• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 2,470 Views, 169 Comments

Follow Your Heart - Blue Spark

When some of the worlds population has been changed and the future at times looks bleak, what choice do we have left but to follow our heart?

  • ...

Rescue? Yes. Escape? Nnope...

Follow Your Heart
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro & Lauren Faust
Dan is a character owned and used by TOOS0BER, if I have misused or he would like him removed I will do so imediately.
By: Blue Spark

/)\*Chapter 6*/(\
Rescue? Yes. Escape? Nnope...

"D-do you t-think you could put me down?" I whimper as I hung upside down looking at my captor.

"Please?" I add quietly as my last statement only seemed to make Dan's smirk wider.

I frantically try to pull myself up, gravity beginning to do a large number on me as I could feel all the blood rushing to my head, but I couldn't seem to get the strength to do so. Instead I opted for trying to cover my nether region and hope that they don't move me around too much. I was pretty much in full view for them which was, quite honestly, REALLY embaracing.

Especially when you have no idea what Dan is thinking.

Dan's cronies began to walk closer, inspecting me as if I was a fresh kill made on a hunt.

"Well what do you know, it's one of those horse things from the news!" Said Dan.

"I wonder how it wondered in here..." Inquired the bully to Dan's left.

"Hey look! I bet it's a female!" Joked the other, moving his hand closer to where my hooves were.

"Please stop, what to you want?" I plead as I try to swat the guy's hands away with a hoof.

"Ow!" He exclaimed as he brought his hands away.

Obviously I hit him pretty hard with the... well... hard part of my hoof... (Not sure what it's called.)

"You little bitch!" He said, bringing his fist back for a punch.

I flinch as I see it begin to come near me but it stops when I hear two familiar voices speak from behind me.

"Yo asshole, drop our brother now or else you'll regret it!"

I try to turn behind me from my position and my eyes go wide when I see my two younger brothers glaring at the three bullies.

"Jason! Paul! What are y-" I cut myself off as I my body begin to soon experience a feeling of weightlessness.

Looking down, or up in this case, I see the ground rushing up to meet me.


A large spike of pain go through my head as my vision flickers. I become disoriented for a second as I try to register what happened. Looking to my right from where I lay on my back I could see Paul and Jason looking at me in shock, Paul trying to rush over to me but being blocked by one of Dan's goons while Jason started shouting something that I couldn't understand.

A few seconds later I begin to make out words again but instead of Jason speaking it was Dan, though it was a bit disoriented and I was having trouble figuring out what the words meant...

"Hey, I did what you said and dropped her... Or..." He smirks and stares at me before continuing. "Do you mean to tell me that our favorite dweeb in the whole school is this horse!"

Jason just stared, anger in his eyes but also surprise for giving my real identity away...

You see, Dan didn't know who I was... I was just the blue girl horse that he decided to pick on instead of Spencer, his favorite target. Since he now knows that it's me... Well... He also knows that I'm a brony so the jokes are probably about to get worse.

"Heheheh, I knew you were a bitch on the inside all along, told yah!" Said the bully not holding back Paul.

I soon heard a motion of leg movement and I felt a jolt of pain through my gut and I doubled over coughing, trying not to feel sick.

Lucky for me he decided to kick me in the stomach and not my wing... I'm not sure yet how sturdy they are and it would be bad to get one of them broken.

"Bastard!" Paul yelled as he brought his arm back for a punch but stopped when I spoke.

"Stop! This as nothing to do with you!" I coughed again and shakily tried to get to my hooves but with a lot of difficulty without accidentally throwing up... God I don't feel so good but if this doesn't stop then some bad shit is about to go down.

I turned to Dan as I continued, hoping that he would listen.

"Dan, this has nothing to do with them... I've never seen them before here at school... *Cough*." I wheeze as I take a shaky breath.

Jason and Paul look at me in shock while Dan had an interested look on his face. His two cronies though had confused looks on their faces though, which isn't surprising...

"Are you sure Spencer? Last I checked, derp one said that you were their brother..."

"Spencer, what are you-" I cut Jason off as I glared at him for a second to be quiet.

I know this is gonna hurt... Probably a lot emotionally... But despite the fact that Jason and Paul are pretty popular they are only freshman. Their popularity isn't big enough for them to be safe from people like Dan and once you got him on your tail your life goes from being great to a living hell. Kinda why I stay alone, not only for the fact that I want to be left alone but anyone that does try to get close to me only gets hurt in the end. It might actually be a surprise to some people that I'm their brother, I'm polar opposite of them personality wise...

"We both know that I have no siblings... No family, no friends... You said so yourself every time we "meet" everyday." I stare flatly at Dan as if the beating I took never happened.

He huffs for a second while looking deep in thought for a second.

"But he said that you were their brother, right Dan?" One bully said while the other nodded.

"Shut up!" Dan shouted, glaring at them both while they flinched back.

"I am a man of my word after all... And besides, if I say you have no family then it's true." He shrugs, smirking at my brothers, hoping for a reaction.

"But we- ouch!" Paul starts to say but is cut short when I silently buck him in the shin.

"They have nothing to do with this, they're just so random guys I met this morning." I said again, trying not to shiver as I see an expression of anger flash across his face at the chance to harm those close to me get taken away from him but it is soon back to his careless look as he glances my brothers up and down individually.

"They got in my way, that's enough excuse for me to pulverize them..." He smirks as my eyes go wide in fear.

I never wanted my brothers to get hurt.. This'll ruin their lives if they start getting targeted! There has to be something that I can-

"I think that's enough out of you, Dan." I hear a melody like voice speak up from behind him.

Despite how noisy the lunch room was at the beginning of all of this it was deathly quiet now. Before people were just watching or pretend that nothing was happening but all heads turned to the sound of what was our savior. The few that stood up to get a better looked cleared a path as not to get in their way.

"This doesn't have anything to do with you Karen." Dan glowered as he turned around to glare at the girl behind him.

Behold Karen Parker, Sunset High School's head cheerleader as well as prom queen for three years running, now entered for win number four. The girl of nearly every guy teenagers dreams, she's beautiful, smart, wealthy, athletic and one of the most popular people of the school.

Among the to five to be exact, or "Big Five" as the school calls them, and she was pretty much untouchable by Dan.

Doesn't exactly explain why she's currently saving my ass now, does it?

"I'm afraid what your doing to the young lady over here is a crime as well as a sex offence you know..." She spoke seductively as she swayed her hips left and right, circling Dan and his boys as if they she were a predator.

And they most certainly were acting the part of the pray, practically shaking in fear of what she could do to them.

Or at least the two that weren't Dan, but even then he still looked a little nervous but did a good job of hiding it..

She eventually came to a stop in front of me so that she was between the two of us. She twirled a hand through her hair before slipping it behind her ear. If it weren't for all the guys staring at her ass (and I think one even fainted...) they would have noticed her smirk at Dan's conflicted reaction.

Sure he could beet her up here but like I mentioned before, she was too popular to touch. Coupled with the fact that her boyfriend was the captain of the football team and you'd get a world of pain if you even looked at her wrong. He's that protective, but a pretty nice guy I heard.

Dan let out a huff and waved for his lackeys to follow, though before I could let out a sigh of relief he shot one last glare in my direction.

"Don't think that this is over yet Spencer, I will be back..." With that said he walked off though showved a few people out of his way in his progress.

Once he got out of sight I let out the sigh I was holding, only to cough a second later groan as I held my sore stomach. Paul and Jason were instantly at my side as I tried to wave them off somehow, mumbling I was fine.

"Hey, you okay there?" I glanced up and noticed that our savior was still there, though instead of the confident smirk she always wore she looked concerned.

"Y-yeah..." I sighed as I tried to stand up again.

"Hey, give the guy some space." Karen said as she looked at my brothers who looked at each other in confusion before looking to her again, a stern expression on their face,

"And why should we listen to you?" Paul asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, what if you plan on trying to make her sterile like the last guy?" Jason continued.

Karen was about to reply something, probably along the lines of how bad of a time that joke was and how she just saved our asses but I decided to step in despite how much I wanted to get rid of what was left of my breakfast.

"Jason, Paul, can't you see how much Karen just saved our fucking asses right now?" I accidentally swore due to exhaustion.

"You know her?" Paul asks.

I just stared at him in a "are you fucking serious" face while Karen just laughs.

"Well, to put it in simpler terms I suppose you could say I am one of the few people that Dan can't "touch"." She replies with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? We would've beaten the crap out of him and his stupid friends easily if you didn't stop us!" Jason challenged, cracking his knuckles as if preparing for a fight.

*Sigh* "Don't you guys get it? The reason you should be afraid of him is not the fact that he's an ass but the fact that he has almost a 5th of the school in the palm of his hand..." I take a glance around, noticing a few people who appear to be listening in closely. "Some of which are probably listening in on us right now."

I think the situation might have finally dawned on them because they suddenly grew quiet and looking around at all the stares that we've been getting.

Course, I only thought that, what actually happened was...

"So you mean to tell me that he actually has SPIES all over the school?"Jason asks, still acting serious.

"Uhhh... Kind of, yeah, what else could I-"

"You know I always wanted to be the main guy in one of those Call of Duty games, right?" He suddenly said, turning to Paul who was nodding enthusiastically.

"Wait, what does this have to- why are you on the table!?" I said surprised as they both hopped up on the table, grasping each other in a way that held each other up both physically and mentally.

"Hey you assholes!" Shouted Paul.

"Yeah, we got a message for you all!" Continued Jason.

I only stared mouth open as they did the exact opposite of what I wanted them to do right now, Karen watching form the sidelines with a smirk on her face as she seemed to know what they were up to.

"Those of you who decide to mess with our little sister!" Paul began as he leaned down and grabbed my left hoof.

"Hey what are you-"

"Have to answer to us!" Jason continued as he grabbed my other hoof and pulled me up.

And I don't mean pulled me up on the table, they each put their hands underneath my arm pits and hefted me up much like they did Simba from that Lion King movie.

"We are the brothers who will pierce the heavens, and Dan's reign of terror will end!!!" They spoke together now, as one, but the way they were going on about this was getting the crowd into it as well, some even voicing their agreement.

"FOR LIBERTY!" Shouted Jason.

"FOR EQUALITY!" Shouted Paul.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE PUT ME DOWN ALREADY!!!" I yelled panicking, flailing my limbs around though flinched as they aggravated the bruise in my side.

"For the dethroning of Dan!" Karen added, walking in front of our table.

At this, the crowd was so riled up that everyone cheered, clapping their hands in agreement though I could see a few whispering and some even giving me dirty looks. More then a few of their owners eventually leaving in the same direction the Dan went. A pit formed in my stomach as they now know who we were for sure and were probably more then willing to pound our face in when they got the chance.

"Hey get down from there!" I hear a voice yell as I see one of the teachers suddenly in the cafeteria pointing at Paul and Jason.

"Whoops, looks like it's time to act like Batman and disappear!" Paul announces as he and Jason get down from the table and set me down.

"Stay safe big sis, we got yah covered!" Jason said as he pats me on the head as he and Paul run down the hall, laughing like madmen with the teacher following them shortly after.

"God dammit, how many times to I have to say it that I'm not a GIRL!" I stop my hoof at the last word for emphasis.

"You got some neat brothers." Karen said as she walked up behind me.

"More like insane..." I mutter under my breath as I just realized something.

"Anyway, why'd you save my ass anyway?" I ask curiously.

She frowns a little at the use of my foul tongue but continues to hold her head high to try and ignore it.

"You see, you aren't the only person who got turned into a pony at school, though I think you are the only one that had their..." She stops when she sees my ears fall back a little and skips that part. "Anyway, some of the girls from the squad have fallen ill as well. You're either pretty brave or really stupid to make it to school in your form."

"I don't need your pity." I dislike it when others treat me lower then them, even when they I am...

"It's also not just pity you know, the rest of the girls plan on coming to school tomorrow and if bullies suddenly started targeting random horses and one of them were from my squad, I don't want to even think about it." She states before she sits down on one of the benches at my usual spot.

I join her as I see her reasoning. Again, nobody at the school is really ever willing to out right help me unless it involves them in some way.

"So... You're not gonna tell the rest of the school who I am, right? I mean, most of them already know about me since that big scene but..."

"Hey, no prob, I understand when someone doesn't want something that they keep secret to get out."

"Thanks." I smile a little.

"Don't mention it. Now, I'd love to stay and chat but I need to go eat with my friends. Good luck." And with a quick pat on my back she's gone.

I sit down contemplating what just happened in the last 10 minutes.

On one side my worst enemy just found out who I am and now has more cannon fodder to throw at me.

On the other I may have gained a powerful ally...

"God I hope there aren't anymore surprises today..." I sigh as I dig through my backpack for my lunch.


I spent the rest of the day restless, always watching my back in case I see Dan round any corners. It was also difficult to pay attention in class what with everyone staring at me. One of the teachers even called the office to check to see if I was "legit" and that they weren't "imagining things". Truthfully, the last few hours of the school day felt like years but I was glad when I finally heard the bell.

I had all my tings packed up and was making my way to the buses. Hopefully nobody will sit next to me as usual and I can live the rest of my day in peace and quiet.

Usually people would say "enjoy the rest of their day" but I doubt that I'll be having any fun today...

I finally make my way to the door through the hundreds of teenagers trying to get out of the school when I stop in my tracks.

About 20 yards from the door I was in was Dan, as well as around 30 other school bullies just happened to be "hanging around".

Course the moment I open the door our eyes lock, both of us looking at each other in surprise. I on the other hand was lucky enough to get out of my shock fast enough and bolt through the door before it closed, barely able to hear Dan shout to his fellow bullies that I have arrived.

The chase was on!

Oh sweat Jesus I just hope I get out of this okay...

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, this just seemed like a good place to stop.
Frankly, I think a good place to stop would be a cliff hanger and this'll be quite the good one.
There'll also be quite the chase scene next time! ;)
Anyway, enjoy the chapter and hope you all have a nice night!

Comments ( 42 )

What kind of teachers are at this school to just let someone bully someone openly like that in the middle of the cafeteria?:rainbowderp:
good chapter other than the fact that there is no way he could openly attack her in the lunch room. still makes for interesting drama and the stupidity of our school system.

That's the thing, Spencer's favorite spot in the lunchroom is a corner in the back.
Since all lunchrooms are noisy it would be hard to hear what would be going on over there.
Even then, some of the teachers are scared of what could happen.
They may seem like a bunch of bullies but they're more like a gang, with Dan at the head of it.

Also, this is a fan made story so technically anything can happen because ponies.

Did those two just reference Gurren Lagann? I think they did. Those are some awesome brothers she has right there.

The chase is on!:yay:

It was a little unrealistic what the secretary did. :facehoof: People don't assume they can start owning cartoon ponies the first day out. It's after someone like Dan starts telling everyone how they ought to own cartoon ponies that it starts getting bad. It would be better just to have her uncomfortably doting on Aqua and not actually trying to kidnap her. We take horse theft mighty serious around these parts.:ajbemused:

That song seems surprisingly fitting. XD

Yes they are, though they are also quite the dumb asses.

I know what the secretary did seemed a little unrealistic but I think I was trying to insert something similar that TOOS0BER brought up in his story. (If you haven't read it it's called Love and Tolerance)
Pretty much, it's not the fact of slavery but of discrimination against ponies.
You see, they aren't human, so some people could figure them to be animals.
Furthermore, it could be argued that they don't have rights since they aren't human.
I think I was trying to show that some people actually don't see the ponies as equals but more like pets when in truth that they aren't.
Though if I was a bit unrealistic I could try and change it a little.

If the thing with Dan seemed a little off I could change it to not be that big, or make the scene better to suit it.


Hmm, well it doesn't have to be realistic so don't change anything you don't want to. If I had to pick how to change it, I'd have her trying to find out the pony's owners so they can come pick up their lost pet. That might give the impression that she doesn't admit the ponies are people, without making her seem too mean or doing anything crazy. Though treating a talking anything like just a pet is pretty crazy in of itself.

Well, looking at it I kind of thought that she was a lost animal and was gonna take Spencer home to give to her daughter.
Kind of like finding a abandoned puppy on the street.
Though looking back the way she talked to her she seemed to know that she was sentient... Probably should have made her either ignore it or something and just try to nab her.

nother chapter please. Also, I dunno bout Spencer, but if I were in... 'her' horseshoes, I'd certainly be working on my flying.

I'd work on the next chapter but I haven't had time due to the fact that I'm being swamped in final projects in all of my College classes.
Haven't had much time lately to do much of anything.

Also, on the part about flying? I can guarantee that there will be flying later on.
A LOT of flying.

3522640 Ok, three things. The first is grammatical.

You make this mistake horribly often.

That is all on that subject.

The second, who is 'Dan' to T00S0BER?

third, if I could fly, I'd never take shit from gravity again. Stairs? Forget that noise, I'd be taking turns so tight it'd make a black hole jealous. Cause I can. And because screw stairs... they suck.


In response to the first, I know I make errors, loads in fact, though in the spark in the moment while writing I usually don't see them till it's too late. Usually while writing it is easier for the reader to see mistakes that the writer have missed, despite how obvious they are.

Second, Dan is the protagonist's younger brother in TOOS0BER's story called Love and Tolerance which this is based off of, you have yet to read it yet then I strongly recommend it as it is, in my opinion, a good story.

And third, yeah, fuck stairs, though I doubt if you suddenly became a flying horse when you previously weren't and the addition of wings is pretty much an extra pair of arms added that you have yet to master. I would be surprised if you suddenly were able to go airborne on the first try unless some kind of primal instinct kicked in or you were in mortal danger, thus 'fight or flight' (literally).

Those are my answers/responses to your questions/statements.

3522851 I'd kind of expect results akin to the first attempt. Afterwards, I'd find a nice set of stairs with a safe landing point and keep jumping till I got it.

Then I'd worry about figuring out how to get down :derpytongue2:

Lol, sounds reasonable... XD

3522911 tbh, I'm surprised that's not the first thing s/he did... but perhaps that's just me.

Well... Frankly the fact that you just had your gender swapped for no reason would probably be at the forefront of my mind but hey, if you don't mind your gender being swapped in order to fly, I won't judge.
In fact, I'd find it tempting...

3522980 Personally, I'm bi. So aside from the annoyances you get from being female with things like periods and giving birth and whatnot... well, wouldn't really bother me too much. And if it means I get wings that work... hell, I'd say 'fair nuff' and call it an even trade.

There are of course, other things to consider with being a pony, such as a harder time writing. But that's offset by increased stamina and what basically amounts to blunt weapons at the end of all your legs. And a tail... can't forget the tail.

Ponies can actually eat meat, as they are opportunistic carnivores (they'll eat dead birds and such if they happen across them) so while I wouldn't be able to eat meat as much as I do now, I wouldn't have to give it up completely.

And ponies can be adorable, which.... well quite frankly that's both good and bad.

Meh, I frankly find it an issue for getting my gender swapped.
And I don't think the ponies from the show would actually eat meat, I mean, you still can but now you have on your conscious the fact that they can understand you.
Makes them appear to be more then just 'mindless animals' to me so if I did become a pony I would probably become a little more reluctant to eat anything breathing.

3525206 Mmm... s'pose you have a point, but I don't really eat 'pet animals' anyways (dogs, cats, etc...) so I don't think I'd really care.

As for gender? Well, different folks, different values I s'pose.

Also, plants breathe and even the more 'basic' ones have proven capable of a physical reaction to external stimuli. Simply put, they're just as alive as any other creature; they simply have a more limited range of motion. So regardless of what you do, you're going to have to kill something that didn't want to die if you want to live.
At least, that's how I've always looked at it.

3525206 So, any hints for when your next chapter will be coming out?

I usually have one early once a month since I spend time working on them throughout the month, adding maybe 500 words here and there every-every other day.
Due to all the final projects lately though the next chapter might not be up till the end of next month or the month after, I've just been really short on time... :(

3530222 T^T

Soooooo long!

Also, what happened to TOOS0BER?

No idea, for a while he said he had a broken wrist and couldn't write but I think that was a while ago, so who knows...

3530653 I need to pester him some. I really want an update to his story 3= :fluttercry:

Do it for everyone.
May annoy the living heel out of him but maybe we can get a response...

3530672 Gee, thanks XD
At work, so I'll comment more later. :)

*Spit Take*

4012748 Lol, yes, yes, I live... :pinkiesmile: Or at least the last time I checked~ :raritywink:

Anyways I kind of like how you've portrayed Dan as a bully, one that is the 'ring-leader' of a group of malcontent high school students. Although I'm not so sure about him having such a huge following of, like, thirty people, all willing to beat up one person/pony at a whim. I didn't quite picture him as that "powerful", but hey, it works IMO. :twilightsmile: So no need to go and change it like I know you'll want to as soon as you read this... :twilightsheepish:

I like where this is going so far, and eagerly await. :raritystarry: The halloween/nightmare night chapter was... odd, to say the least. And, well, I feel the spoiler about the unicorn stallion behind the door was... not necessary. In my own opinion I think it shouldn't have been mentioned at all. Also i think it would have been better as an 'ordinary' chapter -- as in, perhaps the upcoming Holloween or so. I'm not quite sure how to explain it. :rainbowderp:

3530668 Oh, and L&T 15 is coming along well. 5,000~ words so far, and I plan on adding more after I finish some replies on FimFic :trixieshiftright::moustache:

Lol, I tried to make it look like a hierarchy or something like that, such as Dan has control over a few bullies, who control others, and they control some more and so on and so forth.
Essentially, Dan was smart enough to get all the bullies to work together, which in turn gives him more power over most of the students.
I think your right though, 30 people is a bit overboard, lol...
As for the Halloween chapter?
I dunno man, after reading that a few days later I was wondering what the fuck I was thinking, I think it was from lack of sleep. XD
Either way, despite what you have said about don't try tore-write it I already planned on it.
I mean, lets be serious, my story is rough, maybe a few good points here and there but I don't have a pre-reader or an editor. No body to bounce ideas with...
I got cool ideas but not the power or time to support them... XD
Lately though, I've found that I've been getting some positive feedback on another story of mine but if I can get a hand on this one then I continue it as well. :D

4014846 Ah, I see. Well, feel free to bounce ideas off of me, but I can't really help in the pre-reading department. I'm only just now getting able to wade through my own stuff. :fluttercry: I wanna help, but just... way too much. :fluttershysad:

Truth be told, though, I don't have anyone proof-reading or editing Love & Tolerance. That's all me. The tip I can give you is to write the chapter -- and not worry about spelling and grammar on the first go. Worry about the story, the plot, the dialogue and what you want to happen in that chapter.

When that's done, step away from the chapter for a couple days or so. Then re-read what you wrote and make corrections. Try to do this when you're wide awake and rested. Zoom in the text so the letters are as big as you can stand -- I'm finding that this makes errors a lot more obvious. These tips don't compare to having a dedicated proof-reader and/or editor, but they do work (Or at least they do for me).

Any help is wanted, grammar sucks but your right, I can do that on my own.
I mostly want someone to bounce ideas with, to make that I haven't gone too far or something.
I'll make sure to keep in mind about your advice in the future. :)

4014940 we'll start y'all off with this

and move you on to this.

Hopefully that will be of some help, no? :trixieshiftright:
(good to see you're still kickin btw.) :heart:

I know the difference between You're and Your but everything else I suck at... XD

4016217 Heh, then that second link should be far more helpful, no? :ajsmug:

Maybe, depends on how hard is it for me to use... XD

4016805 I know the story is in hiatus. but I want to ask, is this story dead? I only ask because ... been a year :fluttershysad:

Not my main focus atm, I still plan on getting back to it at some point but its still gonna be a while before I continue.
Sorry. :/

5737733 Ok, thanks for answering :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by hive vs machine deleted Mar 16th, 2019

Great story! I enjoy both this and L&T very much, enough to re-read them and still enjoy them immensely. Wish there was more, but in my opinion, what we have is a great gem. Thanks for the story!

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