• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 82 Comments

Hour of Twilight - -Brutus

  • ...

Heart of the Nightmare

// Story: Hour of Twilight
// Chapter: Chapter 14: Heart of the Nightmare
// Author: Darth Femto


Chapter Fourteen
Heart of the Nightmare


Nightmare Moon slowly woke up. She glanced around and sighed in exhaustion. Her eyes closed, ready to sink into the dream once more. She felt safe here, wherever this 'here' might be. It was so quiet. There was no rustling of leaves, no crackling of thunder. Only deathly silence. It was then she remembered.

Crimson Dawn. She was still alive.

Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her hooves. Darkness surrounded her, but she could faintly make out the shape of braziers burning. The wavering flames barely illuminating the surrounding area. The shadows danced in the flickering light of the fires. She could feel another presence, no, four entities. Four creatures sat in the same room, their evil auras easily recognized by the alicorn.

Nightmare Moon stepped forward and approached the lined up figures, their faces barely visible through the shroud of darkness. The mare glanced upwards and narrowed her eyes, barely making out what appeared to be dark gray clouds churning above this forgotten world. But there was something else beside smoke and dust filling the air around her; the pungent smell of rot and death.

The dark alicorn coughed and spat, struggling to contain the contents of her stomach. The smell stung her nostrils and burned her throat. Using a hoof, she covered her muzzle and tried to breathe through her mouth. Her attempt was met with little success as the heavy air suffocated her.

Seeing the alicorn struggle with the vile atmosphere, one of the creatures stepped towards her and gave a light chuckle.

"Welcome home, Nightmare Moon. It's been so long since you last entered this realm... what has it been, a thousand years? I'm sorry we didn't have time to tidy up the place, or even dust it. Oh well, you'll get used to it," the creature snorted.

Nightmare Moon raised her head and stared at the figure in front of her, barely able to make out its features. The fact that her eyes stung from the vile air didn't help. With a dry cough, she conjured a fireball and used its light to get a better look at the mysterious thing.

The improved light allowed the alicorn to finally learn the identity of the creature. It was hard to believe she hadn't recognized him before, considering his misshaped body composed of different animal parts easily gave him away. The Draconequus put on a goofy smirk and crossed his arms.

"Well, how do you like it here?"

The Alicorn's eyes narrowed in anger, gritting her teeth. "You! I remember now... It was you who poisoned my mind with lies and filth!" she roared.

The Cerberus stepped forward and approached the alicorn, letting out a thundering cackle. "What's wrong, Nightmare Moon? Is something bothering you? You can tell us; we are, after all, your true family," he grinned.

"Family?" she stammered. Her eyes closed as her anger materialized as a spear of darkness, impaling the Cerberus square in the chest and piercing his demon heart. "How dare you even mention such a concept?"

Black blood gushed and sprayed across the alicorn, as the beast howled and struggled to free itself. After a few moments, the Cerberus collapsed, its life ending abruptly. The alicorn rose to her feet and grinned, staring at the remains of the massive beast. She blinked in surprise as its body began decomposing before her eyes, turning into what seemed like a horde of undead crows that flew high into the darkened sky and disappeared into the darkness, leaving a trail of smoke in their wake. Nightmare Moon coughed a few times and turned towards the remaining apostles.

Lord Void, the hippogryph let out a howl of rage and charged the alicorn, bringing down his claws on her blade, striking furiously. With each swipe, he drew more blood, forcing Nightmare Moon into a corner. Mistress Raaki joined the fray, swinging a double edged spear.

Nightmare Moon howled in anger and summoned her magic, her horn lighting up violently, blasting off the apostles, allowing her room to grip her blade and retaliate, swinging left and right, carving into the flesh of her assailants. "I have no intention of fighting alongside you. I have my own plans for this world,” she gave a hearty chuckle. “I will shroud this world in darkness, and kill all who oppose me. I’m through toying with you, worms. Be gone from my sight!” she howled, bringing up her blade and swinging in a circular fashion, sending powerful gusts of wind accompanied by lighting bolts into the two apostles, seemingly incapacitating them.

With the corner of her eyes, the alicorn mare caught sight of the Draconequus, as he picked up a silver dagger, eying her with a satisfied smirk. This moment of distraction was enough for the two apostles to recover from the Alicorns seemingly fatal attacks and impale her in the chest.

Taking advantage of Nightmare Moon's weakness, Raaki and Void grabbed her by the wings and slammed her head on the pavement, pinning her down. With a quick spin of her bladed spear, the demon mare removed both of the alicorn's wings while the hippogryph grabbed her by the horn, pulling backwards, exposing her throat.

Nightmare Moon howled in pain and started writhing around as blood gushed from her wing stumps, spraying the two pinning her down.

"You bastards, you are going to pay for- AAGHH!"

Discord knocked the mare over the head brutally, repeating the motion endlessly. She cried out in pain and anger at every swing as she struggled to get back on her hooves.

"Shut up, sister, you bore me greatly..." the draconequus sighed.

"Fuck you-THWAACK!" the mare was interrupted by another violent strike from the draconequus.

The night alicorn bit off the tip of her tongue as her jaw slammed against the ground. Nightmare Moon growled in anger as her mouth started filling with blood and saliva, dripping through her teeth and onto the ground. Discord let out a chuckle and sighed.

"Did the cat bite your tongue, sister? I told you to keep your mouth shut, yet you refused to listen to reason," he grinned sadistically. Nightmare Moon let out a gurgled scream and thrashed around. Discord paid no heed to her attempts to free herself, merely circling her. "You know, there is something bugging me about you, ever since we've known each other," he shrugged. "Your magical signature was always off, different from mine. It's almost like you aren't even of my blood. Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Your life will end here and now, Nightmare Moon."

The draconequus picked up his dagger and rested it over her throat. "I'm sure you will find hell a very pleasant place,” he smirked, applying pressure to the blade, eventually piercing the alicorn’s coat, eliciting gurgled screams.


Time seemed to slow down as the alicorn felt her life fading away. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she prepared for the inevitable. Luna could feel her alter ego's influence fading away, along with her life. She was in control once more; awaiting her death. The pain was unbearable; she could barely hold in her sickness. She just wished it would go away. The night princess opened her eyes one last time and gasped silently. Through her blurry eyes, Luna could distinguish something unusual.

Fire. A city on fire. A purgatory.

Bodies of ponies hanging limply, impaled on pikes, lined up like a parade.

Frightening monsters the likes of which she had never seen before filled the landscape. She watched as they inflicted even more pain and misery upon the ponies that were unlucky enough to be alive. Their screams of anguish made her ears hurt.

Black, four eyed crows swarmed the corpses relentlessly, devouring their putrid flesh.

The alicorn felt her heart come to a stop as she witnessed these acts of cruelty. Was this the future? It did look like it, but something was off. The way the ponies looked, acted… No, this wasn’t the future.

This was hell.

Through her weakening powers, she noticed something strange. One of the crows was peeling off the skin of a still living stallion’s skull, revealing a mark etched on its forehead. A mark that was burned into her shoulder as well.

[img] http://decalzilla.com/images/Large%20Gifs/Berserk_Sacrifice.gif[/img]

Is this what awaited her when she died? Was she going to suffer in this hell like all the others?

Her sensitive ears picked up a strange sound in this city of death. Sobbing, different from the wails of anguish surrounding her. It was the cry of an innocent soul; the cry of an angel.

Despite not being able to move on her own, her spirit was taken to the source of the crying, into a what appeared to be a cemetery. There, amongst the cracked headstones, a brilliant white alicorn sobbed silently, her head resting on a grave. Unlike the other graves, this one was covered in beautiful flowers. Despite the atmosphere that reeked of death and decay, the smell of flowers entered Luna’s nostrils, soothing her senses despite the circumstances.

The broken mare noticed her, and rose to her hooves to approach the night princess. A soft smile curled up on her lips, her cheeks darkened by tears, both fresh and old.

“Luna? Is that you?” she whispered, barely containing her emotions.

Luna stared into the white alicorn’s eyes, but she could not recognize her. At first, she thought this was Celestia, but this mare was taller. Her mane was similar to Luna's; a dark blue, streaked by darker hues. Her eyes were different as well, a soft golden glow emanating from them.

“Who are you?” she asked, keeping her distance.

The strange mare seemed to be taken aback by this question. “Luna? Don’t you recognize me? I-I...,” she whimpered, unable to press further.

The night princess growled and stomped at the ground. “Well?! Why was I brought here? What do you want from me?”

The white mare frowned sadly and returned to the grave, resting her head on her forearms. “You don’t remember… You can’t remember. You were only three weeks old when they took you away and then killed me…”

“What are you talking about?!” Luna snapped, taken aback by this chilling revelation. Just who was this mare, and what did she had to do with all this? Why did she seem so familiar? Luna felt a slight pang of guilt for snapping out at the sad alicorn.

The white coated mare glanced at the younger one, piercing her with her gaze. “I don’t have time to explain right now. You are about to die in the real world, and I cannot have that,” she seethed, her horn glowing brightly, engulfing Luna in a black cloud of smoke.

“Save yourself Luna. Go back to Equestria,” she spoke softly, wiping her fresh tears. "We shall speak again, sometime..."

The night alicorn felt very powerful magic seeping into her body. But it was so dark… So evil. After a few moments, the cloud faded, allowing Luna to gaze into the strange mare's golden eyes.

“If you would like to learn more about whom you truly are, find the city of Ny’alotha. Deep in the black forest where the drowned Goddess' heart lies. A cross marks the spot… Seek me out, Luna,” the white alicorn gave a weak smile.

The regent of the Moon stared at the singed earth, unsure what to say. "Ny'alotha... But, where can I find such a city? There is no such settlement in Equestria!"

The alicorn closed her eyes and turned her back at Luna, muttering something under her breath. "In order to reach the black forest, you must find the Waygate of Almior. Right now, it is located deep beneath the Castle of Canterlot. However, I must warn you. Deep in the catacombs of Canterlot, the restless ghosts of the past guard the entrance to the chamber where the waygate is. Now go, your life is almost spent!"

Luna felt warm magic seep into her, pulling her away. “Wait, I don’t know your name!”

The alicorn turned and gave Luna possibly the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. “My name is Galatea. Take care, my daughter.”


Discord was almost done sawing Nightmare Moon's head off, a massive pool of blood spreading underneath him. Just as he was about to commend himself for a job well done, he felt a terrible surge of power swirling furiously around him.

Something had gone horribly wrong.

With a mighty shove, the apostles pinning down the Mare in the Moon were violently flung away. Discord had been sent flying as well, into a nearby column, his dagger landing not far away. He coughed and swore under his breath. Glancing at the night alicorn, his heart skipped a few beats as his eyes peered into a whirlpool of evil magic he had never seen before.

The night princess held her gaze upwards; eyes closed in contempt as the new magic seeped into her body and healed her wounds. Her wings healed themselves, but they retained bony, sharp blades extending at the tip. She was quaking with anger.

Her body grew taller, and thinner. Sharp spikes protruded from her spinal column, conjoining with a bone linked ribcage armor. Her mystical mane had completely disappeared, leaving behind a white mane and tail, in contrast to her dark coat.

Her horn grew longer as sharp fangs protruded from her muzzle, her eyes too having transformed into two cyan orbs with a black sclera. She leaned over and started throwing up a white substance, apparently with a life of its own. The fluid started floating gently in the air, materializing itself in the form of a half broken mask covering the left side of her face.

A low growl followed by screaming pierced the air.

Discord fell to his knees and cowered before the new creature. His heart raced and his fear grew.

"What is the meaning of this, Nightmare Moon?!" He cried out, failing to hide the terror seeping through him.

Howls of torment and pain echoed in the darkness, sending chills down Discord's spine. He could not comprehend what was happening. This power was beyond anything he had imagined.

"How dare you..." she paused growling viciously, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. "We are Luna!” she howled, tendrils of darkness protruding from her ribcage and impaling the draconequus, lifting him in the air. Discord cried out and struggled to release himself, only to be flung violently towards the columns lined up.

Turning around, she eyed the demon Pegasus and the hippogryph, glaring furiously at her.

“Who's next?" she asked, licking her lips. When the two merely exchanged worried glances, she huffed and picked up her blade. "If you won't come at us, I guess we'll just have to come to you!"

With a powerful thrust of her bone wings, the alicorn shot up in the air, a massive air current bursting forth in her wake. Void and Raaki covered their eyes from the rising dust.

Luna hovered lightly in the air, power surging outwards. Bringing up the blade, she poured a large amount of magic into its edge, transforming it into a cyclone of dark magic swirling furiously around the hilt. With a strained grunt, she swung the blade downward, sending the crescent shaped wave of high condensed magic towards the two apostles.

The pegasus mare dodged out of the way and took cover behind a pillar, while the hippogryph brought out his forearms, attempting to block the massive surge of magic with his claws. He gasped in shock as the attack dispersed, revealing the blade of Nightmare Moon carving into his palms. The huge amount of energy contained in the blow sent the apostle careening into a row of pillars, crushing them to pieces.

Void stopped himself and did a quick spin mid air, positioning himself to stop the backward movement. With lightning speed he landed a powerful buck on an already ruined pillar and launched himself directly at the deranged alicorn, bringing his claws forth for a swipe attack.

Discord watched the whole fight from a safe distance, a million thought racing through his mind. 'What's with that power? That magical signature... It's almost like she-,' he paused in shock, as the alicorn let out a manical cackle and stared the speeding hippogryph dead in the eyes as he blurred towards her.

The insane alicorn brought her sword side ways, preparing for the final blow. As she poured her power into the blade, it seemingly dissolving into dark particles. "You're finished!" she cried out, sending a crescent shaped power wave straight into the charging apostle. As it made contact the wave expanded and engulfed the entire area in impenetrable darkness.

As the magic dispersed around the area of impact, Discord focused his eyes and peered into the billowing smoke, looking for any sign of life from the hippogryph. He gave a sigh of exasperation when the carved up corpse was appeared from within the smoke, black flames consuming its flesh.

The beast calling itself Luna roared in delight and picked up both the Pegasus and the draconequus with her magic and pulled them through the pillars from where they were hiding. Telekinetically applying pressure to her grasp, she attempted to crush them. Then, from within her, a voice called out to the remaining apostles.

“Let this be your final warning! Disobey us again and we will end you!” the voice seethed, eventually fading out, leaving behind a very confused transformed princess staring at the last two apostles. She dropped them to the ground and distanced herself from them, rubbing her head with a hoof.

Discord avoided the alicorn’s gaze, not daring to say a word. He nudged the Pegasus demon and prepared a teleportation spell. Before disappearing, Discord looked one more time at the alicorn that defeated him so easily, gritting his teeth. 'So you are still alive somewhere... Abaddon.'

“Please forgive our transgression. Hopefully we will be able to work together in the future…” he bowed as the teleportation spell finished and sent them away, leaving behind the monstrous alicorn.


As the remaining apostles disappeared, the choking air vanished, more light entering the cursed realm. A few rogue sun rays lit up the area, revealing more decorated columns, as well as some old ruins.

A series of coughs and groans caught Luna's attention. Glancing behind her, she took notice of the purple unicorn mare struggling to get up. Her horn was cracked and her coat was completely covered in blood and something else: a black sticky liquid that reminded her of tar. The strange substance seemed to attach itself to the unicorn mare, apparently trying to heal her, yet she was resisting.

The Crimson Dawn let out a fierce scream of pain as her horn finally shattered and a crown appeared on her head.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Heart! Discord!" the unicorn mare bellowed as the last of her magic expelled a gooey substance, which burned away. Her outburst of magic knocked away the night princess, and shattered the heavens to allow sunlight to pour in freely.

As the sunlight touched Luna's monstrous body, she let out a guttural howl as she was reminded of her past and the thousand years she spent on the Moon, only because her sister did little to understand her pain. She got up to her hooves and advanced towards the unicorn mare. Calling out her blade, she grasped it in her teeth and approached the... two mares? Shock was written all over the princess' demonic features.

From the dispersing smoke, instead of one figure popping out, another mare showed itself. It was the element of Loyalty, the speed demon Rainbow Dash. She looked rather confused and dizzy, as she got up to her hooves.

"Ouch... I don't think it worked Twilight. Twi'?" she called out, glancing at her friend. She gasped in horror upon noticing her horrifying condition. "Twilight! What happened?"

The injured mare gave a light chuckle and coughed, spitting some blood on the Pegasus' cyan coat. "I've fought quite a lot lately..." she forced a smile, obviously in pain. "Rainbow, help me get up, I can't move at all..." she whispered, her voice hoarse and raspy. Her head throbbed in pain as her life slowly faded away. She could barely see anything through her blurry vision.

“Heeey, anypony in here?!” another mare resounded in the otherwise empty ruins. A silvery unicorn revealed itself, galloping from the ruins towards the two bearers.

Silverghost gasped in shock at the sight of the lavender mare’s condition and attempted to heal her, even if to lengthen her life only for a bit, to help her restore the night alicorn back to her former self. "There... that's all I can do. I'm sorry, Miss Twilight Sparkle," the silvery unicorn apologized.

A growl followed by coughing caught their attention. Turning their heads, they gaped in horror at the sight of the alicorn’s new form. Silverghost let out a cry and rose to her hooves.

"Princess Luna!" Suddenly she felt a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to turn and gaze into the purple eyes of the lavender mare, smiling at her.

"Silverghost, you can’t do it alone. You need help. I will lend you what power I have left, just... do your magic!" Twilight urged the silvery unicorn. With a shaky hoof, she placed a hoof on.Silverghost's shoulder, hoping to be able to link her remaining magic to one last use. 'Please, grant me the ability to use magic one last time. Grant me the power to undo the evil I created and to save my friends... Just one last time... I beg you.'

Silverghost gasped when she felt a tingling sensation coursing through her body. Her own horn became ablaze with power, pulsing a light purple aura. She gave a squeak and lowered her head, glancing furiously to her sides. "Uhh, what's going on, I feel weiiiiiii-"

The silvery unicorn was interrupted by a surge of warm, powerful magic that raced through her horn, using it as a magnifier to increase the power of her reversal spell. Through the loud cracks of energy, Silverghost could hear the lavender mare cry out in pain as the magic was finally released, hitting the night princess directly.

The bestial alicorn screamed out like a monster, thrashing and howling. The harmonic magic surrounded her fully and pierced her from the sides, dispelling the malefic magic that had entered her body. Her mask shattered, her bony appendages turning to dust; her form shrank in size, returning to her normal self. However, her wings did not heal, two stubs remaining on her back. Her screams faded as the magic worked its course through her body.

After several moments of purging, Luna dropped to the ground unceremoniously, panting heavily. Silverghost stared into her mentor's blue eyes. A feeling of peacefulness filled her as she gazed into her mentors eyes. The feeling was short-lived, as the world started shaking violently around them; the magical realm was collapsing.

Rainbow gasped as the floor started giving away, dropping them towards the ground. In a moment of weakness, Twilight let go of Rainbow's grasp and plummeted towards the ground. The cyan pegasus let out a piercing cry and dropped through the dispersing storm, blurring at high speed towards her friend. She wasn't going to reach her in time.

"Hang on Twilight, I'm coming!"


Wind hissed pass Twilight's ears, her mane dancing violently in the wind. She could see the ground rapidly approaching and braced herself for the impact. A small smile curled up her injured muzzle, happy that the nightmare was finally over. That she would pay for the evil she had committed. She deserved nothing other than death for the torment she unleashed upon her friends.

'I'm sorry girls... I'm so sorry, for everything. Please forgive me...' she whimpered.

Suddenly, she could hear something else beside the hiss of the wind blowing past her. Her eyes darted across the endless blue, scanning the heavens for a sign of her friend. Rainbows cyan coat blended into the sky, and it wasn't until Rainbow Dash nearly crashed into her that she understood what was happening: the cyan pegasus pulled the lavender mare into an embrace and held her tight as the mach cone finally gave away, the sky exploding in a spectrum of colours. The bright light of the Sun only made it more beautiful, her friend's magenta eyes reflecting happiness and her new found love for the lavender mare.

'Rainbow Dash...' Twilight smiled, blushing softly. She had never been this close to the cyan pegasus before. However, the thoughts of what she did to her dearest friend made her cringe, almost pushing herself away. She was filled with stunned surprise when the cyan pegasus brought her close and locked lips with her mid air, everything else fading out around them.

Time froze as Twilight peered into the soft magenta eyes of Dash, her heart beating rapidly. Finally, the kiss broke, and the pegasus mare broke into a soft chuckle as she landed on the soft grass, putting down her stunned friend.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" she grinned, sitting beside Twilight and hugging her dearly. "I've missed you Twi'... Through all these years I couldn't help but feel that deep within that monster... you were there, trying to stop it, yet I ignored the thought all the time. Scootaloo's death broke me, and I couldn't make myself see you as anything but a monster," Dash sighed sadly. "But now, I finally know the truth, thanks to you. I'm happy to have you back. We can finally be together, you, me and Scootaloo; we can be a family, as you wanted," she smiled widely, gently nudging the injured unicorn.

Twilight sobbed silently and rested her head on Rainbow's shoulder, a happy smile spreading across her face. "Thanks Rainbow... It means so much to me," she whispered, her voice fading out. She glanced one more time at the heavens, the plethora of colors painting the sky.

"It's so beautiful... It's perfect. Just like you," Twilight cooed, her eyes closing, becoming heavier. She collapsed to the ground as the strength to sit deserted her. "Can I lay down for a while, I am so tired..."

The cyan pegasus allowed the mare to rest on the soft grass, tracing a hoof down her coat. "Rest easy Twilight. I will be here for you," Rainbow smiled, curling up beside her and covering her with a wing.


Down below the collapsing maelstrom, Celestia and the other onlookers gazed in astonishment as a surge of magic destroyed the storm from the inside, releasing its prisoners. Cheering echoed throughout the woods as the bright rays of the Sun pierced through the clouds and showered the land in warmth and light.

The white alicorn was very surprised, but had no doubt that Twilight had something to do with it.

Celestia smile warmly as she thought about it. She caught a glimpse of a cyan blur, racing towards the shape of a lavender mare at an insane speed, eventually exploding out in plethora of colors, showering the sky in the colors of the rainbow. The white alicorn grinned and sighed in relief.

She had been right. Twilight Sparkle made a return.

However, she could see two more forms, free falling towards the ground. It didn’t take long to register that the two were actually her sister and her student. Her pupils shrank in her head as she let out a blood curdling scream and jumped, unfurling her wings and speeding towards the two.

As Celestia soared through the sky at a speed augmented by her powerful magic, she reached the two falling mares just in time. As the two princesses made eye contact, Celestia immediately felt that something was wrong with her sister. She was... broken, Luna’s light blue eyes betrayed her deep sorrow. It was almost like she begged to die. Celestia however wouldn’t have any of it. With a mighty flap of her wings, she grasped the younger alicorn in her hooves and conjured her magic, picking up the screaming white unicorn and placing her on her back.

“Oh, Princess Celestia, thank you so much for coming to save us! I doubt I would have enjoyed becoming a pancake…” Silverghost giggled. She was still dizzy from spinning through the air. Glancing downwards, her green eyes met those of her mentor, hanging limply in her sister’s grasp.

The younger alicorn gazed towards the horizon, making out the shape of the Canterlot castle, its towers shining brightly in the light of the setting Sun. Just as her morale, the light was fleeting. She shuddered inwardly, remembering the brief moments as the new Nightmare beast. She had never felt such power before. She was scared.

With a yelp of pain, she raised her head and stared into Celestia’s pink eyes. It was difficult to maintain contact, having to strain her back muscles that caused her broken wing bones to throb painfully. With the most sincere voice she could muster, the younger alicorn pleaded with her sister.

“Celestia… let go of me.”

"Luna, what are-"

"Let go of me!" Luna shrieked, thrashing around in Celestia's grip.

"Luna, stop this at once! Can you hear me? Damn it Luna stop! Please! Silverghost, do something!" The white alicorn pleaded with the younger sister, tightening her grip.

Seeing that Luna had no intention of stopping her struggle, the silvery unicorn let out a pained sigh and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry for this, Your Highness..."

Luna stopped briefly and glanced upwards, only to be hit square in the head with a well placed hoof, knocking her out cold.

"Why did you do that for?!" Celestia asked in fright, her sister now dangling unconsciously underneath her.

"Well, you did ask me to make her stop, right?" Silverghost gave a sheepish grin, earning a glare from the white alicorn. "Umm, Princess Celestia, can I ask something of you?"

The Regent of the Sun circled the forest beneath them, scanning the land for the place where Rainbow Dash had landed. She needed to see with her own eyes. With a small nod, she motioned for the unicorn to continue. "Go on, child."

Silverghost took a deep breath and prepared for what she was about to tell the white alicorn. Gently leaning on Celestia' neck, she grabbed her by the mane and reached out for her ears, and began telling her everything she remembered, from waking up in the demonic realm, to Luna's new found dark powers, and her fading sanity.

"So please, Princess. When she wakes up, be very gentle to her. She is very frightened and confused. She went through a lot, and needs some peace." Silverghost finished, crawling back to her spot as the white alicorn began descending upon the cyan pegasus' location.

"Luna is my sister, and I care for her a lot. I will personally make sure she will be able to recover, both physically and psychically. I promise you, Silverghost."

The silvery unicorn let out a sigh of relief and wiped her brows with a hoof. "Oh, and another thing. Since we both know Luna might send me to prison or banish me to who knows where, can I have some snacks with me? Oh, and a TV would be nice," Silverghost squeaked.

Celestia gave a hearty chuckle and rolled her eyes, landing with a silent thud on the grass, just steppes away from the cyan pegasus. She was apparently sleeping, until one clumsy unicorn mare fell of her back and started shouting profanities, making the white alicorn cringe, stirring the cyan shape.


Rainbow Dash raised her head slightly, glancing around. Her eyes met the golden shoes of the Princess inching slowly towards her, and a silvery unicorn sitting on her haunches, rubbing her head with her hooves, apparently struggling to keep her mouth shut. The princess of the night laid on the grass, apparently unconscious.

The white alicorn gave the Pegasus a broad smile, stopping in front of her. “Welcome back, Miss Rainbow Dash.”

The speed demon grinned and stood up, flapping her wings gently. “Thank you, Princess Celestia. Ugh, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to Princess Luna?”

The white alicorn blushed and turned her head, locking eyes with a rather angry looking unicorn, flailing her hooves wildly. “Oh, Luna was tired and she needed to rest. Oh, don’t mind Silverghost, she hit her head pretty hard…” she coughed, trying to keep herself from laughing.

“Hey, I heard that! Not that I can do anything about it though…”

Rainbow Dash snickered and sighed happily. “Oh, almost forgot!” She snapped, trotting over the lavender mare, nuzzling her. “Twilight, there is some pony here who wants to talk to you,” she smiled, nudging the unicorn.

Twilight tried pushing herself up to no avail. She grunted in pain and moaned, burying her muzzle in the grass, trying to support herself on the snout. She felt two pairs of hooves gently pressing into her sides, helping her to her hooves. Opening her purple eyes slightly, she gasped in shock and shame upon recognizing the mare that stood before her.

“P-princess Celestia… I-I’m so, so sorry, I-“

“Shh, Twilight Sparkle. Save your strength, my precious student,” Celestia cooed, sitting beside the lavender mare and gently pulling her into an embrace, tears of happiness streaming her royal pristine cheeks. “I’m so happy to see you again, Twilight.”

The lavender mare smiled briefly and tried adjusting her position, accidentally touching the heavily injured area in her back, causing her to let out a sharp cry, whimpering loudly. Celestia gasped and allowed the mare to stretch on the grass as she cried out even louder.

”Aww, it hurts so much! Make it go away, please make it go away!” she sobbed, moaning quietly, despite her back feeling like it was on fire.

Rainbow Dash could only glance nervously between the alicorn and her lover; she was starting to panic.

Celestia closed her eyes and chanted something in a strange, old language, her horn lighting up gently. She leaned over the sobbing unicorn and attempted to heal her wounds. The gashes were closing up slowly, but the mare did not seem to soften, continuing to cry out.

The white alicorn then proceeded to heal her internal wounds, including her shattered back bones, when her eyes shot open in realization and despair. Twilight had been returned to her normal self, the same as she was twenty years ago, in a critical state. With these new wounds, she couldn’t-

‘No, I can’t think of that. I need to try; I can’t give up now. Don’t you give up on me Twilight.’

Working her magic, her eyes began glowing with intensity, as she struggled to mend the broken unicorn. Twilight's battered body rejected the magic; however Celestia couldn't give up, not this soon after her student had been returned to her. With a growl of frustration, she repeated the same operation five more times, each being rejected by the mare's weakened body.

Celestia shed angry tears of despair, the truth sinking in finally: Twilight’s own magic had faded away completely, thus rendering her grave wounds unable to be healed by any magic means. This could mean only one thing, and Celestia kept trying to deny it, even in the face of reality.

Twilight was dying.

“Princess Celestia?” A concerned Pegasus called her. Turning her head, she stared into the panicked magenta eyes of the cyan mare, realization dawning on her as well.

Rainbow Dash buried her muzzle in Twilight’s coat, nuzzling her gently while sobbing. The lavender mare returned the gesture, nuzzling Rainbow’s cheek while she caressed her multicolored mane with her hoof.

Celestia’s horn lit up once more, pressing it onto Twilight’s head, spreading a warm heat through her body. When she was done, she tried talking, but no word came out, only sobs and sniffs. Twilight, however, knew what Celestia had just done. With her powerful magic, she gave her a powerful anesthetic, to take the pain away.

The lavender mare gave a weak smile, pushing the cyan mare off her and wiped her tears. “Rainbow Dash, I-I wish it wouldn’t have ended like this. I never even imagined of going away like this… Not after what I’ve done,” she cringed. “Rainbow Dash, please forgive me for all the pain I’ve caused you, forgive me for taking away Scootaloo. I know how much you loved her…” She paused, composing herself. “Take care of her, Dash. Cherish every moment with her, be happy and, above all, be proud for whom you are, and what you represent.”

Rainbow sniffed and smiled briefly. “I-I will, Twi’. You can count on me”

The lavender mare then turned to face her former teacher, the one she once used to call a second mother, the Regent of the Sun, Princess Celestia. “Princess Celestia, there are so many things I wanted to tell you… But everything revolves around that sad moment, twenty years ago in the Ponyville E.R. I acted out of rage and confusion. Please believe me Princess when I tell you that I never meant those words. You are like a second mother to me, and you cared for me as if I were your filly. I can only thank you for being so kind to me,” she paused, bringing a hoof to wipe her tears, only to get replaced by fresh ones. “I-I love you… mommy.”

At that, the white alicorn lost it and broke down completely, grasping the lavender mare into a tight hug. “I-I love you too Twilight. If there is some pony who should apologize, it is me for not having you my top priority back then. I was so foalish; I left you alone when you needed comfort most. I am a terrible mare, my precious student.”

Twilight gave a weak chuckle and smiled. “Nonsense, 'Tia" she started, her use of the princesses pet name gaining her a strange look the alicorn. You are one of the greatest ponies to ever live, and your kindness is unmatched. Thank you for being the best teacher ever.”

The lavender mare’s breathing became shallow, her heart slowing down with each passing minute. “I… I guess this is it,” she paused, struggling to breathe. “Do not worry about my element; you have the replacement over there…” She lifted a hoof and pointed at a silently crying silvery unicorn, who watched the entire scene. “She has powerful magic, and above all, very good friends, who will be by her side until the very end. Am I right, sweetie?”

The cyan Pegasus gave a weak nod and chocked back a sob. “Y-yes… I am loyal to my friends.”

Twilight smiled as she lowered her eyes for the last time. She was exactly where she wanted to be; with her best friend and lover. She was truly ready to go now.

“I love you Rainbow... Dash.” Twilight’s voice faded, her body resting in the pegasus’ embrace.

The cyan mare resisted the urge to yell out in anguish, instead putting a soft smile and giving a light chuckle. "I love you too, Twilight Sparkle. I will see you again... some day,” she finished, breaking into a quiet sob.

Celestia rose to her hooves and trotted away from the two mares, heading towards the place where her sister was waking up. Silverghost was tearing up, helping the night alicorn to her hooves. Upon noticing the grim state in which her older sister, Luna asked her older sister with concern.

"’Tia, what happened? Why are you crying?” She had put aside the struggle from earlier, placing it upon stress and fear. Glancing behind her, the night princess caught sight of the cyan pegasus crying silently into the coat of a sleeping lavender mare. "I-is that-"

"Yes, Luna. Yes it is.”

The night princess let out a sad sigh and trotted over to her sister, allowing her shoulder to cry on. Celestia, feeling herself embraced warmly by her sister, she let go of her emotional barrage, letting everything out. Silverghost joined the princesses hug and comforted both mares, nuzzling them gently.

Luna glanced at the crying pegasus and gave a soft sigh, gently pushing her sister away. The younger alicorn approached the broken mare and sat beside her, caressing her mane. "Rainbow Dash, I know you are inconsolable right now, but there is something you should know," she nuzzled her cyan cheek. Rainbow Dash gazed into Luna's blue eyes and sat silent for a few moments.

Luna smiled warmly. "Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries, it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death. Remember this, Rainbow Dash. Through your love, Twilight lives on in our memory. So I ask you this, mourn not her death; instead, cherish her life and all the good moments you had together. Be happy, Rainbow Dash."

The cyan pegasus sniffed a few times and grinned, hugging the night princess. "Thank you, Princess Luna. Thank you..."

Comments ( 33 )

you made me cry!!! :fluttercry::applecry::raritycry:

I liked the alternate ending that the original author wrote for this, but this does have more feels...

So, is this the end? Or is there an epilogue scheduled to come out?

I hate for death to be the end for Twilight since she was mostly innocent and this story has already depicted the after life realms that the deceased go to.

Why do you have to make me cry?!:fluttercry: Good chapter though and can't wait to see how this story finally ends.

2359603 I have High hopes that Femto can find and finish... eh hammer out the final ending of the story. I just wish he was able to make the sequel. I'm sad that I probably will never see it though.


I told Morfonius in a recent mail that I don't want to have anything to do with HoT again, and he is free to do whatever he wants with it.

2362520 awwww... ok:fluttercry:.

sorry about the confusion.:scootangel:

I couldnt stop myself from crying in the end :fluttercry:

Btw I hope you will make more chapters of this story because it's amazing strory.

Ha, this story didn't even jerk my tears!:pinkiecrazy:

All I got is a reminder of why I hate other people.
My heart is cold and dying of hate, anger, saddness, and depression.

I've become so numb. I can feel you there. I've become so tired. Much, much more aware. Becoming that I want to do, be more like me and less like you.

Figure the sorce for that cuz I have no idea.

I just can't like the fact that Twilight dies. After all this struggle she just dies? Fuck this. This kills the thumb I wanted to give the story... :twilightangry2:

2425429 I wanted to continue it in a different way, then I got lazy and killed her off in a second. Ha :ajbemused:

Edit: Forgot, you should mark the story as cancelled.

I extremely enjoyed reading this, except for that blatant bleach reference.

the end made me cry

WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE TWILIGHT??????:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:


What part of this story made a reference to Bleach? I had to skim through certain parts because I'm an impatient asshole :twilightoops:

2781635 the part in the fight between Luna and Discord where she vomits some white gak stuff that attaches to her face in a half-mask. bitch be visored.

XD Oh snap I remember that shit. It was pretty cool in the anime, but it feels a little out of place in this fic. Sure its about inner darkness, but couldn't it be a little more original?

WHY DID TWILIGHT HAVE DO DIE?:raritycry::fluttercry:

2782212 Everything in this fic was a complete mess of ideas that ruined it. What can I say, it was 'my first time'.

I wouldn't say it "ruined it". The story may not be as organized as it could have been. However I did thoroughly enjoy it. The story says "on hiatus" so I assume that means it's not really finished.

Don't be afraid to put your ideas down onto paper, because in my opinion this story is a real gem. Needs an ending though. :twilightsmile:

3166664 I told the new uploader to classify it as 'cancelled', simply because the sequel originally planned to reveal more about Genesis, Discord, Luna and Abaddon, and how they all fit in the big picture was a tough project, but multiple things got in the way, along with the obnoxious spam mails from readers asking me to "PLZ REVIV TWILITE".

She is dead for a reason! (*cough*, sequel)

3618492 Haha hope you enjoy the rest of fic written by Femto.

This is your first fic as well? What are the odds of both of us naming our first fic the Hour of Twilight?

2990003 I agree with you on wondering why Twi had to die, but the way in which this story was written gives hope to me that it was meant to be.

This was the first fanfiction I ever read. This last chapter made me cry. More than any fic ever has. I read it again and the same thing happens. This was a damn great story. Very freaking great.

Wait... i tought that this story was Complete!!!
(Man i should really read the entire story description)}
Anyways awesome... this can continue and i shall read this story no matter how long this wait could be....
Always exited

Why dose the world have to be so evil WHY:fluttercry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::applecry::pinkiesad2:

Yeah! The story is very sad.:ajsleepy:

Will this ever be completed?

Great story. Read it a few years ago but didnt remember much. Love the "not really the ending" ending. Don't like the TwiDash ship though thats just my opinion. Still great also i don't have anything agains Twilight dying, i even think it gives this story the thing that makes it good if you know what i mean. Loved it

Unfortunately, no. I'm not the original author of this.

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