• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 2,123 Views, 82 Comments

Rearranged - Touch the Sky

Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn princess. She couldn't ask for better friends. But after an accidental repeat of a disruptive spell we all recognise, her friends haven't only swapped cutie marks- but species too.

  • ...

When Bunnies Attack...

When I came to, I heard many concerned voices talking, but I could understand little of what they said. I blinked a few times until I could make out my surroundings. I saw several faces looking down at me, and heard more babbled speech, before I fell into unconsciousness again.

When I woke again, there was silence. I opened my eyes and yawned, feeling as if I had only been asleep. But instantly the faces appeared again, and I closed my eyes to banish the sudden flood of colours.

"This is bad!" I heard someone say.
"I know. But the effects could have been much more serious." another voice murmured.
"I'm awfully sorry, darling. We were so certain..." came a third, regal tone.

I sat up and blinked at my five friends. My vision blurred, then focused. I saw the five of them, all looking concerned, staring back at me. They seemed much more friendly now.
Rarity stepped forwards. "Darling, I'm so sorry..."
"But ya know, it is pretty aweso-" began Applejack, interrupted by a punch from Rainbow, who smiled falsely at me when I turned to look at her.
"Yes, it is rather... quaint." The colourful unicorn said.

"Sorry, but... what exactly is quaint?" I said, thoroughly puzzled by now.
There was a sharp intake of breath. "Why- your coat, of course."
I looked down at my hoof to see- the bedspread.
"Ahhh!" I shrieked. There was a clean, round hole in my purple hoof. As I looked myself over, I could see several more, of varying size, but all circular. These were similar to the gaps in a changeling's body.
I glared at Rarity. "You have to fix this."

Rarity cringed, which looked so strange- a princess cringing?- and said apologetically, "I'm not sure I can, darling. I'm so terribly sorry."
I felt rage building inside. "But I tried to tell you! Tried to tell you I was the real Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic! But nooo..." I trailed off at the wide-eyed glances the others were giving each other. "What now?"

"Well... I'm the Element of Magic." said Rarity awkwardly. "No offense to you, darling, but you'd struggle to wield that Element... you know, without..." she jabbed an elegant, shoe-clad hoof at her horn.

I blinked for a second as the information sunk in, before whirling on Applejack. "What's your Element?"
Taken aback, the pegasus stepped back. "You're still actin' mighty strange, Twilight. Mah Element's Loyalty."
I spun to Pinkie. She squealed in a very Fluttershy-ish way. I jabbed my hoof impatiently at her.
"Kindness..." she squeaked.
As I turned to Rainbow, she said, "Generosity. And Fluttershy's Honesty."
I thought, then groaned. "Then that means I'm..."
"Laughter." said Rarity. "Now, Twilight, why don't you tell us what's wrong? You seem to have forgotten a lot of things..."

I sighed. "Look, I'm just going to say it. I'm a princess... Princess Twilight Sparkle."
They all stared at me.
I pointed to Rarity's flank. "That's my cutie mark. I'm supposed to be an alicorn princess."
An awkward silence followed. Then Rainbow started to laugh.
"Oh, Twilight." she chuckled. This is more like the Twilight Sparkle we know. Such fun!"

"I'm not kidding, Rainbow Dash." I pointed to Applejack's lightning bolt. "That's your cutie mark, and you're supposed to be a pegasus."
Rainbow just laughed harder. I whirled on Applejack. "Applejack. You're supposed to be an earth pony with three apples for a cutie mark."
Turning to Fluttershy while jabbing a holed hoof at Pinkie's butterflies, I yelled, "That's your cutie mark. You're meant to be a pegasus who looks after your animals in a tree cottage away from town. And you, Pinkie, you're meant to be a party animal with three balloons for a cutie mark. And you are supposed to be an earth pony!"

Finally, I turned to a shocked-looking Rarity. "And you're the unicorn who runs the boutique, with three diamonds as a cutie mark." All of them were now staring in shocked fascination at me. "Your whole lives have been a lie!"

There was a moment of silence in which I sat breathing deeply, before Rarity stepped forwards. "I can see you've had a bad day, Twilight. Why don't you go back to sleep, and we'll see how you feel in the morning."
There was a volley of nodding and the mares filed out of the room, until only Rarity remained. Through the open door, I could hear Rainbow joking about being a pegasus. The other three laughed. It was clear none of them had taken me seriously. I was just a tired, forgetful pony who was suffering from shock after a damaging spell.

Rarity pushed the door shut with her hoof. "Twilight."
"Are you going to tell me I'm talking horseapples?" I muttered bitterly.
"What?" I said, looking over at the princess.
"I saw real conviction in your eyes. What you said was true, or at least you believe it was."

"So what is going to happen now?" I asked.
To my frustration, the white alicorn shrugged. "We'll try to fix things. But you should rest now. You must be tired."
With these words, Rarity swept out of the room, closing the door again behind her.

The next morning I woke and glanced at my hoof. The hole was gone. Excited, I sprung out of bed and over to the mirror. But it was only that one hole on my hoof which had vanished. The rest of the gaps still stayed stubbornly there, but it was good that they would seemingly fade over time.

I descended the stairs into a kitchen which fell silent as I entered. I felt four pairs of eyes burning into me as Rarity proclaimed, "I think I'll help Fluttershy with the applebucking today- fresh air will do me good after all that time stuck in Canterlot Castle. In fact, we should all help."

Rainbow opened her mouth to complain, probably about dirt, I thought dully, but Rarity glared at her and Rainbow snapped her mouth shut.
"Ah think that's a great idea." declared Applejack. Pinkie nodded. Rainbow sighed, swishing her mane, and followed the rest of us out of the door.

I found applebucking much easier as an earth pony than I ever had as a unicorn, and I took a guilty pleasure from watching Rainbow and the two pegasi struggling where Fluttershy and I so excelled. But Fluttershy was much more skilled than me, and when the rest of us were all tired out, even Rarity, she was still kicking away. We stopped for a breakfast of apples, sprawled in the shade beneath the trees.

None of my friends mentioned my outburst, but I could tell they were still thinking about it. Rainbow cast me an uncomfortable look out of the corner of her eye as she moaned about the dirt on her coat. Pinkie and Fluttershy kept glancing over at me with pity in their eyes, and Applejack looked away subtly when I met her gaze. Only Rarity was acting like nothing was wrong.

As we lay in the shade, crunching at sweet red apples, Rarity's ears flicked up and she frowned. "What is that odd sound?"
"Yeah." Fluttershy murmured. "I can hear it too."
The noise grew louder and soon we could all hear it. It sounded like drums, like marching, like...

"Rabbits." growled Fluttershy.
Over in the next field, an army of rabbits of all shapes, sizes and colours marched purposefully towards us. As they drew nearer, I could make out a single white bunny, marching at the head of the group.
"Angel?" squeaked Pinkie in surprise.

Applejack turned to Pinkie. "Darn it, Pinkie! We told ya so many times that that bunny was rotten t' the core, yet ya din't listen. Now look at 'im and tell me 'e ain't wicked."
Angel's legions kept approaching, and as they did they pounded the ground in perfect time so fiercely that the apples fell and were instantly devoured by the furry hordes. At their head marched Angel, impassive and frowning, his beady eyes fixed on us.

Angel lifted a tiny paw and the hordes immediately stopped, but every apple was gone from the trees in that field by now. For a few moments there was silence, and then Angel's snowy white paw fell. The bunnies raced past him, swarming over the hillside towards us in a rippling tide of grey, black, brown and white fur.

Author's Note: