• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 2,470 Views, 169 Comments

Follow Your Heart - Blue Spark

When some of the worlds population has been changed and the future at times looks bleak, what choice do we have left but to follow our heart?

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Follow Your Heart
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro & Lauren Faust
By: Blue Spark

/)\*Chapter 2*/(\

My mind went blank as I stared at the new appendages that were on my back.


Truthfully, this is also the first time I had really good look at my body, or at least a larger portion of it. From where I can see I can now confirm that I was blue. A really dark blue, not much else to describe it, maybe navy blue? Well, below my wings I had a long, soft looking tail that was a dark chocolate brown with some blue streaks in it that also matched my coat color. Kinda weird, I expected it to be little shorter and a bit more, I dunno, rugged? Looked like something that a model would have.

If models were ponies, that is, but now I'm getting off topic.

I looked back at my brothers, and suddenly feeling very self conscience about my appearance, tried to find a way to snap them out of their shocked states.

“So, uh, how do I look?” I said, glancing at the ground while blushing slightly.

Wait, blushing?

I was shocked I was having these feelings. These were my brothers! What the hell!? Sure, I never stood out right naked in front of them but I don't think that would be something to blush about, would it? They both stuttered something and looked at the ground, nervous. God, why is this getting so awkward!?

More or less, why do I even care about my appearance? I never cared how I looked before... Could it be that maybe this transformation didn't just occur to my body but my mind as well?

If so, then I'm acting like a total pansy and I really need to stop.

There were some footsteps outside and soon Jason came in, a shocked look on his face.

“Guys, you won't believe what happened... to... Terry...” He slowed down when he looked at me.

“Well, uh, you know what I mean. Just, come see for yourselves” He started again, turning away and motioning for us to follow.

Paul, Axel and I exchanged nervous glances. Judging from what Jason said, Terry was turned into a pony too. At least he won't be the only one...

This made me think for a moment. Why were we turning into ponies? I mean, yeah, a whole lot of people might think it would be cool but then again, why us? Are there any others out there that were transformed or are we the only ones?

I shoved these thoughts to the back of my head as we entered Terry's room. Everyone stood in the small, cramped sleeping space. Since Terry was the youngest, he got the smallest room. In one corner laid a short twin sized bed, in the other corner was a bookshelf that held dozens upon dozens of popular children books that someone would read to him at night. Toys were littered everywhere on the floor and if you didn't watch your step you'll step on a Lego. I took a couple steps into the room but stopped suddenly when I heard a loud crunch. Everyone turned to me and I froze as I slowly lifted my hoof to see what it was. It was a Lego.

A now shattered red 2x3 if you wanted to be precise.

“Oops.” I said, smiling sheepishly.

Note to self, hooves are a lot stronger then Legos.

Everyone in the room quickly turned to the bed when it began to stir while Mom sat down on the covers next to a mound on the bed.

“Terrance?” She whispered while shaking the now stirring form a little.

“Mgh, don't wanna...” Terry replied under the covers.

Mom sighed; since nothing with him seemed to be wrong yet she might as well get right in on her usual routine for waking him up.

“Terrance, if you don't get up in five I am going to have Paul and Jason to do a repeat of what occurred on the April fools from two years ago.” She said in a stern voice, but the glint in her eyes told that she was joking.

Paul and Jason stared at each other eagerly and looked just about ready to shoot off to get the duck tape, shaving cream, dental floss and camera. Don't ask what they'll do with that stuff, just know that it took a long while to clean Terry's room after words.

Anyway, that seemed to work quite well because almost instantly the mound became a flurry of limbs and I can hear Terry's muffled voice screaming “I'm up! I'm up!”. My Mom decided to help and in a deft motion pulled the covers off of her son; let's just say though, despite what some of us were feeling, it was still quite a shock.

There, wrapped in a cocoon of baby blue blankets, was Terry.

Or at least we thought it was Terry.

To meet all of our stares, two large dark green orbs stared back that belonged to a young earthy green colt. He had a light tan mane with lime green streaks running through it. To top it all off he was wearing Batman pajamas. Man, I knew Terry's favorite color was green but this took the cake; though I guess I'm not much better, blue being my favorite color and all...

Actually, Terry's eyes aren't normally green, they're hazel. Everyones eyes are- er, I mean, almost everyone, are hazel. I actually never got a good look at either mine or Chase's faces either, I was too busy panicking over being turned into a pony and how adorable my nephew was. I'll need to take a look at our eyes later.

Terry had a look of shock and wonder on his face as he stared at everyone in the room and then the two ponies who he began to realize were from his favorite show, or at least the same universe.

“Whoa...” was all he breathed out as a sudden thought looked to have to cross his mind and his eyes grew wide, excitement sparking to life in them.

“Spencer? Chase?” I scoffed at how he was able to recognize us so easily while Chase replied by rapidly nodding up and down. How is that even possible? I mean, maybe it's cause we're related? Maybe there's some creepy magic that's happening at this very moment so that we could easily recognize each other...

Or it may be the fact that we're all vastly different ages so he could easily point out the size of each pony to the human that is missing.

“How do you know it's us?” I asked while Terry quickly directed his attention towards me. “We're in different bodies than before and you shouldn't know it's us unless you heard our voice.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Well...” He started. “You both look like the ponies you made for each of us.” He looked at Chase. “Chase looks like Cobalt Flare” He then looked back at me. “And you look sorta like Blue Spark, just...” He paused, frowning his head as if there was something wrong.

“More real?” I coaxed.

He nodded hesitantly but still didn't look too sure.

“Wait, you know what you are?” Dad asked, looking at us incredulously.

I coughed lightly. “Ahem, well, yeah... I guess...”

Taking another look at both Chase and Terry I took a deep breath.

“I, uh... Sorta made an OC for all of us on a pony creator program...” I blushed slightly while looking down. “Turns out that our bodies seemed to be based off of it so far.”

“Really? What do I look like?” Axel asked, intrigued.

I ignored him and focused on Terry. “So, how are you feeling, Terra Bolt?” I put extra emphasis on his pony name, wondering if he would catch on...

He apparently did.

A quick look of realization spread across his features and he looked down, only to gasp in surprise as he slowly brought a hoof up to his face.

Wonder when he's gonna start panicking?

“THIS SO AWESOME!!!” He shouted, grinning widely.

I'll take that as a never, then.

He instantly began flailing his newfound hooves everywhere, smiling as if it was Christmas.

“Oh man this is so cool! I always wanted to be a pony! 'GASP!' That means I can actually get my cutie mark!!! I wonder what it'll be? Maybe I'll be an astronaut! Or-or maybe a-” He was cut off when Axel put a hand over his mouth, er, muzzle, effectively silencing him and grabbing his attention.

“Whoa, cool it, squirt. We need to figure out what's going on before anything else. Got it?”

Terry nodded and Axel removed his hand.

“This is so cool!!!” He continued to quietly gush.

I giggled at the way his face looked, it was really adorable. Sadly, it was not to last, and Mom asked what seemed the most important question at the moment.

“Spencer, where are your pajamas?”

Yes, very good question, especially when two of your children and nephew are now ponies.

“Well, I, um...” I stammered. Dammit, what's a good excuse for standing indecent in front of your mother???

“We kinda had to rip em off since they didn't quite fit him so well anymore.” Paul, god bless him, came to my rescue by indicating my wings and coming up with a good excuse.

“You ripped them off!?” Oh my god, Paul, you have fucked up now... Wait, why isn't she surprised about the wings!? I mean, come on, I can fly now!!!

“They were really itchy and there was no other way to get them off.” I pleaded.

My Mother sighed and just stood up from the bed.

“I'm need some coffee...” All the males stepped aside for her as she exited the room and no made her way downstairs.

“What now?” Jason asked.

Good point, nobody at the moment had any clue as of what to do.

“Well, first off, let's go check the news. This couldn't have been a coincidence so maybe there are some other people who got turned into ponies too.” Conor said out loud.

Everyone nodded in agreement. What else do we have to loose? What can we even do? We could all just stand here awkwardly but then nothing would get done.

We all began to move out of the room but stopped when we heard some shuffling from the bed. Turning around we saw that Terry was still stuck in the blankets.

“Guys! Hey guys, little help here?” He said, struggling, but we could all tell that he was making it worse.

Axel sighed and went over to help him out.

“Terry, seriously, chill. You're making it worse.”

He stopped struggling and let Axel unravel the sheets. While he did that everyone made their way downstairs, me albeit a bit more slowly. No way in hell am I being carried like a dog again, rather smash my face in the wall. Luckily, I was slow enough this time that I didn't outright hit the wall, just used it as a final stopping point.

After FINALLY getting down the stairs I headed into the family room where everyone was, the TV just turning on and Dad switching over to the news. He sat in his chair in front of the table, looking at the TV, Mom was next to him, just staring at her coffee with a blank look before taking a big swig of it, shivering slightly. Paul and Jason sat on opposite ends of the couch, also looking at the TV while Conor sat in the cushion between them with Chase on his lap, giving him a carrot to munch on once in a while. I felt a little guilty about the whole pajamas being torn off, Mom definitely looked upset about it so I decided to comfort her.

“Hey Mom?” I walked up to her and put a foreleg on one of her legs, catching her attention from her coffee.

“I'm sorry about getting my clothes torn, they were the only way to get them off. If there was any other way we would've done it.”

Mom sighed and put a hand on the back of my head, scratching my ear slightly. It caught me off guard but it felt nice, so I continued to let her do it; mostly as a way to distract her from the fact that her children were becoming a different species entirely. Still, felt really good.

“It's okay. It's just that this is all happening so fast and-” She stopped short as Axel walked in with Terry, setting him down. Terry had a look of discomfort on his face.

“Hey, do you think you can get these off please? They're really itchy.” Mom's eyes dilated to pinpricks.

“Sure thing kiddo!”

“No! Wait! Don't do-”


“-it...” The words died out in her throat as Axel threw the torn Batman pajamas to the side.

“Sorry Batman, but it had to be done.” Axel said solemnly.

“May he forever be in our hearts.” Paul stated sadly.

“And our video games.” Jason added.

“That too.”

Mom let out a long sigh, hanging her head in defeat.

“I give up. I just don't care anymore. If you boys feel like craping in the middle of the living room now that your horses I wont mind...”

Dad turned to her, raising an eyebrow, while Paul and Jason pretended to sit down on an invisible toilet while making farting noises.

“Will you both stop that!” He snapped, glaring at them.

They immediately seized up and slowly sat back down on the couch, nervously glancing at the floor.

“You think this is funny!? That this is some kind of joke!?” He got up and stood over them as they hung their heads in shame, his voice rising as he got closer.

“How would you feel if you were in this kind of position, huh!? Would like it if I laughed at you!?”

Oh man this is bad, looks like he's finally letting out all of his frustration; and it's directed at Paul and Jason. I wanted to say something but if I did I would likely get yelled at too. There had to be some kind of distraction...

“Uh, guys? Your gonna wanna see this.” Conor said as he pointed to the TV.

Everyone stopped and looked at the screen while Mom picked up the remote and raised the volume. On screen the anchor man was seated at his wooden desk with a fake view of the city behind him. He was shuffling through some papers and looked rather nervous, which was rather strange as he was always shown with confidence, even if he made the once in a while mishap on camera. His co-anchor was also surprisingly missing but we didn't pay much mind to that. He shuffled the papers for another second before a voice off camera could be heard saying “Your on!” He nervously glanced off camera and mouthed “Are you sure you want me to say this?” There must've been some hand motions or something because a moment later he took a deep breath and turned to the camera with a forced smile.

“Good morning America and welcome to CNN news! Reports of thousands of individuals being mysteriously “changed” have been occurring this morning. These reports state that they were no longer themselves, all cases being that the victim has been turned into some kind of strange creature.”

The anchor man paused as the image switched to show several severe accidents and people, as well as ponies, being taken to the hospital on stretchers. The scene was actually quite scary as some of the accidents looked really life threatening.

“Due to the sudden change, and people trying to drive around in their new condition, car crash reports have been at a all time high, at least a few dozen in the last hour, and is expected to increase dramatically throughout the day.”

The image then switched back to the anchor man.

“We'll go more in-depth as the situation progresses but now, time for the weather!” The screen the switched over to the weatherman as he began to highlight areas and started to report how they expected clear skies for today.

Everyone in the room immediately started talking but I ignored them as the weatherman zoomed in on the lightning bolt on screen and continued to talk about the strange phenomenon.

“In other news the extra terrestrial phenomenon is still inactive and passive after first appearing just outside lunar orbit almost one year ago next week.” he continued “Scientists all over the world are still studying the phenomenon and report that there is no active threat. Still, though, reaction forces are on stand-by in case of emergency.”

I glanced out the window to the large lightning bolt shaped tear in the sky. It appeared to be have made by a swirl of strange colours, always shifting, causing it to have an ominous appearance. When it first showed up in the sky there was a world wide panic but after a few days people calmed down enough to go on with their daily lives. The military, like the weatherman said, is still actively watching it in case of danger but by now it seems highly unlikely.

I sighed as I turned away from the TV to look at everyone. They seemed to have calmed down a bit which is good but Conor and Dad still looked worried and were eagerly discussing something. I sighed again, drooping slightly at remembering how strange my voice suddenly was. Seriously, what the hell?

“Why do I sound so different?” I finally voiced my concern out loud.

As I turned to look at everyone Axel seemed to freeze but Mom decided to inquire further.

“What do you mean? You've all changed.” She said, eyebrow raised.

I shook my head, “But that's the thing, despite the fact that our bodies were changed” I motioned to Chase, Terry and myself. “only my voice changed, see?”

I then did one of the most worst possible things that I could do.

I tried to sing.

Now hold on, you might think that this might not be such a bad thing. Sure, some people can't sing and when they try it's not that great but is still kinda bearable but you don't know me. I can't sing for the life of me due to how deep my voice is. It's not extremely deep but deep enough that I can't sing well at most pitches and any other I can't do at all. So, in theory, if I can't get sound to come out it's impossible, right? Wrong! The few times I try and “force” myself to even try the only sound I get is a loud whine that sounds like a puppy is choking, it's not pretty. So, you'll have to understand that when my family saw me take a deep breath and open my mouth they all quickly covered their ears (Even Chase), closed their eyes and prayed to whatever god there is above that they would survive.

Luckily I was right in that my voice changed because when I opened my mouth and began to sing a little melody that, surprisingly, sounded very good. The looks on everyones faces was priceless as I repeated the melody a couple times, just to get the feel of my new vocal cords... and maybe rub in the fact that I can now sing. Damn do I sound good!

“Well, looks like I can sing now.” I said, giving them a smug look.

Everyones mouths hanged open. A moment later Mom seemed to have regained her composer and looked at me in astonishment.

“That was well done honey! But you're right, your voice does sound very different...” She trailed off and began to look deep in thought.

“That was so cool! You almost sound like Fluttershy!” Terry said in excitement, but then paused for a moment. “Or would it be Rainbow Dash? I mean you kinda sound like a mixture of both, which is weird despite the fact that your a boy.”

“Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash?” I said in surprise.

“Who's Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?” My Mom asked, looking to Terry.

Axel was now sweating bullets and seemed nervous as hell. He was looking at Terry and making hand motions for him to stop talking, which was actually suspicious. Why would he though? He doesn't have anything to hide-

“They're two of the main characters from the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.” Everyone seemed to nod but froze when they heard what he said next. “Speaking of which, you kinda look like them too. Weird, right?”

Now, everyone didn't know quite enough about the show to point faces to names but there is one thing that they all knew about for a fact, and that was...

1. The main characters of the show are mares.

2. The term mare also translates to girl pony.

3. I not just sounded but also looked like some of the main characters from the show.

My ass hit the floor as I had to sit down due to shock while I began to make the connection. If I looked like either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash then that could mean only one thing.

I was a girl.

As I began to hyperventilate my mind quickly began to realize how much it suddenly makes sense. I instantly tried to come up with some way to distract myself, anyway to stay off the topic for as long as I can. Sadly, that distraction came in the form of Axel when he stepped forward to comfort me. I soon came to another conclusion as I just realized something. Axel was a huge fan of My Little Pony so he could easily tell the gender of a pony just by looking at them. Furthermore, he was acting suspicious ever since the beginning this morning when I entered the family room the first time.

My thoughts went back to recall when he put his hands over the mouth of Paul and Jason and things just began to click.

The talk in the basement.

When they were giving me nervous looks.

That look of pity when they came back up.

Axel's nervous look now.

He finally reached me and went down on a knee to be eye level.

“Look, Spencer, I know what you're thinking and-” My thoughts blocked him out as I finally led to the big picture.

This son of a bitch knew that I'm a girl and he didn't bother to tell me!?

“You knew.” It was a whisper, barely loud enough to reach anyones ears, but he heard it and paused for a second before sighing and looking at me with sad eyes.

“Yeah, I knew.” He was about to say more but my mind snatched on what he first said and used it to fuel my anger.

In a swift motion that I barely knew what happened I put as much force in my right hoof that I could and punched him in the chest, knocking Axel on his back and out of breath. I then stepped over to him and held him down as I put my face right up to his and took a deep breath.

“YOU KNEW AND DECIDED NOT TO EVEN TELL ME!? YOU ASSHOLE!!!” I shouted as loud as I could.

I didn't care about my language at the moment but I think at some point Conor and Dad covered Chase's and Terry's ears. It doesn't matter.

“Y-yeah but-”

“BUT NOTHING!” To emphasis my point I stomped my hoof on his chest, hard. He winced as I continued. “YOU THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TELL PAUL AND JASON BUT NOT ME!? THIS ISN'T EVEN ABOUT THEM! HOW COULD YOU!?” I began to feel tears trying to form in my eyes but I held them back for the sake that I would not let this argument end. “I-I thought I could trust you, t-that you were my friend...”

“I am you're friend, I'm your brother for Pete's sake! I just wanted to wait until-”

“UNTIL WHEN!?” It was getting harder to stay focused now. I could feel the tears coming but I didn't want to cry, not while I'm in front of the person I'm mad at. “Until I-I already knew? U-until everyone else knew? Or until I h-had to use the bathroom?” I looked at him with hurt eyes as I waited for an answer but I got none as he just stuttered, trying to think of something to say.


“I-I don't know...” He trailed off, looking to the side.

I got off of him and began to walk away.

“I thought so.” As I said this I put on the best neutral look that I could and walked out of the room, anyone who was in my way moved aside so it didn't take me long.

I kept it up the mask as I walked outside of the room and trotted up the stairs. I wasn't watching my step though and I slipped as I neared the top and hit my head with a loud thud. Grudgingly, I got up but still kept my face neutral until I reached my room. Once inside I slammed the door close and jumped onto my bed in a single motion. I rested there for a minute before thinking about what happened.

I was turned into a pony from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

I had my gender changed without me realizing it.

My older brother and best friend kept quite about said fact that I was now a mare when I didn't realize it.

And for the first time in my life I blew up in front of my family.

As I continued on and on and on with these thoughts I began to feel worse. I felt the tears slowly creep down my face along my muzzle. It was a weird, foreign feeling and I hated it. I reached over and grab a pillow and pulled it close to myself, trying to stifle my sobs as I could feel myself crying like nothing before.

I hated feeling weak. Insignificant. Like I didn't matter. My brother not telling me, feeling as if it wasn't important; like I wasn't important, made me feel like shit. I knew this feeling well, almost everyone at school couldn't care less how I felt. From freshman year they made fun of me. Sophomore year they spoke rumors about me. Junior year they began to shun me. Now, in senior year, the year where it's supposed to be the best year of all, it was almost like I never existed. My brothers would help make me feel better from time to time but now, now I'm just tired of it. Now that I think about it, Paul and Jason had something to do with it too, since Axel took them away to have a private talk with them; that alone was turning the knife in the already painful metaphorical wound.

As I continued to sob into my pillow I began to feel angry. At times like this when I would think about suicide I began to feel rage. Slowly, my sobs turned into muffled screams and I began to think of things to get back at life; to make it better then what it currently was. To get myself back on track. I don't need Axel, or Paul or Jason or Connor or Terry, Mom and Dad, Chase, anyone! I don't need anybody and I'll be damned if I even begin to fucking care!!! I looked to my left as I rubbed my face to get rid of the tears.

7:00 God, that whole ordeal today was an hour so far!?

I began to feel the weight of hopelessness again but beat it back. I'm in control of my life and I'll be damned if I let this day get any worse! I still had obligations though. I had 45 minutes till I needed to be where I had to be; I still had time if I get Mom or Dad to drive me.

“I don't need anyone, or anything. I don't care about them, and they don't care about me! Look out world because I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!” I started to shout my little declaration, getting myself pumped and ready for the day, but it was sadly cut short by a knock at the door.

“Honey? Are you okay in there?” Mom sounded worried, hell you'd probably worry about your child too if you heard what I just screamed but I don't care.

I am done handing out free fucks today.

“Hey Mom?” I said, ignoring her question.

“Um, yes sweetie?”

“Pack my lunch, I'm going to school!” And with that I jumped off my bed and headed to the door, ready to take on any challenge this morning and beat today into submission. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this plan, no sir!

Besides, it's not like this day can get any worse, right?

I think I just fucked it up now...

Author's Note:

I finally did it!
Just to let you guys know though, since my computer doesn't have a built in thesaurus or such the grammar in here will be horrifying.
Anyway, after looking at TOOS0BER's "Love and Tolerance" I notice how incredibly lacking my story is.
His seems to be full of excellent detail and stuff while mine appears to be seriously lacking...
I still haven't read his latest chapter due to the size and the amount of time I have available (11,000 words, holy shit!).
Furthermore, this chapter is slightly shorter then what I wanted since TOOS0BER advised that I find a good stopping point but the good news is that chapter three is about half-way done! :D
And lastly, if you couldn't tell, part of this chapter is inspired by this video.

I will probably do an entire chapter based on this, except I might change the words a little.
Still, very cool.
Well, that's about it I think.
If you find any errors at all please point them out and I will try to change them as soon as possible.
Also, if you have any questions I will be periodically checking my account out on my Ipod so I should be able to answer them from there, if there are any.
(The only reason I can upload this is that I'm using the family computer that has a 50/50 wifi connection that randomly disconnects.)