• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man


Hay, Chapter 2 is up. · 8:53pm Oct 14th, 2012

Yes, Chapter 2 of "The Stars" is finally up, with all its flaws. Happy reading!

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I Got Really Tired of Seeing Pokemon on My Blog... · 4:55am Oct 10th, 2012

...so I decided to give an update on my story.

Right now, Chapter 2 has almost completed the revising gauntlet, and should be posted by the end of the week (if no major epiphanies occur).

Chapter 3 shouldn't take as long as Chapter 2, (seeing that I wrote them, unintentionally, at the same time).

As for my plans on future stories, I was thinking of writing an original episode, to test my writing prowess. I have a few ideas of my own, but I am open to suggestions.

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Pokemon, Any Pony? · 2:13am Oct 5th, 2012

Personally, I think that a good story can be portrayed by and media: movies, video games, TV shows, magazines, news, books, short stories, internet sites.:ajsmug:

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A Few Changes · 9:01pm Oct 1st, 2012

Looking back at my posts, I've written a lot of things, but all in the wrong place.

Recognizing my error, I will save my tips on writing for the struggling authors club, and maybe start a sort of thoughts club.

However, I will still do my best to post something daily to the sight.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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A Tale of Two Prides · 3:44am Sep 28th, 2012

I have a few ideas I would like to write, but find myself unable to, so I'll just laundry list 'em and wait for the right mood.

A Tale of Two Prides

Sacred Cows

Omitting Needless Words

Why Writers Need to Read Eats, Shoots & Leaves

Why Writers Need to Read The Elements of Style

Have You Ever Noticed This?

And hopefully many more. Just not tonight.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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"I Have No Time" is a LIE · 2:39am Sep 27th, 2012

I love hearing the phrase, "I would, but I don't have time for it." It makes me roll my eyes and smile. Of course you have no time, you busy you; you have homework to do, classes to ace, work to get done, TV to watch, video games to play, and, most importantly, a facebook to check.

When some pony tells me this, they really say, "I would, but I don't know how to make time," or, "I am telling this because I really don't know the reason I that I neglect my stories."

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Short Stuff Today · 4:10am Sep 26th, 2012

Because I am not feeling like writing (or, at least, my brain isn't), I will just go through the report on my story.

Right now, I am working hard on Chapter Two of "The Stars", and hope to have it completed and posted by mid-October, or sooner. The problem is that being a college student takes up a lot of time, so I can only do so much for the story at any given time. Despite this, I will do my best to provide quality entertainment for my readers.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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An Interesting Thought About Thoughts · 5:27am Sep 25th, 2012

A couple of posts ago, RxR (Reasonandrhyme) told me I was getting too "wax philosophical", so I will try to provide as much evidence as possible.

Have you ever thought how much of your mind is under your control? It's an interesting question, to think that you are not your own at some times ("you" in this phrase could simply mean your actions or the generation of thoughts). Or are you?

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HELP · 2:16am Sep 23rd, 2012

First, does anyone know how to manage the "Read Later" list? Mine is getting crowded.

Second, I didn't write a blog yesterday because I had a super hard test the day after (it took me 6 hours to complete!).

Third, I am not writing a blog today--other than what has been written-- because I'm all worded out.

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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Notes to Myself (Ideas) · 4:58am Sep 21st, 2012

I believe that a novel idea is the basis of good writing. Heck, a novel idea is the basis of a good anything: Twilight, Harry Potter, Goosebumps, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Portal 2, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, countless Disney movies, countless Pixar movies, and many other stories that our generation craves.

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