• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 3,210 Views, 40 Comments

First Impressions - Dynamic Dragon

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I made it back to Fillyfurt without major incident. As I landed on the cobblestone streets, I heard loud music. Very upbeat, very celebratory, it was obviously birthday music. As it played, it brought back memories. Terrible memories, that I had tried my hardest to suppress.


I ran away from the party, tears of rage and sorrow streaming down my face. I flew above the dirt streets of Ponyville, having been utterly humiliated by that obnoxious pink pony. At first, I had trusted her somewhat. If only her heartbeat wasn't a constant, unintelligible hum, I could have told that she was lying about the party's purpose. She had set it up for the sole reason of driving me away from Rainbow Dash! That bitch. Those bitches.

As I landed in the forest, I made sure nobody could see me. Then, I paused to take a breath. Before long, I was drowning in tears. My life partner... has abandoned me for a bunch of bitches. Possessive, hate-filled, obnoxious, mean bitches.

I remembered Rainbow telling me to find a new friend. Not "friends", "friend". Apparently, her friends' shrewish qualities had rubbed off on her. With that, I flew back to my home.

I cleared my head of the memories. With that out of the way, I went to do some shopping.

My depression had significantly decreased now that I had a purpose in mind. No use crying over spilled milk, as Adolph said. I noticed that I could not smell anything for the moment. My beakclog had not yet fully recovered. I was better, able to breathe freely, but I still had no sense of smell. I hoped that would go away in a few days. After all, most of my other symptoms had gone two days ago. However, now was not the time to dwell on it.

I went to the writing supplies store. Griffin feathers were in high demand among ponies, and prices were high. For a community like Fillyfurt, which dealt with griffins regularly, this had proven to be a boon. After the clerk bought one of my feathers for quite a few bits, I went to the Post Office. I smiled at the unicorn manning the desk (Joy was apparently on break) and asked if I had any mail. He said no, so I left to do a little shopping.

Surging with triumph, I had to remind myself not to waste my bits. I was sorely tempted by a faux-raccoon hat, but decided against it. Instead, I bought some stationery, a few stamps emblazoned with pony figures, and a cooking pot. I had to conserve my money. I could have bought a screwdriver, but it was much cheaper to make one myself. Moreover, it was very unlikely that someone who lived in a home made of clouds would have a screwdriver. It would be much more probable to have made one for the purposes of the task.

I was about to leave when I noticed a new statue. It was of the Princesses who ruled Equestria. Technically, Celestia and Luna were actually queens, as Equestria was a kingdom, not a principality. However, they were usually referred to as "princess" because they were considered princesses of many pony communities and nations. I still did not understand why they referred to themselves as "princess" at all times, but I supposed they had their reasons. When you controlled the sun and moon, a few idiosyncrasies were preferable to abuse of power.

I took off, with my purchases in my saddlebags and a song of triumph in my heart. I flew over the forest and saw a strange black and white animal waddling along. I had no idea what it was, as it was not native to the griffin territories. I noticed that it did not seem to have anything going for it. For a brief moment, I wondered how it could survive in the wild. Then I realized that it wasn't my problem at the moment, and that it was easy prey. I swooped down and killed it, and put it in my saddlebag. I felt slightly damp around the chest, but it was probably some light sweat.

As I reached my cave, I began eating the animal for dinner. Then I popped in a Sabatalon record and played a song of powerful triumph.

After the song was done, I took out the binder and began fine-tuning the next day's step.