• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 6,414 Views, 82 Comments

Hour of Twilight - -Brutus

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Into the Realm of Darkness

// Story: Hour of Twilight
// Chapter: Chapter 5: Into the Realm of Darkness
// Author: Darth Femto

Artwork by BlackM3sh.

Chapter Five
Into the Realm of Darkness


Panic. Equestria was overrun by panic, as the shadow of the Eclipse was spreading over the land, choking the air with malice. The world was bathing in darkness, as the Crimson Dawn's own hatred was beginning to materialize into monsters, twisted shapes of ponies and other creatures. Black storm clouds were randomly forming all around Equestria, covering the already dark reddish sky, water pouring upon the land. Temperature was slowly dropping, the Sun's warmth fading away, as Equestria's doom-bringer sucked away at its mystical energies, leaving it nothing but a faint glowing orb, hidden by the crimson Moon.

Back at the Castle of Canterlot, Princess Celestia was sitting in the Library, searching for answers, for a way to undo this chaos. Several books laid scattered on the ground, some of them older than Celestia herself. However, she was concentrating on a single, large tome, bearing strange symbols that marked the Elder Royalty, her parents' own books, to be more precise. She was having quite a hard time deciphering the book, having being written in an ancient tongue, one she had yet to fully comprehend. Her powers were fading, causing her to struggle breathing, the vile air intoxicating her body. She knew she wouldn't make it if she did not find an answer within these ancient books. The heavy steps of a pony clad in armour snapped her attention.

A member of the Royal Guard came inside the Library and called out for the Princess, panting heavily. Her coat was covered in dried blood, and she bore a shallow gash across her left eye, rendering her half blind.

"P-princess Celestia! I bear grim news, your Majesty!"

Celestia sighed and closed the book, levitating it over a desk. She got up and trotted to meet up the mare guard, gazing sadly at her condition. Her people would die. Every pony depended on her success; Equestria's fate was upon her hooves.

"What is it that you wish to report, my faithful subject?"

The injured guard took a few seconds to compose herself, pain racing through her body, causing her to wince at the slightest movement. "We have received reports from Dragonblight stating that the Crimson Dawn has been spotted atop the glacier, before disappearing. We have yet to discover her whereabouts. Also, there has been no trace of Princess Luna since yesterday, when she departed for Dragonblight. The guards claim that her carriage never arrived at the base," she stopped to breathe. Sweat poured from her face, and reached out into her gauged eye, causing her to yelp in pain. Celestia rushed to her side and tried working her magic, to try and close the wound at least. "Thank you, your Majesty. That's about all, for now. I must now return to duty, your Highness," she gave a small smile and bowed before the Princess.

"Wait. What about the bearers of the Elements? Do you know anything about them?" Celestia asked, concerned at her subjects' well being.

"Oh, of course," the guard cleared her throat. "It seems they are trapped in the caverns beneath the glacier, along with the members of Squad Zero. Apparently the whole structure collapsed on them when the spire emerged from the ice, causing a powerful quake. They are being released as we speak."

Celestia sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness they're alright,' she thought. "Thank you." The guard bowed once again and left the room, leaving Celestia alone once again. Her blood was starting to boil in frustration, groaning. "Where are you, Luna?! What happened? Did Twilight... no, that is not possible, you should have been able to reach the base before the Eclipse, so why?"

"Perhaps I might be able to help you with that," a new, evil voice replied.

Celestia froze. She started panting hard, not wanting to believe that she was already here. Celestia narrowed her eyes and turned around, to look upon the figure standing behind her. Her breathing was becoming more erratic as she met two dragon eyes, painted in crimson, staring at her, a wide, world ending grin spread on its figure.

"Why are you here? Do you have anything to do with Luna's disappearance? Tell me!" she snapped at the dark unicorn, her wings opening wide as she took on a battle stance, ready to charge out. Her heart sank in her stomach when all she received was laughter. Before she could even blink, the dark unicorn flapped her mystical wings once and appeared face to face with her.

"What's the matter, my dear teacher? Afraid that I have injured your poor Woona? Well, you can relax, she's already dead," she said triumphantly, glaring fiercely at the white alicorn.

The Ruler of the Sun was stunned. Slowly, she backed away from the menacing black mare. She could feel her own heart being torn by her emotions. Anger, disbelief, sorrow. Her fury became dominant, increasing in magnitude with each passing second, until she finally snapped, giving a cry of war that reverberated throughout the palace, charging at the Crimson Dawn. Pouring whatever energy she had left, she summoned her magical blade and swung at her former student's head, attempting to decapitate her on the spot. She blinked once. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized that her enemy had just vanished into thin air, her blade slashing through the air, waves of magic flowing swirling furiously around her blade.

"My, you are a slow one, Celestia. Why don't you take a seat, you old hag!" a furious roar erupted from her side, causing her to immediately step away, but not fast enough to dodge a large chair that was swung at her, hitting her square in the muzzle, toppling her. Celestia skidded to a halt and immediately rose to her feet, shaking with anger.

"How... how did you manage to defeat her... when you weren't even released from your prison!" she yelled out.

Dawn merely laughed. "Why, it was very simple. It seems she and her student were so focused on their mission they failed to notice that the pegasi pulling their carriage were flying in circles. Eventually, I got released from the Moon, and immediately looked out for her. Apparently she found out my trickery and killed off the pegasi, crash landing on the shores on Dragonblight. However, it was too late. I found her and killed her before she could even blink. Better safe than sorry," she gave a smirk. Celestia was choking out sobs, becoming more enraged. "Don't worry, her power shall be used for a greater purpose," she pointed at her heart, "as she will aid me in consuming this world."

Celestia could not believe what she heard. Luna was killed by this... this monster! How could she have been so forgiving twenty years ago? How could she allow this to happen?! 'NO! I can't let my emotions take the better of me! I must retreat, for now.' She sighed, calming herself slightly. "The Elements shall defeat you again, Dawn. But this time, I will make sure you die."

"Ooooh, boldly stated, but there is nothing you can do. The Element of Loyalty... hmm, let's just say she went in a vacation," she pointed at a red crystal shaped as a lightning bolt, adorning her chestplate. "Rainbow was stupid enough to come straight into my lair. It was saddening. I truly loved her... I will never forget her, especially the good bye kiss..." she closed her eyes and raised her head, slightly shuddering, as she remembered the metallic taste of Rainbow's blood.

Celestia was stunned, shocked, confused. She did not linger anymore and prepared a teleportation spell, to get as far away from Equestria as possible. She needed time to sort out her feelings. Fresh tears started pouring from her eyes, as she looked towards the mare in front of her.

"I won't forgive you, Twilight. I will return, and this time, I shall kill you. No more mercy for the merciless," she sobbed out loudly, before her horn glowed brightly.

A bright light showering the room announced her departure, leaving Dawn to herself. She stared blankly at the spot where Celestia stood. She was victorious. She was... bored. "Pfff... with Celestia gone, who is going to entertain me now!? Oh, I know! I should totally hold a party and invite my old friends. Pinkie Pie would love it! But... I can't just hold a party without presents, can I?" she huffed. Her horn lit up and she vanished in a bright light.


A few miles away from Canterlot, a burning Ponyville was overrun by monsters that were obliterating everything that stood in their way, be it ponies or buildings. Several injured ponies were scattered throughout the entire village, running away from death itself. Ponyville's mailmare, along with her daughter were running away from an enraged shadow wolves that were hot on their tail. Derpy could not fly, for one of her wings snapped when the post office collapsed on her and her coleagues. Dinky was running beside her, struggling not to fall over from exhaustion. Derpy, with her faulty eyesight, took a turn to the left, before stopping dead in her tracks. It was a dead end, but she could not return, for her followers were right behind. Wasting no time, Derpy stood in front of her daughter, ready to defend her at the cost of her own life..

Suddenly, a bright flash scared off the wolves, leaving the two mares safe. Derpy sighed in relief, and turned towards her daughter, to nuzzle her. She found herself unable to move, sensing an invisible force wrapping itself around her neck and lifting her up, strangling her.

"Mom no!!"

"Stay back, muffin..." she coughed and hacked, struggling to breathe.

"Touching. How does it feel... knowing you will die before your daughter's eyes?" sneered Dawn, circling the suspended mare, taunting her.

"Leave mom alone you monster!" Dinky screamed at the dark unicorn.

Dawn looked upon the pinkish mare, and then glanced back at the grey pegasus. "Very well," she said, as she dropped the grey mare and picked up her daughter, squeezing the mare in her telekinetic grasp.

"No! Please, leave her alone, I'll do anything, just *sniff* just leave my muffin alone! Please..." Derpy pleaded with the ruthless unicorn.

"On one condition," Dawn smirked at the frightened pegasus.


"Tell me, Derpy, do you happen to know what my friends value most in this world? What makes them go on, what gives them a reason to live? Answer that truthfully, and I will release your daughter. But make no mistake, I know when you're lying. Dinky's life is in your hooves," she seethed.

Derpy thought for a while, and decided it's best to answer truthfully. "Well, Pinkie Pie values her friends most, umm, Fluttershy has her husband, Big Macintosh and her animals. Rarity had her career, up until now," she gave a sheepish grin, "and Applejack had her daughters and her husband. I don't know about Rainbow though..."

Crimson Dawn stared blankly at the grey pegasus in front of her eyes, her telekinetic grip still squeezing the young mare. "So... where do you think Applejack's family is?"

Derpy's ears flattened against her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. She had sold her best friends to a monster. They would not forgive her if anything happened to their families because of her. She shook her head slowly. Suddenly, she felt herself lifted from the ground and slammed hard against a wall, crying out in pain, her already broken wing sending constant waves of pain through her spine.

"I don't think I've made myself clear enough..." Dawn spoke in a harsh voice, accompanied by shrieks of pain as she applied more pressure to her magical grip, literally crushing Dinky.

"Wait! *cough* wait! They are all in the safety *cough* bunkers..." Derpy cried out. "Please, leave my daughter alone."

Dawn looked into Derpy's eyes and smiled, the sound of bones cracking, accompanied by loud cries of pain echoing throughout the village. A deadly silence ensued. The grey pegasus was stunned. She sat on her haunches, tears pouring freely from her eyes, as the corpse of her daughter was laid at her feet. She began weeping, picking up the broken mare and hugging her tightly. Crimson Dawn walked past her, silent. In a split second, Derpy grabbed a heavy rock and threw it at the dark mare with a cry of anguish. The rock was repelled by an invisible barrier, but the action did not go unpunished. Dawn glanced at the gray mare, her cold eyes bearing no emotion at all. The gray pegasus felt her body breaking in several places, as no less than five metallic spikes impaled her, effectively killing her on the spot. Dawn turned around and continued walking down the path leading to the forest edge.

"Good riddance."


Far, far away from Equestria, Celestia's teleportation spell finally faded, leaving her completely exhausted. She raised her head slightly, smiling weakly. She had reached her destination. The Sanctum of the Stars, home of hers and Luna's parents. In front of her eyes, the statue of Alpha-Genesis, the World Maker stood accompanied by the statue of her mother, Gaia, the Spirit of Harmony itself, posed as if they were locked in the dance of creation, the ultimate gift upon the world.

"Welcome home, our daughter," a deep, ghostly voice echoed in her ears.

She slowly got up, wincing in pain as blood was streaming from her muzzle. Her horn glowed briefly as she used the last of her powers to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes, the horn's glow faded, ultimately cracking up. Her magic had been consumed. Powerless, she limped past the statue into a large garden, built on the side of a mountain. She smiled at the sight before her, the garden where she and her sister would play in their foalhood. It is here that they learned about creation and harmony. It is here that they were crowned Rulers of the Celestial orbs, the very source of their power, given unto them as a gift from their Father.

"Is something troubling you, our daughter? You seem very distraught," a motherly voice spoke out to her.

Celestia sighed and continued walking down the path, not daring to raise her eyes from the ground. She arrived at a large large waterfall, crystal clear water pouring into a small lake that blossomed with life. With great care as to not disturb the animals, she gently entered the water and bowed her head under the stream. The water soothed her senses, allowing her muscles to relax. After several minutes of bathing in the purity of the water, she exited the lake and trotted towards a large tree, leaning against it. Her emotions finally caught up to her, and she began crying, lowering herself on her haunches.

With her eyes closed, she did not notice two beings landing beside her, staring at her with love. The spectral mare sat on her haunches and pulled Celestia in an embrace, nuzzling the side of her neck, while the other sat in silence and stared at the pair.

"There, there, my daughter... Let your emotions out, lest they will poison your pure soul," said Gaia, gently caressing her daughter's pink mane.

"We know about Equestria. We know about Luna aswell," the tall, spectral alicorn spoke to her. Alpha-Genesis was an alicorn stallion made completely out of stars, his eyes two nebulae of the purest white, glowing softly. "We know everything, my dear daughter."

Celestia rose her head from her mother's shoulder and used her hoof to dry out any tears. Her gaze met her father's, causing her to look away. "I-I... It's all my fault," she sobbed. "If I wasn't so merciful back then, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe Luna would have been alive! I deserve to be dead... not her. Not after she sat alone for a thousand years because I didn't want to listen to her."

The spectral alicorn mare smiled and gently nuzzled her daughter's cheek, cooing gently. "Do not burden your soul, my dear. You haven't wronged anyone. I know that, because I raised you. You and Luna are the purest souls of Equestria, and nobody can say otherwise."

"However," her father began, "I am very curious to know, how is that unicorn more powerful than you and your sister combined? What mystical power does she possess, when you yourself are bound to the center of this Universe, when you are bound by blood to me, the World Maker. Explain this, my dear daughter," he spoke softly, not a hint of anger in his voice, wisdom bearing every word.

Celestia whimpered slightly and sighed sadly. "It is my fault. My student... she was partly right. I wanted to turn her into a weapon, for Equestria. To achieve that, I taught her how to bind herself to the Sun, even for a brief moment, to increase her powers. Luna did the same, after I convinced her that it is worthwhile. However, when a tragedy struck my student, when her parents died while saving many other ponies' lives, she broke down. For weeks she had isolated herself from the others, her own sadness and grief consuming her," she paused. "One night, I received a letter from her assistant, informing me that she had gone missing in a storm, bearing high fever. We found her too late, in the Old Castle. Madness had consumed her." Celestia choke out a sob, interrupting the story.

"Continue, please," her mother cooed gently.

The white alicorn nodded and cleared her throat, wiping off any remaining tears. "I gave her some time to come to her senses, but in that time, she had found a way to bind herself to the power of the Sun and the Moon at the same time, during an artificial Eclipse, created specially by her unconscious mind. While her powers grew, ours faded into nothingness. We were defenseless against her onslaught. Her soul was so twisted by the agony of loss and betrayal that some kind of black magic devoured her, turning her into a soul-eating monster, that labels itself 'The Crimson Dawn'. Her only interest is in destroying the world. From a special mix of alloys, she forged herself an armour capable of concentrating the full power of the Sun and Moon at the same time, able to bind itself to them pemanently, while constantly sucking away at their energy, ascending to a completely new being. It was... frightening. Only because of sheer luck did her old self appear briefly, allowing us to strike down. However, I could not bring myself to finish her off. Instead, I split her in two separate entities and sealed them away," Celestia paused, before starting to cry once again. "but now, she is back, and this time, it doesn't look like we can do anything... Her power is far above anything I can imagine," she sniffed. " I swear, I would sacrifice everything to save my people... my sister! Please! You must help me!" she cried out to her parents.

Gaia looked upon her daughter with sadness, wiping her tears. "Shh, my dear. Everything will be fine. I am certain that whatever force has taken over your student is held back by remnants of her old self. She is, like yourself, a victim of its power. You must think wisely before you can take a decision. For now, my dear daughter, you must rest and recover your powers."


"No but's, my daughter," spoke Alpha-Genesis. "For you need to be well rested. You must prepare yourself, both physically and mentally for the coming journey, in which you will learn about the power of self-sacrifice and love, as I have learned it from your mother. You will face trials that will test your capabilities, both physical and mental, in order to be sure that you deserve the right to ascend. It will not be easy, and at some points, you might even consider forfeiting. Think wisely, for once you do accept and fail, you will never be allowed in the trials again. Do you understand, my daughter?"

Celestia's eyes narrowed with determination. "Yes, I understand and accept to walk this journey. I will do whatever is in my power to save Equestria from evil. I will do whatever I must to deliver my people from evil. I will do everything I must to bring that demon to justice!"

Genesis smiled and nuzzled his daughter. "I am proud of you, Celestia. Now, go and rest. You will need it later."

"Thank you, mother, father..." she smiled at the spectral beings, which began to fade away.

"Remember, daughter, should you need comfort, should you need a word of wisdom... Should you need to talk to someone... A shoulder to cry on. We are here for you. Always... Farewell, and take care, Celestia," the fading spectral mare spoke to the white alicorn, before finally disappearing, followed shortly by the stallion.

Once again, Celestia found herself alone in the garden of the Sanctum. She stretched her legs and gave her wings a test flap, before furling them and laying beside the tree, closing her eyes, a soft smile etched on her face. She was not alone.

As she fell asleep, a soft breeze showered her sleeping form with flowers, gently cooing in the air. The breeze also carried the echo of a small, faded sound. A lullaby, sang by her mother, from far away...