• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 636 Views, 10 Comments

The Innocent Pony - thesilentpony

The Dark-Dream Pony part two

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Something Told

some thing told

“Tired?” I looked around, we were in a forest, Princess Luna was standing in front of me.

“Princess Luna, how did we get into the forest?” I asked looking around. “Did you teleport us.”

“You are asleep.”


“No need to awaken, the guards outside are awake.”

“That’s good, I’m sorry I did not mean to sleep.”

“It is fine, but you were having a nightmare.”

“I was?”

“Some weird dream of a green mare biting you.” I shivered. “That was a dream wasn’t it?” I chuckled lightly. “Oh, um, I’m sorry I guess that was a memory. It is hard to tell the difference some times.”

“How much did you see?”

“Most of it, you’ve been asleep for some time. You were bleeding tears for some reason, are your eye’s not well?”

“It must’ve been a nightmare, I certainly didn’t cry blood. She did however bite me quite a lot. I was powerless though, she’s faster and stronger than me and I couldn’t stop her, she just laughed when I asked her to stop.” Memories appeared around us.

“Is she abusing you?”

“I had a one night stand with her.” She looked at memories, many of which were blurry with a few clear or just dull spots. “I think I might have gotten her pregnant.” Tears ran down my face. “I don’t know if I can be there for someone that hurts me.”

“Emotional pain is truly the worst,

“It is.”

“We should speak out of dream.” I opened my eyes, and so did she. “Injuring a guard is an offense that you could arrest her for.”

“She may be, pregnant.”

“I suppose, but is that a bad thing?” I looked down.


“Do you not enjoy her company? In your memories, it appeared as though you had an under layer of enjoyment and self fulfillment.”

“The.” I cleared my throat. “Mating, is pleasurable, but, if we are to have a filly, I believe it would require us to be, compatible, not just in bed.”

“When Shadow and I were together, he and I enjoyed smelling each other, breathing in a scent of the other, the taste and the feel. Shadow and I were truly made physical compatible and mentally. Are you?” I thought for a moment.

“Physically, without a doubt.”

“And mentally?”

“Other than a few details, I know nothing of her.”

“But do you enjoy her, in the way of many words, dominating you?”

“It makes me feel powerless, like when I stood back and Shadow gave his life, I couldn’t do anything.” Tears went down my already wet face. “I hate that feeling, I can’t stand it, I just want to, to.”

“The floor is made of stone, you will not break it.” I slammed my hooves down not even scratching the floor.

“I want to hit her, beat her, make her obey me and do anything I ask, own her, but such dark things make me remember my father. I can’t become him. I don’t want to become him, is that my fate?”

“Only if you let it control you, there is nothing you will become that you yourself is not willing to become. Fate is not something which is uncontrollable. All things have a way and a place, you do not have to make your place a dark one.” I wiped my tears away.

“I’m sorry, I did not mean to make this personal, I’m your guard you.”

“It is my job, I am your Princess, do not forget that, while you’re my guard you’re my subject just as much. It is my job to help those in need, even if it is one of personal desire and trouble.”

“Thank you.”

“If you must become dark to get somewhere light, I would suggest you take such action to her.” I looked at her completely shocked.


“Some things require a feather touch to fix, and others require a hammer’s touch. While I would say it is wrong to hit another, it is not always wrong to make another fear. For it is the only way to equal out the wrong. It was the same for Twilight Sparkle and myself. She had to hurt me to save me, for had she not, I fear I would have done so much worse.”

“I-I never thought of it like that.”

“But heed me, know where to draw that line, make her your equal, not your slave, and a balance will exist in its natural form.”

“I see.”

“Now, I implore you to talk to her, and get this sorted out, hitting another is rarely ever the way, but she has hurt you in a way that even I would see as unacceptable.”

“Thank you.” She got up and I looked up seeing the moon nearly gone.

“The moon needs to be lowered and the sun needs to be raised, please take another day if you need to sort out your personal details.” I nodded following her to the celestial chamber where Princess Celestia was waiting for us.

“Hello Luna, and Night Jasper, you look, a little unwell are you alright?”

“I am perfect.” I smiled.

“Very good, and I am glad to see another on your guard.”

“Please sister not now.”

“I’m sorry.” They raised the sun lowering the moon and I took Princess Luna to her bed chamber and she went to sleep. The day guards which came to replace us nodded to me now being their commander.

I flew away going to Hammer’s store flying through the second story window waking her up with a decent thud. She jumped falling out of bed, then got up looking at me surprised and awake.

“Night Jasper,” she said with a frown rubbing her shoulder. “Come in.” I moved with swift speed almost appearing in front of her making her back up into the wall. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked with a slight bit of fear in her voice and surprise.

“You’ve pissed me off for the last four days!” I yelled at her making tears brim in her eyes. “I’ve had enough of your ways.”

“What are you.” I pushed her against the wall so we were both on our hind legs, her back against the wall showing my size with my wings out. She started to breathe fast now clearly scared of me.

“I didn’t say you could speak!” I snapped making her whimper. “You have forced me to mate with you and have ignored my feelings from the start, biting me, hitting me, tackling me to the ground and forcing me to do things I did not want to. Do you know that is a crime to do to a royal guard?! I could have you thrown in jail for the rest of your life!”


“SHUT UP!” I yelled making her flinch. “You dare do something, no you dare do anything without me telling you it is okay, rather it is to relieve yourself or to even sneeze. If you think I’m joking I will make you regret the thought, I'll have your assets taken, your business destroyed and you won’t ever see the light of day again.”


“Mark my words,” I growled with a gravity to it. “I will make your life a living hell, and you will beg for death.” Tears ran down her face. I let go of her making her fall to the ground shaking. “Now you will apologize.”


“NOW!” I stomped making the ground shake and making her gasp crying.

“I’m sorry.”

“You better be.” She choked on her sobs making me sigh as I sat down. Over the last four days I had wanted to do that so badly, but now that it was out, I couldn’t help but feel sadness for her. All I had done was made the possible pregnant mare of my offspring cry so hard she was gasping for air.

“Please.” She gasped for air. “No more.” I stomped my hoof standing up as the fury came back in the same instant.

“Stand up.” She stood up shaking. I stared at her and stared at me in fear still crying making me angrier at her gritting my teeth. She closed her eyes as I went forward, I took another step forward kissing her making her open her eyes in surprise. “I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry I yelled at you, but, these last four days have been hell.” My body shook a little bit. “You scared me, you really scared me, I couldn’t tell you no, and when I tried, you, you forced me.”

“I.” She sniffed as her tears slowed. “I’m sorry, I, I didn’t know. I thought, I thought you wanted it as much as I did.”

“I wanted to get to know you, I didn’t want to mate with you more. I’m not so shallow that I would ever want to mate with you. A relationship cannot be build on sex! You only will create darkness, doubt and despair, then hate that way.” She looked down.

“Please, don’t, throw me in jail.”

“You might be the mother to my unborn foal, I wouldn’t dream of doing that, but you gave me no choice.”

“I scared, you that much.”

“If you were a stallion I could have beat you into a bloody sludge, if you were just some mare I could have slapped you hard enough to snap your neck, but you’re not just some mare, and you’re not a stallion. I don’t know if I love you, but I’m not willing to give up just because you’ve made me do things I didn’t want to.”

“Can we start over then?”

“The past cannot be forgotten, the rage I have will not go away simply because I want it to, nor will the fear.” She looked down. “And I’m sure the love won’t either.” She looked at me smiling.

“M-may I use my bathroom?”

“Of course.”

“Thank, you.” She said carefully. She went into the bathroom shaking a little, and I cleaned up the spot she left on the wooden floor. While it disgusted me, her fear was tantalizing, just the feel of it was like nothing else, not even mating compared on the mental level. It was a darkness unlike any other, and it was addicting like any other.


“Yes.” She said clearly still sobbing. I pushed the door breaking the lock easily and she looked at me crying in the shower, it wasn’t running. “I.”

“I don’t need your permission to enter.” She flinched a little. I went over to her and paused noticing a very thin armor on her. I hadn’t noticed it before, but she was wearing wire armor. No wonder why she was so fast and strong, this armor enhanced my speed and strength, she could probably make metal string that did the same.

“What, is it?”

“Take off that armor!” I growled and she paused knowing I knew. She clicked her hooves and it came off. I pulled it away from her looking at it. “I was wondering why you were stronger and faster than me!”

“I, please I.” I slammed my hoof making her shut up.

“You used a weapon on me and you expected me not to get mad?!” She shook scared of me again, and it felt good. “Oh, I’m so pissed, if it were not against the law I would break your legs in anger.” She swallowed covering her face. “Just because you cover your face from me doesn’t mean I’m going to disappear!”

I slapped her forelegs sending them into the wall. I paused realizing what I had done as her right foreleg bled from a cut I had made with my sharp hoof guard. She looked at me with pure terror, and I stepped back bumping into the wall, as fear made me realize what I had just done. I had hit her, not only that I had made her bleed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean.” I turned and ran flying out the window.

This rage that filled me had just made me fall off the edge, and I needed it gone. I flew going to the throne room looking around for Princess Celestia. She wasn’t there, making me check the rest of the castle finding her in the gardens smelling some nice roses. I landed next to her and she looked at me.

“Why hello Night Jasper, lovely day today, I am glad you are out, but shouldn’t you be getting ready for sleep?”

“Princess Celestia I’ve done something bad, and I need your help.” Her look became serious and she looked around noticing no guard. “Oh it’s not a guard issue I have.” She looked back at me a little relieved.

“What do you need help with?”