• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 5,109 Views, 100 Comments

ButterflyCakes - FlameingToast

When Pinkie and Fluttershy both get sick, they bond with each other. And soon new feelings emerge

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A Scary Storm

It had been a few hours after Twilight had left, and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were doing separate things. Pinkie was baking some cookies for later while Fluttershy was feeding all the animals living in the house.

Pinkie Pie hummed tunelessly while mixing the batter for her patented "Super Chocolatey Sugary Cookies." She glanced over at Fluttershy who was reading a magazine, but she kept looking out the window. What's up with her?

Fluttershy saw that Twilight was right about the storm. The dark clouds that had begun off in the distance were now closer to Ponyville than before. Fluttershy didn't notice that Pinkie Pie had walked up behind her until she heard Pinkie said "Whatcha staring at?"

Fluttershy gave a yelp and fell to the floor. Pinkie held out a hoof. "I'm sorry Fluttershy, I shouldn't have sneaked up on you." Fluttershy took her hoof, and once she was back up Pinkie repeated the question.

"So, what were you looking at?" Pinkie asked while looking out the window for whatever had caught her friends interest.

I can't tell her. Fluttershy managed to stammer out what sounded like "The-the birds." Fluttershy hoped that Pinkie would buy it.

Pinkie looked around for the said birds "I guess they flew off 'Shy. Sorry if I scared them." Pinkie began trotting back into the kitchen "After the cookies are in the oven we can eat some dinner."

Fluttershy gave a sigh of relieve. I wish I didn't have to lie to Pinkie.

Pinkie went back into the kitchen and resumed humming. Why did she lie to me? Looking back towards Fluttershy she shrugged. She probably has a good reason.


The sun was setting as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy began to play board games. After a dinner of tulip sandwiches and cookies with tons of sugar in them, they started playing checkers to pass the time. About halfway through the first game the storm started, and Pinkie Pie found out why Fluttershy had been acting nervous all afternoon.

The sound of thunder in the distance caused Fluttershy to flinch. Pinkie Pie took notice and asked "Is that what you were worried about all day? The silly storm?"

Fluttershy muttered "We-well I don't like thunder and lightning." Another clap of thunder could be heard only closer this time, and Fluttershy gave a start "E-especially thunder."

Pinkie laughed "Is that all?" But she stopped laughing when she saw tears welling in Fluttershy's eyes. Pinkie went over to her and hugged her.

"I wasn't laughing at you Fluttershy, I was just worried that what would make you so nervous would be really bad."

Fluttershy sighed "Its fine, r-really. I'll just try and go to sleep before before it really s-starts."

Pinkie thought for a moment. "Well at least you'll be able to sleep alone tonight."

Fluttershy replied "I suppose, I just hope that it isn't to loud. I don't want to get scared and fall off the couch."

Pinkie shook her head "Fluttershy, you are sleeping in your own bed tonight." Fluttershy was about to protest but Pinkie shushed her.

"We are not gonna start this again, I'm sleeping down here. End of conversation." Pinkie crossed her hooves.

Fluttershy sighed "Fine..." Pinkie blinked in surprise. Was that really so easy?

Pinkie grinned "Well lets keep playing now that that's out of the way."

Fluttershy jumped one of Pinkie's checkers "King me...please?"


The sound of rain hitting the the window had a very calming effect on Fluttershy. But every now and then there was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. Fluttershy was curled in a ball under her covers trying desperately to push the storm out if her mind.

In the brief moments when there was no thunder, Fluttershy could hear Pinkie Pie snoring downstairs. How can she sleep through this noise? Fluttershy flinched at yet another boom of thunder.

Fluttershy remembered when the thunder didn't bother her, when she could find solace with her mother like all other scared fillies and colts. When she could just walk into her parents room and sleep with them.

Fluttershy heard the snoring of Pinkie Pie from downstairs again, it gave the scared pegasus an idea. Should I? I don't want her to think I'm such a scaredy pony. She contemplated staying up all night jumping at every boom of thunder. After a few minutes Fluttershy climbed out from under the sheets and made her way downstairs.

Fluttershy hovered over the floor as to not make any floorboards creak as she made her way to the living room. Fluttershy went over to the couch where Pinkie was sleeping and lightly tapped her on the back while whispering "Pinkie Pie..."

After a few minutes of trying to wake Pinkie up, she turned over and blearily opened her eyes.

"Why did you wake me up Fluttershy?" Pinkie yawned while trying to keep her eyes open.

Fluttershy bowed her head and said in a hushed tone "I...can't sleep." From the window above the couch a bright flash could be seen, followed by a crash of thunder.

Pinkie Pie yawned "It's okay Fluttershy." She then patted the inside part of the couch "There's room for one more."

Fluttershy beamed and climbed on the couch with Pinkie. It was a tight fit however and Fluttershy had to scrunch up against Pinkie.

"Sorry if there's not a lot of room." Pinkie said while Fluttershy tried to get comfortable. But another clap of thunder made her grab Pinkie Pie and bury her face in her stomach.

Wow this storm is really getting to her. Pinkie didn't really know what to do besides try and comfort her distraught friend. She began humming her "Giggle at the Ghosties" song and started stroking Fluttershy's mane.

Fluttershy tensed somewhat at the hoof running through her mane. But it slowly calmed her down and Fluttershy began to get comfortable. Pinkie kept softly humming the song until Fluttershy's breathing sounded like that of a sleeping pony. Pinkie smiled sleepily and stifled a yawn, she listened to the pitter patter of rain for awhile.

Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy and without thinking about it gave her a light kiss on the head "Good night." Pinkie whispered before falling asleep herself.