• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 2,870 Views, 278 Comments

The Original Character Immigration Offices - TypewriterError

Welcome to the O.C.I.O: where your OC can apply to enter Equestria and by your luck make it through the stringent immigration process! ...These are the ones who weren't so lucky.

  • ...



She had been jumping for five minutes at least. Each leap towards the window fell short no matter how wildly she flailed her little blue hooves. After a particular high leap she landed off balance and yelped when fell backwards, leaving her hooves kicking the air. Her glasses fell off and became tangled in the long, yellow mane flowing from her filly head. A pale yellow head poked out to look at her, surprised.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there!”

“It’s fine!” Pageturner said, crawling to her hooves again. She batted at her glassed.

“Here, let me help,” the unicorn mare behind the window said and a lime green aura soon untangled the glasses from her hair.

“Thank you!”

“Now, where’s your mother? Is she being interviewed?”

“Nope! I have an appointment for myself.”

The yellow head disappeared. “Name?”


“I see. You’re right. It looks like you’ll be called in a few minutes. I believe you’ll be interviewing with Glasseye... that can’t be right... Oh.” The head appeared again. “ You don’t sing, do you?”

“Nope! I read! I read lots of lots of lots of books! My cutie mark is a book, see?”

“That’s a relief,” she said with a warm smile as a set of hooves approached and stopped behind Pageturner. “Well, I’ll have someone come and lead you to his office.”

“Thank you!” Pageturner said with a chirp, jumping into the air. FInally! She was going to be able to join the Filly Scouts! They would have cookies and go to Nightmare Night celebrations and cookies and books and the library in Ponyville! Whoo hoo!

“Are you Pageturner?” barked a grumpy-looking unicorn stallion who towered over her, his Handlebar mustache almost bushy enough to tickle the top of her horn as she looked up at him.

“Yep! I am!”

“At least you’re not another alicorn...” he sighed, giving a hard glare to the window where a black and white alicorn narrowed his eyes angrily at the window.

“But I’m white and black.”

“I didn’t say anything!”

“But, you looked at me with judgement!


“Come on. This will get ugly anyway,” the stallion grumbled as he led the bouncing filly into the hall lined with office doors.

“Thank you so much for interviewing me!”

Will you stop that bouncing?

Pageturner landed, started at the glare the stallion gave her.

“Sorry...” she whispered, holding her head down and following him as quietly as possible. He led her to his office and she hopped onto the chair with a small “yeep!”

“You’re not a... singer are you?”

“Nope. Just a filly.”

He grunted and crossed something off a pad of paper in front of him.

“Where are your parents?”

“I can take care of myself!” she chirped.

“We cannot allow that. You will either need to bring suitable parents or sign up to be adopted by a willing pony”

“Oh... Can’t I just live in the library?”

He reached for a much-abused stamp sitting next to him.

“I wouldn’t mind adoption!” she piped. The hoof retreated grudgingly.

“If you make it through this interview or decide to re-apply the forms will be available at the front window.” He crossed something else off.

“Thank you!” She almost bounced again but his stern glance froze her.

“So, why do you want to enter Equestria?”

“I was thinking of taking over the library in Ponyville—”

“Ponyville is overpopulated as is and has been set aside for Official Character use only.”

“Oh... What about Canterlot?”



“I said no! Canterlot is also set aside for Official Characters only.”


“You can’t run the Manehattan library by yourself.” His hoof reached for the stamp again.

“But, what about when I grow up? I don’t mind just working there.”

His mustache twitched as he grunted but no reply came. He looked down at his pad of paper and crossed something else off. Pageturner breathed an imperceptible sigh of relief. She had a hoof in the door now and she was going to do all she could to keep it there or advance farther into Equestria.

“So do you plan to write books, too?”

“No, just read and organize.”

Another grunt to accompany the item crossed off his list. He dropped the pen from his mouth. “Your mane is too long.”

“What?” she yipped before covering her muzzle with her hooves. He gave her another sour look.

“Your mane. It is three inches too long for someone of your size. It will need to be cut to fit regulation size.”

“Oh... ok! Not a problem!” She bobbed up and down on her seat.

“So, what do you plan to achieve until you can work at the library?”


“Why should Equestria allow you to become a citizen?”

“I... uh.”

“That’s all I needed to know.” He reached for the stamp.

“Wait! I can contribute! I was hoping to join the filly scouts and—”

“You need to convince me that you’re actually a benefit to Equestria, not just an annoyance.”

“But the filly scouts—“

“Sell cookies and help little old mares across the street. My dog could do the same and he doesn’t need to file for adoption.”

Pageturner’s bottom lip stuck out and quivered as her eyes grew larger. She sniffed, attracting the scrutiny of Glasseye. He sighed gruffly and crossed another item off his list. That must be a list of things he could use as excuses to say she shouldn’t be allowed into Equestria! She tried to peek to see the end of it, but it continued under his foreleg.

“All right. I guess I can let it slide. But the next thing funny about you and you’re out of here. Got it?”


“Stop shifting and squirming around.”


He grunted again. “What is your greatest weakness?”


“What is your greatest strength?”

“Or-ga-ni-za-TION!” she enunciated. He groaned.

“I guess it could be worse... worst flaw?”

“I’m not that bad.” She saw him reach for his stamp. “I get distracted easily.”

“How can that be the case if you like reading so much?”

“Well...it’s like this. I read a book and it tells me about something I can do. I’ll try to do that thing and forget to keep reading. Then after I’m done I’ll pick the book up again until something else distracts me. Then I’ll go and—“

“Wait... what sort of... literature do you often read?”

“All kinds! All kinds of subjects fascinate me! Cooking, building, crafting, history, math, science, music, languages—“

“What about anarchist literature?”

“I’m not familiar with that word but I would love to research it!”

“And then have a ‘distraction’ and overthrow the Princesses?”

“What! No!”

“No, I’m afraid the risk is too great. You try everything a book tells you to do and you’ll find yourself in trouble. Well, I can tell you that trouble will not happen on my watch!” He picked up the stamp in his mouth.

“Wait! I would never—“

The stamp slammed down onto the paper. Tears filled her vision again and this time she let them burst in geysers from her eyes as she wailed from beneath her non-regulation mane.

Another pony entered the office.

“What is that noise? Oh... Glasseye, she’s just a filly...”

“When she learns discernment with her reading and some self-control then I’ll consider it. Now she’s just a threat.”

“You can’t be serious...”

“Get her out of here. She can apply again next year.”

“That’s not the poli— Oh, fine!”

A green aura lifted the crying filly onto the yellow back of the unicorn receptionist. The receptionist poked her head into the front office and said something to the other mare sitting there before carrying Pageturner into an empty room known as “Filly Cry Room 18” to wail it out until she was ready to try again; with adoption forms, regulation haircut, and less threat of anarchy.