out of time.” Solar Flare griped, nudging Hood, who ignored him.

“I’ll give it some thought. Until then, you six look like you could use some rest. I’ll have my steward set you up with some warm beds and hot meals here in the longhouse.”

Hood sighed with relief. His entire body ached. He had lost all track of time since they had entered the old lands, as it was dark all day and night with the clouds.

They were led to a massive side room with a dozen beds. Each picked a bed and laid down in it, stretching out and making themselves comfortable.

“My, it’s so nice to have a bed to sleep in again.” Rarity exclaimed.

“I know, right? I mean, it’s no cloud, but it’s not bad.” Rainbow Dash said, fluffing her pillow.

Two servants walked in carrying trays in their mouths. They set them down on a table and walked out without a word, obviously uncomfortable serving unicorns and pegasi.

“So what are we gonna do? I mean, if Chancellor Butterscotch does try to make friends with the other tribes that’s great and all, but it’s not exactly what we’re here for.” Hood pointed out.

“True, but it will give us a place to start.” Twilight said.

“A place to start what? I mean, we barely know what we’re looking for.” Solar Flare said.

They discussed it over a meal of tough but tasty bread and assorted unfamiliar vegetables.

“How do you suppose they grow what they need here? The ground is frozen solid.” Elderberry asked.

“We can ask them about it tomorrow. For now, let’s try to get some sleep.” Twilight said, settling into her bed.

Hood pulled off his cape and blew out the candles. It was almost pitch-black now, but Hood could see just fine. He lied down in his bed.

He couldn’t sleep. He was exhausted, and his whole body cried out for sleep, but whatever switch inside him told him to sleep just wouldn’t click off.

Quietly, he crawled out of his bed and across the room to where Twilight lay. Doing his best to make as little noise as possible, Hood climbed up into Twilight’s bed and curled up beside her. She stirred a little.


“It’s me.” Hood replied quietly.

“Oh.” Twilight was barely awake. She turned over and snuggled up beside Hood.

Hood was glad it was dark, as he was blushing furiously.

“G’night, Hood.” Twilight whispered groggily.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight.” Hood laid his head down next to Twilight’s. Despite the circumstances, he was happy.