• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
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A Skeptic & So Also Therefore Now A godless Agnostic Atheist


My girlfriend the wuss is is too afraid to get vaccinated because is is afraid of needles, has the 'Rona and is doing so poorly that she needs to go to the hospital, but is too afraid of needles to do so. Please advice. · 12:24am Jan 23rd, 2022

0thly, my girlfriend is not a QAnonDeathCultist. She is simply a wuss afraid of medical procedures. This has already cost her many teeth in her 40s because she is too afraid to go to the dentist for maintenance and repair (her fear of the dentist causes her much more pain and suffering than the dentist ever could (at this point, her teeth are to bad from neglect that the dentist would probably have to pull all of her teeth and fit her for dentures)).

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Those claiming side-effects from vaccination might experience the nocebo-effect instead of being malingering fakers. · 3:34am Jan 19th, 2022


¿Do anyponies miss seeing the faces of other pponies and want other ponies to see your face? · 5:33pm Jan 15th, 2022

When this pandemic started, the upside is that I do not have see faces and others cannot see my face. I really can into mine own. I wear a bracket for preventing collapse, a N95, a clothmask with a PM2.5-Filter, surgical mask, brace for mashing down the edges of the masks, and a balaclava. Everything is black of course. I put of dark goggles, a faceshield and then a black hat. None of my head is visible at all, and that is how I like it. I wish that others should do likewise.

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A sad anniversary (2021-01-06) · 7:09am Jan 6th, 2022

An year ago, my country survived an attempted coup. Unfortunately, we have an high probability of losing democracy in the next few years:

To be blunt, Trump lost the election. If you are a loon believing that he won, you are delusional. Trump got 74,216,154 votes (46.9%) and 232 Electoral Votes. Biden got 81,268,924 votes (46.9%) and 306 Electoral Votes. If one is too mentally ill to acknowledge this, then you have my pity.

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How to prevent Double-Late-For-Work Accidents. · 10:38am Jan 4th, 2022

I once worked my way up to management. Management sucks. I now have a UnionJob where I am part of the crew. As a manager, I learned that the almost universal policy of being able to fire employees who are more than 1 minute late 3 times in 28 days (20 workdays) exists just so that over half the workforce is fireable at all times. This makes cutting the workforce quickly easy.

As a manager, I decided on this policy:

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Surprise visits suck. · 4:50pm Dec 29th, 2021

My girlfriend keeps surprising me with visits at the worst possible times. ¡Surprise visits suck! Since she tries to surprise me, decided to surprise her because she likes surprise visits. She was not home.I called her and explained that was at her home. She stated that she was out of town. I suggested that we should stop these surprise visits because they never work. ¡She got angry at me! I am the one who wasted an hour of my time.

Report Walabio · 114 views · #surprise #visit

A Satire about Freedom & Responsibility · 8:30pm Oct 16th, 2021

[ satire ]

The Government says that says that I must obey its traffic-laws. If I choose to risk my life by driving recklessly, that is my choice. ¡Free Dumb! I refuse to get a driver's license and never obey traffic-laws. If I die, it is my choice. I have an example from last Tuesday:

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In the last 4 months, the USA had almost 100 thousand vaccine-preventable deaths. · 10:46am Oct 15th, 2021

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that about 90,000 deaths from Covid-19 over the past four months were entirely preventable.

The antimasking antivaccing CoViDiots could have gotten vaccinated, but did not. They died. Vaccination prevents 91%* of deaths.

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A must-read site about antimasking antivaccing QAnonCultists who have died from the 'Rona since July. · 4:18am Oct 11th, 2021

Sorry, AntiVaxxer

To review, starting in May, anyone wanting vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Everyone could get 1st dose in May and a 2nd dose in June. By July, every adult should be vaccinated. Unfortunately, we have a death cult called QAnon:

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¡Antivaccers push the 💀 deathtoll ☠️ over 700 Thousand in the USA 🇺🇸 ! · 10:46pm Oct 2nd, 2021

The 💀 deaths ☠️ of these idiots does not bother me because they do it to themselves by refusing to wear masks 😷 and get 💉 vaccinated, but the hundreds of thousand these morons murder by overwhelming the hospitals 🏥:

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