• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 2,872 Views, 278 Comments

The Original Character Immigration Offices - TypewriterError

Welcome to the O.C.I.O: where your OC can apply to enter Equestria and by your luck make it through the stringent immigration process! ...These are the ones who weren't so lucky.

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Golden Lining

Golden Lining

I approached the door into the O.C.I.O. office, a swagger in my step. This was going to be the easiest thing I had ever done. Even easier than the time I actually took candy from a baby. What? Don’t judge, I just wanted to test out the saying.

Anyway, I was still trying to get used to walking on hooves. I wasn’t falling on my face... muzzle... anymore, but I wasn’t the most steady. The wings did help though, just flare them out if I ever felt my balance failing. It wasn’t foolproof and that one cute mare I had smacked in the face meant I had to be careful in crowds, but I just flashed her my most charming smile, watching as she melted on her hooves trying to forgive me.

Oh man, I hope the interviewer is cute, I thought. If I can charm her than this will be even easier. I made it to the door and my horn powered up to open it. Before I got ahold of the handle, the door was flung open, nearly hitting me in the face. My quick dodge sent me tumbling head over hooves. “Whoa!” I cried out. I hit the side of the building and lay there, looking up at my attacker.

“Well I never...” said the pony striding out the door. He had the most peculiar coat and mane color combination: a totally black body with a flaming red mane. He had both wings and a horn, though based on the imprint in the door he had used neither in his hasty exit, instead simply kicking the door open. “Just because I have unique colors doesn’t mean I should be denied entry!”

I picked myself off the ground, stumbling slightly. Sucker, I thought. Shoulda picked better colors. I glanced at my own impeccable coat, with its stripes of silver and gold. I spotted some dirt from my fall on my wings, but a quick burst of magic took care of that. Flipping my sun-golden mane and making sure it was perfect, I entered the building, trusting that someone else would close the door.

There were several others sitting in chairs in the waiting room but I didn’t pay them any attention. Instead I locked eyes with the bored looking mare at the check-in desk. She was shuffling some papers around.

I walked up to the desk, my hooves announcing my arrival. She looked up and I fixed her with my second best smile. “Hello there,” I said. “I’m here for a 6:30 with Twilight Sparkle.” I raised a single eyebrow.

The mare stared at me for a moment before speaking up. “Name?”

I leaned casually on the desk. “Golden. Golden Lining. And what’s your name? It must be lovely to match someone as lovely as you.” I made my voice as suave and smooth as possible.

The mare glanced down at her schedule. “You’re early. Please have a seat over there.” She gestures towards the others you noticed upon entering.

“Thank you my lady,” I said. I grasped her outstretched hoof in mine, bringing it up to my lips. I planted a short kiss upon her hoof before releasing her. The mare’s cheeks flushed red as I turned and made my way over to the chairs. Oh ya, I’ve got this in the bag.

I took a seat in one of the chairs, finally taking notice of the other ponies around me. Sitting two seats over was a unicorn mare with a yellowish-silver coat. Her cutie mark was of a jug with a moon over it. She was pretty cute, though she looked like a quiet one. But that was fine by me, just meant less pillow talk afterwards.

There were a few other ponies, but none of them were as hot as this unicorn. I slid over a seat and struck up a conversation. “Hey there baby. I can’t help but notice your cutie mark. A moon is good because baby, I’m over the moon about you.”

She looked up at me, her eyes a silver color with hints of blue in it. “Over the moon? Wow, that’s impressive.” she said.

I nodded. “Indeed. If you want, we could meet up in Equestria tonight, show each other the sights.” I stared at her flank, trying to get a look at what was back there.

“The Lunar Lakes? Or how about the Crater Cafe?”

“We can do whatever you want sweet cheeks.” Oh man, this is awesome! My first night in Equestria and I may not even have to look for someone to celebrate with.

She smiled at me. “Ooo... then let’s go Moonshining, I think there’s a full moon tonight. It’ll be... beautiful.”

“Yeah, it is.” I had no idea what she was saying, but if it got me a night with her, I’d say anything. She kept going on about the moon and moonlight and other things. I stopped paying attention, instead just staring at her flank and giving automatic responses. Finally though something managed to break through my thoughts.

“Mr Lining?” the desk mare called. “Ms. Sparkle is ready for you.”

I stood up. Now was my time to shine. I turned to the mare and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see you on the other side baby,” I said with a wink. She looked taken aback, but I just chalked that up to shock.

As I walked past the desk, an earth pony mare was walking past me. Her tan coat didn’t really stand out, but as I got a good look at her flank, I noticed it was blank. She didn’t look very happy though, and as much as I wanted to chat her up, maybe invite her along tonight as well, I had an interview to get to.

I made for the door marked T. Sparkle and knocked. A familiar voice called from inside. “Come in.”

I opened the door and sitting on a cushion behind a desk was a lavender unicorn, someone I recognized. Twilight looked up and I took her in. She was even more gorgeous in... person? pony? than in the show. Her mane hung over her forehead, the pink and purple stripes positioned perfectly. Her deep purple eyes stared at me as I stood in the doorway.

“Come in and have a seat,” she said, indicating the pillows set up in front of her desk with a hoof.

I stopped staring at her long enough to sit down. And I didn’t stumble along the way, so that was a plus. I could tell that she was observing me, taking in my appearance. As soon as I was seated, I flipped my mane, making sure it was absolutely perfect and that my horn was front and center. A quick ruffle of my wings and I desisted from drawing her eye and returned to taking her in.

“Are you one Golden Lining?” she asked.

I nodded. “Indeed I am. And you must be the beautiful Twilight Sparkle.” I held out a hoof, which she took. But rather than shake it, I planted a kiss on it, just as I had the desk mare. While the desk mare had blushed, Twilight simply looked at me, her face blank. Hmm, I’ll need to step up my game.

I released her hoof, which she set down on the floor. She glanced at the open file in front of her. “I see from your file that you listed reason for entry as: A cultural education. Care to elaborate on that?”

“Straight to business, I like that.” Time for me to get to work. I gave her my best flirtatious stare. Only the best for Twilight. “I want to experience the Equestrian culture, and I think that they should experience mine.” I stole a glance at her flank, the stars cutie mark emblazoned there. It was slightly juicy, but not fat. Her entire body was plump, a typical scholar who didn’t get much exercise but somehow managed to keep mostly in shape. Size didn’t matter though, and that juicy flank would just mean more cushion.

Her eyes watched me, taking in everything. “Culture huh?”

I nodded. “Indeed, culture. Perhaps you would like to show me some culture? Tonight, in Ponyville?”

“You seem certain about getting in.”

I returned to my flirtatious stare. “I know I’m getting in,” I said.

“And what makes you say that?”

I leaned forward, closer to her. She stood her ground. “Because I’m a shoo in.”

Her eyebrow arched. “Really?”

“Really. I’m the only one like me. Equestria could learn a lot from me.” And I could totally learn a lot from it, like all about mares. And stallions. And gryphons. Ooh and zebras.

Twilight broke eye contact to glance at the file once more. “Well, you are unique, there’s no disputing that.”

“I am. Tell me Twilight, would you like to know just how unique I am?”

She nodded. “Please, enlighten me.”

I continued to lean over her desk. Time to really turn on the charm. “I can show you things, things that you’ve never seen before, never experienced.”

She put her front hooves on her desk, leaning forward towards me. “What kind of things?”

I had her right where I wanted her. She was biting the bait and soon I would not only have my entry into Equestria, but I could cross Twilight’s name off my list a lot earlier than I had thought. “I know things, things that you don’t know.” I leaned in closer. I could smell her scent, she looked like lavender and smelled like it too.

“There’s not a lot that I don’t know.” She held her ground against me.

I smiled at her, my best one of course. Almost, just a little more. “Do you want to know what I know, to experience what only I can give you?”

“And what would that be?” She leaned in to me. I could now feel her breath as it ghosted across my lips.

“A world that you could only dream of. A world of passion and excitement.”

“Sharing our cultures?”

I nodded. “Yes, sharing our cultures.” I leaned forward once more, our faces separated by only inches. Her face was all I could see, her eyes staring into mine. “Don’t you want to experience another culture?”

“I do,” she answered, her voice breathless.

I moved closer to her as she moved into me. Her lips passed over mine, just a brush that sent a shiver down my spine in anticipation.

“Are we alone here?” I asked. I hoped the answer was no. After all, the more the merrier.

She nodded, the action brushing her lips across mine once more. “We are.” Her voice sent vibrations across my face, her breath blowing past me.

I smiled once more and simply said, “Perfect.” And now, time to seal the deal. I leaned forward, capturing her lips with mine. She tasted like berries. I felt like I was in heaven. Here I was, making out with Twilight Sparkle and ready for more, when something interrupted us.

There was a thump from the desk, loud enough to break my concentration. And Twilight pulling back didn’t help either. I glanced up and saw her horn alight, magic flowing through it. I looked around, trying to figure out what she was doing.

I glanced down at my file. A stamp was hovering over it, surrounded by her glowing aura. On the file in large red letters was the word DENIED.

I looked back up at her. She was sitting back on her haunches once more, a smile on her face. Though this one was less friendly and more smug. “Sharing culture, really? That’s the best excuse you could give me?”

“Wha?” I sputtered, confused. Everything had been going so well, I had her right where I wanted her. What had gone wrong?

“Mr. Lining, it’s obvious to me exactly what your intentions are in Equestria. You think you’re the first person to try and get past me? I see at least a dozen of you a week.”

“But...” My brain refused to form coherent sentences.

“Golden Lining, your application to enter Equestria is denied, have a nice day.” She closed my file and stuck it on top of a stack of others in a red tray on her desk. There was also a green tray, which was nearly empty.

“But the culture,” I said.

“Is fascinating I’m sure. But don’t try and hide from me that ‘culture’ isn’t what you’re talking about.” She pointed a hoof at him. “You have, shall we say, other needs.” She pondered for a moment, her hoof moving to her chin. “No, that’s not right. Desires, that’s the right word.”

She pulled a file off the top of the short stack in a third tray on her desk. “Now if you would please leave, I have another appointment at seven. You may feel free to resubmit your application in... never.” She giggled at her joke.

My mouth was working but no sounds were coming out. Twilight looked up from her paperwork and saw me still sitting there. “Oh great, another one,” she muttered.

Her horn lit up again and I felt a tingling sensation surround me. My vision was tinted with a red aura, the same color her horn was glowing. I felt the floor vanish from underneath my hooves and I was floating. The door behind me opened and I soon found myself in the hall. The sensation left and I was dropped to the floor. Twilight sent me a final smug look before the door to her office closed with a resounding click.

What just happened?

I sat in the hallway for a moment longer before my brain started working again. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I did everything right, by the book (the one that I wrote for my use). She had seemed hooked and ready to go. But she had been playing me, probably the entire time. She had seen right through me.

My dreams of mares, stallions, and everything in between had just went up in smoke. Sure I got to kiss Twilight, but that’s it. I wanted more, I wanted all of them. I could see them, just waiting for me. Yet the door had been closed, both literally and figuratively.

I stood up, walking back down the hallway and into the waiting room, passing the lovely mare I had spoken to earlier. I exited the building and into the evening light. Spotting a bench nearby, I sat down. The door to the O.C.I.O. stared back at me, taunting me. I’m not sure how long I sat there, but eventually the door opened and that one moon mare walked out, the tan mare with the blank flank following her. I need a drink... And some company.