• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 3,213 Views, 40 Comments

First Impressions - Dynamic Dragon

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Wisdom and Mischief

Rainbow Dash

As I flew above the Everfree forest, I heard a loud, sharp cry. I looked around, but could not find anything. Shrugging it off, I flew to my destination: Zecora's hut. Zecora lived in the Everfree forest and was very observant, so perhaps she could tell me about the griffin. Even if she could not, she was very wise. Perhaps she could give me some advice. I touched down in a space between the trees, and saw a simple, Zebriac-style hut. I did not know which tribe Zecora was from, but I decided that now was not the best time to ask. A voice inside was muttering in Zebraic. I stepped inside, to see the Zebra witch doctor perusing her shelves.

"Hey, Z"

Zecora turned around, her black and white face breaking into a smile.

"Ah, my friend Rainbow, how do you do?
Is there something you want, maybe some stew?"

I ignored the rhyming nature of her speech, and replied "Sort of. I want some information."

"Ah, what knowledge do you require?
I could give much before I tire".

"This may seem like a strange question, but... did a griffin come to these woods recently?"

"Oh yes, a griffin nests in a cliff.
I can't tell you more, so do not be miffed."

At this news, I perked up. Could it be? "I'm not. Where is this cliff? Could you show me?"

She nodded, and walked out the door, gesturing for me to follow her. She put on a brown cloak, which made her eyes appear to glow yellow.

In about an hour, we had arrived at a cliff.

"It's in that cave up towards the top
So it will take you more than a hop".


"You are quite welcome, my friend of blue.
Now if you excuse me, I must leave for a stew".

I was surprised to hear this. "What do you mean"?

"I am working on a potion to help a monkey speak.
I need to find something, and will be gone for a week."

I sighed. The only one who could back up my story was leaving. "Well, thanks for the help".

We said our goodbyes, and she left. As the cloaked figure headed elsewhere, I flew up to the cave she had pointed to.

I entered the cave, and began searching for evidence. It had certainly been occupied. The firepit was proof of that. As I probed in the darkness, I saw a few little things. There was a nest-like bed obviously designed for a griffin. A little bit of meat and some splotches of blood were on the ground. However, there was nothing that could be identified as belonging to a particular being.

Disappointed, I prepared to leave. There was no evidence that Gilda was the one living in this cave. It did not even prove conclusively that a griffin lived here. I resolved to return shortly. First, however, I decided to search the surrounding area for clues. The telltale signs of a kill beside the brook appeared to confirm that a predator lived nearby. That clinched it. I would definitely return later, perhaps when the occupant was home. I spread my wings and prepared to head back to Ponyville. However, I would not tell anypony my suspicions until I was sure they were true. Didn't want to look foolish, after all


As I landed in the town square of Fillyfurt, I got a few stares, but not many. Griffins were a fairly common sight in the town, so hardly anyone batted an eye at one of my kind. This was reflected in the fountain, which showed a unicorn and a griffin signing a treaty. I wondered why the ponies in Ponyville refused to get along with me, when Fillyfurt embraced griffins. I sighed. Such thoughts would have to wait. I headed over to the post office, pausing to notice an armored carriage delivering a supply of bits. One of the guards escorting the carriage was an attractive older colt, with an off-white coat, a silver mane and tail, and a cutie mark shaped like a police badge. He was a bit wrinkled, but he wore his age well, and it made him look more distinguished.

I forced myself to stop ogling him. Get a grip on yourself. Not only is he at least twenty years older than you, he's a completely different species. What will you be lusting after next? A fox?

Disgusted, I walked through the doors. I forced a smile, and greeted the clerk who awaited me at the desk. Her name was Almond Joy, an earth pony with a black coat, a red mane, and yellow eyes. Her cutie mark was a sealed envelope. She had been particularly fond of me, ever since I caught a rat that had been giving them some trouble. With my acute hearing, I had managed to detect the rodent, and had caught it with my quick reflexes. The pest never knew what hit it.

She also enjoyed my pranks. I once gave her an envelope that stuck to her hoof. She laughed a bit, but then paid me back with a trick pen that squirted me with water. She had a wonderful sense of humor. In that respect, she reminded me of Dash.

As I went up to the front of the line, I asked "Any mail for me?"

"Yes, Gilda, your package arrived just today. Sign here, please".

She held out a clipboard, and I signed in Germane. Germane was fairly similar to some of the various Griffin dialects, including my own, so I did not have much trouble learning it. She handed me a small box. I couldn't help but smirk. With this and my stick, I could put the next phase of my plan into action.

Another griffin came into the office. Judging by the smell of fish on him, he was probably from the Icthycaulk tribe. Judging by his difficulty with the language, he was probably also a tourist. I was not surprised. Griffins liked the ponies of Fillyfurt in particular. It was a charming hamlet, which took delight in the simple pleasures. The town earned a good chunk of its money from griffin tourists. The ponies here didn't mind the large numbers of griffins who visited. They were polite and friendly, accepting of everyone, and had many entertaining celebrations.

Unlike Ponyville, which was full of petty, bigoted, insulting, obnoxious, cruel, malicious ponies. Well, with one exception.

I shook the thought from my head. Soon, I would show Dash just how bad the place was. It seemed charming to me at first, but then again, so does a pitcher plant to a fly.

I thanked the clerk, and walked out of the office. I gave the tourist a quick wave, then went back to the town square.

That's when I remembered the fountain. The fountain also served as a wishing well. I decided that I would need as much luck as I could get on my excursion. I took out my wallet and dropped a bit into the fountain, wishing that Dash would be my friend again. That done, I stretched my wings and flew off towards Ponyville. I decided that once I was done in Ponyville for the day, I would buy a few things in Fillyfurt. A cooking pot, for one thing. I also needed a little more writing paper. If I needed more money, I could sell one of my quills to a writing supply shop. Ponies were willing to pay through the nose to get a griffin feather. I cleared those thoughts from my mind. First things first: Phase 2 of my plan.

They'll never know what hit them. This time, the gauntlet's on the other claw. I'm the hunter, they're the prey.