• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 2,872 Views, 278 Comments

The Original Character Immigration Offices - TypewriterError

Welcome to the O.C.I.O: where your OC can apply to enter Equestria and by your luck make it through the stringent immigration process! ...These are the ones who weren't so lucky.

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Cassandra Truth

Cassandra Truth

Alright Cassandra, you got this, I told myself. It wasn’t enough to say it though, I had to believe it. Passing this test was the summit of all accomplishments for ponies like myself; many applied, but few were accepted, and I was going to be one of the few. You know why? Because it was my destiny, and today was the day that I would reach out and grab it. Nervously, I fidgeted with my flowing auburn mane, my long hair partially covering my eye.

As I neared the building, my view was obscured by a cloud of dust and an aggressive tempo of hoofbeats. A distraught-looking stallion in bizarre warrior garb was rushing straight towards me. As a sky-blue pegasus, I was well familiar with collisions caused by other ponies not seeing me, and I had a feeling that this guy's helmet wouldn't be doing his peripheral vision any favors. That, compounded with the enormous wooden slab he was carrying in tow suggested to me that I should cede right of way. Deftly, I sprung into the air, allowing him to pass unabated.

The first thing I noticed about the O.C.I.O. was that the front entryway was nothing more than an arch. Strange choice of architecture, must get cold in the winter. But Twilight Sparkle's input went into this place and she must have had a good reason.

“Talk about an open door policy!” I quipped to the peach-colored secretary at the desk. She kept her expression neutral, and her glance downwards at the stack of papers she was working on. Strange, Pinkie Pie always got a barrel of laughs with her one-liners. Maybe she didn't understand the joke, after all not everypony is gifted with the same highbrow sense of humor as Pinkie and I.

“I said, ‘talk about an open-”

“I got it the first time. Can I help you with something?”

“Cassandra. Here to see Twilight Sparkle.” My omission of the Royal Title demonstrated confidence.

Princess Twilight Sparkle’s office is down the hall to your right" she replied curtly. They say you should always get on the secretary's good graces, and it was pretty clear that hadn't happened. Not my fault, I told myself, she was being impossible to deal with. Blocking out negative thoughts, I quickly located Twilight's door and gave it a knock.

"Come in please" called the vanilla yet enchanting voice of Twilight Sparkle. I screwed up my courage and entered, giving her a warm smile. "Please, Miss..." she quickly glanced at the papers in front of her, "...Cassandra, have a seat."

"Good evening, Twilight, and might I add it's a pleasure to meet you."

"And you. So, tell me about your prospective life in Equestria."

"As a pony so learned as yourself, I have no doubt you're familiar with the term 'Cassandra Truth.'" I said, showcasing my own talents while simultaneously buttering her up, "hence, I would like to move to Ponyville and be an advice columnist. Ponies can write me anonymously for advice, and I tell them what they need to do, even if it's an answer that's hard for them to swallow."

"That's not bad, actually" replied Twilight pensively. I wasn't a betting mare, but I'd hazard that the gentlecolt with the ludicrous helmet & cape had given a much more outlandish response than mine. I was acing this interview, it was like the two of us were friends already! "Could you share an example of a difficult question and how you'd answer it?" Awesome! This was the question I was hoping to get. Now I'd get a chance to blow her away with all my research and worldly knowledge.

"One letter I might get would be, 'Dear Cassandra, I want to quit my job as a model, but am afraid of disappointing my friends, please help, signed Camera Shy'. I'd respond with something like 'Dear Camera Shy, you must tell the truth, your friends have to understand that your life decisions are in your own hooves. Contrary to popular belief, you will not lose their friendship forever."

"That's very specific. You've really thought it out." said Twilight, though her voice didn't have the awestruck inflection that I'd hoped my answer would elicit.

"Something wrong?"

"The advice is sound, but... could you maybe give me one more?"

"Certainly. Say somepony writes to me, 'Dear Cassandra, I have to give a flying performance in front of my childhood idols. I've waited my whole life for a chance like this, and now I'm so nervous I can hardly fly straight. I need some awesome pointers now! Signed Rainbow Bashful.' I'd tell her—"

"Thank you I've heard enough." I looked up at Twilight, expecting to see stars in her eyes. Instead, I found I couldn't see her eyes at all, because her face was buried in her front hooves. "I had such high hopes when you said you had a normal profession. I was so happy that I even overlooked the fact that you've copied Fluttershy's hairstyle to a T."

"Or maybe she copied me" I suggested in a desperate attempt to add levity.

"I don't know how you've become so intimately familiar with me and my friends' affairs and frankly I don't think I want to."

"C'mon Twilight, the Princess told you to make more friends, didn't she?"

"Cassandra, in doing a background check on you, I came across a few of your manuscripts. The phrase "Mane Seven" comes up a staggering number of times, and while I don't discriminate against bisexuals, your character is..." She fished for the right word, which I hoped would be 'riveting'. "...unsettlingly forward towards me and my friends. I gave you this chance because I didn’t think I’d have to worry about you acting out on your fantasies. Clearly my trust was misguided.”

"Very well, I understand. I'd hoped for Ponyville, but I'll make do with living in Fillydelphia or Baltimare."

"You're not getting in. I don't think it's a good idea for someone with your level of indiscretion to be handling ponies' most embarrassing secrets. In fact, you know what?" She used her magic to open a filing cabinet & levitate out a sheet of paper, on which she began furiously scribbling. "Just in case you, by some stretch of the imagination, do find your way into Equestria, I'm serving you with a restraining order. You are to stay five hundred feet away from me and my friends, and another thousand from Fluttershy."

"Well, I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles. Pinkie Pie would like that expression. It's been a dream of mine to meet you. Mind if I shake your hoof?"

"Yes. Now get out."