• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2020


Hi there! Thank you for checking out my work, and I hope you find something to enjoy. Comments and PMs are always welcome, and I love hearing from readers!


Lets see...Comments and Bystander Effect · 2:06am Feb 14th, 2015

Normally by now more people comment on new chapters. I notice that after a certain of comments people just stop generally, probably because they don't feel as if the comments are necessary or something of the like. I don't know why, it's just something I've noticed as a general trend over the past 2 years, and it also is the reason I do not now respond to comments for about 24 hours after a chapter's release, as once I start responding people stop posting new ones. A separate matter or related?

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Report Thunderscourge · 155 views ·

Equestria Was Merely a Setback update tomorrow · 7:57pm Feb 11th, 2015

Sorry everyone, I just don't have enough time to finish it today as much as I would like to. So see you all then, and hope you enjoy it! We'll be meeting some important characters for later in the story,

See you then.

(And hopefully your comments too...lots of lots of comments.)

P.S. Meet the Family update is now coming after first being postponed due to sickness.

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Report Thunderscourge · 118 views ·

Update postpone until Tuesday · 11:10pm Jan 25th, 2015

I am feeling terribly sick and even though I have been working all day on the next We Remember Everything update, progress has been slow and I will not be able to finish it tonight at this pace. So instead I am going to get the sleep I need to get better, and then work on it tomorrow and the day after.

My apologies, but this illness is currently unbearable and it's difficult to even string these words together.

Report Thunderscourge · 134 views ·

The sign of a good show... · 4:48am Jan 23rd, 2015

...when you are mourning the death of a character to the point of tears and you feel hollow.

Damnit Legend of the Galactic Heroes...

Killing off a main character who is likable and a good person is an awful thing to do to one's audience...but if it creates a better story, one shouldn't hold a grudge.

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Equestria Was Merely a Setback! · 11:58pm Jan 14th, 2015

Warcraft fans and loyal readers, my new story "Equestria Was Merely a Setback!" comes out tonight. I submitted it 2 hours ago and nothing has come of it yet, but hopefully it'll get approved soon!

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Report Thunderscourge · 164 views ·

New Story and Updates This Week, Not Tonight Though! · 8:18pm Jan 11th, 2015

Hey everyone, just wanted to say I'm sorry but I can't update anything tonight like I meant to. Not only am I obligated to do some things in real life, but I am also sick and my head is killing me so writing is not going to be easy.

That being said, expect to see We Remember Everything updated on Tuesday, my new story "Equestria Was Only a Setback!" on Wednesday (World of Warcraft crossover with Trixie), and Meet the Family between Friday and Saturday depending on how the week goes.

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Report Thunderscourge · 95 views ·

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! New crossover story! · 7:12am Dec 25th, 2014

Hey everyone, just wanted to wish you all well. :twilightsmile:

I'm working on putting together some Christmas/holiday gifts for you all, but I'm not sure what I'll be updating next between Meet the Family, Winging It, and Nothing Lasts Forever. It'll be one of them, but again, not sure which. It'll basically come down to whatever I can think of before I sleep, which I will then finish tomorrow.

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Report Thunderscourge · 351 views ·

I'm on break now · 10:05pm Dec 11th, 2014

Sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, I have been working all day and night for quite some time doing finals and essays. But now I'm done, so expect updates in a couple days. Well, I actually have one last thing to do for school (an essay), but I'm able to do it from home. That's what I'm doing now.

See you all soon with updates!

Report Thunderscourge · 124 views ·

Well this is disappointing l-l · 7:41pm Dec 1st, 2014

Wake up today to find that my newest We Remember Everything update only has 1 comment. Okay, must just need more time. So, now, half a day later, it has two. I guess that people must not have seen it yet—oh, 121 have so far? Well...

2/121...besides the way those numbers are funny together, being double blackjack and all, I can't help but feel let down. :pinkiesad2:

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Report Thunderscourge · 269 views ·

"They're Winging It" posted · 5:58am Nov 30th, 2014

Okay, had a bit of an issue with the submission of the chapter, but it's fixed now. Last few times I've had such issues people didn't get to see it in their news feed, so this is just an update in case that happens this time! I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me whether they can see it in their feed or not.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy it and the recently published chapter of "Meet the Family" called "Meet the Ex-Friend"!

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Report Thunderscourge · 227 views ·