• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,459 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S2E15 "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" (What If?)

The sun had not yet risen over Ponyville. Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully in her cottage. Suddenly however, the peace was disrupted. Fluttershy yawned as she woke up "Goodness? Who could it possibly be this early in the morning?" she asked out loud.

This question was soon answered when a cyan blur came crashing through Fluttershy's open window. In a matter of momets said figure appeared next to Fluttershy's bed. It was none other then Rainbow Dash. "Come on Fluttershy! We gotta get going! Cider season's about to start!"

Before Fluttershy had a chance to react Rainbow Dash yanked the covers off of her bed. Fluttershy blushed as Rainbow Dash observed that her "Pajamas" were actually just her spa robe. She didn't like to admit that she never really did like traditional pajamas, and that her spa robe always felt more comfortable. She blushed profuesly but Rainbow Dash either didn't notice or didn't care, and simply whisked Fluttershy out of the house.

"Where are we? What's the rush? Couldn't it wait unitl sun rise?" Fluttershy asked.

"There's no time!" Rainbow Dash said "Cider season's about to start and I want to be first in line for once!"

"But why?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because Pinkie Pie always somehow manages to get there first, and by the time I can get in line on the first day of Cider season they always seem to run out." Rainbow Dash explained.

"You do realize that you can always be first in line on the second day right?" Fluttershy asked.

"I know that. But Pinkie Pie says that the Sweet Apple Acres brand cider always tastes the best on the first day." Rainbow Dash said "I have to know if that's true or if Pinkie Pie's just pulling my leg."

"Couldn't you just ask her to let you have a cup? I mean she always buys a lot of the cider." Fluttershy asked.

"Don't you think I've tried that Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked "Every time I try Pinkie Pie seems not to notice, and just chugs all of that stuff down."

"Well I'm sure she's not doing it intentionally." Fluttershy said.

"Intentionally or not I'm going to find out the truth one way or another." Rainbow Dash said. She and Fluttershy finally approached Sweet Apple Acres, only to find a network of tents set up.

"Good morning Fluttershy, and you too Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie said, emerging from her tent. Her mane was surprisingly a bit tangeled, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Oh Pinkie, I love the new mane style." Fluttershy complimented.

"Thanks Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie said "Anyway I bet you want to know what I'm doing here. Well I figured Rainbow Dash would try to be first in line, so I decided to camp out here since I couldn't stop thinking about that cider and couldn't sleep. And I invited a few friends so that we could have a cider party!"

"Well it looks like they invited a few more friends." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, I know." Pinkie Pie said "Anyway you'd better get in line now before the regular costumers arrive. I sure hope they don't run out of cider before you get some Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash meanwhile was fuming.

(Title Sequence)

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash wasted no time getting in line but they were well behind a lot of other ponies. Rainbow Dash began to grow worried.

Applejack stepped up to the megaphone. "Well I don't need to ask what ya'll came here for." she said "But remember this is some potent stuff, so please drink with discretion." Then she turned to Apple Bloom as Pinkie Pie appeared with a sack of bits which she proceeded to dump into a chest. "You know what to do." Applejack said.

Apple Bloom pressed down on a lever with her hoof, fresh cider came out of a pipe and filled a mug. Pinkie Pie took it and quickly chugged it down. She was amazed by the taste, and a few seconds later she walked away carrying a bunch of mugs. Rainbow Dash glared at her.

Apple Bloom pressed down on the lever again and again as pony after pony came up, and deposited their bits into the chest. Eventually, when she pressed on it no cider came out. Big Macintosh swapped out the empty cider barrel connected to the hose for a full one. The process went on to repeat itself several times as more ponies came up.

By the time Rainbow Dash approached all the barrels had been removed from the stack. She knew the cider in the barrel wouldn't last forever, but she was hoping that it would last until she got a taste of the cider. That hope was crushed however when she deposited her bits, only to see a single drop of cider make it into her mug.

"Sorry everypony but we're all out." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh for pete's sake!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Come on now, you know our policy." Applejack said "Anyone who didn't get a cup of cider please write your names down on the list, and you can be first in line tomorrow."

"I still don't understand why you're always running out." a stallion said.

"This cider is home made.Aand it takes time to be made so it can be the best it can be." Applejack said.

"You always say that!" Caramel said.

"Well if you think you can do a better job by all means do so." Applejack said "In fact if any of you have a problem with our cider, and think you can out do us, go right ahead."

As if to say "Challenge accepted" a mysterious machine appeared in the distance. It drove up to the ponies and stopped. (Though not without damaging a fence, which Granny Smith wasn't too happy about.) Two stallions with light yellow coats and red manes and tails that were concealed by hats hopped off it.

"Well well. Looky what we've got here brother." the stallion with the mustache said.

"Ah yes, it's the same in every town." the other stallion said.

"Ponies with thirsty throats and dry tounges. And wouldn't you know it, not a single drop of cider in sight." the stallion with the mustache said.

"Well we can fix that, can't we brother?" the other stallion said.

"Of course." the stallion with the mustache said "But first we must introduce ourselves to them. I'm Flam."

"And I'm Flim." the other stallion said.

"And together we're the Flim Flam brothers!" the two stallions said.

"Now I suppose you're all wondering why we've come here." Flim said.

"And what that unusual machine behind us is." Flam said.

"Well we're here to help with your little cider problem." Flim said.

"I doubt that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Don't believe us?" Flam asked "Well this fine invention here begs to differ."

"So I take it you two designed that thing?" Twilight asked.

"Indeed we did." Flim said.

"We call The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000." Flam said.

"Fancy a demonstration?" Flim asked.

"Well, I don't see why not." The Mayor said.

"Very well then, but first we'll need some apples." Flam said.

"So, Apple Family, would you be so kind as to let my brother and I borrow some of your apples?" Flim asked.

"Sure I guess." Applejack said.

"You won't be sorry." Flam said "Alright Flim let's show these ponies what this baby can do." The two unicorns lit up their horns, casting their green aura at The Super Speedy Cider Sueezy 6000. The machine roared to life. It moved it's gaint funnel over to the one of the apple trees and sucked all the apples up.

"Now watch closely my friends." Flim said "Here's where the magic happens."

"You said it brother." Flam said "As we speak these apples are being turned into freshly squeezed, top notch cider."

"And just to be safe we put a quality filter into the machine, to ensure that only the best apples are used for our cider." Flim said.

The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 promptly shot out a barrel. "And that's how it works." Flam said. He and Flim then used their magic to shut off the machine as the Apple family approached.

"Well, what do you think Apples?" Flim asked.

"Pretty impressive, wouldn't you agree." Flam said.

"That's amazing!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"It's certainly something." Granny Smith said.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said.

"So is there a reason why you two came here?" Applejack asked.

"It's as if you've read our minds," Flim said "We're in need of a business partner."

"And we were hoping that you might be willing to work out an agreement." Flam said.

"What sort of agreement?" Big Macintosh asked.

"It's simple really." Flim said "You provide the apples and we provide the magic to power this machine at no extra cost."

"We'll take care of the machine, and with our help you can produce a lot more cider then you could before." Flam said "And we'll split the profits 75/25."

"Sounds like a deal!" Apple Bloom said but she was promptly silenced by Big Macintosh.

"Who gets the 75 perecent?" Applejack asked.

"Why, us of course." Flim said.

"But if we get the remaining 25 percent we won't be able to stay afloat during the winter months, and we'll have to shut down." Applejack said "Maybe we could split the profits 50/50."

"Sorry, but this machine is expensive to maintain." Flam said "So we need a lot of money in order to keep it in working order. Without it you'll be on your own."

"Isn't there anyway for us to split the profits so that both of us gets what we want?" Big Macintosh asked.

"I'm afraid not." Flim said.

"Well then the deal's off." Granny Smith said "So take your machine and leave our property!"

"Very well then." Flam said "Since you refused our offer then we'll just have to competitors." And with that he and Flim hopped on to The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 and promptly disappeared.

"Well, what are ya'll standing around here for?" Applejack said to the crowd "There's no more cider." Everyone left after that.

The next day those who had not gotten cider the day before were first in line. Everyone seemed satisfied, but Applejack was still nervous.

"You aren't really worried about Flim and Flam are you?" Twilight asked.

"If you ask me they were just blowing off steam." Spike said "Like anyone could ever produce better cider then your family?"

"I wish I could say I wasn't worried, but I am." Applejack said "The money from cider season is often all we have to keep us from going under in the winter months. Without it, well I don't even want to think about what would happen."

"Well no matter what happens ,you'll always have our support." Rarity said.

"Yeah, besides your cider is the best. No one could ever top it." Pinkie Pie said.

"You just have to have confidence in yourself." Fluttershy said.

"Well I thank you all for your support." Applejack said "I know Rainbow Dash probably supports me too, after all she really loves our cider."

"You got that right." Rainbow Dash said as she helped herself to a cup "But seriously A.J. why didn't you try a little harder to strike a deal with Flim and Flam?"

"I'h tried my best R.D." Applejack explained "I suggested we split the profits 50/50, but they wouldn't hear of it."

"Well what are you going to do if they do come back?" Twilight asked.

"I probably won't be able to do much." Applejack said "I could try to get them to leave but chances are they'll refuse."

"Perhaps you could engage them in a contest." Rarity said "And prove who can make the better cider."

"We Apples don't like to brag." Applejack said "That might be a good idea, but I'd rather it not have to come to that."

"What if they try to drive you and your family out of business and take over?" Spike asked.

"They'd never do something like that." Rainbow Dash said "Although I do think those guys could handle things on their own."

"Rainbow Dash, who's side are you on?!" Applejack asked.

"Why I'm on your side of course." Rainbow Dash said "Don't you believe me?"

"It sounds to me like you're supporting Flim and Flam." Applejack said.

"Now why in the world of Equestria would I do that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Don't play dumb with me R.D." Applejack said "I saw you looking at their machine yesterday. I think it's obvious to everyone that you think their cider will be better."

"How would I know that if I never got to taste it?" Rainbow Dash said "And in all honesty I think you and your family chased them off."

"Rainbow Dash you know that's not true!" Twilight said.

"Let her speak Twilight." Applejack said "She's entitled to her opinion."

"Yeah, and in my opinion you Apples think your cider is better just because it's made the old fashioned way!' Rainbow Dash said "In fact it wouldn't surprise me if you are afraid of change, all because you think the old way is always the best way!"

"That's a lie!" Rarity said.

"Rarity, I don't need you fighting my battles for me!" Applejack said.

"Looks like we finally agree on something!" Rainbow Dash said "So are you going to try and prove my claim wrong?!"

Applejack paused for a moment, thinking to herself. Then she said "If I try to prove my point I'll just come across as stubborn and rude. I know that what you're saying isn't true but I'm not going to fight you because of it."

"Oh, what's the matter Applejack?" Rainbow Dash teased "Are you chicken?"

"Nopony calls me a chicken!" Applejack said, she was tempeted to fight, but she stopped herself just in time "But if you're not with me then you can just go! Some Element of Loyalty you turned out to be!"

"Well if that's the way you want it so be it!" Rainbow Dash said and she flew off just as the last cup of cider for the day was served.

Not long after Rainbow Dash did leave Applejack began to think to herself "What if R.D.'s right after all?" She didn't have long to dwell on the matter however as a familar sound reached her ears. She turned to look. "No, it can't be!" she said.

But it was, The Flim Flam brothers and The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 were back.

"Oh, what's this? Run out of cider again huh?" Flim teased.

"Don't worry citizens of Ponyville." Flam said "We've got plenty of cider for all of you."

"Hey! You can't use that cider!" Applejack said "That's made with Sweet Apple Acres apples! And we didn't give you permission to use them!"

"Oh really?" Flim asked "Do you really think we've used your apples without permission?"

"Or do you just want to make everyone believe that so you can drive us away?" Flam asked "Because the truth is you Apple are scared of technology? Well if so I'm afraid you can't stand in the way of progress."

"We're not afraid of technology." Big Macintosh said.

"Then why not prove it and strike a deal with us?" Flim asked.

"Do you agree to split the profits 50/50?" Big Macintosh asked.

"We already told you why we can't do that." Flam said.

"How about 51/49 with you guys getting the 51 percent?" Big Macintosh "49 percent will be enough to keep us in business."

"Still no." Flim said "We won't accept anything under 75/25."

"No deal." Big Macintosh said.

"Well you Apples had your chance." Flam said "You leave us no choice but to drive you out of business."

"I have a better idea in mind." Applejack said "How about we hold a contest?"

"A contest sounds good." Flim said "What do you think brother?"

"I don't see why not." Flam said "We accept your challenge Apples."

"Good." Granny Smith said "You can use our south field, and if we beat you I don't want to see your sorry hides around here ever again."

"And if we win?" Flim asked.

"Then you can take over this place and name it whatever you want." Granny Smith said.

"Granny, you've got yourself a deal." Flam said.

"So I take it the terms of this contest have been decided?" The Mayor asked.

"Yep." The Apple family and the Flim Flam brothers said.

"O.k. then." The Mayor said "Both teams have up to an hour and a half to get ready."

"35 minutes should be plenty of time." Flim said.

"I agree." Granny Smith said.

"Then 35 minutes it is Apples." Flam said "Good luck. You'll need it."

"Applejack, are you really sure you want to go through with this?" Twilight asked "You do know what's at stake right?"

"Of course I do." Applejack said "But I can't back down now."

"Just please don't lose." Pinkie Pie said.

"We'll do our best." Applejack said "No matter what happens, we'll never give up."

"Good luck to all of you." Fluttershy said.

"You have our support." Rarity said.

"It's too bad that Rainbow Dash isn't here to cheer you on though." Spike said. Applejack's heart sank a little "Oh, sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that."

"It's o.k. Spike." Applejack said "I'm sure Rainbow Dash would've sided with whoever she thought was the better team."

"And that's you and your family, right?" Spike asked.

"I don't know anymore Spike." Applejack said "Rainbow Dash's words really touched me. And you know, I'm starting to get the feeling that she was right."

"You can't think like that Applejack." Spike said "You've got to focus on the here and now. If you lose this contest you and your family will lose everything."

"I know that Spike." Applejack said "Well I'd better go make sure my family knows what to do. Wish me luck."

"It looks like Rainbow Dash really got to her." Twilight said.

"But what can we do?" Rarity asked.

No one knew the answer, so all they could do was simply wait for the contest to begin. However, just before it began Fluttershy slipped away, unnoticed by anyone. "I've got to find her. She'll never forgive herself if she misses out on this." she thought to herself.

"The 35 minutes are up." The Mayor declared "Are both teams ready?"

"Ready!" The Apple family said.

"Ready!" The Flim Flam brothers said.

"Okay then." The Mayor said "Remember, whoever produces the most barrels of cider will be the winner." As she spoke those words Time Turner (who had been asked to keep track of time in the event) approached the hourglass. "On your marks, get set, go!"

The Flim Flam brothers yawned and actually allowed for the Apples to get a head start. "The Apple family has produced the first barrel of cider." The Mayor said.

The Flim Flam brothers slowly lit up their horns and turned on The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Before long they began to take the lead.

"This isn't good." Pinkie Pie said.

"I know." Twilight said "Even at their best the Apple family is only producing one barrel to every three barrels produced by the Flim Flam brothers machine."

"Well unless they can get an extra pair of hooves they'll lose." Spike said.

"Maybe we can help." Fluttershy said, having rejoined the others without any of them noticing.

"How can we help?" Rarity said.

"I think I may know." Twilight said and she approached The Mayor "Mayor? Are honorary family members allowed to compete as well?"

"Well I suppose there's no rule against it." The Mayor said turning to the Flim Flam brothers "Is that alright with you?"

"Sure, go ahead and help em out." Flam said.

"Maybe it'll make a difference, and maybe it won't." Flim said.

"Well I guess if they're okay with it then you can help out." The Mayor said.

"Come on girls." Twilight said and she led them over to the Apple family, all of them were already exhausted and the contest wasn't even close to being over yet. "Thought you could use an extra pair of hooves." Twilight said to Applejack.

"Good thinking." Applejack said.

"Okay, here's how this is going to work." Twilight said "Fluttershy ,you help Applejack knock the apples out of the trees."

"Can do," Fluttershy said.

"Pinkie Pie, you help Apple Bloom collect all the apples." Twilight said.

"Yes sir ma-am!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Rarity, why don't you help Granny Smith with seperating the good from the bad?" Twilight asked.

"With pleasure." Rarity said.

"I'll use my magic to seal the barrels." Twilight said "With our help the Apples might have a chance. Now let's get to work!"

"Roger!" Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity replied.

Before long the extra support allowed the Apple family to produce as many barrels as Flim and Flam were making, but that still wasn't enough. They tried everything they could think of increase their speed without reducing the quality, after all as Applejack said "There's no point in winning if we cheat.", but nothing seemed to work.

"We're just not fast enough." Twilight said "Unless we think of something fast we're not going to win."

"Perhaps I can help." Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?!" Applejack asked.

"It's a long story." Rainbow Dash said "But I thought you could use some help."

"Shouldn't you be supporting Flim and Flam?" Applejack asked.

"Those two don't need any help, but you on the other hoof certainly do." Rainbow Dash said "The question is do you want it or not?"

"I suppose I could use your help." Applejack said "Think you can help Big Macintosh speed things up a little?"

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" Rainbow Dash said and quickly flew over to the treadmill. She wasted no time in running as fast as she could. With her extra support the output for the Apple family increased.

"We're doing it!" Twilight said "We're now producing five barrels to every three that machine is churning out!"

Upon hearing this Flim and Flam grew worried. "What do we do now brother?" Flim asked.

"We can't do anything." Flam said "We've never tested thing at higher speeds before and there's no telling what might happen. We'll just have to make sure it doesn't slow down."

"But we'll lose." Flim said.

"Maybe." Flam said "But if something goes wrong and this machine goes boom everyone will lose. Besides the contest isn't over yet. Those ponies are bound to tire out and slow down eventually. And that's when we'll be able to pass them and win this thing."

"I hope you're right brother." Flim said.

"I hope so too." Flam said.

Flam turned out to be right to some extent. As the contest began to wind down the Apple family and the mane six began to tire out.

"Come on, we can't slow down now!" Twilight said "We've got to save Sweet Apple Acres! We're on the home stretch!"

"Let's put our backs into it then!" Applejack said "And give it everything we've got!"

The mane six and the Apple family worked as hard as they could. They managed to produce a lot of barrels, although none of them knew how many barrels they were making compared to Flim and Flam, who were using all of their magic to keep The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 working normally. Everyone watched with interest, trying to figure who held the lead.

"The contest is over!" The Mayor declared as the last sands of the hourglass fell from the top half into the bottom half.

"I'm proud of you Applejack." Twilight said in between pants "Integrity like that will always be rewarded in the end."

"Thanks Twilight." Applejack said, also panting "I couldn't have done this without you and the others."

"Don't mention it, after all what are friends for?" Twilight said.

"The judges have finished talying the barrels of cider produced by both teams." The Mayor said "And after careful examination to ensure there have been no mistakes. The winners are" there was a dramatic silence "The Apple family and the Flim Flam brothers! It's a tie!"

"What?!" both teams gasped.

"Both teams have produced 65 barrels each." The Mayor explained.

"So who wins?" Spike asked.

"To be honest I'm not sure." The Mayor said "We'll have to hold a tie breaker to find out. Does anypony have any idea in mind?"

"That will not be necessary ma-am." Flim said.

"We concede defeat." Flam said.

"My hearing must finally be going south." Granny Smith said "I couldn't possibly have heard what I think I just heard from you two young-uns."

"Your ears don't decieve you Granny." Flam said.

"But then why are you giving us the victory?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's obvious you've got a lot of support." Flim said "Seeing that it just wouldn't seem right to force you into a 75/25 deal."

"So does that mean you agree to split the profits 50/50?" Applejack asked.

"No." Flam said "It means that Ponyville is not going to be the place where we find our business partner."

"Then where will you go?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Wherever the road takes us of course." Flim said.

"Will we ever see you two again?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe or maybe not." Flim said.

"It all depends on what happens in the future." Flam said.

"So, citizens of Ponyville, we bid you all farewell." Flim said "Let's go dear brother."

"Sure thing." Flam said and with the Flim Flam brothers hopped onto The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 and drove out of sight.

"Well, that was.... interesting." Twilight said.

"Indeed." Rarity said.

"Now then R.D. perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me why you came back to help me out instead of supporting Flim and Flam." Applejack said.

"Well I suppose I should." Rainbow Dash said "You see, after our arguement I flew back to my cloud house. But I started thinking that maybe I was wrong and you were right. Then suddenly Fluttershy of all ponies came, and told me that you had agreed to a contest with Flim and Flam."

"But when did she did that?" Applejack asked "I thought she was with Twilight and the others until she decided to help me."

"Actually I wasn't." Fluttershy said "I slipped away just before the contest started. You probably didn't notice though."

"Guess we didn't." Applejack said "But that still doesn't explain why Rainbow Dash sided with my family and I instead of siding with the Flim Flam brothers."

"I realized that no matter how tempting Flim and Flam's cider could be I couldn't betray you." Rainbow Dash said "After all not only could I not call myself The Element of Loyalty, but I also couldn't call myself a good friend."

"Well I'm glad you came." Applejack said "Without your help we would've lost."

"Yeah, I know." Rainbow Dash said "And I'm sorry I accused you and your family of being scared of technology."

"I'm sorry I was quick to judge you." Applejack said.

"We both said things that we regret." Rainbow Dash said.

"You've got that right." Applejack said "But no matter what our differences may be we should never have let it come between our friendship. Aruging never gets us anywhere."

"Friends?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Friends." Applejack said. She and Rainbow Dash spit into their hooves and then hoof bumped them.

"Looks like we both learned something about friendship today, didn't we R.D.?" Applejack asked.

"You know, now that I think about it, you're right." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey Spike, do you think you could help us write a letter to Princess Celestia?" Applejack asked.

"Sure thing Applejack." Spike said.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash narrated their letter to Princess Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

It can be hard sometimes when you and a friend don't see eye to eye on certain things.

But no matter what you shouldn't let your differences get in your way. Because in the end all that will happen is the two of you will start to argue, and arguing only makes you say or do things you'll regret.

Also, sometimes it can be hard to be supportive of someone or something whether that being or thing is old or new.

Sometimes the old ways are best and sometimes doing things differently is the right way to go. What matters is that you consider all your options and open yourself up to new things. You just might learn something new if you do.

Your faithful students,

Rainbow Dash and Applejack"

"I'm glad this whole thing is behind us." Applejack said.

"Me too." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, you know what, as a result of this silly contest we've got enough cider to supply all of Ponyville!" Apple Bloom said.

"She's right." Big Macintosh said.

"Well then." Applejack said turning to her friends "Since all of you are honoray family members you each get to be first in line, and get a cup of cider free of charge."

"Now you're talking!" Rainbow Dash said. Not long afterward she and the rest of the mane six had raised their mugs up the sun when Applejack proposed a toast to their friendship. Rainbow Dash soon learned from Applejack (when she asked) that Pinkie Pie had been pulling her leg all along.

"That's okay Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said "You really had me going there for a long time. But you'd best sleep with one eye open on from now on because revenge is sweet." And she proceeded to playfully chase Pinkie Pie into the sunset while everyone else laughed.