• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,480 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S1E21 "Over a Barrel" (What If?)

A train was rolling across the desert as the sun began to set. The locomotive up front had broken down and was being towed by a team of powerful stallions.

Inside the last car an apple tree was lying in a bed, wrapped in a blanket with a pattern of apples stiched onto it. Applejack was reading a book to it.

"And so the little tree looked up at Papa Tree and said 'someday I want to grow up to be just like you.' And Papa Tree said 'Well if someone takes good care of you, gives you fresh water to drink, and plants you in healthy soil you'll grow up to be as big and strong as I am.' 'Oh I hope that does happen.' the little tree said. 'Don't you worry little tree.' Papa Tree said I'm sure it will happen someday. And it did. And they all lived happily ever after. The end." Applejack said.

"Applejack! Please tell I didn't hear what I think I just heard." Rarity said as she stormed into the car. She had tried her best not to mind sharing a car with the other ponies, but with all the special treatment Applejack was giving to the tree that was easier said then done.

"Oh uh hey there Rarity, so nice of you to visit us." Applejack said nervously.

"Applejack, I tagged along on this journey because everyone else was going." Rarity said "I tried my best to adjust to the sleeping arangements, but this is ridiculous. Here you are, reading a bedtime story to an apple tree. Have you lost your mind?"

"Of course not Rarity." Applejack said "But uh well ya know, bein' replanted and all in a whole new place is very upsetting for a tree, and Bloomberg here happens to be one of my favorites."

"Applejack you got a private sleeper for this gaint tree, while I'm cramped into a car with the others. How am I suppose to get my beauty sleep? And more importantly how is that fair?" Rarity complained.

"Hey! If you don't like it then complain somewhere else!" Applejack said "Bloomberg over here needs his beauty sleep so that we can give him as a gift to my relatives in Appleloosa tomorrow. He's the whole reason we're making this trip."

"Sheesh Applejack, you talk about it like it's your baby or something." Rarity said. She meant it as a joke but Applejack's response seemed to confirm what she'd just said.

"Now who are you callin' a baby?! Why Bloomberg's no baby! Oh hush now Bloomberg, don't wet widdle Rarity over there make you all saddy-waddy. Bloomberg's a big strong apple tree isn't he? Yes he is, yes he is. A-coochie-coochie-coo-coo-coo!" Applejack said.

Rarity groaned and left the car muttering "It's widdle Rarity who's feeling all saddy-waddy." This comment/insult apparently fell on deaf ears as Applejack continued to talk baby talk to Bloomberg.

"Some trip this is turning out to be." Rarity thought to herself.

(Title Sequence)

"Stupid apple tree." Rarity muttered to herself. Thankfully no one else heard her.

"So what do you suppose Appleloosa will be like?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I hope the ponies there love parties, cause after we plant Bloomberg we're throwing a party to celebrate." Pinkie Pie said.

"I'm not sure what the settlers will be like." Twilight said "According to Applejack this town was settled only recently."

"Oh wow, I had no idea." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, needless to say Applejack's a little nervous." Twilight said "I'm pretty sure that's why she's been spending so much time with Bloomberg, to help take her mind off things."

"Hey would you all keep it down?!" Spike asked furiously "I was up early this morning helping you girls out and making food for you."

"Say, that reminds me." Rainbow Dash said, she pushed a box of popcorn forward a little "Some of these kernels aren't popped. Think you can fix that?"

As if to answer her question Spike shot out a stream of green flames that almost hit Rainbow Dash, before she ducked out of the way.

"O.k. o.k., sheesh Spike no need to be so rude!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Whatever, just please keep it down." Spike said "I'm trying to catch fourty winks over here if you know what I mean."

"I guess Spike's right." Twilight said "We'd better get some sleep."

"Awwwwwwwwww." Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie complained.

Twilight ignored them and turned out the lights.

Rainbow Dash however wasn't quite ready to go to sleep just yet. "Psst. Hey Pinkie Pie you asleep yet?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

"No." Pinkie Pie replied "Are you?" she knew the answer but she thought it would be funny to see how Rainbow Dash would reply.

"If I was asleep then how I could ask you if you were asleep?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I knew that." Pinkie Pie said "Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

Rainbow Dash looked around, trying to find something that she and Pinkie Pie could talk about. Suddenly, when she noticed how heavily Fluttershy was snoring, she got an idea. "Do you think tomorrow, when we get to Appleloosa, we'll have to haul that big tree all the way from the train station to the orchard?" she asked.

"What tree?" Pinkie Pie asked "You mean Bloomberg?"

"No. Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash replied.

"What? Fluttershy's not a tree silly." Pinkie Pie said.

"I never said she was." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes you did." Pinkie Pie said.

"No I didn't." Rainbow Dash said.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked, using her magic to light a candle.

"Rainbow Dash over here thinks Fluttershy's a tree." Pinkie Pie said teasingly.

"I do not." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes you do." Pinkie Pie said.

"Did you say she was a tree?" Twilight asked.

"Well uh yes but" Rainbow Dash said.

"You know she's not a tree right?" Twilight said, cuting Rainbow Dash off.

"That's what I've been trying to tell her." Pinkie Pie said "She's not a tree Dashie."

"Well I'd like to be a tree." Fluttershy said, having been woken up by the arguing.

"For real?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well yes." Fluttershy said.

"You? A tree? Well now I've heard everything." Applejack said, stumbling awake.

"Do you mind telling us why you'd like to be a tree?" Twilight asked.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Spike shouted "Don't you ponies understand the concept of sleep?!"

"Oops. Sorry about that Spike." Twilight said.

"We didn't mean to wake you up." Pinkie Pie said.

"Well you did!" Spike said angrily "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to try and find a new place to sleep. Preferably one with a little less noise." he walked to the door of the car, opened it, went through, and slammed it shut behind him. The ponies were a little surprised by his display of anger.

"Well that was kind of huffy." Twilight said.

"Huffy the magic dragon." Fluttershy said. The ponies started laughing.

"Good one Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah, I'll have to remember that one." Rainbow Dash said.

"Would you all please be QUIET NOW?!" Rarity snapped, the candle light revealing that she was wearing cucumbers on her eyes. "Much like what Spike said do any of you grasp the meaning of beauty sleep?"

"Sorry." Twilight said and she blew out the candle, The ponies went to sleep.

Meanwhile Spike had made his way to the private sleeper car for Bloomberg. He didn't want to admit it, but all of Applejack's baby talk to Bloomberg had made him feel like the tree was alive. "Hey Bloomberg, mind if I sleep with you tonight?" he asked. Bloomberg said nothing, Spike interpreted that as a no. "Thanks Bloomberg." Spike said "Say you don't mind if I snore do you?" Again Bloomberg said nothing. "Thanks for understanding Bloomberg." Spike said "I wish I could say the same for those ponies back there." And with that he climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.

The ponies awoke the next morning to the sound of thundering hooves, though not of the ponies pulling the train. They looked out the windows of their car, and saw, to their surprise, a stampede of buffalo.

"Wow! I've never seen real buffalo before." Twilight said.

"Wonder what they're doing here?" Applejack asked.

As if to answer her question the buffalo began to ram the horses pulling the train. The vibrations shook the cars and tossed the ponies one way and then another.

"What the hay's going on out there?" Applejack asked.

The buffalo began to ram into the cars. Once again the vibrations caused them to shake and toss the ponies left and right.

"This feels like a rollercoaster ride." Rarity said.

"Hey look, they're doing something interesting." Pinkie Pie pointed out. The ponies all crowded round the window Pinkie Pie was looking out of. They watched as a small female buffalo seemed to appear out of nowhere. The rest of the buffalo formed something of a pyramid. The female buffalo leaped onto the backs of them and began to climb the pyramid. Then she leapt from the pyramid to the roof of the cars.

"Are we being robbed?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't think so." Twilight said.

"Well whatever they're planing they won't get away with it!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed. She flew to the door, opened it, went through, closed it and then proceeded to fly up to the roof and face off against the female buffalo. "Where do you think you're going?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

The female buffalo said nothing. She merely charged at Rainbow Dash. Then, just when it looked like she was going to attack, she instead flipped through the air and passed right over Rainbow Dash, before landing on the other side of her. She then proceeded to hop to the roof of the next car.

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from me that easily!" Rainbow Dash said and she proceeded to chase after the female buffalo. The two of them began a game of cat and mouse. With Rainbow Dash being the cat and the female buffalo the mouse. Their chase took them from the roof of one car to another. Meanwhile, the rest of the ponies followed their progress on hoof.

At last the female buffalo began to slow down. "Now I've gotcha!" Rainbow Dash said. But unfortunately she didn't pay attention to where she was going and ended up flying smack into a sign. This caused her to fall down onto the desert ground.

Meanwhile, the female buffalo reached the private sleeper car. Spike, who had until just moments ago, been sleeping peacefully, now began to grow worried. The female buffalo jumped down from the roof, and went to work on the coupling that attached the private sleeper car to the rest of the train.

To his horror Spike saw the female buffalo undo the coupler, and the private sleeper car was unhitched from the rest of the train. The female buffalo then whistled, and the buffalo stopped attacking the train and fell back. The ponies could only watch as Spike and Bloomberg were surrounded by the buffalo. They knew there was no way to stop the train now, they'd have to wait until they got to Appleloosa before they could get help. "You'll be okay Spike." Twilight called out "Just do whatever they tell you to do."

Rainbow Dash saw the female buffalo leaving with the rest of the buffalo. This only served to make her angry. "First they trick me, and now they dragonnap Spike. Oh those buffalo have messed with the wrong pony! Just wait! They won't know what hit em, ow!" She winced in pain from her crash landing.

The train continued on to Appleloosa, the whole time the ponies began to worry about what the buffalo might do to Spike. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the train stopped. "We've got to tell the settlers what happened!" Twilight said.

Before they could do so however they were greeted by a stallion with an incredibly light brown coat, an amber mane and tail, bright green eyes, and a matching brown hat and vest. "Well howdy there. So glad ya'll could make it." the stallion said, flashing a simile "The name's burn, Braeburn. And it's my job to officially welcome ya'll to Aaaaapleloosa!"

"Um, cousin Braebur.n I know ya'll would like to show around, but we've kind of got a situation on our hooves." Applejack said, the look on her face seemed to imply she wasn't really thrilled to see Braeburn.

"What sort of situation?" Braeburn asked "Are ya sure it can't wait until after I've given ya'll the grand tour?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Applejack said "You see, while we were on our way here, some buffalo attacked the train and made off with Spike and Bloomberg!"

"Well that's a darn shame." Braeburn said, his smile disappering "Ever since this town was founded we've had problems with the buffalo tribe, though I never thought they'd do something like this."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

Braeburn sighed "Follow me and I'll explain the situation to the best of my ability." The ponies did so. As Braeburn lead them through town they took notice of how happy the settlers appeared to be. Eventually they came to an apple orchard, and Braeburn stopped. "Do you see all these apple trees?" he asked.

"Yes." the ponies replied.

"Well the buffalo have been demanding that we remove the orchard. But if we do so then we won't be able to survive." Braeburn said solemly.

"Couldn't you just plant the orchard somewhere else?" Fluttershy asked.

"Believe me, if we could we would." Braeburn said "We want to live in peace with the buffalo tribe as much the buffalo tribe wants to live in peace with us. It's unfortunate that this is the only soil fertile enough for us to plant anything."

"Well why don't you tell that to the buffalo tribe?" Applejack asked.

"They refuse to come near us." Braeburn said "They've only attacked trains coming to and from this town. We have no way of contacting them."

"So then, what are we suppose to do?" Rarity asked "We can't just leave Spike with those ruffians."

"Ruffians might be a little harsh Rarity." Applejack said "But you are right, we can't abandon Spike. And we certainly can't leave Bloomberg behind either."

"Well we'll do our best to look into the matter." Braeburn said "In fact why don't ya'll go down to the sheriff's department and tell Sheriff Silverstar all about it?"

"Wait, you mean you're NOT the sheriff?" Rarity asked.

"Eenope." Braeburn said.

"But then how do you know all about the buffalo attacks?" Applejack asked.

"I'm the sheriff's right hoof stallion." Braeburn explained "He can't make a move with consulting me first."

"Why aren't you the sheriff?" Twilight asked "You sound like you'd really fit the bill."

"I'm all for keeping law and order, but I'm not a fighter." Braeburn said "I want us Appeloosans to solve our problems peacefully."

"Oh, I see." Fluttershy said "Well then I guess we'll just talk to Sheriff Silverstar and see what he suggests."

"I think you'll really like Sheriff Silverstar." Braeburn said "He's a nice guy once you get to know him." Then a thought sprang to his mind "Say, weren't there suppose to be six of you, along with that baby dragon?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh, how did we not notice before?!" Twilight said "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are missing!"

"But then that means that they're likely to run into the buffalo!" Fluttershy said.

"Then we've got no time to waste!" Applejack said "Braeburn do you know the way to the sheriff's department?!"

"Sure do." Braeburn said.

"Then lead the way!" Applejack said.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was busy navigating her way through the desert wastelands. "I'll show them." she said to herself "Those guys messed with the wrong pony. No one tricks Rainbow Dash and gets away with it."

"Boo!" Pinkie Pie said teasingly.

"Gah!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, she jumped into the air from shock. "Pinkie Pie?"

"The one and only." Pinkie Pie said giggling slightly "Mind telling me what you're doing?"

"You've gotta get out of here." Rainbow Dash said.

"I do?" Pinkie Pie asked, Rainbow Dash nodded her head. "Why?"

"Because you're gonna blow my cover." Rainbow Dash said.

"I am?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes." Rainbow Dash replied "I'm trying to remain undected here."

"Stealth doesn't really suit you you know." Pinkie Pie said.

"That maybe so. but I have to try." Rainbow Dash said "It's the only way I can get the drop on those buffalo and rescue Spike."

"Don't forget Bloomberg." Pinkie Pie said.

"I was just about to say that." Rainbow Dash said.

In the distance came the sound of thundering hooves. "Um Dashie?" Pinkie Pie asked nervously.

"Not now Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said, unaware of the noise.

"But Dashie" Pinkie Pie said nervously.

"I'm trying to figure out where those buffalo went!" Rainbow Dash said, cutting Pinkie Pie off.

"But Dashie" Pinkie Pie said again, the thundering hooves became louder.

"Pinkie Pie please! I'm trying to concentrate here!" Rainbow Dash said.

The thundering hooves grew even louder, almost as if they were actually right by the two ponies.

"Dashie" Pinkie Pie said, once again Rainbow Dash cut her off.

"Look Pinkie Pie the more there are of us out here the better the chances of us being", then she froze as she finally heard the thundering hooves, she turned to look and saw the buffalos from earlier. Rainbow Dash gulped "Caught." she said.

"Don't move, we have you surronded!" shouted a buffalo.

"Hey look. These ponies don't look like Appleloosans." another buffalo said.

"What shall we do with them?" a third buffalo asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen ponies like these before." a fourth buffalo replied.

There was a stiff silence in the air as the buffalo wondered aloud about what to do with their new prisoners. Then suddenly a familar voice called out "Dash, Pinkie, sup?"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie recognized that voice. "Could it be?" they thought.

Sure enough Spike emerged from the behind the buffalo. He didn't seem to be hurt, which was a relief to the ponies.

"It is you!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie proclaimed and they threw their hooves around him, hugging him tightly.

"Aw, thanks girls." Spike said.

"So who are these friends of yours Spike?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Are they friendly?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Friends? Oh right. These are the buffalo that dragonnaped me earlier." Spike said.

"Where's that female buffalo that I faced off against?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, you mean Little Strongheart?" Spike asked "Well she took Bloomberg to the chief."

"So her name's Little Strongheart huh, intresting. But you still haven't told us why you're hanging out with them." Rainbow Dash said.

"I was getting to that." Spike said "You see, when those buffalo attacked the train they only wanted Bloomberg. They never intended to hurt anyone, or dragonnap me. When they realized they'd inadvertly taken me along with Bloomberg they quicky apologized. As it turns out these guys are actually quite nice once you get to know them. Isn't that right guys?"

"You bet." a buffalo said, bringing his hoof up and bumping it against Spike's claw.

"So why did you guys steal Bloomberg?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yeah, and more importantly why did you attack the train?" Rainbow Dash asked "We want answers and we want them now!"

"Follow us and Chief Thunderhooves will explain everything." one of the buffalo said. The buffalo tribe lead Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike through the dessert. Finally, just as night began to fall, they came upon a series of tents nestled in the shelter of some rocks. A small camp fire providing the only source of heat and light. There standing next to Little Strongheart was a big buffalo with a bushy black coat.

"Greetings." he bellowed in a deep booming voice "I am Chief Thunderhooves, head of the buffalo tribe you see here."

"And I am Little Strongheart Thunderhooves, daughter of the chief. But everyone just calls me Little Strongheart." Little Strongheart said.

"Nice to meet ya Chief Thunderhooves." Pinkie Pie said.

"What Pinkie said." Rainbow Dash said.

"Tell me, what are your names?" Chief Thunderhooves asked.

"I am Pinkamina Diane Pie but you can call me Pinkie Pie, everyone else does." Pinkie Pie said.

"The name's Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash said "The only pony ever to pull off a Sonic Rainboom."

"Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. It is my understanding that you two are part of the group that wielded The Elements of Harmony and defeated Nightmare Moon."

"Yep." Pinkie Pie said.

"How did you know that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Thousands of ponies have talked about you." Chief Thunderhooves explained "But most thought you were only legend."

"Well to be honest we don't go out of our way to announce our title." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah." Pinkie Pie said "We just want to live normal lives, or at least try to."

"Ah, you are both quite humble." Chief Thunderhooves said "Forgive me and my men for our actions earlier. We did not know you would be travelling to Appleloosa."

"That's okay." Pinkie Pie said "At least no one got hurt."

"Yeah no hard feelings." Rainbow Dash said, though it was clear she still harbored a bit of grudge against Little Strongheart.

"We were only interested in that apple tree you ponies call Bloomberg." Chief Thunderhooves explained.

"I don't call it Bloomberg." Rainbow Dash said.

"Why were you intrested in Bloomberg?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Chief Thunderhooves sighed "It is a long and very boring story, one that I am certain you would not want to hear."

"Are you sure?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes." Chief Thunderhooves replied "But perhaps I can give you a shortened version. You see, the town of Appleloosa, before it was settled. It was land that was owned by this tribe. We did not have a problem with ponies building on land we had little use for, but they crossed the line when they built their apple orchard right on our native stomping grounds. We have not been able to find a suitable replacement, and despite our best efforts the Appeloosans continue to ignore our warnings. Thus we have conducted attacks on the trains that travel to and from that town. We hope to send a message to the settlers, to show them that we are not to be trifled with!"

"Wow! I had no idea." Rainbow Dash said "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Indeed, it is quite sad." Chief Thunderhooves "But perhaps, there's a way you can help us."

"How can we help?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Tomorrow, when you are reunited with your friends, make sure to tell them why we need our stomping grounds." Chief Thunderhooves said.

"We'll try our best." Rainbow Dash said.

"Thank you. That is all we can ask for." Chief Thunderhooves said "I do not wish to bring war to my tribe. But if war becomes the only option then I will not hesitate to strike."

"Easy there Chief." Little Strongheart said.

"Well it's getting late." Spike said "I think we'd all better turn in for the night."

"Your dragon friend is right." Chief Thunderhooves said "We will certainly want to be well rested for tomorrow." And with that Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Chief Thunderhooves, Little Strongheart, and the buffalo tribe fell fast asleep. Meanwhile, in Appleloosa, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were about to do the same. Braeburn had offered to let them sleep at his house since the hotel was still being built.

"I just hope Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike are okay." Twilight said as she climbed into bed.

"I hope so too." Applejack said "And I hope those buffalo didn't do anything to Bloomberg. Cause if they did they'll have to answer to me!"

"Well we'll worry about that tomorrow." Rarity said "For now let's try and get some rest." And they did.

The next morning Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy awoke to find Braeburn pacing nervously back and forth. "The buffalo tribe has appeared in Appleloosa." he said.

"Well then let's go meet them." Applejack said "They've got a lot of explaining to do!"

"Follow me." Braeburn said and he led them to a clearing on the outskirts of town. There, to the relief of Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. They were all unharmed.

"Hey girls." Pinkie Pie said.

"Did you miss us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Fluttershy raced forward and tackled Pinkie Pie "Pinkie!" she exclaimed happily "Oh thank goodness you're safe."

"Aw you didn't have to worry about me." Pinkie Pie said "These buffalo guys are actually quite friendly."

"Hmph." Applejack said "I find that hard to believe."

"No, it's true." Rainbow Dash said "They didn't mean to dragonnap Spike, they only wanted the apple tree."

"Well they'd better give Bloomberg back!" Applejack demanded "After all he's going to part of the orchard that keeps this town thriving! Isn't that right Braeburn?" Applejack shoved Braeburn out in front of the buffalo tribe.

"Oh yeah?! Well that orchard was built right over these buffalo's stomping grounds!" Rainbow Dash said "Right Little Strongheart?" Rainbow Dash shoved Little Strongheart out in front of the settler ponies.

Neither Braeburn or Little Strongheart said anything. They didn't like conflict. This only led to Applejack and Rainbow Dash arguing.

"Those buffalo need their stomping grounds. It's part of their heritage!" Rainbow Dash argued.

"And these ponies need their apple orchard. Without it they'll starve!" Applejack argued.

"Well you'll just have to tell those ponies to build their orchard somewhere else!" Rainbow Dash aruged.

"We can't." Applejack said "You'll just have to tell those buffalo find some other stomping grounds!"

"They can't do that!" Rainbow Dash argued.

"Yes they can!" Applejack snapped back. Most of the settler ponies and buffalo tribe began to argue as well.

"ENOUGH!" Twilight bellowed at the top of her lungs. The noise echoed everywhere. Everyone stopped and looked at her. "Thank you." Twilight said "From what I've heard both sides have a very good reason for owning the land. Now, before someone says or does something they'll regret later, I want you all to try to find a peaceful solution to this problem. Perhaps there's a way for both sides to get what they want."

"No way!" Sheriff Silverstar said "Those buffalo don't deserve to have their stomping grounds back. Not after everything they've done!"

"We wouldn't have to do that if you ponies would remove a few of those trees and give them to us. We know more about this land then you do, and we may be able to find some fertile soil that could serve as a replacement orchard. So I see no reason to make peace." Chief Thunderhooves said.

"Now hold on ya'll." Braeburn said "I think Miss Twilight over here might be on to something. I suggest we hold peace talks and try to hammer out a treaty."

"And if we refuse?" Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves asked.

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you." Twilight said.

"Why not?" Sheriff Silverstar asked.

"Yes why not?" Chief Thunderhooves asked.

Twilight whispered something in their ears. Silverstar and Thunderhooves laughed.

"How is Pinkie Pie suppose to frighten us?" they asked.

"You'll see." Twilight smirked "Oh Pinkie Pie. Do you think you might be able to sing a song for us?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Pinkie Pie said.

"Ooh! This is gonna be good." Spike said.

"Hey Braeburn, do you know if there's any sort of stage around here?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Why of course Miss Pie." Braeburn said "It's right over there."

"Well? What's it gonna be?" Twilight asked Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves "Are you going to cooperate, or should I give Pinkie Pie the go ahead to perform?"

"I don't know what you think you'll accomplish ma-am." Sheriff Silverstar said "But there is no way this sweet pony's singing could be worse then working with these buffalo scum."

"For once I agree with Sheriff Silverstar." Chief Thunderhooves said "Tell Pinkie Pie she can sing to her heart's content."

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." Twilight said "Okay Pinkie Pie, you know what do to."

"Thanks Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "Hey, is it o.k. if I borrow Spike for a little bit?"

"Of course." Twilight said.

A little later Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, most of the citizens of Appleloosa (Pinkie Pie had said she needed to borrow a few of them), Braeburn, Sheriff Silverstar, Chief Thunderhooves, Little Strongheart, and the entire buffalo tribe had all gathered at a stage in the center of town.

"I hope this works." Twilight thought to herself.

Pinkie Pie poked her head out from behind the curtains, she was decked out in a special dress that was usually worn for ceremonies in Appeloosa. "Hello everyone." Pinkie Pie said "Thank you all for coming. Please sit back and enjoy the show."

She retreated behind the curtains. Spike was wearing a bowler hat and the edges of his claws rested on the keyboard of a piano.

"Ready Spike?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Ready Pinkie Pie." Spike replied.

"Okay then, take it away Spike." Pinkie Pie said.

"With pleasure." Spike said, he began to play a melody on the piano.

The curtain rose to reveal a gaint clam. It opened up to reveal Pinkie Pie, who began to sing, alongside some of the settlers who were also dressed up.

We may be divided.

But of you all, I beg.

To remember we're all hooved.

At the end of each leg.

No matter what the issue.

Come from wherever you please.

All this fighting gets you nothing.

But hoof and mouth disease.

Arguing's not the way.

Hey, come out and play!

It's a shiny, new day.

So, what do you say?

You gotta share.

You gotta care,

It's the right thing to do.

You gotta share.

You gotta care.

And there'll always be a way through.

Both our diets, I should mention.

Are completly vegetarian.

We all eat hay and oats.

Why be at each other's throats?

You gotta share.

You gotta care.

It's the right thing to do.

And there'll always be a way thro-o-o-o-ugh!

There was an akward silence. No one said anything. Sheriif Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves looked at each other, and then Chief Thunderhooves spoke "Well, it seems like Twilight Sparkle's plan has worked. Sheriff Silverstar and I have agreed to host peace talks right here in Appleloosa."

"Well done Sheriff." Braeburn said.

"Well done Chief." Little Strongheart said.

"Hey, can I speak to Sheriff Silverstar alone for a moment?" Applejack asked.

"I guess." Braeburn said.

"Thanks Braeburn." Applejack said. Then she pulled Sheriff Silverstar aside "Now listen here." she said "I want these peace talks to succeed as much as everyone else does. However, I cannot stress enough that no matter what, that apple orchard must not be removed. Remember that without that orchard you and your fellow Appleloosans will perish."

"Well, I'll do my best to keep that in mind." Sheriff Silverstar said.

"See that you do." Applejack said "After all you wouldn't want to have to talk to Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee."

Sheriff Silverstar gulped as he pictured himself being sent flying, courtesy of a swift buck from Applejack's back legs.

"Would ya?" Applejack asked.

"N-no." Sheriff Silverstar replied nervously.

"I thought so." Applejack said "But like I said, I want these peace talks to succeed as much as everyone."

"Wish me luck." Sheriff Silverstar said.

"Ah, you won't need luck." Applejack said "After all there's a reason why they made you sheriff."

And so the peace talks got under way. At first they seemed promising. Both Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves agreed on a lot of subjects, Peace actually seemed to be within reach. But eventually the peace talks broke down, and despite numerous attempts by both Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves, the two sides failed to find a middle groud. Eventually the two reluctantly agreed to call off the peace talks when they realized they weren't working.

"I'm sorry everypony." Sheriff Silverstar said "The peace talks failed. It looks like we might be going to war with those buffalos after all."

"Is this true chief?" a buffalo asked.

"I will not confirm or deny the possibility of war." Chief Thunderhooves said "However I have not yet made up my mind, therefore I ask that I be left alone to think for a little while. High noon should suffice."

"Then we'll give you til then to decide." Sheriff Silverstar said "If we don't hear from you then we will likely have to go to war."

"I shall keep that outcome in mind." Chief Thunderhooves said. And with that he, Little Strongheart, and the buffalo tribe all left Appeloosa.

"It's really too bad this had to happen." Braeburn said "I wish I'd be allowed to attend those peace talks, cause I think I could've prevented this."

"Ah don't be all upset Braeburn." Pinkie Pie said "You did your best and so did everyone else."

Applejack certainly wasn't feeling that way though. She said nothing, but on the inside she was feeling guilty. "This is my all fault." she thought to herself "If I hadn't given Sheriff Silverstar that advice then those peace talks would've succeeded. I can't believe I let my pride get the best of me again!"

Time seemed to pass very slowly as the ponies waited for either high noon to come, or Chief Thunderhooves to decide what the buffalo tribe's next course of action would be.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Little Strongheart came running into town. "I bring urgent news from my tribe!" she said panting "My father, Chief Thunderhooves, has decided to wage war! He and an army of the most powerful buffalo among our tribe will be here soon!"

"What?!" Sheriff Silverstar exclaimed.

"Is this true?" Braeburn asked.

"As much as I wish it wasn't it is." Little Strongheart said somberly.

"How much time we do have?" Applejack asked.

"I'd say about five minutes. Perhaps a little longer." Little Strongheart said.

"Why did you tell us?" Applejack asked "You could've just allowed your father to plow through and destroy this town."

"That would not have been the right thing to do." Little Strongheart said "Regardless of who's right or wrong I could not just stand by and allow my father to do this without giving you a fighting chance."

"Well then, we've got no time to waste!" Sheriff Silverstar said "We'll have to put up barriers and notify the citizens to prepare for attack!"

"Please hurry!" Little Strongheart said "I shall try to the best of my ability to talk my father out of it, but I can make no promises."

"Thank you Little Strongheart." Braeburn said.

"You shouldn't have done this." Applejack said.

"What do you mean?" Little Strongheart asked "If I just stood by and did nothing this town would've likely been destroyed."

"And it would've served me right." Applejack said "I sabotaged the peace talks."

"You did what?" Braeburn asked.

"It's true." Applejack confessed "I pulled Sheriff Silverstar aside and told him that no matter what he couldn't let that orchard be removed. It's because of me that this whole town is in danger."

"Why cousin Applejack, I'm ashamed of you!" Braeburn scolded "Didn't ma and pa teach you better then that?!"

"I guess I can't really call myself an Apple aymore." Applejack said, she pulled her stentson hat off her head and placed it over her face so no one would see her cry.

"I don't think it's your fault." Little Strongheart said.

"You're just saying that." Applejack said in between sniffiles.

"No I'm not." Little Strongheart said "I think Chief Thunderhooves would've gone to war even if you hadn't pulled Sheriff Silverstar aside."

"How do you know?" Applejack asked.

"Because I overheard my dad a few nights ago, talking about how he wanted to go to war, and reclaim the native stomping grounds so that I could stampede upon them when I grew older. He also said he was waiting for the right moment."

"So everything that he told us the previous night was a lie?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, everything he said was true." Little Strongheart said "He really didn't want to have to go to war, but he wanted the native stomping grounds back and he must've felt this was the best way to do so."

"Little Strongheart Thunderhooves!" Chief Thunderhooves bellowed, standing right behind him was an army of buffalo "How dare you betray your own father!"

"Father please, I only did this because I love you." Little Strongheart pleaded.

"You did this because you love me?! Ha, what kind of fool do you think I am?!" Chief Thunderhooves said.

"No father, I mean it." Little Strongheart pleaded.

"If you truly love me then you would have supported me and my decision!" Chief Thunderhooves said.

"Father please, it's not too late!" Little Strongheart pleaded "It doesn't have to be like this."

"Oh but it does!" Chief Thunderhooves said "Now stand aside and allow me and my men to bring this town to its knees!"

"No father, I won't!" Little Strongheart said.

"What did you say?!" Chief Thunderhovoes shouted.

"You heard me!" Little Strongheart said "If you wish to attack this town then you'll have to go through me!"

"You're a fool Little Strongheart!" Chief Thunderhooves said "If you think I won't attack you you're sadly mistaken! If you choose to stand against me then you will suffer the same fate as this town!"

"So be it!" Little Strongheart said "But I will not allow you to hurt these innocent ponies! I can't believe I'm saying this but, I hate you father!"

"That does it!" Chief Thunderhooves said "I offered you a peaceful solution but I'll show no mercy to anyone who gets in my way! ATTACK!" Chief Thunderhooves and the buffalo army began to charge down the hill, they were heading straight into town.

"Run away, all of you!" Little Strongheart said.

"But" Braeburn said.

"No buts!" Little Strongheart said "This is between me and my father. Now go!"

"But we're not leaving you behind." Braeburn said.

"That's not a request!" Little Strongheart said "That's a command!"

The ponies couldn't argue with that. They wasted no time in scrambling to higher ground.

Meanwhile, Chief Thunderhooves and his men were closing in on Appleloosa. Little Strongheart refused to move.

"Oh, I can't look." Fluttershy said and she covered her eyes with her hooves.

"Is she crazy?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know." Twilight said.

Time seemed to stand still as Chief Thunderhooves approached the outskirts of town, with Little Strongheat still standing there waiting for them.

"Get out of my way!" Chief Thunderhooves shouted.

"No!" Little Strongheart said.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Chief Thunderhooves said. The distance between him and Little Strongheart grew shorter and shorter, Still neither one refused to change their positions.

Then suddenly, Chief Thunderhooves had a look of horror cross his eyes as he realized his daughter wasn't bluffing. He tried to stop himself, but he was too late. To the horror of everyone he plowed right into his daughter, sending her flying into the sky! She landed with a thud on the ground! She didn't move. "No." Chief Thunderhooves gasped as he realized what he'd done. "STOP!" he bellowed. The buffalo army instantly came to a halt.

There was a tense silence as Chief Thunderhooves approached his badly injured daughter. "What have I done?!" he said sadly.He knelt down and placed his hoof on his daughter's chest. When he felt it rise and fall he knew she was still alive, but he also knew, from the shallowed breathing, that if his daugther didn't get help soon, she wouldn't survive.

"Somepony help me please." he pleaded. He began to weep openly as he cradled his daughter in his arms, like he use to do when she was a baby. It seemed like only yesterday he'd found her alone and abandoned in the harsh dessert. He had taken her in, given her shelter, and raised her as his own. Now he realized how close he was to losing it all.

"Please. Somepony. Anypony." he pleaded. Tears streaked down his face as he felt his daughter's breaths become more and more shallow.

Then, to his surprise he saw Braeburn approach. "Excuse me Mister Thunderhooves." he said somberly, removing his hat "I happen to know a little about medicine."

"Will it be enough to save my daugther?" he asked.

"Alone no." Braeburn said "I only have a few supplies, and even with the help of Miss Twilight there's only so much I can do. But."

"But what?" Chief Thunderhooves asked.

"If you would allow me access to the medical supplies that your tribe stole from us a while back, then I might be able to work a miracle." Braeburn said.

"Ask and you shall receive." Chief Thunderhooves said. He turned to one of the buffalo "Go back to the campsite and retrieve the crates from that we raid pulled off last week."

"Yes sir chief." The buffalo replied and he hurried away.

For a long while it was touch and go. At times it seemed like Little Strongheart wasn't going to make it. But then against all the odds she made a full recovery. In no small part thanks to Braeburn who stayed by her side the whole time, and even donated blood when Little Strongheart needed it and Twilight found out he had the correct type.

When Little Strongheart opened her eyes she saw her father standing beside her bed. "Dad?" she said softly, she was still recovering so her voice wasn't quite back to normal yet. This was also the first time in years that she had called her father dad. Before that time she usually just called him father or chief.

"Yes. It is me." Chief Thunderhoves said "Can you forgive your old stallion for the mistakes he made? He didn't realize what he had until he nearly lost it."

"Of course dad." Little Strongheart said and she embraced her father in a hug. No words were spoken.

Then Chief Thunderhooves turned Braeburn and the ponies "My thanks to all of you. If it weren't for you and your willingness to give me a second chance I would have lost my one and only daughter. How can I ever repay you?"

"You don't have to repay me." Braeburn said "We Appleloosans always believe in helping those who need it regardless of whether we get rewarded for it."

"At the least do you think we could work out an agreement?" Chief Thunderhooves asked "After tasting some of the delicious treats made from your apples I can understand how important that orchard is to you."

"Well I'm glad you understand." Sheriff Silverstar said "Because I think we may have found a way that will let us both get what we want."

"Whatever the terms are I will glady listen." Chief Thunderhooves said. And so an agreement was made. The buffalo tribe promised to leave the citizens of Appleloosa alone, and in exchange they were allowed to stampede through a section of the orchard that had been cleared. They were also allowed access to all the apple related products they wanted free of charge. At last peace came to the town of Appleloosa.

"Well, this has certainly been an interesting few days." Rarity commented.

"Indeed it has." Twilight said "In fact I think I've been inspired to write a letter to Princess Celestia about this." And she did. "Dear Princess Celestia,

Sometimes it can be difficult when you and at least one other being want the same thing. Even when it's hard to do so you should always try to share. Because fighting over anything only leads to trouble, and often to violence. Sharing is one of the many ways that friendships can grow.

As my friend Pinkie Pie would say 'You've got to share. You've got to care. It's the right thing to do.' And like the trail that cuts through the orchard, there'll always be a way through.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle"

As she finished writing the letter Twilight could've sworn she saw Pinkie Pie wink at her.

"Goodbye, take care." The citizens of Appleloosa and the buffalo tribe said as Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike all boarded a train that would take them back to Ponyville. To their surprise the locomotive had obviously been repaired. But in addition to that it had been completly redesigned. It had a new body and framework, and was painted bright pink. As the girls and Spike soon discovered this locomotive was the prototype for a series of new steam locomotives that would eventually spread to all Equestrian rail lines.

Author's Note:

Wow I did not plan on it being this long originally but one idea after another popped into my head and I just had to include it.

Yes I know the moral borders on "Make love not war." but in all honesty considering how often war seems to be considered a solution to the problems of the world it seems like a moral that kids could really stand to learn.