• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,480 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S3E4 "One Bad Apple" (What If?)

Inside her room at Sweet Apple Acres Apple Bloom was nervous. "What to wear, what to wear? Oh, what to wear?!"

Applejack was quickly losing what little patience she had. " Scoot your boot, Apple Bloom." she said, trying not to sound mean "It's not like it's the Harvest Day Parade or anything! We're just goin' to the train station is all!"

This statment was apparently lost on Apple Bloom who was trying on different outfits. "Too casual. Too summery."

Applejack sighed "Look your cousin isn't gonna care what you're wearin'. Just pick somethin' already!"

"But this is my first time meeting her and she's from Manehattan!" Apple Bloom said "So I wanna make a good impression."

"Well you know what would make a good impression?" Applejack asked.

"What?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Bein' on time to pick her up!" Applejack said.

Apple Bloom whined.

Applejack sighed "You got nothin' to worry about, sugarcube. Y'all are gonna get along great. In fact you already have somethin' in common."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Apple Bloom asked through a snorkal.

"Neither of you have a cutie mark." Applejack explained.

"What?! How could you forget to tell me somethin' like that?" Apple Bloom demanded.

"Well, I, uh-" Applejack said.

"Oh this changes everything!" Apple Bloom said, running off "See ya at the train station I'm gonna go tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about this."

Applejack frowned when she observed the mess in Apple Bloom's room "You know your cousin's suppose to sleep in here right?!" she asked. Apple Bloom didn't reply. Applejack sighed "I'h got the feeling this is gonna be a big headache for me. How do I always get roped into these things?"

(Title Sequence)

Reluctantly Applejack was forced to allow Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to join Apple Bloom at the train station to wait for Babs Seeds. Needless to say she wasn't happy about having to keep an eye on them.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't seem to notice. They were too busy bouncing around and laughing. "Do you really think she'll wanna join?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

"I told you she doesn't have her cutie mark." Apple Bloom replied "So of course she'll wanna join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"I'm just so excited I could burst!" Sweetie Belle said. A few stray light green sparks shot out from her horn.

Just then the train pulled into the station with a loud whistle. "Is that the train from Manehattan?" Apple Bloom asked Applejack.

"Yep." Applejack said "That's the one."

"That's her!" Apple Bloom proclaimed, looking through one of the coach windows "Oh, wait, no, no, that's not her. Oh! No, tha-tha-that's her! Um, no. Oh, wait, tha- that's not her either, uh..."

Applejack sighed. "Apple Bloom you've never met Babs Seed before, remember?"

Apple Bloom laughed nervously "Oh yeah forgot."

Then suddenly the locomotive let off steam. "Ah, that's her!" Applejack said as the smoke vanished. There stood a fairly chubby filly with a dark orange coat and a dark red mane and tail.

Before Babs Seed had a chance to react she was swarmed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Babs, Babs! It's me, your cousin, Apple Bloom!" Apple Bloom said, not noticing that Babs Seed was starting to feel uncomfortable "And this is Sweetie Belle, and this is Scootaloo, and we are so so so glad you're here!"

"Um thanks, I'm happy to-" Babs Seed said.

"This is gonna be the best week of your life!" Sweetie Belle said, cutting Babs Seed off.

"Sure hope it's gonna be-" Babs Seed said.

"Seriously, we are gonna have a blast!" Scootaloo said, cutting Babs Seed off.

Applejack looked on with a disapproving frown. She wanted to tell the Cutie Mark Crusaders to leave Babs Seed alone but considering how jumpy they were she figured she'd likely never get the chance.

"The Summer Harvest Parade's going on while you're here!" Sweetie Belle said "And you'll get to ride in a float!"

"Really?" Babs Seed asked "I've never ever been on a float before-"

"And we've got a really big surprise waiting for you!" Apple Bloom said, cutting Babs Seed off.

"Yeah... uh... a surprise?" Babs Seed said nervously.

"Cover your eyes." Apple Bloom instructed. Babs Seed did so. "I give you...the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse!"

Babs Seed opened her eyes. She was amazed by what she saw. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders...?" she asked,

"Yep." Scootaloo said "It's a club devoted to helping ponies get their cutie marks! And we're its founding members."

"Well techincally we're it's only members." Sweetie Belle explained.

"But we're always looking to expand." Apple Bloom said "And you seem like the perfect candidate!"

"I do?" Babs Seed asked.

"Well, yeah, since you don't have a cutie mark' n'all." Scootaloo said, rubbing up against Babs Seed. This prompted Babs Seed to cover her blank flank with her tail.

"Oh, yeah... that..." Babs Seed said.

"Allow me to show you just some of the highlights of our clubhouse, should you choose to join us." Apple Bloom said. "This is where we do our roll call..." she pointed to a small area in the clubhouse with a checklist. "This is where we eat our lunch..." she pointed to some nearby tables. "And sometimes we stand here and think of great ideas."

"Yeah, uh.." Babs Seed said. She wanted to explain to the cutie mark crusaders that she wanted to be left alone but she never got the chance.

"Uh, could you excuse us for a moment please?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sure I guess." Babs Seed said.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled together and began to talk quietly among themselves. "I thought she'd be more impressed." Apple Bloom said in a hushed tone of voice.

"She's from Manehattan." Sweetie Belle said "If we wanna impress her, then we need to really wow her!"

"That's a good idea but how are we going to do that?" Apple Bloom asked. This prompted the cutie mark crusaders to think for a moment.

Suddenly Scootaloo gasped "The float! She can ride with us on our Summer Harvest Parade float!" she said.

"That's perfect!" Apple Bloom said "Man this really is a good spot for thinking up bright ideas."

"Mm-hm." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo replied.

"Here it is Babs!" Apple Bloom said as she led her cousin into the barn at Sweet Apple Acres "This is the official Cutie Mark Crusaders float for the Summer Harvest Parade! Applejack said we could ride in it!"

"As a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, you'd be able to ride on it with us!" Scootaloo explained "It'd be totally fun."

Babs Seed laughed nervously as she observed the parade float.

"More like funny looking." Diamond Tiara said and she promptly laughed.

"What are you doing here Diamond Tiara?" Apple Bloom asked "Don't you have to be nasty somewhere else?"

"Not at the moment blank flanks." Diamond Tiara said "My father's busy discussing business with Granny Smith so I thought I'd drop by and see what sort of amusing antics you're getting up to."

"Oh you think you're funny do you?!" Scootaloo said "Well let's see how funny you are when you're face down in the dirt!"

"Forget it Scootaloo she ain't worth it." Apple Bloom said "Althought I admit that thought had crossed my mind."

"You know what Diamond Tiara you're a creep!" Sweetie Belle said "We were having a good time until you showed up! So go have some juice or something because I'll tell you something this is a happy place!"

"Oh please." Diamond Tiara said, then she turned her attention to the parade float "What is this thing? A gaint orange?" she asked.

"It's a pumpkin." Apple Bloom said "And for your information it's the offical parade float of the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"Ha more like a lame-kin." Diamond Tiara said "Oh sorry that was a bit of a bad pun, just like you guys."

"Very funny Diamond Tiara." Apple Bloom said sarcastically.

"By the way who's this new blank flank here?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"She's my cousin Babs Seed." Apple Bloom said "And she's from Manehattan."

"Manehattan, huh? Well, I guess you have that going for you." Diamond Tiara said "Were you going to join their little club? What's it called? The Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

Babs Seed exhaled "The Cutie Mark Crybabies is more like!" she said with a chuckle.

"Babs what are you doing?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"What's it look like to you?!" Babs Seed asked.

"Oooo, big city attitude! I like it!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Oh yeah? Well there's more where that came from!" Babs Seed said "Get a load of this!" She promptly demolished the Cutie Mark Crusaders parade float. She and Diamond Tiara laughed.

"That wasn't funny!" Scootaloo said.

"To you maybe." Babs Seed said "Not that I really care. Looks like somepony's pumpkin just got squashed!"

"Just wait til I tell Applejack about this!" Apple Bloom said "You won't be laughing then!"

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you." Babs Seed said meancingly.

"Why not?" Scootaloo asked "You wrecked our parade float!"

"Let's just say I'll have ways of knowing." Babs Seed said "And you won't like what happens then."

"You're bluffing!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Am I?!" Babs Seed said "Well go ahead, by all means feel free to tell Applejack but what makes you think she'll believe you? Can you prove I wrecked your parade float?"

"Well actually no." Apple Bloom said.

"So what makes you think she'll believe a couple of cry babies who are always getting into trouble?" Babs Seed asked. The Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't answer. "Exactly." Babs Seed said "Come on Diamond Tiara let's ditch these losers."

"Now you're talking." Diamond Tiara said. And she and Babs Seed promptly made their way out of the barn.

"What... just happened?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I think Babs just went to the dark side." Scootaloo said.

"We should tell Applejack." Sweetie Belle said.

"We could but you heard what Babs said." Apple Bloom said "We can't prove she did anything so Applejack won't believe us."

"Besides we're not babies." Scootaloo said.

"But then why do I feel like crying?" Sweetie Belle asked.

A little later the Cutie Mark Crusaders sulked to themselves in their clubhouse.

"I still can't believe she ruined our pumpkin float." Scootaloo said "The ungrateful brat."

"Yeah, after everything we did for her she repays us by siding with Diamond Tiara. She's got some nerve." Apple Bloom said.

"Well what are we going to do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We're gonna build a new float, that's what." Apple Bloom said.

"Why bother?" Scootaloo asked "She'll just wreck that one too."

"We could always try to tell Applejack." Sweetie Belle said.

"No, that will never work." Apple Bloom said "Unless we can get some solid proof Applejack will never believe us. Besides Babs Seed is only going to be here until a few days after the Summer Harvest Festival, and that's this weekend. So until then we'll just avoid her like the plague and things will go back to normal."

"Avoid her... yeah, how hard can that be?" Scootaloo said.

(Babs Seed)

"I don't understand it. Every place we go Babs is there." Sweetie Belle said.

"Maybe she's been taking lessons from Pinkie Pie." Scootaloo said.

"Pinkie Pie would never associate herself with a meanie pants like Babs." Apple Bloom said "We'll just have to spend all our time in our clubhouse until we can find a way to avoid her."

"Hey! What're you doing at my clubhouse?" Babs Seed asked.

"Y- y- your clubhouse?! This is our clubhouse!" Scootaloo said.

"Oh really?! I don't see your names written on it!" Babs Seed said.

"Well I don't see your name written on it either!" Apple Bloom said.

"Well it will be soon!" Babs Seed said "So if I were you I'd start looking for another clubhouse."

"That's not fair Babs! We never did anything to you!" Apple Bloom said "And that Diamond Tiara is nothing but a jerk! She'll turn on you when you least expect it!"

"You think so blank flanks?" Diamond Tiara said "Why would I ever betray Babs?"

"Because I don't see you and Silver Spoon hanging out anymore!" Apple Bloom said.

"So what?! Babs is the only friend I'll ever need!" Diamond Tiara said "Now you heard what Babs said, so get lost if you know what's good for ya!"

"That's the spirit Diamond Tiara!" Babs Seed said and promptly ripped up the ramp leading up the clubhouse.

This proved to be the straw that poked the camel's back for Sweetie Belle. Within seconds she began wailing and crying her eyes out.

"That was pretty funny Babs." Diamond Tiara said.

"It was. But you know what would be even funnier?" Babs Seed asked.

"What?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"This!" Babs Seed said and she promptly pushed Diamond Tiara off the clubhouse balcony.

"Wait what are you doaaaaaaaah!" Diamond Tiara screamed as she fell. She landed face first in a mud puddle. She looked up and saw that Babs Seed was laughing at her as well. "Why did you do this to me?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Because pickin on those cry babies is gettin old fast." Babs Seed explained "But picking on you opens up a whole new level of oppertunites."

"But I thought we were friends." Diamond Tiara said, trying and failing to hold back tears.

"Well what can I say, I learned from the best." Babs Seed "Now get lost cry baby! I don't want to see you or those other cry babies near my clubhouse ever again!"

Diamond Tiara promptly ran off, sobbing to herself.

"Man not even Diamond Tiara deserved that." Scootaloo said a short time later. She and Apple Bloom had taken Sweetie Belle home and were trying to comfort her.

"That Babs has gone too far!" Apple Bloom said "It's time we taught her a lesson she'll never forget!"

"What are we gonna do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What we should've done in the first place." Apple Bloom said.

"Tell Applejack?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No." Apple Bloom said "We're going to stand up to Babs and teach her not to mess with the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"Apple Bloom are you crazy? We can't fight her!" Scootaloo said "She's an earth pony, she'll wipe the floor with us!"

"Whoever said we were gonna fight her?" Apple Bloom said.

"So then what are we gonna do?" Scootaloo asked.

"We're going to publicly humilate her, that's what." Apple Bloom said "And after it's over when you look up embarrassed in the dictionary there'll be a picture of her face."

"But how are we going to pull it off?" Scootaloo asked.

"I have an idea that just might work. But we'll have to pull it off under cover of darkness." Apple Bloom said. She promptly whispered her plan to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Oh I like this idea." Scootaloo said.

"Me too I guess." Sweetie Belle said.

"Remember no one must know about this." Apple Bloom said "We've only got one chance."

"Don't worry my folks are pretty heavy sleepers, they'll never notice me sneaking out." Scootaloo said.

"For once I'm glad I'm not sleeping over at Rarity's place." Sweetie Belle said.

Several hours later Apple Bloom was sleeping on a pile of newspapers on the floor of her own bedroom. Babs Seed had been sleeping in Apple Bloom's bed since her arrival.

Suddenly from outside Apple Bloom heard a faint "Moo". She looked out the window and saw a bunch of cows. One of them was a fake wooden one which served as a disguise for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle was the one making the "Moo" sound.

Apple Bloom got up and slowly walked to the door of her room. Babs Seed moved and Apple Bloom froze. If Babs Seed woke up the whole plan was a bust. Finally after what seemed like minutes to Apple Bloom Babs Seed moaned and went back to sleep. Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief and left the room, taking care not to slam the door and wake everyone up.

Once outside Apple Bloom met up with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo led them to the barn. Inside were all the materials to make another parade float.

Scootaloo blew some gold powdery substance into the air. Sweetie Belel squeaked when she observed that the dust now made her coat look golden. "Luster dust from Sugarcube Corner." Scootaloo explained "They use it for decorating their various cakes. Pinkie Pie was all too happy to let me part with some."

"That must be what Rarity uses in her emergency edible boots." Sweetie Belle explained. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged odd looks. "I asked Rarity about them and she simply said you don't wanna know." Sweetie Belle explained.

"Well anyway." Scootaloo said turning to Apple Bloom "Did you bring the thing from the place?"

"Sure did." Apple Bloom said and handed a small clock in the shape of an apple to Scootaloo.

"What's that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Granny Smith's kitchen timer." Apple Bloom said deviously.

"What's that for?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You'll see." Apple Bloom said "Now let's get to work. We've only got a few hours and this parade float has to look so irresistible Babs will want to ride in it for sure."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders wasted no time and worked as hard they could on their new parade float. They made sure everything was exactly where it needed to be. If anything seemed even the slightest bit off about it the entire plan could be ruined. Needless to say by the time they were done they were very tired. The sun was begining to rise as they put the finishing touches on the float.

"Well girls I think we did it." Apple Bloom said "This parade float is a fine piece of work."

"Yeah." Scootaloo said.

"I just hope this luster dust washes off easily." Sweetie Belle said.

Luckily for the Cutie Mark Crusaders no one suspected anything, not even Babs Seed. Everything was falling into place as the CMC managed to bring their float to the Summer Harvest Festival parade route.

"Babs should be showing up any minute now." Apple Bloom said "And when she does she'll fall right into our trap."

"That'll teach her not to mess with us!" Scootaloo said.

"I guess." Sweetie Belle said, she didn't sound very sure of herself.

"What's wrong Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Don't tell us you're getting cold hooves." Scootaloo said.

"My hooves aren't cold." Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo facehoofed.

"What I meant was don't tell us you're having second thoughts about this." Scootaloo explained.

"After everything she's done this is what she deserves." Apple Bloom said.

"I just can't help but get the feeling that this is wrong." Sweetie Belle said.

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well you know how we didn't like it when Diamond Tiara threatened to publicly humilate us right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah." Scootaloo said "And your point is?"

"If we didn't like being publicly humilated then what gives us the right to do that to Babs?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sweetie Belle have you forgetten what she did to us?" Apple Bloom asked "She betrayed our friendship and sided with Diamond Tiara. She made our lives miserable."

"And don't forget what she did to Diamond Tiara." Scootaloo said "She made her fall into a mud puddle and she called her a crybaby. And to top it off she stole our clubhouse."

"But does that really give us the right to do this to her?" Sweetie Belle asked "Rarity always told me that two wrongs don't make a right."

"Well why is it that you're only now starting to feel guilty?" Apple Bloom asked "I mean you went along with our plan."

"You know Apple Bloom's right." Scootaloo said "If you really didn't want to do this then why didn't you try to stop us? You could've told Rarity or Applejack and we would've gotten in trouble. But you didn't."

"Because I didn't start to feel guilty until now." Sweetie Belle explained.

"That makes no sense at all!" Apple Bloom said.

"I know it doesn't." Sweetie Belle said "But I just know that this is not the way to deal with Babs."

"Then what is?" Scootaloo asked.

"What I kept suggesting." Sweetie Belle said "Tell Applejack."

"And you think she'll believe us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I don't know." Sweetie Belle said "But I'm going to do it with or without you girls."

"Well if you're going to tell Applejack I suppsoe there's nothing we can do to stop you." Apple Bloom said.

"And I guess maybe if all three of us tell her she'll believe us." Scootaloo said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sweetie Belle asked "Let's go tell her so we can finally put a stop to all of this." And so the Cutie Mark Crusaders left the parade route, taking their float with them.

Along the way they ran into Babs Seed. "Hey that's a nice parade float you got there Cutie Mark Crybabies." she teased "You gonna let me ride in it?"

"No." Apple Bloom said.

"Why not?" Babs Seed asked "I can take that parade float by force or you can just hoof it over to me and nopony gets hurt."

"Because this float is broken." Scootaloo said "There's a problem with one of the floor boards."

"Besides I think the paint is kind of chiping in some places." Apple Bloom said "You'd be better off with another parade float."

"Well I guess you're right." Babs Seed said "If your float is broken then I certainly don't want it. Guess you crybabies are good for something." And with that she left to see if she could "borrow" another parade float.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders returned the parade float to the barn and then went to look for Applejack. It didn't take them long however as they found Applejack finishing up her chores.

"Hey Applejack can we talk to you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Of course sugarcubes." Applejack said "Just give me a second here." She proceeded to kick the tree, this caused the apples to fall into the bucket that been placed beneath said tree. "Now what was it you wanted to talk me to about?" Applejack asked.

"Can we go somewhere a little more quiet?" Scootaloo asked.

"I guess." Applejack said. She led the Cutie Mark Crusaders inside. She went up to her room and shut the door. "So is something troubling you?" she asked.

"Well sort of." Sweetie Belle said. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then told Applejack everything. They told her about how they had tried to get Babs to join their group, how Babs had sided with Diamond Tiara, how Babs had bullied them everywhere they went, how Babs stole their clubhouse and turned on Diamond Tiara, and even their plan to publicy humilate Babs before Sweetie Belle talked them out of it.

"So Babs has been giving you a hard time huh?" Applejack asked "Well I'm glad y'all came to me instead of doing something stupid. I was going to tell you this but then you ran off on me, you see, back home Babs is being bullied."

"Bullied?" the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked.

"Yep." Applejack said "They're picking on her all because she doesn't have a cutie mark. So after talking to her folks we decided that a trip to Ponyville might do her some good. I figured if she knew she wasn't the only blank flank she might open up a little and make some new friends."

"Well that sure didn't turn well." Scootaloo said.

"Trust me now that I know what she's been doing I plan on having a little chat with her." Applejack said "Hopefully I'll be able to set her straight. As for you three, well I am glad that you told me, but you need to realize that I can't fight all your battles for you. When you're being bullied there's usually only one way to make it stop."

"What's that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You have to stand up the bully or bullies." Applejack said.

"You mean like fighting?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No." Applejack said "Fighting never solves anything and only gets you in trouble. But if you show the bully or bullies that you're not going to take their insults and actions lying down then they'll stop picking on you. Bullies always target those they deem weaker then themselves, and if you stand up to them you'll prove that you're just as tough as they are."

"I guess we'll have to try it the next time we're being picked on." Scootaloo said.

"I still have one question." Sweetie Belle said "If we had gone through with our plan for revenge would that have made us bullies as well?"

"Not really." Applejack said "But you would've overreacted to the situation. Like I said before I'm glad you didn't go through with it."

"Thanks sis." Apple Bloom said.

"You're welcome." Applejack said. The Cutie Mark Crusaders promptly left. Applejack sighed "I hope I can help Babs see the error of her ways." she said to herself.

After the Summer Harvest Festival was over Applejack called Babs Seed up to her room.

"You uh wanted to see me?" Babs Seed asked.

"I did." Applejack said in a firm voice "Apple Bloom and her friends told me you've been bullying them lately. Is this true?"

"Uh, yeah." Babs Seed said.

"Now listen Babs." Applejack said "I'm gonna tell you a little story and I want you to listen carefully. I have a feeling you're going to be able to easily relate to it."

"I'm all ears." Babs Seed said.

"When I was about the same age as you and Apple Bloom I was always being picked on in school. So many ponies teased me, saying that I was never as smart as my brother. They did all sorts of mean things to me. They pushed me and shoved me in the hallways. They stole my lunch. They even on occassion beat me up."

"So what did you do?" Babs Seed asked.

"Well I didn't want to tell anyone I was being bullied so I figured the best way to get out of it was to act like the bullies." Applejack said "I thought that if the bullies accepted me as one of their own they'd leave me alone. Sound familar?"

"That's just what I've been doing." Babs Seed said "So what happened next?"

"Well I started realizing how wrong it felt to bully others." Applejack said "Whenever I tried to pick on someone I always saw myself reflected in them. Eventually I met a filly who stood up to me and said that she wasn't going to let me push her around. She helped me realize that the best way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them. You don't have to fight but you need to show them that they can't just do whatever they want to you. And thanks to that filly I stood up to the bullies and I was never bullied again."

"Is this story true?" Babs Seed asked.

"You bet it is." Applejack said "So do you realize now why bullying others to avoid being bullied is wrong?"

"I do." Babs Seed said.

"Good." Applejack said "Now I want you to apologize to Apple Bloom and her friends for being so mean to them. Understand?"

"Yes." Babs Seed said.

"You don't need to apologize we've already forgiven you." Apple Bloom said.

"Apple Bloom did you overhear everything I just said to Babs?" Applejack asked.

"Not all of it but I did hear the last few sentences." Apple Bloom said "Anyway, Babs me and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders already know what you've been going through back in Manehattan. And we're sorry, if we'd have known that we probably wouldn't have tried to crowd around you and make you a Cutie Mark Crusader right off the bat."

"That's o.k." Babs Seed said "You didn't know. But can we start over?"

"Well do you really feel sorry for what you did to us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I do, trust me I do." Babs Seed said.

"Then of course we can start over." Apple Bloom said "Does this mean you want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"You betcha." Babs Seed said.

"That's music to my ears." Apple Bloom said "Come on let's go find Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."

A short time later Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo started the induction ceremony for Babs Seed. Scootaloo pounded fiercely on the drums.

"We the Cutie Mark Crusaders offically elect Babs Seed to join us as a sister, friend, confidaynte, alley, boss-om buddy, gal pal, compader, chum of chums..." Sweetie Belle said reading a list.

Scootaloo cleared her throat.

"Well you're the one who wrote this." Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh yeah, forgot." Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle continued reading "Homegirl... Amiga... blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, yes, here. ...and fellow Cutie Mark Crusader! Babs Seed you are solemnly sworn in here this day, in witness of your fellow sisters, friends, confidantes... boss-om buddies... compadres... "

"Congratulations!" Scootaloo said, throwing a cape to Babs Seed. She then muttered under her breath "Gotta remember to revise that."

"So I'm part of the group now huh?" Babs Seed asked.

"Yep." Apple Bloom said.

Babs Seed was happy that she was able to patch things up with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. But even after joining the Cutie Mark Crusaders her thoughts kept drifting back to Diamond Tiara. She had seemed rather heartbroken after what Babs Seed did to her and Babs Seed couldn't help but feel guilty. She knew that Diamond Tiara had always been mean to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, especially Apple Bloom but she felt that regardless she had to least attempt to patch things up with Diamond Tiara before she returned to Manehattan.

Thankfully Pinkie Pie was able to give Babs Seed directions to Diamond Tiara's house. She mentioned that as far as she knew Diamond Tiara was sulking to herself and had not left her house, even for the Summer Harvest Festival.

Babs Seed wasted no time and upon arriving knocked on the door. She was greated by Filthy Rich. "Um excuse I was just wondering if Diamond Tiara was around." Babs Seed, she had recently learned to be more confident but in this instant she was just as nervous as she had been back in Manehattan.

"She is." Flithy Rich said "But she hasn't been herself lately. I've tried everything I can think of but she refuses to even talk to me. I'm worried about her."

"Well maybe I can help." Babs Seed said.

"How so?" Filthy Rich asked.

"Let's just say I have my methods." Babs Seed said.

"Well if you're sure." Filthy Rich said "Follow me." He led Babs Seed up to Diamond Tiara's room. The door was locked shut. "Good luck, you'll need it." Filthy Rich said.

Babs Seed knocked on the door.

"Go away!" Diamond Tiara said in between sobs.

"Diamond Tiara it's me Babs Seed." Babs Seed said softly.

"What do you want?" Diamond Tiara asked "Come to make fun of me some more?"

"I've come to apologize." Babs Seed said "I'm sorry for everything I did to you."

"I don't believe you!" Diamond Tiara said "Just go away!"

"I'm not taking no for answer." Babs Seed said.

"You're not going to leave me alone are you?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Nope." Babs Seed said.

Diamond Tiara unlocked the door and Babs Seed came in. "Fine." Diamond Tiara said "Say whatever you've come to say. You've got like five seconds."

"Look I'm sorry I called you a crybaby and made you fall in the mud puddle." Babs Seed said "I feel really guilty about it."

"Time's up. That's a lovey story." Diamond Tiara said "Do me a favor and don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"Would you just listen to me, please?" Babs Seed asked "I want to apologize for what I've done and I want an honest answer. Do you forgive me? I won't blame you if you don't."

"Just go away blank flank." Diamond Tiara said "And leave me alone."

Babs Seed began to realize what the source of the problem was "You really took that comment about how I 'learned from the best' to heart didn't you?" she asked.

Diamond Tiara sobbed again "I realized that you were right." she said sadly "It's no wonder that Silver Spoon and I had a falling out."

"What did she say exactly?" Babs Seed asked.

"She said she couldn't keep helping me hurt other ponies feelings just to make myself feel good." Diamond Tiara said "She said that she had always hoped there would be some good in me but apparently she was wrong. She then told me to not bother trying to come near her until I changed my ways. I can't believe it's taken me until to realize that she meant it."

"Well it's not too late you know." Babs Seed said.

"You don't what it's like." Diamond Tiara said "The only friends I ever had were only friends with me because my father insisted. He never wanted me to be alone. Silver Spoon was the only exception and I pushed her away with my actions. You don't know what it's like to be known as Diamond Tiara, the bratty filly, the spoiled brat, the snot nosed kid, the pony that nopnoy within a hundred miles should go near." she promptly sobed some more.

"You know what you're right." Babs Seed said "I don't understand what's it like to be you. But you know something you're not all bad."

"You're just saying that!" Diamond Tiara said.

"No I'm not." Babs Seed said "If you were truely rotten to the core then you wouldn't be acting like this. You'd be assuming that you never did anything wrong and that everypony else has a problem."

"Suppose you're right." Diamond Tiara said "What am I suppose to do now?"

"The only advice I can give is to ask yourself who you want to be known as." Babs Seed said "If you want to change who you are inside You have to be the one to take that first step. You have to be willing to good if you want others to see that you really are. That change may not be easy but it's not as hard as you might think."

"And then I'll start making friends?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"You'll only start making friends if you really are willing to change." Babs Seed said "Once you take that first step as long as you never look back you'll eventually become a new pony. Then you'll be able to change the way other ponies think of you. And then perhaps you'll be able to patch things up with Silver Spoon. But as I said before it's only if you're willing to change who you are inside. Remember that no one else can make that decision for you. If you want to be good then you have to be willing to redeem yourself."

"Never thought I'd be getting advice from a blank flank." Diamond Tiara said "Especially good advice."

"Well that's one thing you're going to need to work on." Babs Seed said "But I can tell already that you're willing to take that first step."

Thanks to Babs Seed's advice Diamond Tiara began to change who she was. Eventually she became a much nicer pony and everyone around noticed a change for the better in her. She even managed to bury the hatchet with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, though it wasn't much of a surprise when she became a friendly rival to them.

As for Babs Seed herself the confidence she'd picked up in Ponyville would never be forgotten.

"So you promise you're gonna start our Manehattan branch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, right?" Apple Bloom asked. She and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders along with Applejack had come to see Babs Seed off at the train station.

"Yeah, and I promise to keep talking to my big sis about the teasing back home." Babs Seed said.

"Good." Applejack said "And if you have any problems, we've got your back too, y'hear?"

"Sure do." Babs Seed said "Thank you for everything. I'll have to come and visit again sometime."

"We'll look forward to it." Sweetie Belle said.

"But for now it looks like you've got a train to catch." Scootaloo said, pointing out towards the distance. Everyone looked and saw the train that would take Babs Seed back to Manehattan.

After saying goodbye to everyone Babs Seed climbed aboard and the train depareted for Manehattan. The Cutie Mark Crusaders would never be the same after that. For the first time since they had been founded they had picked up a new member.

Author's Note:

I really couldn't think of any way to lead into the song so I just put a link to it. Yeah I know that's kind of lazy of me.

Comments ( 75 )

And so my rewrites come to a close with the rewrite of "One Bad Apple". :applecry:

Hoep you enjoy it. :scootangel:

man i thought you were going to make rewrites of griffon brush off or dragon quest

2703072 Sorry but no. If you want you can rewrite them.

2703201 I thought I already stated what my list was?

In any case rewrite them yourself if you want to. And there's a rewrite of Spike at Your Service that I've linked you to in the comments.

2704121 Applejack: No. :applejackunsure:

Rarity: Good. :raritywink:

I really liked your rewrite of these episodes. I think it would've actually been kinda cool if the actual episodes played out like you wrote them.

Btw are you anymore rewrites after season 4 airs?

2764545 We'll see. Depends on how Season 4 plays out.

2772596 Rarity didn't cause the tree to crash into Twilight's bedroom and she actually tried to help. You are right about how she seemed to be in the right all the time considering what they did to Applejack. If you are going to include arguing then don't make one character always be wrong and one character always be right.

2772909 Sometimes in desperate situations you don't always think straight.

2772919 Actually yes, Rarity DID cause the tree to fall. Applejack was working hard to keep those trees from doing that before the storm happened, but Rarity kept putting the branches that AJ knocked down back on.

2773042 But Applejack lassoed the gaint tree which she then brought crashing into Twilight's room. And that was because the tree got struck by lightning and was about to crash onto another house. Rarity had nothing to do with it.

2773046 Maybe I misunderstood it. But Rarity never apologized.

Holy mother of Batman, got this in enough groups lad?:rainbowderp:

2911644 The more the merrier. After all something like this deserves as much as attention as possible does it not?

Comment posted by Commander Jenna Cipher deleted Jul 24th, 2013

"Avoid her... yeah, how hard can that be?" Scootaloo said.

Richard Hammond: Don't say that!

The header made me want to stop writing and look at it when it came up. Great concept! Glad I did :pinkiehappy:

Added to read later :eeyup:

3252550 Be thankful that didn't happen.

3266730 I think the problem plaguing the episode (and thus promoted the rewrite) was how rushed and poorly delivered the moral was. Had it been explained better people probably wouldn't have gotten the wrong idea about it.

Wow, so I am not the only one who writes stories like this. (How It Should Have Ended - Too Many Pinkie Pies)

Good thing is that we do not overlap. Definitely goes on my read later list.

Firestorm :twilightsmile:..DON'T EVER CALL ME MEGS!!!
Megatron out.

3457935 Thanks, with the exception of "The Cutie Pox" all the episodes I rewrote are episodes that I considered very bad and needed to be done better.

For the love of LUNA whyyyy whyyy WHYYY did you cut out my favorite pony, Silver Spoon?:fluttercry::fluttershbad::flutterrage:

I am sorry.. I don't care how well written this was I couldn't go on when I realized she wasn't in the first scene with DT:raritycry::raritydespair:

So I scrolled down and an only saw her name mentioned twice. I think Silver and DT got a raw enough deal in this, being blamed for everything Babs did.. but to CUT OUT SILVER SPOON!!? :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

3503188 I personally believe Silver Spoon did not belong in the episode as she played no role outside of further encouragement, and prior to this episode she seemed to be on a redemption streak. Lots of people hated the fact that Silver Spoon was present for this episode, I believe at least up til Season 4 she knows that what Diamond Tiara is doing is wrong but is too afraid to stand up for herself.

The reason why I don't think this applies to Season 4 is because of what happens in "Flight to the Finish" which I am not exactly excited for, simply because I'm concerned about Scootaloo potentially being disabled and unable to fly at all.

Yeah as a Silver Spoon fan, I'm kina biting my nails at the thought of seeing her and DT pick on a potentially handicapped Pegasus. :applecry:

She made so much progress in Family Appreciation Day!:flutterrage:

Not to mention season four will likely be her last chance at canonical redemption.:facehoof:

So got any rewrites that add Silver Spoon where she wasn't before?:twilightsheepish:

3513828 Nope. I did expand her role along with Diamond Tiara's in "The Cutie Pox" just a little if that's any consolation.

Oh yeah.. I read that. Basically AB not only showed them up but convinced everyone how useless their marks where. Maybe they deserved it, maybe not, but I found that to be pretty sad.:pinkiesad2:

And after reading Bad Seed I figured you just hated SS and DT.:twilightsheepish:

I mean I didn't read the whole thing but at some point Babs betrayed both her cousin and Diamond.

I think their was reconciliation with DT in the end, but again I didn't read it all:twilightoops:

3513869 I don't really hate them, I just don't like how they're always bullies. They're incredibly flat, even Flash Sentry had more personality and he only showed up to be a love intrest.

Well at least they have more character development then Celestia.:duck:

I used to hate DT before I started RP as Silver Spoon on tumblr. I came to love and respect DT as she would.:twilightsmile:

So it hurts to see them always failing and blamed for Babs over the top bullying. She was in a league all her own and they were more or less her cronies.:facehoof:

Maybe i'll give this a full read, sense you left SS out in order to spare her the loss of character she suffered, following Fam Appreciation :pinkiehappy:

"You know what Diamond Tiara you're a creep!" Sweetie Belle said "We were having a good time until you showed up! So go have some juice or something because I'll tell you something this is a happy place!"

Oh no you did NOT like, just have Sweetie quote FREAKAZOID!!?:unsuresweetie:

niiiiice touch:duck:

"Ha more like a lame-kin." Diamond Tiara said "Oh sorry that was a bit of a bad pun, just like you guys."

oh no she diiin't:pinkiegasp:

Give the devil her due. That was a nice save for the worst DT taunt ever!:pinkiehappy:

Okay I finally read the Bad Seed episode.

First of all.. :ajbemused: a bully? ha ha ha NO!

And this only serves to make me more angry with Babes. With Diamond and Silver as a threat I can understand her actions. But her continued bullying after betraying DT only proves she is a natural thug.:trollestia:

Also it was never mentioned if Silver Spoon reconciled with DT. But I'm splitting hairs here. And it was a good story.:pinkiehappy:

3664617 I know. I corrected the mistake anyway. Still typos can be fun. :rainbowlaugh:

3718329 I'm starting to think that something in my comment was misread because I didn't say anything about Twilight's magic. If I may rephrase my comment, the superhero premise, along with the introduction of Mare-Do-Witch, is what killed the episode in my eyes, not the character interaction. I completely overlooked the moral because I thought it could've been presented differently. And I wasn't talking a big game as if I could do a better rewrite. I know I can't. I was however trying to make myself sound like a big shot critic. :facehoof:
Have a laugh. I know you want to. :rainbowlaugh:
I will correct one thing. Even though I did say the fan fiction didn't fix the episode, I didn't say the fiction was terrible. I just didn't like it. That's not a problem, is it? :unsuresweetie:

3781534 I'll probably tackle those episodes once Season 4 ends. From the looks of things I might do a bonus chapter on "Bats!", unless a noticeable clunker turns up in the weeks to follow.

3781748 It depends on how the rest of Season 4 plays out, and if views on other episodes change. "Bats!" is not confirmed at this point, but the others you listed are.

Can I please get a bigger version of that picture that you gave this story?

3950713 Found it on Google. Just go to Google images and search My Little Pony. But this a temporary cover art until someone whips up a more fitting one.

To tell you the truth; FIM has been reforming their antagonists a bit much and the remaining antagonists should stay just that, 'antagonists'. :twilightsheepish:

5121640 Thanks. Braeburn was very interesting because even in the original, when everyone else wanted war, he still wanted peace. That esentially put him at odds with his entire town.

5131811 Indeed. Wouldn't surprise me if that truly is her calling in life. From the looks of things, she seems likely to get into organic farming.

"Althought I admit that thought had crossed my mind."

You're not the only one.

"I think Babs just went to the dark side."

Do I even need to make a joke here?

"Man not even Diamond Tiara deserved that."

Agreed, I'm not liking how this is going.

"She's an earth pony, she'll wipe the floor with us!"

So is Applebloom, besides, on your scooter, you're much faster than her.

"I asked Rarity about them and she simply said you don't wanna know."

She's probably right.

"I just can't help but get the feeling that this is wrong."

It is.

"That makes no sense at all!"

To quote a certain fan favorite character who appeared 4 episodes and a season ago, "Make sense, oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

"She said that she had always hoped there would be some good in me but apparently she was wrong.

Ouch, I honestly think Diamond Tiara could be a nicer pony if she just stopped being a bully, and that Silver Spoon has a heart of Gold and acts like a morality chain for DT sometimes and that she was hoping that by sticking to thing she likes she could convince her that bullying wasn't so good, however, DT corrupted her, kinda. I honestly like how Babs is apologizing and realizes what a jerk she's been.

she became a friendly rival to them.

Much better, I usually hate DT, but I like her here, more or less, because she's redeemed, and she's becoming a much nicer pony, I'd imagine this took quite a while for her to warm up with other, bury the hatchet and for others to approach her without fearing verbal destruction. This is going to drastically change the second half of Flight to the Finish. But, in a good way, I'm always up for character development.

this needs another chapter, mostly one on flight to the finish, I'm annoyed that DT didn't get introuble I'd love to see a chapter on that ^.^

Edit: just realized this is on S3 what a downer...

5206507 Well, as much as I would love to rewrite "Flight to The Finish" little would change.

The episodes of Season 4 I've considered rewritting are:

Bats! (Lack of a middle ground, and squeezing all of the mane six into a story that didn't fit them.)

Rainbow Falls (Contrived beyond all reason, complete disregard for any and all logic.)

Three's A Crowd (Bad filler for the first 11 minutes, and a plot that only confirms the mane six don't trust Discord at all.)

Filli Vanilli: (The worst potrayal of Pinkie Pie to date, and a plot that's recycled from "Hurricane Fluttershy".)

Somepony to Watch Over Me: (Botched moral, and scarificing story for comedy.)

5207591 Interesting choices of episodes to re-write. My thoughts on these are simple:

- Angry writer must have thought that Mane 6 would do better as species other than human and pony.
- Mane 6 not amused
- Mane 6 protest episode's planning; walk around DHX studios carrying "STAB BATS!" signs and demanding "Bats!" not go into production
- Pinkie Pie sees title as deliberate attempt to rip off Airplane! (Paramount; 1980)
- Hasbro threatens to suspend contracts for Mane 6 after Season 4
- To avoid leaving Hasbro, Mane 6 lamentably agrees to do this episode.
- It is produced
- Episode enters post-production
- Episode airs to scathing reviews (with some ponies calling it an extended commercial for "JAWS") and to poor ratings
- Hasbro regrets ever having put Mane 6 into this episode

- Ariola complains title misuses the name of group Milli Vanilli; group who mastered the art of "Controversial Pop"
- Pinkie Pie upset her role in this cripples her image; "This Is The Worst Me Ever!"
- Pinkie Pie calls Hasbro; has to sit through Muzak for 7 1/2 minutes while being repeatedly told to put phone on "Hold"
- Representative appears on line; Pinkie Pie tells representative to take negative portrayal of herself out of "Filli Vanilli"; call ends up gaining resemblance to a call made by Comcast customer to Comcast later in the year that "Filli Vanilli" airs
- Pinkie Pie reluctantly appears in episode
- Episode enters post production
- Episode airs to mixed reviews: Songs and group performing them receive praise, but plot is criticized and reviews of Pinkie Pie's performance similar to reviews of Tony Bennett's performance in The Oscar (Embassy/Paramount; 1966)
- Episode gains somewhat high ratings
- Pinkie Pie is surprised by success of episode
- Pinkie Pie disowns episode.

I don't know about the other ones. I just don't know.

I wonder how many pages a script needs for an episode to be at least 22 minutes long.

5679032 Trust me, I would love it very much if I could become a writer for the show. But I don't see that happening since, in the time it would take me to become a professional writer for television, and be hired, the show would undoubtly be concluded.

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