• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 636 Views, 10 Comments

The Innocent Pony - thesilentpony

The Dark-Dream Pony part two

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Something Removed

“I hit a mare today, and I couldn’t control myself because of a rage, I need you to take it away for me. I don’t know any pony else which can and Princess Luna is asleep.” She went forward touching her hoof to my head and a pure feeling of joy filled me washing my rage away completely. Not a single bit remained.

“How is that?”

“I feel so much better.” I said as tears went down my face.

“What happen?”

“I’ve become part of a relationship with another and, it has become something dark, I tried to fix it and only made it worse. I won’t stop trying though, I will make it work, nothing can stop me. Thank you for your help.”

“Anytime my little pony.” I smiled and flew off going back to Hammer which was limping to her bed still crying. I landed through the window and she looked at me in fear falling back onto the ground. I ran over to her and helped her up to her surprise.

“Don’t hit me.” She begged and I kissed her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you.” I helped her to bed and went around to her other side so we were face to face. We stared at each other and she wiped what little tears came from her eyes.

“So.” She said unsure.

“I should probably say I’m really, really sorry and that my actions were not acceptable. I am so sorry.”

“It’s, alright, I’m also sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I chuckled lightly.

“You broke three ribs, dislocated three joints, dislocated a vertebra, dozens of bruises, bite marks, and cuts.” Her face went pale. “How could you do all that and not mean it?”

“I did that?”

“Yes.” I said looking down.

“Your rage was justified, I’m sorry.” I kissed her.

“No amount of rage can justify hitting another, you did it in love even though it only made me fear you.” She swallowed and moved pushing me, rolling me onto my back and so she was on top of me. This time though I had a choice. She wasn’t strong enough without her wire armor, and I still had my armor on, which was oddly comfortable.

“I’m so sorry.” She kissed me moving on top of me.

“You just like being on top of me don’t you?” Both of us giggled a little.

“You’re very comfortable to be on, I’ve grown to like it a lot. Does it bother you that I like doing this?” I smiled.

“No, thank you for asking though.” She smiled. “But I should take off my armor.” I picked her up setting her to the side, she didn’t lose form even in my arms. She was strong with or without her armor, just not as strong as me now. I took off my helmet and main body piece setting it to the side. I stretched my wings a little bit with the armor still on them.

“You are a very handsome stallion.” I smiled.

“Come onto my back, I want to show you something.” She got up limping making my heart speed up. She got onto my back and I opened the window flying into the air. She grabbed onto me a little scared, we were normally grounded.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to show you what I saw when I was a colt, and why I wanted to become a guard at Canterlot.” I flew high into the sky above Canterlot and she looked down. The city seemed to gleam with a beautiful golden white glow. She smiled looking at it.

“I’ve never been above Canterlot.”

“I figured.” I scoffed as I flew into the clouds. She gasped being above the clouds, seeing the pure white fluffiness of them.

“These are beautiful.” I landed on a cloud.

“Just don’t get off of me, earth ponies are only on the earth because that’s where they normally belong.”

“Right.” I pulled off a chunk of the cloud and she tried to grab it, but it went through her hooves making me chuckled. “Oh you think that’s funny.” She whipped her now ice cold hooves along my spin.

“Hey! Hey, no doing that to your ride.” I said chuckled as I shivered. She licked my neck holding me close.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Well hold on tight!” I flew through the air rather fast swinging with perfection as I made the large clouds I passed seem like rivers of white. She reached out and her hoof glided through the clouds making her giggle with glee.

We spent most of the day in the clouds till she got cold going back to her home. I laid down next to her and we stared at each other.

“You should sleep.” She said getting up.

“Where are you going?”

“I slept all night and into some of the day, I need to get back to work. As nice as this is, and as fun as it was flying through the clouds were, I have to get back to my job, I don’t want to become rusty. Also this room is sound proof.” She went over to the window closing the blinds making it nice and dark. “So sleep well.”

“I will.” She left letting me fall asleep.

Days went by, then a few weeks. Our relationship evened out to a nice flavor now that she no long tried to own me. She was a slight bit controlling, just not in a painful or rude manner anymore, and now I could say we made love, not mating.

“Night Jasper wake up!” She shook me awake and I looked at her just having gotten to bed.

“What I grumbled, didn’t you hear?! Twilight Sparkle became a princess!”

“What?!” I asked getting up. “Where did you hear that from?”

“Outside.” I got up going over to the window opening it and sound flooded the room of cheers and chants of Twilight Sparkle becoming a new princess. “How do you not know?” I closed the window yawning.

“I’m a night guard I.” A snap in my head made me sigh. “I need to go, apparently I forgot I’m Princess Luna’s personal guard, not just a night guard.” She helped me put on my armor. I kissed her.

“I hope you well.”

“Yeah, today is going to be a long day.” I kissed her again and she smiled. I opened the window and paused seeing the sky filled with hundreds of pegasi closing the window. “I’m going to walk today.” I started walking going through downstairs and opening the door.

Ponies were everywhere, Canterlot was more full than normal, much more full. I had only seen this many ponies once, and that was when Princess Cadance became a princess. While young, ponies lined the street to see her from all over Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle was probably one of the most notable ponies in Equestria. Any pony that knew Princess Celestia’s name knew hers, especially after saving every pony time and time again with her friends.

Ponies waved at me slightly as I passed them. While I wasn’t the most wonderful sight in the day, no thief would be stupid enough to steal while a royal guard was passing by. I got to the castle and the guards let me pass the very long line of ponies wanting to get in for the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Sir!” Several guards said seeing me as I walked into the throne room. Princess Celestia was at the throne talking to several ponies, Princess Luna was next to her. I paused seeing Shining Armor outside ordering ponies around. Good at least I wasn’t the only pony which had to organize this, and Shining Armor was a real pro when it came to that. He could get rabbit ants to form a straight line if he needed it.

“Night Jasper.” Princess Celestia said and I yawned a little.


“You seem tired.”

“Yes I am, I will not lie, but what do you want me to do?”

“As you’ve heard Twilight Sparkle will become our newest princess.” Princess Celestia said with not only pride, but a golden glow that seemed to fill the room with warmth and energy, I took in a breath smiling at the good feeling.