• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 3,210 Views, 40 Comments

First Impressions - Dynamic Dragon

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Gilda's Planning


That night, I had awful dreams. I tossed and turned, and woke to see that obnoxious pink pony standing at the mouth of my cave. By now, I knew not to question her apparent defiance of the laws of physics. She seemed happy to see me, and at first, I thought she had come to try and make amends. However, something about her was... different. Maybe it was the dress she was wearing, which looked like it had been made from the hides of several ponies. Maybe it was the blood that covered her. Or maybe it was the vicious gleam in her eye.

"So glad you came back", she said. "It saved me the trouble of going to the Griffin Lands".

From somewhere, I don't know where, she pulled out a blowgun, and shot me before I could react. I tried to raise my arm to remove the dart, but it wouldn't budge. However, I could still blink. The dart must have caused paralysis everywhere except my face.

"I would have given you a chloroformed cupcake, but I doubted you'd return to Sugarcube Corner. However, this cave is a perfect place to go through with my plans".

As I lay, paralyzed, she poked me hard with a sharp rock. The cry of pain that escaped my beak seemed to satisfy her.

"Ready to have some fun, G?" she asked. "After you're done, I'll help Dashie have some fun, too. I've never served rainbow cupcakes before."

A look of genuine glee crossed her face. Before my eyes, she grabbed a case. She opened it, and it was full of surgical instruments, knives, and a few things I could only assume were to cause me maximum pain. In a singsong voice, she said "Happy days are here again..."

I awoke with a start. A pool of sweat was covering my bed, and I lay panting. My recurring nightmare was back with a vengeance.

From the position of the sun, it was mid-morning. We griffins were not beholden to either the sun or the moon, but we still had to keep track of time. I took out a fat binder and read over the notes I had taken on the various citizens of Ponyville. "Know your Enemy" was the Drakonraus tribe's motto, and I would never forget it.

A month ago, I left Beakburn, supposedly to find something I had lost in Ponyville. It was technically true, but most my hometown did not know that the thing I was looking for was not physical, but something much less tangible: my friendship with Rainbow Dash. For the past month, I had made stealthy visits to Ponyville, to observe the lives of its populace. Watching from the clouds, I knew their names, their jobs, their routines, and what made them angry.

It was a risky move, and there were several occasions when I was almost spotted. However, it was worth it, because I finally knew how to make Dash my friend again. A plan was taking shape on paper, a plan to make sure Dash would become my friend again. Now, I just needed an opportunity to carry it out, and maybe to hammer out a few minor details.

I noticed a hare running across the stream below my cliff. I can do some more thinking after breakfast, I thought, and dived towards the unsuspecting lagomorph.

Five minutes later, I was eating hare meat with some wild onions and mushrooms. I wished I had brought a cooking pot so that I could make stew. As I munched on the meat, I ruminated on my plan. I decided it would start this afternoon. First, however, I would have to find the needed materials. No matter, it would be easy enough to make them out of wood.

I bent down and picked up a stick, carving one end to a point shaped like a cross and then hardening it in the fire.


Twilight Sparkle

"You sure it's a griffin, Twi?", my best friend asked me for the umpteenth time.

"Positive. The bite marks were made by a flexible beak with teeth in it, and a griffin is the only known intelligent creature with that type of beak. Besides, I checked the saliva samples against those of griffins, and it was a perfect match".

Spike perked up. "Maybe if it is a griffin, it could give me some of its quills so I don't have to keep buying them".

I smirked at this, and thought about the other possibilities of a griffin living in town. Perhaps it could be some help on the weather team.

The blonde farm pony gave me a quizzical look and asked "You don't think it's... you know, do you?"

"Gilda is hardly the only griffin who comes this far south".

"Yeah, but if what Rainbow said is true, she's the only one who knows the routine of Sweet Apple Acres. Besides, what other griffin would have a reason to come to Ponyville and stay here for weeks?"

She made some good points. However, she had no proof. "Let's not rule out other possibilities just yet. It might be an exile who's desperate for food".

"Ya think we should tell Dash?"

I sighed. "Not yet, we don't want to get her hopes up, and I'm not sure if she can be objective when it comes to this subject".

"I suppose you're right".


Rainbow Dash

I was relaxing on a cloud when I heard Twilight and Applejack talking below me. I wasn't interested, until I heard them mention the name "Gilda".

Could she have returned, I asked myself. However, wondering would not do me any favors. I had to find out for myself, take the proactive route.

I stretched my wings and flew towards the Everfree Forest. If Gilda had returned, that would most likely be where she was. Besides, a friend of mine lived in the forest, and might be able to help me.

Gilda, if you have returned, we ought to patch things up, I thought, as I sped past Fluttershy's home. I will see to that



After the stick was done hardening in the fire, I got ready to leave for the town of Fillyfurt, in Germaney. The ponies of Germaney had frequent contact with griffins. It had been like that for ages, and we had adopted some aspects of each others' cultures. The tribal council had declared the nation of Germaney an honorary griffin tribe. I had considered renting a room there, but decided that the ponies there would be put off by my eating habits. Besides, I needed to stay someplace inconspicuous.

As I left the cave, I made sure to hide any possessions that could be identified as mine. I put them in a secondary cavern in the floor, then covered the dent with a big piece of slate. The slate looked just like the surrounding rock. Unless they were specifically looking for it, they would never know the dent was there. I blew out the lantern and put out what was left of the fire. With the stick in my claw, I set out for Fillyfurt, so that I could begin phase two.