• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man


Life Update · 6:29am Dec 6th, 2012

I am in the final days of my first semester of college, which also means I stand before that precipice called "finals." Because my mind will be filled with mass-balancing equations and Baroque art, I will not be able to work much on my story (sorry). Nevertheless, I will still try to visit the sight daily, make improvements to my group Writers on Writing, and stay connected with everypony.

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Just a Poem I wrote (Called "Internet") · 2:47am Nov 21st, 2012

Against the wall is where I lay
Absolutely just blow away
Chair knock out upon carpet floor
Where it shouldn't be, that is sure
While criminal lays on my desk
Mocking me with only his best
"Ye come here to learn everything
Yet with what the conditions be
There is too much for you to see
For you see, I grow every day
And do as you want, as you may
But I will always be hidden
Not just from your eyes that glisten
But from all eyes that dare to see

Report The Music Man · 105 views ·

Writers on Writing · 10:25pm Nov 3rd, 2012

I created a group called Writers on Writing. What I hope to accomplish is to make a guide for more advanced writers.Now all I need are advanced writers.

If you want to, join so you can ask questions and have your story critiqued.

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Story Update! · 12:41am Oct 27th, 2012

I got tired of seeing Gilda on my page, so I decided to replace it with an update.

Chapter 3 of "The Stars" is undergoing some serious scrutiny, and will be posted in about two weeks or so.

Well, that's all for now.

Wow, that was short.

Report The Music Man · 148 views ·

Ponies+Vietnam= · 4:14am Oct 23rd, 2012

Yes, even early on in our short history, "adding magic" had been applied to historical evens. It seems, thought, that history doesn't seem like a common subject in pony art.

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Pony Art · 3:59am Oct 21st, 2012

It is amazing how much work ponies put into this. just look at the old posts on EQD, and there are literally thousands of things that you could study for weeks! Lets start with an early piece.

Here is one by Sethisto, 20 January 2011

What I'm noticing is a common connection to the 2008 Obama posters, in which the style has been reused over and over again.

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Rewrites Ended · 8:28pm Oct 20th, 2012

I finished editing chapter 1, when I decided I should just let my stories stand as they are. I need to keep moving forward, get on with my writing. I can't be stuck editing the same few chapters over and over again. I just need to keep moving forward.

Now for the news:
Chapter 3 will hopefully be out before the end of October, or at least before the new season of MLP:FiM (I'd hate to be maintaining the server when that happens).

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Poking Around on EQD and Found This · 4:50am Oct 20th, 2012

Here's some entertainment while you wait for my stories to be fully refurbished.

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Story Construction Ahead · 5:42am Oct 18th, 2012

After discovering the reason why my ideas were suffering, I have decided to make some serious revisions to chapters 1 & 2 of "The Stars."

If you have read it, I am sorry that I could have not made it better sooner.

If you have not read it, I strongly encourage you to wait until the corrections are complete.

Hopefully, the story will be 20% cooler, 35% better reading, and 42% more meaningful.

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Just Saying Chapter 2 is Up Again Because I Forgot to Check That Little Box at the Bottom of the Page · 4:06am Oct 16th, 2012

Since the title explains it all, this blog post will be notoriously short.

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