• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 18,127 Views, 914 Comments

Let the Silence Sing - Aegis Shield

Celestia decides that Big Mac's barn is an excellent place to take naps. Big Mac decides that Celestia is a welcome guest.

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Let the Silence Sing
Part 7: Murr

Big Mac was waiting when Princess Celestia returned. He wasn’t sure what their… interactions meant about their friendship, and he really wanted to set the record straight. Ten days of wondering and stressing had made the poor stallion irritable and a little sleep deprived, but he just had to know.

When the Princess came into the loft through the high doorway, she dropped her invisibility spell. He cocked his head. She looked exhausted. Her spirits seemed to lift when she saw him, and his concerned look made her hang her head a little ashamedly. This little loft had become her hideaway, and now she was addicted to it. No Canterlot, no throne, no nothing. Just some hay in a barn in the middle of nowhere… and now a stallion sitting there waiting for her. Could a mare really ask for more? Her cheeks colored just a little bit as he helped her into the nest and eased her down.

Princess Celestia opened her wings, bent them this way and that, then settled with a few flicks of her tail. Before she moved to take it off, Big Mac leaned and eased her crown off of her head. He set it next to her where she could see it, holding it gingerly in his teeth. She hunched just a little, warm in the eyes but tired in the body. She really felt like she could let her guard down a bit around him, and it showed. When he made to leave the nest, she nosed him.

Big Mac looked down at her. She nosed him again, in the shoulder. They looked at each other, questions in their expressive eyes. Slowly, carefully, he eased himself down onto his belly next to her. It was so quiet she could hear the rustle of the hay as he did so. She smiled gratefully, turning and resting her head on his broad shoulder. He blushed, turning to look at her. She heaved a quiet sigh. She certainly liked using him as a head rest! She looked up at him with one of her beautiful purple eyes, giving him a coy smile. Royal Headrest. That wasn’t such a bad title, when you really thought about it. Reaching up with the length of her wing, she gave his back one long stroke. It was a pegasus’ gesture of courtship, a very old one indeed. He turned, giving her bedroom eyes. Celestia sighed submissively when his firm hoof pulled her head up to meet his warm, gorgeous lips—

Luna burst into scandalous laughter, jerking the dream to a halt. Celestia nearly had a heart attack, sitting up to see the dark alicorn standing in the middle of the scene now. Dream Macintosh faded from existence, a curious look on his face. The Princess of the Night had never seen her sister’s cheeks color like that. Celestia flushed, hanging her head in embarrassment. The attraction was certainly there, but for the moment she didn’t have to admit that the dream stallion was actually a real pony. Dreams were Luna’s realm, full of symbols and false realities and other such things. But when she woke, Celestia knew she would have to put some very real thought into the pony who’s lips she could still feel on the soft of her neck.


Big Macintosh mumbled over a series of plans. He wanted a toolshed at the nexus of the north-eastern and south-eastern field plots. That way, he wouldn’t have to make as many trips for tools during the day. Turning back and forth with his pencil in his mouth, he scribbled this and that for measurements. He’d want it that big if he wanted tacks with wall space for tools, yeah… yeah that looked good. He leaned back to see the whole thing, then hunched to put in another detail or two. His ears perked when he heard large hooves above him. Checking that the barn was empty other than himself, he went up to the loft via the fold-down ladder.

Celestia was settling into the nest of hay, turning a few circles before lying on her belly and fluffing her wings out. He grinned when their eyes met and she smiled back. Leaning to take her crown off, she set it aside and then laid down. Hahhhh, so relaxing. She felt Big Mac’s eyes on her after a time, and opened them again to look at him.

The big red stallion was hesitating to stay or go. He wasn’t sure which. He’d put his lips on her when last they’d met. Well, she’d used him as a headrest afterward so things hadn’t gone badly. But, he wanted to know what that made them. His unsure look coaxed out her tinkling chuckle, and she motioned him over. Smiling in a coy way, she touched the end of his muzzle with hers. Wh--- wh--- nuzzles? He liked nuzzles. Smiling bashfully, he returned them. The attraction was certainly there.

Celestia smiled a bit wider, then yawned a bit. He dared into the nest next to her, and she leaned into him quietly. She stretched a bit, then limpened while leaning up against him. She felt the warm firmness of his arm going around her shoulders. She tucked herself down like a swan, resting her cheek on his barrel. Murmuring softly, she shut her eyes for a long time. The sun princess was not without her worries and such there in the barn, but now she had a set of personal things to think about:

Did she want a coltfriend? It had been nearly a century since her last. The poor thing had been struck by a bolt of lightning in a freak summer storm. Celestia had mourned, but she was not about to feel sad for all eternity for him. She had to take care of herself, after all. Princess or not, sun goddess or not, she was still a mare and she had needs. It wasn’t as though there was a pony in Equestria, or anywhere else, that would step forward and say ‘no you can’t have a stallion around, princess.’ Her authority was that of the SUN, for Faust’s sake.

Big Macintosh pressed his muzzle briefly into her mane. He was curious. It always moved, like it was caught in an infinitely slow phantom breeze. She looked like she was underwater. It was unnerving sometimes. But no, it really was just hair. He found her scalp with his nose, and felt a bit better. Her head was under there— her mane wasn’t just a shape atop her face. It made her seem more real to him.

Celestia purred quietly despite herself. When had she last enjoyed a stallion’s touch? This was not something that was anypony’s business. Oh sure, there might be an uproar amongst the nobles if she brought home a farmer from a tiny countryside town like Ponyville, but… well, it was none of their business. She was NOT about to song-and-dance about for a chapter or six of her life, trying to hide it. Hide it… well, she was technically hiding here in the barn, but she wasn’t hiding Big Macintosh, just her napping spot. Should she announce her courtly interest? Should she put him on a pedestal, or bring him to the royal dinner table? How would Luna react? There were plenty of questions and lots of--- of---- oooh, head rubs... mhhhh....

Big Mac growl-purred lightly, pressing his lips into her mane. They’d wordlessly become a couple, kind-of-sort-of. He wasn’t really sure about how to ask a Princess to be his very special somepony, but then again they’d not spoken to begin with so… yeah. He was stuck there. The farmer fumbled for something noble to say, or something to make the moment right for such things. Maybe he could invite her to dinner? Surely his family might like to meet her? Hrm…

Yes, thought Celestia. She didn’t need anypony’s permission or approval for something like this. She was a princess. The sun literally rose and set by her will. She merely need lift her hoof and ponies did her bidding. A quiet, selfish desire simmered in Celestia’s mind. It bordered sexual desire, but stayed in the warm milky glow of feminine want for male attention. She turned over on her back, looking up at him with a pouty sort of frown. He blinked down at her curiously, cocking his head. She pulled her hooves up under her chin as her mane and wings splayed out behind her. He swallowed a little, leaning over her. She gave a look, a mix between coy and sultry.

Big Mac smiled despite himself, stretching out halfway over her at an angle. His face hovered over hers. Their muzzles touched lightly, then nuzzled a couple of times in slow heady motions. The moving swirl of her hair was bannered in all directions, making it very easy to watch her beautiful face. Expression softening, he finally kissed her.

Celestia let out a light, throaty whimper. Her long, slender front legs rose up and slipped around his broad shoulders. Yes. Yes this is what she wanted. She knew it right then. He was so pure, so handsome and simple to get along with. Why couldn’t more ponies be like Big Mac? Smek. Their lips parted for breath, then reconnected. Her ears tucked back as he returned more firmly than before. His slowly growing confidence was wonderful. The Princess sighed out through her nostrils, letting him steer their kisses around however he pleased. She was in charge of everything, everywhere. Being submissive in something as simple as a kiss was a delight.

Instinct quietly drove Big Mac and he stroked her pink belly with a massive hoof. Smek. They nuzzled happily and he gurgled in a quiet, murmuring way. She pulled him down by the back of his head, stroking his mane heavily. Smek. Smek-smek. Mrrrr….

Celestia smiled in her heart, genuinely smiled. How could she have gone for so long without something so wonderful? Had she forgotten the warmth of a stallion’s chest? The charm of an interested smile? The Princess nuzzled him. Smek. Smek-smek. She found a fuzziness in her head, the sort that a mare gets when she finally confirms to herself that she’s found her very special somepony. His lips ran down her neck and she let out a helpless mewling sound. Yes. Yes she was definitely taking this one home with her.


Steel Wing and Shining Glory stood at attention outside her majesty Princess Celestia’s chambers. She spent her afternoons off in her room alone. They figured it was her nap time, or maybe she liked to read in solitude. Rumor had it that she took seven hour bubble baths and used all the hot water in the castle to do so. But that was silly. Whatever she was doing in there was her own business, not theirs. It was just their job to make sure she wasn’t disturbed. The mild click of the lock on the door perked their ears. The two of them turned as one to greet the Princess, but she was not alone.

A large, dirty-looking earth pony emerged into the hallowed halls of the palace with Celestia. He smelled like sweet spice and sweat, and there were sprigs of hay in his fur. Why, he even had a yoke around his neck, like he’d been plucked off of a field somewhere. They stared at him in disbelief, and the Princess raised a hoof before they tackled him. What? He was welcome here? How had he gotten in?! The Princess always warded her chambers for her afternoons off! The stranger shifted a sprig of hay from one side of his mouth to the other, fixing both guards with a silent, stoic expression.

“This is Big Macintosh.” Celestia said in her soft, whispery tone. Big Mac fell in love with the Princess’ voice instantly, and smiled. He could feel himself blushing as the guards eyed him up. “My… my very special somepony.” She added quietly, pinkening in the face. The silence was broken.

End of Part 7