• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 6,418 Views, 82 Comments

Hour of Twilight - -Brutus

  • ...

The Light in the Darkness

// Story: Hour of Twilight
// Chapter: Chapter 13: The Light in the Darkness
// Author: Darth Femto


Chapter Thirteen
The Light in the Darkness


The darkness swept over Equestria as the crescent Moon glowed brightly in the heavens. Nightmare Moon coughed a few times and groaned in annoyance. She was feeling odd, She wasn't used to this form anymore and felt as if she was blocking something unconsciously. Glancing around, she gazed upon her injured sister, the motionless soldiers and a stunned Silverghost, staring back at her. 'I-I have to protect them...'

With that in mind, the alicorn summoned her dark magic and conjured a large sphere of magic, isolating herself and Dawn within, so that the others would be protected from their powerful magic.

"My, you have changed Nightmare Moon... I could have sworn you would have torn the whole place apart just to kill me. What happened?" the darkened unicorn asked, taking position for a charge.

The night alicorn sighed and glared down at monster below her. "I may have changed my appearance, but I am still Luna. Remember that... Crimson Dawn!" she spat, taking aim and diving towards the unicorn.

Dawn huffed and grinned. "It won't make any difference..."

Nightmare Moon cried out and charged the unicorn. Her blade clashed with Dawn's, causing the black unicorn to clench her teeth from the effort. Rolling on her left, she broke contact and retaliated, her horn channeling a fireball. The alicorn focused her eyes on the charging fireball, preparing a counter-spell to deflect it and overpower the insane mare. Dawn grinned as Luna fell for her trap, secretly swinging a second blade in an attempt to cripple the night alicorn.

Nightmare Moon dodged the blade and instantly released an orb of highly condensed magic into the air, blowing Crimson Dawn away. Taking advantage of her opponents confusion, Nightmare Moon swung her sword, embedding it into the dark unicorn's back. The attack would have severed her spine, if not for her desperate release of magic that stopped the blade in its tracks. Dawn teleported away from the night alicorn, panting. Rivulets of blood trickled down her sides from the fresh wound. Even though shallow, the cut had affected her motor skills, each movement sending a sharp pain through her spine. She glared at the night alicorn maliciously, before pulling her mouth into a smug smile. "I really did not expect you to be this skilled... Still, this is just the beginning!" she hissed, her eyes glowing wildly.

The alicorn groaned lightly, rubbing her forehead. She was starting to get dizzy and felt sick. Her breathing became erratic, and her heart rate was rapidly increasing. For a brief moment, she blacked out and nearly collapsed, righting herself immediately after. Dawn took advantage of her state and launched a counter attack, sending numerous fireballs aimed at her. Following her barrage, the deranged unicorn poured a large amount of magic into her body, becoming a blur as she raced toward the alicorn, cutting a long line down the length of her body.

"What's the matter, Luna? Can't stand against an lowly unicorn?" she spat. Nightmare Moon raised her head and glanced at her enemy, struggling to breathe. She could feel emotions pent up in her, like a raging inferno. Dawn hovered above her triumphantly, preparing to strike again. Nightmare Moon's eyes closed as she lowered her head, her body seemingly giving in to the internal pressure. Dawn gave a light chuckle and blinked once. That was her greatest mistake.

In a split second, it had been decided. Dawn's eyes shot open as she tumbled through the air, struggling to stop from spinning. Righting herself, she clung with a hoof to her chest, feeling a very deep wound, that ran up her throat up to her chin. Blood streamed in torrents, causing her to panic. She tried to say something, but only gurgled sounds came out. She glanced forward and looked upon the shivering form of the dark alicorn, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The alicorn panted heavily, shocked from what had just happened. 'It-it's her... she-she's taking over. If I didn't snap back when I did, I would have most surely decapitated Dawn on the spot. No... I can't kill her, I have to restore her! Silverghost... I need y-you- aurghh!' she groaned internally, severe pain shooting up at the back of her skull, causing her to black out once again, this time crashing on the ground with a loud thud.


From the side, the silvery unicorn watched helplessly as her mentor lost herself to the dark powers. She needed to get inside and stop it. She was the only one who could. Despite her protests and screaming, the figures inside couldn't hear anything, or didn't pay attention.

"Silverghost!" a male voice called for her.

The mare turned and stared into the newcomer's eyes and sniffed. "Valiant I-I need your help, I need to get inside!"

The white pegasus captain approached the mare and hushed her, grabbing her into a hug to calm her. "Shh, calm down 'Ghost. She can handle it. I know she can," he cooed, shooting a glance inside the bubble, looking at the form of the alicorn lying on the ground, thrashing around. 'Or... not,' he gulped.

They were interrupted by the sound of marching troops and rapid galloping. "Hey y'all! What tha hay happened here? Looks like tha sky came down upon ye... whoa nelly," a new, familiar voice called to them.

Silverghost got up from the pegasus' embrace and rushed to meet the newcomers. "Miss Applejack! And the other elements!" she squeaked in surprise. Behind the four mares approaching her, the backup army was marching towards the bubble, surrounding it and preparing. A few unicorns went and tended to the white alicorn laying unconscious on the scorched grass.

The orange mare approached the silvery unicorn and smiled at her, before turning to gaze inside the massive globe. Her eyes wandered around, trying to find the source of the commotion, but the darkness made it very difficult.

Rarity approached the two mares and summoned her magic, lighting up her surrounding area. "There, we should be able to see more clearly... now?" her voice died in her throat, taking notice of the hovering black unicorn inside the dome, gasping for breath, as blood streamed freely from her throat.

A sudden cry of anguish and pain chilled the onlookers, causing them to stare at the thrashing figure lying on the ground, writhing in agony. Silverghost once again leaped at the magical dome and started furiously beating it, trying to break through. "No! I have to stop her, please I need your help! Princess Luna!" she gave a shriek, kicking at the dome relentlessly.

"Whoa there, sis, what has gotten into ye?" the orange mare asked, restraining the panicked unicorn. The captain joined the cowpony and helped restraining the seemingly mad unicorn.

"No! You don't understand, if I don't go in there and stop her, then-"


A loud thunderclap followed by an overcharged magical impulse blowing away the dome, and everypony who stood nearby.


Dawn floated gently in the air, focusing all of her magic to heal her deep wounds. She had become lightheaded from the blood loss. Just as she was finishing a loud cry followed by a severe magic burst hit her directly, sending her through the dome, smashing it to pieces and flying at such a speed that her coat almost ignited from the friction. Eventually she crashed in the ruins of Ponyville, her old home. She laid in the debris for a few moments, trying to piece together what had just happened. Slowly, her eyes closed and she fell unconscious, unaware of the monster she had awakened.

Back at the dome, the night alicorn rose from the ground heaving. She started vomiting, a feeling of great sickness washing over her. She glanced at her sword as Dawn's blood slid gently towards the tip. With a lagged motion, she shakily brought the blade up to her muzzle and opened her mouth, extending her tongue slightly. As her tongue finally made contact with the cold, metallic blade, Nightmare Moon ran it across the bloodied surface, gently stroking the crimson rivulets and inhaling shakily. After she licked her blade clean, the black alicorn started convulsing and coughing violently. What had started as a moan ended up in a howl, not unlike that of a dying animal, echoing out in the distance.

Celestia, having been protected by the powerful shock-wave by her own magic, rose groggily from the ground and shook off the dust and ash, eying the remains of her army scattered all around her. She choked back a sob and wiped her fresh tears, glancing around. A loud howl caught her attention, sending chills down her spine. She turned around slowly and eyed the creature that was huffing and growling like a famished beast. An alicorn bearing a regal black coat with turquoise eyes; Nightmare Moon.

Celestia gasped loudly and tried to rush at her sister's side, only to be grasped in her telekinetic grasp and lifted off the ground. The white alicorn could feel pressure building around her throat, causing her to enter full panic mode. "L-Luna! S-stop... I-I can't breathe!" she squeaked in horror.

The night alicorn glanced over, a few tears streaking her cheeks. In an instant, she freed her sister out of her grasp. "Celly... run. Run away Celestia," she sobbed, collapsing to her knees.

Celestia, released from her sister's grasp, rubbed her neck and got up to her feet, trotting over to her sister. "Luna, come back to your senses, you can fight it! Please, calm down. Breathe Luna, breathe!" The white alicorn tried to soothe her sister, attempting to avoid a tragedy. Nightmare Moon clenched her teeth and whimpered, as her shoulder started bleeding, in the shape of a strange mark. The white alicorn gasped and tried to wipe the blood, but it kept flowing while maintaining the shape. Thinking back, Celestia knew she had seen it before, but where?

"W-what is this, Luna? This... this mark... what-"

Nightmare Moon's eyes shot open and released a magical burst, sending her sister flying. "I said, RUN! It-it's coming...augh!" she winced, her mystical mane and tail turning into a swirling storm. "Too late..." With a sharp screech, Nightmare Moon took flight in the direction where Dawn had landed, leaving Celestia alone in the dead fields. She had only one purpose, to end the life of the unicorn in the most painful way she could think off. A smirk curled upon her lips.


The Crimson Dawn was slowly coming back to her senses, rising from the debris. She rubbed her neck and sighed in relief, feeling the terrible wound closed. She still felt a little lightheaded, but that would pass with time. She glanced around the area, her gaze falling onto the hilt of her sword. She grasped it in her telekinetic grip and brought it over, eying it with disinterest.

Dawn's train of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden surge of magic that sent her flying, thrashing violently through the air. She caught sight of the night alicorn in time to dodge her swing, but her enemy's speed far exceeded her own; Nightmare Moon spun in the air and plunged her head straight into her lower stomach, goring her out. It's then she realized something. Nightmare Moon's expression had changed, her lips curled up into a crazed grin, her pupils shrink back into her head; She had lost her mind. A small squeak escaped the Alicorn's lips, that started picking up in intensity and frequency, eventually bursting out in maddening laughter.

"Missed me? You have something that I want," she spoke softly, licking her lips. "Your blood is mine," Nightmare Moon seethed, glaring at the shocked unicorn. She chocked back a few squeals, containing her excitement. "More... I want more!" she screamed out, her eyes lighting up. With a mighty shove, she sent the unicorn towards the ground at high speed, intending on breaking her bones.

With a loud thud, the unicorn crashed into the scorched earth and coughed up more blood, clinging to her stomach wound with a hoof to prevent her guts spilling out. The pain was excruciating and she could barely think through it. A quick burst of magic sealed the gash in her stomach. It wouldn't fix her organs, but at least she didn't have to worry about bleeding out. Glancing tiredly at her left hoof, she took notice of the amulet she was given by the Draconequus. 'The Festival... That bastard knew it would end up like this. It was his plan all along. Discord, you treacherous worm!' she cringed internally. 'I have no other chance, I have to do it, I have to sacrifice myself...'

With that in mind, Dawn opened her wings to their full span and charged a very powerful orb of magic, hoping to buy enough time to flee. She had to get away and reach the Old Castle. With a mighty cry of pain and anger, the unicorn sent the ball of magic towards the alicorn, exploding when it was in close proximity. Dawn took the opportunity and flew away, but not for long. Nightmare Moon let out a growl and shot up in pursuit, flapping her wings hard, catching up on the fleeing unicorn.

Dawn took notice of her pursuer and charged a lightning spell, attempting to slow down her pursuer and buy more time to reach the castle. As she discharged her spell, she noticed her vision was getting all blurry, and she could not wipe the mist off her eyes. Pain shot up from her front legs, causing her to wince and whimper in pain. Her powers were nearly spent, after all these battles.

She snapped to reality when she noticed the ruins of the great old castle reflecting off the moonlight. Glancing behind, she found it strange that Nightmare Moon had disappeared from view, until she heard a faint rustle, as if something was flying at extremely high speed. It was too late to dodge the hit. She only managed to glance upwards and take notice of a blueish aura crashing into her, knocking her out of the sky. Dawn crash-landed in what was once Celestia's tower, falling through the wooden floor, spinning wildly as she kept falling even deeper in the ruins until she reached the end of it, smashing her head hard against the stone floor. The situation kept getting worse for the unicorn, now having nearly crushed her horn to dust on the pavement and split open her head from the force of the impact.

Dawn groaned loudly and tried to raise herself. She gasped in shock when she realized that she had been paralyzed; apparently Nightmare Moon's dive aimed for the weak spot she created when she cut into her back bones, finishing the job. The injured unicorn started panicking, having nearly been killed by the reckless actions of the night alicorn. Whimpering in pain and shock, she crawled painfully across the stone floor, silently cursing at her damaged front legs that only made her incursion even more difficult. Fear crept into her mind and she started calling out for the Draconequus.

"DISCORD!! Help me! Discord!" she screamed out in panic. Her screams died out in her throat, hearing soft hoofsteps approaching. She winced and pulled herself up, scanning the area for a possible escape. Before she could take a step forward, Nightmare Moon appeared behind her and stabbed her through her back, piercing her lung and embedding the blade into the stone floor.

"Trying to go somewhere?" the black alicorn chuckled lightly, lying down on her belly and staring the broken mare in the eyes. Dark blood streamed in a torrent from the unicorn's nose, earning a squeal of delight from the alicorn. Nightmare Moon grabbed the unicorn's head and lapped greedily at Dawn's muzzle, despite her struggle. The alicorn traced her tongue along Dawn's features, savoring every droplet of blood that stained her dark coat. Eventually, she paused for a moment and grinned widely, pulling the unicorn in a grotesque kiss, parting her lips and gently sucking her tongue, taking in the metallic taste of the blood residing in Dawn's mouth. Nightmare Moon moaned softly as her eyes closed in pure delight.

After a few moments, the alicorn broke the kiss and rose to her feet, licking her lips greedily. "Thank you for your offering," she smiled. The broken unicorn panted, eying the alicorn with hatred. "Oh, why the long face?" Nightmare Moon grinned, placing a hoof on the unicorn's head, ready to crush it. "It's been a pleasure, Crimson Dawn. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come back from the darkest corners of Luna's soul. Bon voyage, and give my regards to hell, once you arrive!"

"Uh uh, not yet," a new voice called out from around them.

The alicorn glanced around in surprise, taking notice of a powerful flow of magic twisting around them. "What the..." She was interrupted by a powerful surge that caused her and the unicorn to levitate in a golden flow of magic, pulling them upwards. Glancing upright, she gasped loudly upon noticing a large maelstrom of unknown dark magic. It swirled furiously and pulled in energy from the ley-lines, practically sucking out the lifeforce of the world, scorching the area around the castle in blazing infernos. 'What is this... It feels so familiar... Home.'

Before being consumed by the vortex, the alicorn caught sight of a silvery unicorn running towards them, apparently screaming at them. But she couldn't think, much less hear through this unrelenting maelstrom of magic, lost souls, emotions, and death. She finally closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep in the magical embrace.

'Welcome home, Nightmare Moon...'


The white alicorn laid on her back on the ground, sobbing out loudly. She had failed her sister again. Luna was her best friend, and she cherished every moment spent with her. Right now, she could only remember how she banished her for a thousand years, and only because she was furious and wanted to punish Luna for attacking the monarchy.

"Why are you crying...?" a soft, female voice called out to her.

Celestia sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I-I failed Luna again, mother. I deserve to die for the pain I've brought her throughout these years," she sobbed. "When will I learn mother?" she chocked back a sob.

A greenish spectral alicorn materialized before Celestia's eyes. "Do not fret, my daughter. She is not lost, yet; however, if you do not act now, her heart shall be entangled in evil, and she might be lost forever. Go now, daughter. Go and save your sister. Restore the balance my dear," she cooed, smiling.

Celestia wiped her tears and narrowed her eyes in determination, anger. She had lost her sister once because she did not act; she would not do so again. With a cry of anger, she rose from the ground and summoned her astral powers, entering the form of Sol once more, instantly restoring her body and gaining access to the powers of the cosmos. With a smile, she glanced to her right, where her blade had been called. "Let's go, Glorenzelg. Retribution awaits!"

She launched herself in the air, speeding towards the battle ongoing. She was going to save her sister from the darkness, no matter what.

As Celestia flew off in the distance, Gaia let out a drawn sigh and frowned.

"How long are you going to keep her in the dark, Gaia?" a male ghostly voice asked her. The alicorn mare turned towards the source of the voice as it materialized in the form of a spectral alicorn stallion eying her with sadness. "How long can we lie to our daughter?"

Gaia did not reply, choosing instead to stare at the ground. "I-I don't know, Genesis. The truth would devastate her..."

The stallion approached the mare and nuzzled her affectionately. "It's better if she learns it from us. Plus, we both know Luna is-"

"Stop. Please, just stop. I don't want to hear it. Not now," the mare scrunched her eyes shut, unsuccessful in blocking out her tears. As they streamed down her cheeks, they fell on the ground, instantly rejuvenating it and giving birth to a small reddish flower.

Genesis wiped her tears and pulled her into a kiss. After a while, they broke it and stared into each others eyes. "We must go. Yonius needs us at the Pantheon."

The mare nodded weakly and prepared to teleport when something caught her attention. "Genesis, did you feel that?" she asked, concern growing in her heart.

The stallion stopped and glanced at his consort, wanting to reply, however his words died out in his throat. "Y-yes, I did," he stammered, turning and gazing over the Everfree Forest, towards the old Castle. A large storm was forming just above the ruins, a whirlpool of magic churning endlessly. "It's the realm of death. Home of Abaddon's apostles," he spat.

"It's so... vile. It stands against all creation. I can feel so much pain, suffering and death. Galatea-"

The stallion shot his consort an annoyed glance. "Do not say that name again," he seethed, preparing a teleportation spell. "Galatea died a long time ago. Only Abaddon remains..."

During the few seconds that preceded the teleportation to the Pantheon, his mind went back to a crucial moment in his life: the final moments of Abaddon before he ended her reign. Her smirk before dying, and most of all, her last words.

'Life is weak! Fragile! Fleeting... Death is final, death is eternal. Death... is my domain. Look upon me, Genesis, and you see the bane of all life!'

Genesis cringed internally, but dismissed the thoughts and finished the incantation, teleporting himself and Gaia away from Equestria, leaving everything in the hooves of their daughter. If she failed, the world would be lost.


Silverghost was panting and sweating, running as fast as she could towards the storm of evil that swirled furiously above the Everfree Forest. Loud cracks of lightning set the skies ablaze in the middle of the artificial night. The Elements of Harmony struggled to keep up with her fast pace, as she desperately tried to reach her mentor. Sol flew above them, heading straight towards the immense storm of chaos. Her eyes caught glimpse of the form of Nightmare Moon, being sucked into the vortex.

"Princess Luna! Wait!" Silverghost cried out, straining her legs and pouring everything she had into reaching her princess. With a great cry of pain, she leaped forward and got caught in the updraft, and just in time. As she reached cloud height, the maelstrom below imploded in a massive magical shock-wave, knocking Sol out of the sky and rendering the elements immobile.

"Damn it! Luna!" the white alicorn called out for her sister. Her cries were met with the low, rumbling thunders that lit the night sky. She summoned her magic and attempted to lower the Moon, only to have her spell backfire. 'What the?! I can't lower the Moon, even in this form?'

"Princess Celestia, are you alright?" the white unicorn, Rarity, asked her with great concern. The other ponies, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy came at her side, helping the mystical alicorn to her hooves.

Sol groaned and got up groggily, eying the strange storm in the skies. A feeling of pure dread crept into her heart. She feared for her sister. She feared for Equestria. "I-I'm all right, my little ponies, but there is something terrible happening up there, and I have no idea what..." she spoke softly in a ghostly tone, maintaining her composure. Deciding that she could do nothing to help the situation, she reverted to her normal form.

The other ponies joined the Princess, staring with great interest at the clouded sky, as lightning crackled through the heavens. "Excuse me Princess, but, what do we do now?" Rarity looked up at the alicorn, fear written all over her face.

Celestia sighed and glanced at the white mare, giving her a reassuring smile. "We wait. We wait and hope. There is nothing we can do." Gazing upwards, Celestia felt her eyes watering. 'Equestria's fate is in your hooves, Silverghost. Please, bring back Luna safely, I beg you.'


Inside the unconscious mare's mind, Rainbow Dash blurred through fierce storm clouds that pierced the heavens with lightning, loud crackles hurting her ear drums. Her wings ached and her body was sore, but she did not give up. Twilight needed her and she was the only one able to help her. The cyan pegasus took notice of the ruins of the Old Castle and dived, spiraling downwards. Landing with a soft thud, she entered the desolate castle and trotted down the webbed corridors, her steps echoing out hollowly.

She arrived at a rather familiar scene, the old throne room, where she and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon more than twenty years ago, on Twilight's first day in Ponyville. Rainbow stopped briefly and wondered. Did Twilight even had any friends before them? Well, she had Spike, but she didn't knew if a dragon slave counted as a friend. She chuckled lightly at her joke. The serenity of the place was broken by soft crying. Her eyes widened in realization and turned to face the source of the sound.

Trotting down towards her was a broken, lavender mare, limping painfully. She gasped loudly with each step, occasionally spitting blood and coughing loudly. Rainbow's breath quickened as starting to hyperventilate.

Coming from the shadows, a new figure emerged into the throne room and grinned, drawing the attention of the pegasus. His misshaped body gave away his identity easily. The cyan pegasus gritted her teeth and growled menacingly at the Draconequus.

Twilight was surprised as well to see her old enemy, even more so in her current state. Her body finally gave out from exhaustion and she collapsed on the old stone floor, struggling to breathe as the blood kept flowing in her lungs; she was literally drowning. "W-what? What are you...doing here?" she muttered, her voice only a whisper.

Discord approached the injured mare and sat down beside her, a blank expression etched on his face. "What ever happened to you, my little pony?" he asked, rubbing his chin. When the mare did not reply, he sighed. "Twilight Sparkle, do you want to know the reason I called you here? Do you want to know the reason you are now an orphan?" he asked, lightly tapping the floor.

Twilight gritted her teeth and lashed out at the Draconequus, only to collapse back on the floor motionless, barely breathing.

Discord chuckled lightly and approached the unicorn, sitting beside her. "Oh, you needn't do such reckless things. Beside, your life is spent. Do you want to know the truth, my dear Sparkle?" he grinned as his eyes flashed for a brief moment. The unicorn mare turned her head and spat the Draconequus, blood trailing down his forehead, earning a sigh. "Heh, rather annoying, aren't we?"

Tapping his fingers lightly, he rose to his feet and chuckled. "You made a big mistake coming here alone. Without the magic of your friendship, you are powerless to fight against me. You are mine, Sparkle!" he snickered, placing his hand upon her hornless head. Rainbow gasped as she noticed Twilight's body changing color to a dull grey.

"Hmm, it won't work... Maybe... ah yes. That should do," Discord grinned, summoning a small dagger to his side. Cutting into his palm, he let a few droplets of blood seep unto the mentally broken unicorn. Whatever the Draconequus had in mind, it worked, for his magic started to work and his blood entered Twilight's body through her wounds.

The lavender mare yelled out in pain, her horrifying wounds closing from the surge of magic. A new horn formed on her head, much longer and sharp. Her body grew and became more sleek. Her singed coat burned off completely, being replaced with a new, jet black fur.

"Oh, and by the way, I am the one who killed your parents." In a bright flash, the Draconequus disappeared, leaving the new mare alone in the room.

Rainbow stared in fright at the new creature, her mind racing. 'W-what? Discord... It's his fault. No, poor Twilight. She doesn't know-" Her train of thoughts was interrupted when the mare turned around and smiled wryly at her.

"Oh, my dearest Rainbow Dash, I'm glad you could make it. So what do you think? Like the new outfit?" she asked, grinning sadistically.

The cyan pegasus was at a loss of words. "Twi-Twilight, you have been deceived. It was Discord who killed your parents! He wanted you to become like this, to do his bidding! Twilight, fight his control, please! I love you, I forgive everything that you did to me, to Scootaloo. Just please, come back to us..." she choked a sob.

"Really? Well, I guess you don't mind if I go ahead and test out my new powers, don't you? Starting with... your little bitch of a daughter, which I fought so hard to help you adopt!" she screamed out.

Rainbow gasped in fright, her eyes narrowing in anger. She charged the unicorn demigod, hoping to stop her right there. She could not bear seeing her daughter die again; however, the unicorn had something else in mind. The reality twisted once again, and Rainbow found herself pinned to the ground, battered and injured. She glanced around and groaned, barely able to move.


The scream sent shivers down Rainbow's spine, causing her to look upwards. Scootaloo was thrashing in the air, held by the magic of Twilight. The tiny filly was crying and struggling to reach out the cyan pegasus. "Mommy, please, help me! It hurts, it hurts!" she screeched, her throat hurting from so much screaming. The mare holding her gave a light chuckle.

"Aww, come on Scootaloo, I thought we were friends? You want your mommy, hmm?" the insane mare asked, smiling awkwardly. The tiny filly could only nod weakly.

The Crimson Dawn sighed and lowered Scootaloo near Rainbow, showing her the extensive damage she had suffered. Her legs had been broken, her tiny wings had been ripped off. Several gashes oozed blood, coating the filly in a dark red. She struggled to breathe, having cried so much. Rainbow cried out openly and struggled to reach out her daughter, to hold her but found herself unable to move. She started screaming when Scootaloo was taken away from her, and lifted high into the air.

"No! Please, take me instead! Let her live, oh please Twilight don't do this to me!"

Dawn giggled and shrugged. "I'm keeping you for desert. Now, let's see what Scootaloo had for breakfast..." she spoke, applying more force to her telekinetic grip. More anguished screams and cries, then a screech of pure agony, anguish. A horrific ripping sound, accompanied by squishes and spurts.

That was the last drop. The cyan pegasus' heart stopped beating in that instant. Her mind was reeling, her body felt weak, dying. She opened her eyes slightly and let out a howl of anguish. She had done it again. Twilight had killed Scootaloo, right before her teary eyes.

One half of the filly was still in Dawn's telekinetic grasp, body fluids dripping freely. Her eyes were half closed, seemingly staring down at the cyan pegasus, as if to mock her pitiful attempt to save her. Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes closed and she succumbed to the darkness, falling into the void. She wanted to die. But there, through her closed eyes, in the darkness, where she thought her hopes had been crushed, a glimmering light popped into existence, accompanied by something else.

A soft, faint voice called out to her.

'Dash! Don't let her get to you! Rainbow Dash!'

That voice. Her voice.

In the darkness, Rainbow had found it. She had found the power to smile.

'Heh... took you long enough.'

The light materialized before her eyes into a lavender unicorn bearing a magical crown. Her eyes were full of love and compassion, and her heart pure. Dash looked up to her and let out a giggle. Twilight Sparkle smiled and offered a hoof, helping the cyan pegasus to her feet.

"Come on Dash, we have to save Equestria," she spoke softly, her eyes brimmed with tears. The cyan pegasus nodded and wiped her tears away.

"Yeah, let's go Twi'!" Dash replied, her necklace materializing around her neck. "This mare needs some harmony, and we are going to give it all!"

She had found it. Rainbow Dash had finally found the light in the darkness.