• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 2,127 Views, 82 Comments

Rearranged - Touch the Sky

Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn princess. She couldn't ask for better friends. But after an accidental repeat of a disruptive spell we all recognise, her friends haven't only swapped cutie marks- but species too.

  • ...

The Elements of Chaos

Even Discord looked slightly alarmed at Pinkie's words, but before any of us could say anything Pinkie continued.
"We are the dark forces that stalk the night. Princess Luna escaped us, but now we shall have a new host; the alicorn of magic, Princess Rarity, and the Elements of Chaos! You will all forget your 'virtues' of honesty, generosity, loyalty and laughter. Discord, capture our new hosts. "

"Whoa there, nelly." interjected Applejack. You think it's goin' to be just as simple as that? What've y'all done with the real Pinkie?"
Pinkie laughed. "Oh, she's sealed away where none of you can reach her."
"Oh yeah? And where would that be?" demanded Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie just tapped a pink hoof to her head. It was only later that I would understand this gesture.
"What in tarnation is that supposed to mean?" snapped Applejack crossly. Pinkie sighed.
"Discord, I thought I told you to capture them."

Discord looked rather unhappy, but obeyed, flashing over to Applejack's side. He placed a clawed finger on her forehead, and her green eyes swirled into spirals of green and purple. Her whole body turned grey, as if all the colour had been sucked out of it.
"Welcome, not-so-loyal Applejack, Element of Unfaithfulness." said Pinkie smoothly. Rainbow snarled and threw herself at Pinkie, but Applejack swooped in to block her path, her eyes cold and harsh. Applejack pinned Rainbow down and Discord touched a finger to the blue unicorn's forehead. Rainbow's spectrum of colours drained away to be replaced by several hues of grey.
"The once generous Rainbow Dash, Element of Selfishness." chortled Pinkie drily.

I felt utterly helpless without my magic. Fluttershy was cowering now. Rarity stood stoically, glaring at this possessed form of Pinkie, but doing nothing. I thought I detected fear in her stance.
Discord zapped over to Fluttershy and picked her up with his paw, while Applejack and Rainbow headed straight for me. Discord pressed his claw onto Fluttershy's forehead and the grey tide swept over her too. Discord set her down as Pinkie intoned, " Greetings, dishonest Fluttershy, Element of Deceit." Applejack and Rainbow jumped me as I was distracted and pinned me down.

I struggled, but Applejack and Rainbow were too strong for me to break free. Discord padded towards me, but Pinkie snapped, "Wait." Discord halted instantly. Pinkie trotted over to me, and I stared up into her cold blue eyes. There was no emotion, no sign of the Pinkie Pie I knew and loved-but then, just for a fraction of a second, her eyes filled with fear and misery. The message in that look was obvious; Help me. But then evil and darkness flooded her eyes once more and I was staring back into blue pools of hatred.

"Twilight Sparkle..." My name dripped from that poisoned tongue and the words were so imbued with malice that I flinched away. And then Pinkie started to laugh. It was not her usual gleeful laughter; this was a twisted, malicious cackle.
"I just want to let you know, Twilight, that if I didn't need you for the Elements to work, I'd kill you right now. But since you're necessary for my takeover of this poxy world... Discord."

The draconequus sauntered over with a false air of indifference. I felt his claw touch my head and instantly a cold feeling swept through my body and my vision blurred. With the coldness came a certain numbness, and I felt I could not, would not, didn't want to smile, let alone laugh, ever again. When my vision cleared, Applejack and Rainbow let me up, and I looked down to see grey hooves, and the forelock of a dark grey stripy mane was hanging over my eye. I heard Pinkie say something about the Element of Gloom.

And then it happened. I felt a greater consciousness forcing itself into my mind, shoving me aside. I blinked, and then found myself severed from my body. I was still seeing through my eyes, hearing through my ears, but I was no longer controlling my actions or feeling.
I- or rather my body- turned to face Rarity, and together the five of us who were supposedly possessed encircled the white alicorn. For a few moments I wondered why Pinkie was still pink when we were all colourless, but this thought was dispelled from my mind as Pinkie spoke.
"Submit, Princess Rarity, and join us in our conquest of Equestria.
"Yes! Give yourself up! There is no escape from the Elements of Chaos!" chimed Rainbow, with the same multi-voice of Pinkie but with a little of her own dialect thrown in.

Rarity had been looking down at her hooves, but now she raised her head. Her sapphire eyes were glittering with tears, but she said determinedly, "You're wrong. You're not the Elements of Chaos- you could never be, not without Magic!"
Rarity rose into the air on her large white wings, and began to fire spells at us. My body dipped and dodged, while Pinkie yelled at us to fight back. Discord had made himself scarce when the first spell was fired.

Applejack and Rainbow began to oppose Rarity; Applejack landed several flying punches on Rarity's wings, while Rainbow began to return fire with her own magic, their previous ineptitude at flying and magic, respectively, was now nonexistent. Fluttershy and I could do little but dodge Rarity's spells, while Pinkie just screeched orders from a tree, her wings folded tight; she showed no signs of joining the battle.

At last, Rarity fell beneath this onslaught, her great white wings folding with exhaustion and she dropped to the ground. The spell she had been charging fizzled and died on her ornate spiralled horn. My heart broke to see the beautiful alicorn lying broken in the dirt, but Pinkie hardly even looked at the defeated princess.

"Discord!" she shouted. The draconequus appeared instantly beside her.
"You yelled, Pinkie?" he inquired.
"Convert her." said Pinkie impassively.
Discord walked slowly over to Rarity. She raised her head to look at him, then turned away pointedly. Discord gently turned her head around with his golden lion paw and Pinkie watched, a wicked grin on her face.
"You're right, Rarity. We weren't the Elements of Chaos, but it isn't Magic we needed. It was... Sorcery."

Rarity said nothing, just closed her eyes in dignified defeat. Discord pressed his claw to her head and her lovely curled mane faded to grey. Her sapphire eyes shot open. In the back of my mind, I sobbed brokenly as the fire of determination was snuffed out in the depths of her glittering eyes, to be replaced by an icy darkness as harsh and bitter as the frozen wastelands.

Author's Note:

1 more chapter until the finale! Hope you're enjoying it so far.