• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 2,127 Views, 82 Comments

Rearranged - Touch the Sky

Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn princess. She couldn't ask for better friends. But after an accidental repeat of a disruptive spell we all recognise, her friends haven't only swapped cutie marks- but species too.

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A Few Misadventures with Sparkle Sense

The next morning when I woke up, sunlight was streaming through the curtains. Groaning, I went to get up and close them, but then remembered, I've got magic now. I pulled them shut with my magic and went back to sleep.]
An hour or so later, somepony tapped on the door. I got up and spent some moments trying to pull open the door with my magic; eventually it was surrounded by magical aura and swung open. I whooped at my success, only for Rarity to walk in, her horn glowing with magic.

"Hello, Twilight." she said evenly. "Congratulations on gaining magical powers." Her eyes showed reluctance and a bit of pain, but just then, my tail began to flail and twitch around. "Hmmm... twitcha twitcha twitchy twitch." I murmured, then jumped up. "My tail is twitching! MY TAIL IS TWITCHING!" I wasn't even sure why I was yelling, but the effect on Rarity was instant. She crouched down and used her wings to cover her head, shuffling around to look at me. At the same time, my ears began flopping, and Rarity's eyes flicked from them to my tail.

I blinked in surprise at her, before I remembered 'Pinkie Sense' and that a twitching tail meant 'beware of falling objects'. Seconds later, there was a loud crash from outside the window. Rarity and I rushed to the window, Rarity still shielding herself with her wings. Just for safety, I seized a nearby book and held it over my head. Outside, I saw a pony-shaped pile of mud and Rainbow engaged in a shouting match, a large roll of pink fabric lying muddied in the dirt between them.

I clattered down the stairs, followed by Rarity. My tail was still, no longer twitching, so I judged it safe to go outside. By now, Rainbow was trying desperately to scrub the dirt off the fabric, while Applejack, covered head to toe in mud, stood by, rolling her eyes as Rainbow lamented the ruined fabric.
"What's going on?" I asked, over Rainbow's whines. Applejack turned to me.
"Rainbow was heftin' this here giant heap o' cloth-"

"I was transporting this expensive roll of velvet to the boutique," interrupted Rainbow, "when quite by accident, it slipped out of my hooves-"
"Almost crushin' me," finished Applejack with a snort of derision.
I was about to reply, when my tail began to twitch again. Rainbow and Rarity immediately bolted for cover, while Applejack stared after them in bemusement, until her eyes fell on my jerking tail and her mind made the connection. But by then, it was too late.

A newt came plummeting down, landing neatly on Applejack's head. It was soon followed by several others, which landed on me too.
"No, Neville, I told you not to jump out!" scolded a voice from above, and Pinkie glided down, a small cart full of water and pondweed hitched over her back. A few newts peeked over the edge, and Pinkie warned them with a glare before collecting up their fellows, apologising profusely throughout. She plucked the first newt from Applejack's mane, glaring with raised eyebrows at it. The newt blinked at her.

"Good boy. Now, don't do it again." said Pinkie promptly, gently placing 'Neville' back in the cart. She apologised to us again, and then flew away.
I looked apprehensively at my tail, but it was motionless once more. I sighed with relief as Rarity and Rainbow picked their way back to us, eyes glancing up at the sky cautiously every few seconds.
Applejack looked at me, then looked down, muttered, "I'm going for a bath," to nopony in particular and trotted away to the farmhouse.

Rainbow looked after the muddy earth pony, then up at the sun, and gasped. "I need to get back to the boutique! I have a very important order to fill!" Scooping up the velvet as if it weighed nothing, but cringing slightly at the mud it left on her cyan fur, Rainbow took off at incredible speed towards Ponyville. As she did, my ears flopped again, then my knees twitched, before my eyes fluttered. A combo!

I somehow knew that it meant 'a beautiful rainbow' but though I looked all over the sky, I couldn't see any sign of the colours of the spectrum... except Rainbow's mane and tail. She was moving incredibly fast, and even from this far away I could see a cone of force forming before her. Soon she vanished from my sight, though seconds later, there was a boom, a familiar disc of rainbow colours, and then a brilliant rainbow arced skyward. Rarity and I looked at each other, and simultaneously, we teleported back to Ponyville.

Rainbow was looping around, losing speed gradually, over the town square where an admiring crowd had gathered, Scootaloo at their head. Rainbow's entire body glowed scarlet red, and her cutie mark, though still Rarity's diamonds, was glittering brightly. The fabric lay a short distance away, forgotten in Rainbow's euphoric victory flight. Hurriedly, I teleported to the library and snatched up the Elements; I desperately wanted the old Rainbow back.

Rarity watched as I levitated the orange lightning-bolt Element of Loyalty up to Rainbow, quickly locking it onto the cyan pegasus's throat. Rainbow froze, and the orange gem on the Element shone. Rainbow's eyes widened, and as her memories rushed back the lightning-bolt shaped jewel changed colour from orange to red.

Rainbow drifted to the ground and crumpled, but as she pulled herself back onto her hooves I saw that the colourful lightning bolt was back where it belonged on Rainbow's flank. Rarity gasped, but I was focused on Rainbow. The pegasus stood up, blinked at Rarity in her alicorn finery, and her eyes filled with confusion.

"Rarity?" she asked incredulously, and something snapped deep in Rarity's eyes. "Why are you an alicorn, and Twilight's just a unicorn? What's going on?"
"Rainbow!" I exclaimed, about to plunge into an explanation, when suddenly my whole body began to shake. It continued, on and off, for several seconds. "Whoa," I said. "A doozy!"

Rarity stepped forwards. "Well, here's your doozy: I believe you, Twilight. About the destiny thing, I mean. All of it, and I'm so sorry for threatening you and Applejack like that."

I smiled happily, but then my body shuddered again. I gasped. "That wasn't the doozy!"
"I... what?" said Rarity.
"Your acceptance- it wasn't the doozy."
Rarity looked scandalized. "Then what is?"

"Hey!" Pinkie cried from above. "What happened to Dashie's cutie mark? Why has she got Applejack's cutie mark?" The pink pegasus floated down and Rainbow's eyes bugged out of her skull in shock.
Pinkie looked over at me, then to Rarity, who beckoned Rainbow over. And Rarity explained everything, with some input from me, to both of them. Rainbow was nodding, but Pinkie's blue eyes grew harder and harder with every word. When Rarity finished, she leapt to her hooves.

"Well, I'm not having any of it!" she shot. "I don't want to be an earth pony, throwing parties every day! I like my wings and my animals, thank you very much, and none of you will take them away from me!" She grew more and more worked up, scuffing the ground with her hooves in her anxiety and anger. "I won't stay here if you're going to take my wings away! Goodbye!"
Her mane and tail had deflated over the course of her rage, and they hung limply as she pounced upwards into the air and tore off towards her home at a speed only Rainbow could equal.

Rainbow was about to follow Pinkie, but Rarity dissuaded her with a look. My body had stopped shuddering, and I knew what the doozy was- Pinkie's rage. But I had an awful feeling that Pinkie was slipping out of reach, and soon she'd be gone forever. And with only three days until Rarity had to return to Canterlot, it was imperative that we pulled her back- and quickly.

Author's Note:

Hopefully none of you expected this. I think a couple more chapters should round this off nicely.
