• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 5,109 Views, 100 Comments

ButterflyCakes - FlameingToast

When Pinkie and Fluttershy both get sick, they bond with each other. And soon new feelings emerge

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Can You Keep A Secret?

Fluttershy was a little worried. Pinkie Pie was unusually quiet, and she seemed to be distracted. As of now Pinkie Pie was looking out the window with a furrowed brow. Fluttershy was drinking some tea and as soon as she finished the cup she walked into the living room.

I better ask her what's wrong. Just as Fluttershy was opening her mouth there was a knock at the door. Who could that be?

"Hello? Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie?" Rarity's unmistakable voice called from behind the door. Fluttershy swiftly crossed the room and opened the door.

"Good afternoon Rarity." Fluttershy whispered.

"Fluttershy! You look dreadful." Rarity said in surprise, then realizing how that sounded said "I mean it looks like you are not feeling well."

Fluttershy gave a small chuckle "I know what you meant, don't worry." Fluttershy motioned for Rarity to come inside.

After Rarity came in she looked around for Pinkie Pie "Hello Pinkie Pie! How might you be feeling?"

Pinkie was snapped out of her thoughts "Oh hiya Rarity." She grinned, but without her usual energy.

Rarity chalked it up to the sickness. Poor dear.

"I've been better, but Fluttershy is an awesome hostess!" Pinkie said with some renewed vigor.

"That's good." Rarity replied noticing her sudden change in attitude. Rarity was about to ask if anything was on Pinkie's mind, but she then remembered another reason for her visit.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Rarity began "The Cakes say 'hello', and they want to know how you are feeling as well."

Pinkie grinned "Aww! That's sweet! Tell them I've been feeling-" Pinkie Pie thought about how she felt "good." She finally decided.

Rarity started talking with Fluttershy about some of the latest fashion. But Pinkie tuned them out. I need help, but should I tell her? I just can't decide what to do! I still can't look at Fluttershy without blushing.

Pinkie was torn, but before she could try and talk herself out of it blurted out "Rarity! I need to tell you something."

Rarity raised an eyebrow "What is it you want to tell me?"

Pinkie Pie gulped. No backing out now. "W-well...it's kind of a personal matter." Pinkie looked upstairs "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

This piqued Rarity's interest. "Sure, darling. Fluttershy! We will be right back." She said before walking up the stairs.

Pinkie Pie nervously laughed "Y-yeah...I'll be right back!" She said in Fluttershy's general direction, before running up the stairs.

Fluttershy was more confused as ever. Well, this has been one strange day. Fluttershy heard the familiar click of a lock. I really shouldn't...but I can't resist. Something was up with Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy wanted to know. It's not like she was a nosy sort of pony or anything like that, but if there was something wrong she wanted to help Pinkie.

Fluttershy tried to float up the stairs as quietly as possible, while listening for voices. Once she got up to the bathroom door, she put one ear to the door and listened quietly. I really shouldn't. But Pinkie had been really nice to her the past few day's, and Fluttershy would be love to repay the favor. Her conflicting thoughts were put on hold as she heard her own name being mentioned. Okay maybe I'll listen for just a little bit.


Rarity was led into the upstairs bathroom by Pinkie Pie who locked the door and listened for approaching hoofsteps. Rarity looked around, puzzled.

"Um, Pinkie?" Pinkie Pie looked at Rarity "Why are we in bathroom? Also, why the need to be so secretive? I am happy that you want to tell me something seemingly important to you, but why keep Fluttershy out of the loop?"

Pinkie whispered "Ssshh! Keep your voice down! It IS about Fluttershy...mostly!" Rarity after hearing this let out a little "Ohhh!"

"What ever is so important about dear Fluttershy?" Rarity asked eager to find out what this big secret was.

Pinkie shook her head "First you have to Pinkie Promise not to tell anypony!"

Rarity preformed the steps saying the words needed. "Now please tell me Pinkie! I am simply dieing of anticipation!" Rarity smiled.

Pinkie sighed "Okay, well...I sort off, kind off have a teensy, weensy." Pinkie sighed again "Actually it's more of a humongous crush that I have on Fluttershy." Pinkie clamped her hooves over her mouth. I didn't mean to just blurt it out! Rarity's jaw dropped and she just stared at Pinkie Pie. Maybe this wasn't the best idea?

Pinkie's smile was dashed in an instant "I know its weird, but please don't think of me differently! You're one of my bestest friends!" Pinkie Pie pleaded.

Rarity closed her mouth and cleared her throat. "Sorry, if my reaction was less than happy but you surprised me." Giving a small 'ahem' she continued "But I am very happy that you have found a col-er, filly." Rarity smiled at Pinkie's confused expression.

"So...you're not weirded out or anything?" Pinkie tentatively asked.

Rarity shook her head "Of course not Pinkie! I will always support my friends, and I must say you two will make such a cute couple!" Rarity frowned "Sorry if I'm acting slightly uncouth, I'm just so happy that you have a special somepony!"

Pinkie blushed "I haven't told her yet, and I don't think she knows."

Rarity gave her a comforting look "Well, when you decide what to do; you know where to find me. And remember if you need any advice or help, just ask."

Fir the first time that day, Pinkie felt better. "You're awesome Rarity!" Pinkie then tackled her with a bear hug. I have the best friends.


Fluttershy slowly took her ear away from the door, her face beet red. Pinkie Pie is a lesbian...and has a crush on me?! Fluttershy didn't know how to feel. Flattered, creeped out, a little nervous.

Fluttershy flew into her room and closed the door. Do I like her back though? Well I always have liked mares more than stallions. But she's your best friend! But at the same time she's so nice, carefree, and always makes sure I'm happy. Plus she likes me!

Her thoughts returned to the previous night where she slept with Pinkie. She made me feel safe, and she was so soft...snap out of it Fluttershy! You need to think about this. What do I do now? While she was thinking, the talking in the bathroom turned to actual whispers, and Fluttershy couldn't hear any of it.

She heard the door to the bathroom open and the sound of hoofsteps. She quickly pretended to snore. I need to really think about this, and I can't have any distractions.


Rarity and Pinkie Pie heard the snoring and looked at each other. I guess sleeping in late wasn't enough for her. Pinkie thought. She quietly ushered Rarity outside and closed the door.

"See ya Rarity! And thanks for the advice." Pinkie animatedly waved.

Rarity smiled "You're very welcome Pinkie." As she was walking away she turned her head back and said "And do let me know how your plan works out!"

Pinkie Pie blushed "Sure thing Rarity."

Closing the door Pinkie gulped. Well...it looks like I'm going to do it.