• Member Since 17th May, 2021
  • offline last seen June 23rd

This User Loves Luna

A lady who thinks you're never too old for mlp. Also an author and amateur artist who loves the night because of Princess Luna. ACCOUNT INACTIVE. ONLY READS STORIES SOMETIMES


Villain Story Idea For Anyone · 6:18am Nov 28th, 2021

So I have just come up with this villain, and if anyone was looking for one, or wants to use this storyline, feel free too. I feel like a villain with a really relatable backstory, based on personal struggles. I will try and make one right here so you can see how someone might do this. (Warning that the Grammar and some of the sentences might be totally off)

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Report This User Loves Luna · 83 views ·

Jinglemas · 6:35pm Nov 11th, 2021

Jinglemas. It’s a Secret Santa-style writing contest. For an oversimplified (and probably really bad) explanation: You send in a story request (which includes 1-2 characters, and possibly a few other optional elements for the author to consider) by November 24th, and will receive one in return. You will then have until December 24th-26th to complete your holiday-themed story (approximately 1k-5k words). On December 24th-26th you will post your story present for the other person, and receive one

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Report This User Loves Luna · 96 views ·

When you Change... · 10:07pm Nov 10th, 2021

What happens when you aren't the person you use to be? What happens when you think you are one thing, but you turn out to be something else entirely? What happens when you become someone that your past self from just a couple years ago wouldn't even recognize?

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Report This User Loves Luna · 79 views ·

Inactive · 4:55am Aug 30th, 2021

So... HI!

I'm not dead and I'm here. So... yeah.

Still there? Good. I have some news.

So this account is all but dead. Occasionally I will check in to see if I have any PM's or maybe to read a fanfic or two, but other than that, consider me gone!

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Report This User Loves Luna · 119 views ·

Staying · 1:17am Jul 7th, 2021

Don't worry, I am staying, I didn't realize people still wanted me to stay. I kinda had thought that my importance to the fandom was kinda depleted since last year. This had nothing to do with any of you. Just me and how I am drifting away from this fandom little by little. But don't worry, I will stay and check in every once in a while.

I'm glad to know I am still appreciated :twilightsmile:

Report This User Loves Luna · 120 views ·

Deleting my account. · 1:52am Jul 6th, 2021

I'm done here. Have fun people!

Report This User Loves Luna · 183 views ·

Update · 7:31pm Jun 23rd, 2021

Hiatus for me. I have been feeling better, but I have been less and less involved with the mlp fandom. So it will be awhile before I come back. I might check it every while, but for now, I am taking a longer break.

Thanks for understanding, NS.

P.S. I still like mlp, and can't wait for G5, but 4 now, the fandom doesn't really have anything to offer for me anymore. Besides, I have been getting into another fandom for the meantime. Hope everyone has a good day!

Report This User Loves Luna · 89 views ·

Taking a break · 5:39pm Jun 15th, 2021

So hey there everyone. I have been sick for about a week or so, and I just need a break. I will be putting off my commissions for a few more weeks, because I do not need the added stress. All sequel plans are also put on hold, and i will just be inactive for a bit.

Thank you for understanding. I will come back sooner or later.

NS out!

Report This User Loves Luna · 59 views ·

How I name an OC · 7:07pm Jun 11th, 2021

I only have done ponies before, but how I name them really depends. You can draw a pony based off a name, Like you might draw a pink unicorn with a mane that has a couple different shades of blue with pink highlights for the name Cotton Candy. Or you could come up with a name based on the pony's appearance. You might have an light blue pegasus with a white and lighter blue mane, and name her Wave Breaker. Or you can draw them with a certain theme in mind, like maybe fire.

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Report This User Loves Luna · 49 views ·

New Group! · 4:48pm Jun 4th, 2021

Hey I found this group, and I highly recommend you join it. Espescially if you love writing contest, but can never find them in time to participate.

Report This User Loves Luna · 46 views ·