• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 5,109 Views, 100 Comments

ButterflyCakes - FlameingToast

When Pinkie and Fluttershy both get sick, they bond with each other. And soon new feelings emerge

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Not The Best Way To Start The Day

Bright sunlight streamed through the half closed curtains and found its way into Pinkie Pie's face. Pinkie sleepily blinked her eyes open, sapped of her usual energy. Pinkie rolled over to try and get a few more precious minutes of sleep.

But she found herself face to face with Fluttershy. Pinkie gave a small yelp and quickly moved away from her sleeping friend, accidentally falling out of the bed. Pinkie tried in vain not to fall off of the bed by grabbing the blanket. But all that managed to do was drag Fluttershy down with her.

"Ow!" Pinkie said as she hit the floor. Trying to get up she found that Fluttershy was laying horizontally on her stomach. And she was still sleeping. Pinkie looked over at the medicine bottle. May cause extreme drowsiness Pinkie read off of the label.

Pinkie laid on the floor for another minute. Well as long as I''m awake I should wake her up too. Pinkie began poking Fluttershy on the forehead while saying "Wakey, wakey sleepyhead!"

Fluttershy's eyes suddenly shot open. She didn't recognize where she was right away so In a panic she started flailing her hooves and accidentally hit Pinkie.

"Hey! That hurt!" Pinkie frowned.

Fluttershy's eyes adjusted and realized that she was still in her room and had just punched her best friend. I can't do anything right. she mentally chided herself while she hurriedly apologized.

"Pinkie I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just a little freaked out! Please don't be mad!" Fluttershy stammered out while Pinkie just smiled.

"Oh it was just a mistake Fluttershy! I'd probably be scared too." Pinkie was then helped up off of the floor by Fluttershy. "Besides, I've never woken up that way before." Pinkie just kept grinning and slowly Fluttershy's frown went away.


Fluttershy insisted that Pinkie put a band aide over the small mark. Even though it didn't hurt anymore Pinkie put it on anyway. I hope she doesn't feel guilty for too long!

Oh I cant do anything right! Fluttershy chided herself once again. Looking at Pinkie who was standing beside her walking down the stairs she noticed many more red dots. First I make her sick, then I punch her in the face!

As Pinkie Pie was about to suggest sugar cookies for breakfast somepony knocked on the door. It was followed by a pony's voice.

"Fluttershy? It's me, Twilight." Fluttershy hovered over to the door and opened it.

"Why hello Twilight. Why don't you come in? I mean if that's okay with you..." Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight walked inside the home and Fluttershy flew into the kitchen muttering "I'll make some tea."

Twilight smiled "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better." She then looked over to the couch and saw Pinkie Pie. "Oh! Hey, Pinkie. What are doing here so early?" Twilight asked curiously.

Pinkie bounced off of the couch and landed in front of Twilight. "Hey Twi! Guess what!"

Twilight grinned "What?"

Pinkie exclaimed "I'm living with Fluttershy!" She then pointed to the bandage on her cheek "And this morning she punched me in the face!" Pinkie giggled.

Twilight didn't expect that "Uhmm...what? She punched you!?"

Pinkie frowned "Well actually it was a mistake. When we were sleeping together she fell on top of me and started freaking out!" Pinkie saw Twilight blush.

Twilight coughed "Umm Okay Pinkie Pie" I am going to regret asking this, aren't I? "Why are you living with Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy overheard the conversation in the living room. The tea had been done minutes ago but she was to embarrassed to walk back in there just yet.

Pinkie coughed a couple of times. "Well I have chicken pox too, so me and Fluttershy are staying together so we can have some company! And I don't want the Cakes to get sick!"

Twilight frowned "Have you told them that your staying here?"

Pinkie nodded "Of course silly filly! I made sure to-." Pinkie stopped talking when, in fact, she realized that she didn't tell the Cakes. "Actually I'm the silly filly! Could you tell them for me Twi? Please!?"

"Sure thing Pinkie Pie." Twilight grinned.

Fluttershy flew into the room with three cups and a tea pot. "I made honeysuckle, I hope everypony likes it." Pinkie got hers first and poured three entire sugar packet into the tea.

"Thank you for the tea Fluttershy." Twilight said to her.

Fluttershy started to cough "It was no trouble at all."

Pinkie Pie took notice of Fluttershy coughing and she noticed she didn't feel so frosty herself.

"Hey Fluttershy, are you starting to feel icky again?" Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy nodded and rubbed her forehead "Yeah Pinkie. I'm starting to get another headache."

"Okie Dokie Lokie! I'll be right back." Pinke exclaimed before walking up the stairs. I need one of those pills too, now I'm starting to feel bad.


Fluttershy was drinking tea when Twilight abruptly broke the silence.

"So I hear you hit Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy spit out the tea she was drinking.

"It was an accident! I would never hurt another pony on purpose." Fluttershy stammered out.

Twilight giggled "I know it was an accident, but I just wanted to ask you what happened."

Fluttershy frowned "I'm not sure what happened." She whispered "I just woke up on top of Pinkie Pie on the floor." Her face blushed a little "Oh my that sounds..." Fluttershy broke it off there.

Twilight cleared her throat "Yeah that does sound kind of weird. But there was something else I was wondering."

Fluttershy waited for her to continue.

"Why did you invite Pinkie Pie to stay with you for a whole week? Don't get me wrong, she's a really nice pony. But you two are so different." Twilight wondered.

Fluttershy replied "Actually she's hasn't done anything too extreme...yet." Fluttershy smiled "And Pinkie is such a nice pony, I'm glad that she has some company, even if it's only me."

Their conversation was interrupted by Pinkie Pie bounding down the stairs. Pinkie Pie ran into the room and handed Fluttershy two pills while she downed two as well.

Twilight got out of the chair "Well it was nice seeing you girls, but I need to get home."

Pinkie frowned "Aww, but why so soon?"

Twilight glanced out of the window "A pretty bad storm is coming."

Unnoticed by either Twilight or Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy gulped.

"A-a storm?" Fluttershy mumbled from behind her pink mane.

Twilight nodded "I'll try to stop by tomorrow." Twilight waved goodbye as she left the cottage.

Pinkie waved bye "See ya later alligator!"

Fluttershy was to distracted to properly say goodbye by what looked like storm clouds in the distance.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this isn't an amazing chapter. the next one will probably be better all around.