• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 18,137 Views, 914 Comments

Let the Silence Sing - Aegis Shield

Celestia decides that Big Mac's barn is an excellent place to take naps. Big Mac decides that Celestia is a welcome guest.

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Let the Silence Sing
Part 3: Quiet

Celestia could not wait to reach her favorite napping spot. Things had been rather hectic at the palace during the past week. The changeling ambassador (Nicknamed “Doppleganger” by himself for language-crossing purposes) had been hit over the head with a frying pan when he scared a royal cook. The poor guy had wandered in to ask for a midnight snack, and had frightened a salad-tossing mare at precisely the wrong moment. After about eight hours of being unconscious, he’d awoken with a cracked carapace face-plate and was frightened half to death by a group of pony doctors trying to help him. The poor alicorn Princess would no doubt hear no end of this from Chrysalis if she didn’t make reparations right away. Luna, oddly enough, had stepped in immediately to fawn over the strange creature. She’d not seen the chaotic battle during the wedding (what? She’s a NIGHT-time Princess!), declared Ambassador Doppleganger the "most adorable insectoid thing she’d seen in eons”, and had “adopted” him on the spot. It was all the ambassador could do to not turn into a red changeling as she bore him away, confused, on her back. Celestia would never understand her sister’s tastes in males.

Swerving one way, then the other on the hot summer breeze, the invisible white princess landed daintily atop the barn. Being on the wing was so exhilarating. Looking about for any sign of life, she magicked the loft door open and slipped inside. When she was sure she was alone, she let her spell drop and became visible again. Smiling when she found her straw nest just the way she’d left it, she looked around again. Triple-sure nopony was watching, she FLOPPED onto the mass of scratchy straw and rolled on her back. She stretched her back back and forth like a dog doing its aerobics. Giggling at the rather scandalous behavior, she lay there breathing hard and staring at the ceiling. She loved it here. She loved this secret little wooden cubby she’d discovered. Nickering softly, she turned on his side to stretch out more. Mhhhh! Sure, silken pillows were nice and velvet sheets were the loveliest thing most ponies could imagine. But a creature as long-lived as Celestia sometimes pine for good old-fashioned straw beds. It wasn’t bad that you could eat your bedding if it displeased you, either. If it got too crunched down you could eat it, then replace it with softer, fresher straw. Giggling again, Celestia lay out on her back.

Dozing for a bit, she let the heaviness of the sun push down on her like some shapeless lover. Napping in the sun was like sleeping late during the winter. The pressure of the heat on her body made her want to never move again, like so many heavy comforters all layered ontop of each other. Purring softly, the long-legged pony lay there smiling and not moving a muscle. Hours went by before she heard movement below. Was that the red stallion again? She didn’t risk calling out, just in case it wasn’t him. Leaning, she peered cautiously out of the open loft doorway. Sure enough! Sitting on his haunches at a stump, there he was.

Big Macintosh was leaned over his plow blade with a sharpening stone, pressing hard in slow one-way motions. He’d hit one rock too many and now not even his great strength could get him through the field with any sense of speed. So, he’d taken the whole thing apart to repair it. Unawares of the princess watching him, he shifted the sprig of hay from one side of his mouth to the other. Turnin’ the soil over was a big, big deal on a farm after all. When it rained, when fall came, and after other happenings the fields needed it. Sensing movement nearby, he turned with perked ears. Not seeing anypony around, he shrugged and went back to work. She wanted to call out to him, but didn’t want anypony that happened by to see him staring up into her hiding spot. She decided to admire his work instead. While Celestia watched, the red stallion sharpened the plow’s blade, carefully put it back together, re-did the straps and made sure the yoke hooks were still in good shape. Such a hard worker-bee he was.

The Princess almost didn’t notice her right hoof reaching over to get a sprig of hay for herself. She paused, considering. Well, why not. When in Cloudsdale, do as the Pegasi do. She lifted it to her lips and let it sit there for a moment. Wiggling her lips up and down for a few moments, she let out a light giggle. It wasn’t especially amazing to do, but it looked better on him anyway. Taking the sprig out of her mouth she tossed it to one side and leaned to see out again. Pushing her ever-flowing mane out of her eyes, she rested on her belly in her big nest. Flicking her tail a bit, she watched him put the plow into a wagon along with some empty barrels and other tools. Efficient thing, wasn’t he? He took the wagon into the barn below, and then he was out of her sight. Smiling contentedly, Celestia went back to her lounging.

Strange, how just watching the going-ons at a simple farm seemed to help melt all her troubles away. Back in Canterlot, a changeling ambassador was being nuzzled to death by her little sister, arrangements for the weather patrol’s tax deductions needed to be debated over, and a greenhouse was supposed to be approved for the royal gardens (for winter). That, and a lot of other little things. Being Princess wasn’t easy. But no, not here. Here she was just relaxing. She didn’t have to think about it, and she didn’t have to care. Just her, some smelly hay, a noble little farm, and a barn that could hide her while she took her afternoon—

Knock knock knock.

Celestia gave a start. Her heart revved up as the ladder descended and somepony started to come up. When the red stallion emerged, she relaxed. She didn’t know why she’d panicked. She’d seen him go into the barn below, nopony else.

Big Mac had heard her giggling at him earlier. He smiled genuinely when he found her in the loft again. Having visited the barn fridge again, this time he came bearing two chilled apples. Checking over his shoulder that the barn doors were closed (he’d hear if they opened), he rolled her an apple across the floor. Celestia took it with a thankful smile. He kept the other for himself, sitting on his haunches by the trap door. He didn’t dare approach her, but certainly sharing snack time seemed nice enough. He couldn’t really think of anything proper to say to a princess, but eh, sometimes no words was better than foolish ones. Shrugging mentally, he leaned to bite into his apple. Crunching noisily, he smiled when she bit into hers.

It was smaller than the last apple he’d given her. It was softer too. It was a different kind. A macintosh apple. Red and gold were the only ones seen around the palace usually. Crunch munch-mnch… erk?! Celestia gave a start and made a face. Sour! It was sour! She put her hoof over her mouth, ear turning sideways. The red stallions chuckled, grinning at her. Shaking his head, he gestured to the open loft door. The princess’ etiquette would not allow her to simply spit it out, how rude would that be? Swallowing sharply, she smacked her lips a few times. Trying to be polite, she set the macintosh apple in the nest with her, like she might eat it later. Big fat fibber. Big Mac chuckled a bit louder. She liked the sound of his voice. It was deep and mumbly, like a gong being warmed up for an orchestra.

He took another bite of his own apple, then remembered something and turned sideways. Splitting his apple in half, he showed it to her, then waggled his cutie mark at her. He was gesturing to himself, back and forth with the apple he had. Celestia made the connection rather easily. Macintosh. His was called Macintosh. It made sense. The apple family owned this farm (according to the scribe she’d sent to look through the land ownership archives). Though, it was ironic that such a large stallion be named after such a small apple type. He was a big macintosh, then, haha! Smiling, she nodded silently to him so he could sit again.

Celestia politely chewed a bit of hay while he finished his own apple. It was rude to simply watch somepony else eat. They looked at each other with a mix of admiration and curiosity, both for very different reasons. Celestia was a large, exotic creature of magic and mystery to the farmer. Big Macintosh was a barrel-chested, kind pony that knew honest work and livelihood. The Princess lifted her wings to stretch them while he worked his way down to the apple’s core. Smiling, he turned and expertly chucked it out of the loft door. She watched it go, smirking a little. He made a sharp gesture and she listened. Clank. It had landed in a burn barrel outside! She leaned, blinking in shock. When she turned to look at him he threw his chest out playfully, like he’d done something super-impressive. She snickered a little, clapping three times with her front hooves.

Snack time done and with more work to do, Big Mac waved goodbye to the alicorn and was away. Putting the ladder back where it was, he put the trap door back so she could be alone to rest. Maybe it hadn’t really hit him yet, Big Mac thought. Finding a Princess in his loft, he meant. One would think a normal pony might have a freak-out, or run and tell everypony that hey, the Princess is napping in mah barn, come see! Or… something. But, considering Ponyville had seen everything from flood to wolves made of wood to gods of chaos and evil— somehow it just didn’t seem like that huge of a deal. Just another day in life, having an alicorn in his barn. Hmph.

End of Part 3