• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 2,470 Views, 169 Comments

Follow Your Heart - Blue Spark

When some of the worlds population has been changed and the future at times looks bleak, what choice do we have left but to follow our heart?

  • ...

Nightmare Night Special

Follow Your Heart
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro & Lauren Faust
By: Blue Spark

/)\*Nightmare Night Special Chapter!!!*/(\

How I spent my Nightmare Night.

***You can thank those who actually responded to my blog for this special chapter.
I guess you could also say that this is dedicated to the 70 people that favorited this story. That's right, 70! This is for you, guys! :D Hope you all enjoy!***

In a dark room where no light reached a young man sat staring intently at the brightly lit monitor in front of him. His concentration so focused that-

"I swear to god I got you this time you fucking camper..."


Anyway, he was so focused in his conquest for revenge that-

"You've had your last kill today... Prepare to die!"

Okay, fuck this, I'm done!

*Door opens*

"Hey, how's the narrating thing going?"

"Fucking terrible, the stupid idiot is-"



"He keeps interrupting me! I am fucking done! See you tomorrow..."

*Door slams shut*




I stared at the screen as I tried to position the swaying sight over the head of the enemy.

You see, I've been playing Battlefield 4 for a few days and it's been pretty good so far.

That is, until I found this douche bag sniper fucking killing me all the time!

But not this time, oh no, I have him now...

After dying for the 20th time from him I finally came back as a sniper myself and was currently looking at him from the hill I was on a good kilometer away. I know he sees me but I already got a bead on him, one press of the button and he's good as dead.

I slowly begin to squeeze the trigger when I feel something brush my leg without my notice, fearing the worst I instantly flinch.

"OH FUCK SPIDER!!! HELL NO!!! GE THE FUCK AWAY!!!" I scream as I quickly pat down my clothes to get rid of the menace but I stop a moment too late.

My eyes wide I stare at the screen as the gun barrel jerked from me moving so quickly and the shot fired, missing the target. I could only stare in a growing horror as I see the shot bounce off the wall behind the enemy sniper and in a quick flash from his muzzle the screen goes red, the words "You Died" flashing on the screen.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I get on my knees, my cry of agony resonating through the house.

A few seconds after staring aimlessly at the screen I realized there was a reason for my folly, for my death, and that it was whatever brushed my leg.

"Who the fuck just touched my leg..." I say menacingly, looking to my right from where it came from, only to look down at a blue Pegasus mare that was staring at me with an unamused look.

"Get a grip, it's just a stupid game." She sighed as I stared at her in disbelief.

"But... You ruined my shot... How could you..." I sobbed.

She rolls her eyes and somehow turns off the Playstation.

"You know, instead of spending the entire night playing games you could work on the story you know."

I wave her off as I reach to turn on the console again so that I may extract my revenge.

"Eh, I'll let the narrator handle it, I hired him to work on it for me anyway."

"He quit."

"WHAT! WHY?" I exclaim as I stare at her in shock.

"You keep interrupting him because you keep shouting while playing, besides, it's your story, you should write it."


"You do know that you've been narrating in first person, right? Kind of weird since you're the..."

"Alright, alright, I get it... Geeze..."


The lights turn on in a room that was earlier dark. There were no windows and no places of entry except for a door that was open and led to a staircase that went somewhere upstairs. The room was sparsely furnished, as all that was there was a swivel chair, a 60' TV that sat on a stand across from it, and a coffee table next to the chair that had the game Battlefield 4 on it.

In the middle of the room stood a Pegasus mare and a tall young man in his late teens.

The mare stood below the man's waist, appearing to be around three feet at most. She was covered head to hoof in navy blue fur with a dark brown mane that had navy blue stripes going through it. Her mane was tangled and messy but other wise she appeared clean and neat. On her face was a look of skepticism as she stared up at her counterpart.

The man stood tall, at least 6' 3in and had a slouching posture. He was paled skin though had thick dark brown hair of a similar color to that of the mare next to him. Upon his face was a scraggly go-tee that he scratched periodically as if to appear to always be pondering. He wore a pair of loose fitting white and black plaid shorts that had a large number of pockets among them. On his torso he worse a light green shirt that had the words "Mountain Dew" across it.

"So..." The man began. "What exactly did you want me to get started on again?"

"I told you, continue with the story already! People want to know what's happening." She said in an exasperated tone.

The man smirks. "You just want to not be hanging at the edge of your tail I bet." He said, laughing as he saw the look of anger on the mare's face.

"Well of course I don't want to be hanging by the edge of my tail anymore, it fucking hurts!" SHe yelled, getting in the man's face.

"Hahah, alright, guess I'll get back to work then. Seriously though, I thought you wanted to get me for something more important though..."

"What could be more important than saving me!? In fact, why did you put me in that situation in the first place, we're pretty much the same person!" She ranted.

"Hey relax Spencer, it wont last much longer." The man replied, walking past the mare to the stairs.

Spencer let out a huff and followed.

"You know, this'll get confusing since we're the same person so I guess we'll just use our aliases for now." Replied the man. "I'll be Blue Spark, Sparky for short."

Spencer looked at Sparky, a look of confusion on her face.

"But I thought I was Blue Spark, I mean, I am based off of him."

"Oh that's right, you don't know the entire origin of your gender transformation yet." The man smirked.

"Wait, you know the reason why I'm a girl!?" Spencer replied with wide eyes.

"Of course, but I'm not telling you! For now though we'll call you Aquamarine Spark, or Aqua for short." Sparky replied laughing.

"Oh my god I can't believe that you're such a dick..."

"I am, now then, let's get out of this basement and see what's going on topside."

And with that Sparky opened the door at the top of the steps, squinting a little as his eyes were trying to get adjusted to the brightly lit hallway. Sparky held the door open for Aqua, closing it when she stepped out with a surprised look on her face.

"I don't remember my hallway looking like this..." She said with worry as she looked left and right with confusion.

"It isn't, this is kind of what the inside of my head looks like, a long hallway with a lot of doors keeping stuff in. The way out should be that door at the end."

Aqua nodded in shock as she followed Sparky down the seemingly endless hallway. Glancing back she could make out a sign that said "Gaming Room" on the room that they just left.

As they began to pass several random rooms with odd signs on them (One of them saying "Mountain Dew Pool") she stopped in front of one, looking up at one that had the sound of a large party coming room behind it.

"Anything interesting behind this door?" She asked as she reached out and pulled on the door that had a sign "Characters Yet To Appear".

Sparky paused for a second, a questioning look on his face as he glanced behind. As soon as he saw the door that she was reaching for though a flash of realization went across his face, the words "Oh shit!" going through his head as he sprinted towards her since she was a good several meters behind.

Sadly, he was too late as Aqua opened the door all the way.

She stood speechless as she stared who was in front of her, due to the harsh light coming from behind them though you couldn't get a good look at their features but it was obvious that whoever stood across from her was a Unicorn stallion. He stood a few inches taller then her having a skinny but well muscled physique. He had a rather long mane for a stallion but when he spoke Aqua could feel a deep burning in her chest almost ready to burst.

"Hey there, quite the party in here, huh?" He asked, looking back to see the party that was behind him though his features were still hidden by the light.

Aqua nodded dumbly, still transfixed by the stallion before her while trying to figure out why she was beginning to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you before, what's your name?" The stallion ask in a friendly tone.

"Spen-I mean... A-Aqua... My name's Aqua." Her throat strained as she spoke, almost forgetting how to speak.

The stallion muttered the name a few times to himself as if trying to memorize it or recall something important.

"Aqua... Aqua... Huh, nice name, fitting for a Pegasus like yourself." She blushed at the compliment. "My name is-"


The door suddenly slammed shut, breaking Aqua out of her trance and she stared wide eyed at Sparky.

"What was that for!?" She said in surprise.

"You weren't supposed to see that..." He muttered as he pulled out a key from one of his pockets and locked the door.

"Who was that?" She demanded, following him as he moved on at a brisk pace.

"You know how in almost every fanfic made in the brony fandom the protagonist usually has a love interest? That's yours."

Aqua stood speechless as she stared at Sparky in shock.

"I have a love interest!?"

Blue Spark nodded.

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait, hold on." She said as she got in front of him and stood on her hind legs, leaning on his chest. "You mean to tell me that him." She motions over to the door a few doors down. "Is going to become my coltfriend!?"

"In a sense, yes." Sparky then pushed Aqua back and was about to continue until she spoke again.

"And you thought I'd be okay with that!?"

He paused for a moment, appearing deep in thought though was cut off when she spoke again.

"I mean, not that I mind, I've always been alone... But I'm a guy on the inside. I don't swing that way. I'm going to get better and turned back to normal, right?" She said almost pleadingly.

Sparky stared into her eyes and sighed as he got down to one knee and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Truthfully... I don't know... You may turn back into the high schooler you once were or stay this way for the rest of your life. It's not up to me to decide, it's how the story flows." He then stood up, continuing walking. "Mostly though, it's up to you to decide. Do you want to turn back to normal if you were given the chance?"

"Well, yeah, of course I do." Aqua said in confusion.

"We'll see then when the time comes." He said ominously as he made his was to a door that was, surprisingly, at the end of the hall.

On the door, engraved in gold letters, were the words "Follow Your Heart".

"So... This is it?" Aqua asked as she stood behind Sparky, glancing at the door.

"Yeah, let's go inside." He said as he opened the door.


Aqua stood still for a minute to let her eyes grow adjusted to the darkness. Glancing back, she sees that the door that they just went through disappeared. They are no standing in a hallway much more familiar (and shorter) to her which calmed her a little.

"You know, I was wondering how exactly you got to me when there wasn't any door here in the first place." Sparky pondered out loud.

"You... Provide a good point..." Aqua says after a moment of realization.

The Human and the Pony stand still for a moment trying to figure out what just happened and what to do next when a thunder of footsteps and they turned, jumping a little at the noise.

"Hey guys, bye guys!!!" A quick response came in perfect sync as two teenagers both dressed as Batman ran by carrying pillowcases full of... Something...

"Paul! Jason! Where are you two going?" Aqua exclaimed, more than a little surprised.

They both stop before they run out the door, the one on the left speaking first.

"Me and Paul are going out to go tee-pee Dan's house!" Says Jason.

"And then we're going to grab as much candy as we can before dark!" Continues Paul.

"We're hoping to beet our record of 50lbs from last year, wish us luck!" They both say at once and then run out the door.

A few seconds later Axel was running by, Terry holding on for dear life on his shoulder. One was wearing casual clothing while the other was dressed in a cowboy outfit.

Ironic, really...

"You guys wait up I wanna see this happen!" Axel yells while he laughs out loud.

"Faster pony, faster!"

"Dude chill, you're friggin' heavy!" Axel panted as he went through the door that Jason and Paul went through, heading down the same street that they took.


"That is the funniest thing I have ever seen..." Sparky finally commented on.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Came a voice from behind the two.

They both turned and behind them stood Conor with Chase in a little red wagon. Conor was wearing his old army uniform that he used in the army, missing all the lethal parts, of course. Chase was wearing a little pirate costume, as well as a little wooden sword and pirate hat to boot. The wagon was also decked out to look like a poorly made pirate ship too.

"You guys too?" Sparky said.

Conor, for some reason or another, didn't seam surprised by the strangers appearance or why he was in their house.

"Yeah, I thought we should get an early start before it's bedtime, right Chase?" Conor asked smiling.

Despite still being a pony Chase smiled and nodded, swinging his sword and making "ARRRRR" noises.

"Welp, we'll see you guys outside." And with that they were off as well.

Aqua stood there for a moment, a surprised look on her face.

"Wow... Looks like almost everyone is going out except-"


"Oh my god..."

For one more time the duo turned around and this time they were greeted by the adults of the house.

Or at least the mature ones.

In front of us stood Aqua's Mom and Dad, both dressed up in large salt in pepper shakers.

Alright, maybe not quite so mature...

"Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing?" Aqua asked.

"Oh, me and your Father decided to join the kids for once! Maybe snatch up a few pieces of candy from them when they aren't looking." The salt shaker replied

"I'm only eating the Snickers... That's it..." Stated the pepper shaker grumpily.

"But you guys never go trick-or-treating, you always have Conor or Axel watch everyone else." Said Aqua, more than a little surprised.

"Yes, but we decided to go with them this time as a family, make it more fun!"

"You decided, you pretty much threatened me in here on the terms that I don't eat dinner if I didn't!"

"Anyway, we don't want to get left behind. Chow!" And with that the Salt and Pepper shakers waddled by, one exclaiming what a wonderful time they were going to have while the other grumbled that they wish they had a beer.

"Why's everyone going out for trick-or-treating? This hasn't happened before..." Aqua trailed off.

"When was the last time you went trick-or-treating?" Sparky asked, genuinely curious.

"I stopped when I entered high school, didn't want to give the bullies another reason to bug me." She whispered.

"Well maybe then it's time to change." Sparky said smiling while he pushed her out the front door.

"H-Hey, watch it, geeze!" Her reply was harsh though the look in her eyes insisted that she found it amusing.

"Go on, enjoy your Nightmare Night." Sparky said as he waved her off.

Aqua nodded and was about to go but stopped, a thought crossing her mind.

"What about you, don't you want to get some candy?" She asked.

"I'll pass, I'm not a fan of candy anymore." He replied shaking his head.

"Come on, it'll be fun." She motioned him to follow.

Sparky grinned and stepped up to the door and seemed about ready follow before he stopped and grabbed the door with his hand.

"Afraid I'll have to pass Aqua, this is your story, not mine." And with that he closed the door on her surprised look.

He paused for a second, his back against the door until he looked through the peep-hole, confirming that the mare had left to go with her family. Sparky sighed sadly as he rested his back against the door.

"Man... I wish my life was half as awesome as yours..." He said sadly.

The sad look though was soon replaced one by determination as he began to head upstairs and opened a door. Behind it was a regular room that looked just like any other normal room owned by a teenager. Slightly messy but also organized in it's own way. A bed half made, shelves full of video game manuals and comic books and a closet where all the clothes were on the floor instead of hangers. In the middle of the room though was a laptop on top of a dinner tray in front of a (in my opinion) very comfy swivel chair.

A quick glance to the clock on the wall and Blue Spark confirmed the time.

"7:00pm, huh? I still got time." He said as he cracked his knuckles and sat down in front of the glowing computer monitor.

"My story may never be interesting, Aqua, but that doesn't mean that yours has to be either."

And for the rest of the night you could hear typing coming from the room, until in was morning and the teenager was found drooling on his laptop.


Of this chapter, anyway... ;)

Author's Note:

So I got at least two people to respond to my blog about a special Nightmare Night chapter...
Well, don't say I fail to impress, over 3k words and it's 10 minutes till midnight.

Damn I'm awesome.

Anyway, wish you all a happy Nightmare Night and I'm going to bed now...